MIRACLE IN THE RICE FIELDNew Century English Unit 6CHILDHOOD DREAMFather of Hybrid RiceMiracle in the Rice FieldGROWING EXPERIENCES In 1931, he _ a poor family. In _, he graduated from the college. In the 1960s, he _ the idea of hybrid rice. In _, he succeeded in developing the worlds first high-yield hybrid rice.was born intocame up with the early 1970s1953CONTRIBUTIONS AND INFLUENCE OF YUANS HYBRID RICETo China: 1._.2.Yuan believes that _.To the world:FAO considers Yuans high-yield hybrid rice _.Conclusion:_.CONTRIBUTIONS AND INFLUENCE OF YUANS HYBRID RICETo China: Of great importance is his pioneering work, which has established Chinas position of world leadership in this area.1.CONTRIBUTIONS AND INFLUENCE OF YUANS HYBRID RICEChina can surely feed her large population with her limited cultivated land2. Yuan believes that _.To China:CONTRIBUTIONS AND INFLUENCE OF YUANS HYBRID RICEFAO considers Yuans high-yield hybrid rice _.To the world: the best way to increase the worlds grain outputCONTRIBUTIONS AND INFLUENCE OF YUANS HYBRID RICEConclusion: This breakthrough in rice cultivation has significantly contributed to solving the food problem in China and the rest of the world.CONTRIBUTIONS AND INFLUENCE OF YUANS HYBRID RICE Yuans work has established in this area. With his hybrid rice, China can . Also, his hybrid rice is the best way to , so it can help to all over the world.YUANS PRESENT DREAMchildhood dreameliminate starvationrice as huge as peanutsfarmers rest in the cool shadowMIRACLE IN THE RICE FIELDdreamsgrowing experiencescontributions and influenceintroduction to Yuan and his hybrid riceMIRACLE IN THE RICE FIELDAssignment 1:Scan paragraphs H, I and answer the questionslWhats Yuans attitude towards fortune?lAre his hobbies special ones or just ordinary ones?MIRACLE IN THE RICE FIELDAssignment 2:Read the whole passage aloud and underline what you dont understandMIRACLE IN THE RICE FIELDAssignment 3Write a paragraph in at least six sentences on “Yuan Longping in My Eyes” Choose two adjectives in the box responsible, hard-working, patient, practical, devoted, undefeatable, strong-willed For each adjective, write at least 2 supporting sentences with information from the text