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六年级上册Unit3教案第一课时一、教学目标与要求1、知识目标 1)能够听、说、认读动词短语:takeatrip,gotothecinema,readamagazine;及时间短语:tomorrow,tonight 2)能够听、说、认读句型:“Whatareyougoingtodothisevening?Imgoingtothecinema”并能对其中的动词和时间短语进行替换操练。 3)能够听、说、读、写时间短语:nextweek / thismorning/afternoon/evening2、能力目标 1)能够在Pairwork中合理安排自己的活动时间并与他人进行交流。 2)能熟练地谈论及询问别人将来时间的活动计划。二、教学重、难点分析1本课时的教学重点是能够听、说、读、写Letslearn部分的四会短语;对begoingtodo句型的了解和替换操练。2本课时的教学难点是单词magazine ,tomorrow 的发音,句子What are you going to do .?后动词原型的使用以及Im going to the cinema中go to 的省略。三、课前准备1Mike ,Chen Jie , John的头像,铲子,碗,衣服,评价用的乒乓球, 2教师准备动词短语卡片,如:takeatrip,gotothecinema等。3本课时所学的时间短语卡片,如:this morning , this afternoon 等。4、听力部分用的四线三格卡纸5、一本杂志和PPT文件。四、教学步骤和建议热身(Warm-up)1、 free talk T : Hello ! Boys and girls . Im Miss Wu . Ss : Hello ! Miss Wu . T : Nice to meet you . Ss : Nice to meet you ,too . T : Today I take some gifts to you . Do you want to know what gift I take ?你们想知道老师给你们带了什么礼物吗? 猜一猜 T : Look , ping-pong .Do you like playing ping-pong ? Ss : Yes . T : Well ,lets have a competition . Id like to divide you into two groups. Group A and group B .Anyone who do well in class can get a ping-pong .Lets see which group can get more . Ok . Lets go . Ss : Yes . 2、Let chant ( 师生通过打招呼,引出chant .) T : First , lets chant together . Now , stand up .Please do follow me . “ one , two , three ,four” ( 出示 PPT chant .先教拍子学一句,再让学生跟着做两遍 ) Every weekend I climb mountains . What do you do ? What do you do ? Every weekend I read some books . What do you do ? What do you do ? Every weekend I go shopping . What do you do ? What do you do ? Every weekend I go hiking . What do you do ? What do you do ? 3、Talk about students weekends activities. (让学生说说自己的周末活动 ) T : What do you often do on your weekends, can you tell me?(随机点学生回答) T: What do you often do on your weekends ? Ss : I often . . 4、Guess the teachers weekends activities . T :Most of you have a wonderful weekend .Now ,look at my actions and guess what do I often do on my weekends ? T : I often .(做动作,学生说短语.) Ss : Cook the meals do the dishes wash the clothes sweep the floor 、Presentation . 1、,介绍教师自己这个周末的计划,呈现新的动词短语。( 出示PPT ) T : Im a housewife, I often do so much housework on my weekends . Im very very tired ,So this weekend , I want to relax myself . Do you want to know what I am going to do ? T : Im going to read a magazine, take a trip and go to the cinema . (第一遍让学生感知,第二遍慢读并呈现动作短语) T : Do you understand ? Now ,listen again . Im going to read a magazine . ( 出示PPT 拿出杂志magazine 并带读 read a magazine并贴词卡) Im going to take a trip . ( 带读take a trip 并贴词卡 ) Im going to the cinema this weekend .( 带读 go to the cinema 并贴词卡.) 2、 操练新学动词短语及新句型a 、朗读动词短语 1). T : Now , read the words and do follow me . 2). T : Now, I say you do . (老师说短语,学生做动作) 3). T : Now, I do you say . (老师做动作,学生说短语 )b、朗读句子 ( 每个带读两遍 )T : This is my plan for this weekend . Please say follow me . Im going to read a magazine. Im going to .( 呈现PPT ) Im going to read a magazine.Im going to take a trip . Im going to go to the cinema.)T : 在这个句子中有两个go to. 可以把后面这个go to 省略掉,I am going to 后直接接地点名词。说成 Ss :Im going to the cinema . ( PPT 出示动态句子并带读两遍)T : 那么我打算去公园,可以说成 Im going to . Ss : the park . ( 带读两遍 )T : 我打算去书店 。 Ss : Im going to the bookstore . ( 带读两遍 )T : Here Im we also can say I am. (出示 I am ) I am going to the bookstore . (带读 两遍)3、 呈现并教读时间短语 ( 学生看图全班整体回答问题 ) a、 T : Now,you know my plan for this weekend .Can you tell me about your plan for this weekend ? What are you going to do this weekend ? ( 出示PPT 图片 ) Look at the phrase this weekend .What does it mean ? Ss :这个周末 1).T : How about this morning ? Whats the meaning ?( 学生回答今天上午,带读this morning并贴词卡 )T : What are you going to do this morning ? ( 边带读边板书句子 What are you going to do )2).T : This morning是今天上午,那今天下午呢 Ss : This afternoon . (带读 )3) T : How about this afternoon ?(带读this afternoon 并贴词卡) Ss : 今天下午4) .T : 今天晚上呢 Ss : This evening ( 带读this evening并贴词卡) T : This evening ,we also can say tonight ( 带读 tonight并贴词卡 ) 5) .T : Do you know tomorrow ?What does tomorrow mean ? (带读tomorrow并贴词卡 ) Ss : 明天 6) T : And next week ? What does it mean ?(带读 next week 并贴词卡 ) Ss :下周 T : 下周末呢?怎么说?(提示next weekend )b、引导学生归纳总结时间短语表示将来的时间。 T : Look at these time phrases ? What kind of time do they present ? 这些时间短语都表示什么样的时间呢? ( 提示学生 过去的,现在的,还是将来的 ) T : Well ,read the sentences follow me .( 带读 )4、进一步朗读 a、T :Well, I think some students need more time to familiar with the new words .Now, open your books ,Look at the words and read after the recording .(看课本,听录音 ,跟读单词和句子 )b、整体读 T:Now ,lets read together for twice . This morning ,this morning one , two ,begin .c、分小组读 1) A组读T :Lets see which group can read better . If you do better ,you can get a ping-pong . Group A first . Are you ready ? Ss : Yes .T : This morning , this morning one, two , begin .2) 、B组读T : Group B ,its your turn . This morning ,this morning ,one ,two , begin. d、开火车读单词,看看哪个单词丢了。 T : Now , read the words one by one. Group A this team. Listen carefully,then tell me whats missing .开火车读单词,看看哪个单词丢了 ( 出示单词卡片). Lets practice . ( 出示PPT 。)1、 Ask and answer between teacher and students (师生问答 )1) .What are you going to do tonight ? Im going to do homework.2) .What are you going to do tomorrow ? Im going to read a magazine .3) .What are you going to do this evening ? Im going to the cinema.4).What are you going to do next week ? Im going to take a trip .2、Ask and answer between A and B( A组问,B组答 。 ) T :Can you use these phrases ? Lets ask and answer by teams.First ,group A ask , group B answer .1) .What are you going to do this morning ? Im going to fly kites.2) .What are you going to do next week ? Im going to take a trip .3) .What are you going to do this evening ? Im going to read a magazine.4).What are you going to do tomorrow ? Im going to the cinema .5) .What are you going to do this afternoon ? Im going to the super market.3、T :Lets exchange, Group B ask , group A answer .( B组问,A组答 )1) .What are you going to do this afternoon ? Im going to do the dishes .2).What are you going to do tomorrow ?Im going to take a trip.3)What are you going to do this morning ? Im going to read a magazine .4).What are you going to do next week ?Im going to the cinema.5).What are you going to do tonight ?Im going to the bookstore.4、Lets have a competition by pairs(每组请两名同学来比赛问答,一排排往下轮,看哪组表现得更好 )T : Both groups do a good job .But Id like you to perform more wonderful.Now, look at the pictures .Ask and answer by pairs . Lets have a look which team can do better . Give you 1minute to prepare .IV、consolidation 1、 Students talk about their plan for next weekend T: Look , these are my students . what are they going to do next weekend ? Do you want to know ?( 出示照片 ) Ss : Yes .T : Look and listen .( 播放录音 )T : Can you tell them your plan for next weekend ?这些是我的学生下个周末的计划。他们也想知道你们下个周末的计划。你们能告诉我吗?让我回去转告给他们。T : Lets see which group do better. The better one can get two ping-pongs .Prepare for 1 minute.2、Lets listen to the dialogue and write down the time in the blanks 听对话,写时间短语 T:Your plans are very good . How about Johns plan ? Do you want to know ? Ss :Yes T :Now, look at your book ,part 2 .Listen to four dialogues and write down the time in your blanks .For example : You will hear What are you going to do tonight ? Im going to visit my grandparents . Then you should write down tonight in the blank .( 现在让我们的嘴巴休息一下,听录音,把听到的时间短语填入课本第二部分的表格中,每组请一名同学把答案写在卡纸上)Before the listening ,Id like to give you a tip. During the first time , you should listen carefully and take notes .During the second time , you can write down the answers . ( PPT 出示小提示Tip : 第一遍认真听并做好笔记,第二遍再听,然后写下答案。)3、 T : Check the answer .4、Lets sing T : Well, we listen and talk a lot .Lets have a relax .Sing the song follow me . 播放歌曲让学生跟唱 VI、Summary and Home work1、T : So much today . What do we learn today ?Look at the black board .Six phrases for future time and three phrases for activities .学习了询问对方打算干什么的问句What are you going to do + 将来时间? 及其“I am going to .” I am going to + 动词原形/地点名词 ( 让学生回答) 2、T :Heres the homework . First, copy the new words and phrases for three times . Second ,talk about your plans for future time with your friends . T : Thats all , lets have a look which team win the competition . T : Thank you 板书设计: Unit 3 A lets learn -What are you going to do this morning ?this afternoon this evening tonight tomorrow next week -Im going to read a magazine . I am take a trip . (go to) the cinema .动词短语 地点名词


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