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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:美联英语提供:希拉里与盖特纳在欢迎中国代表团晚宴上的讲话Good evening, everyone. Good evening and welcome to the Benjamin Franklin Room here in the State Department. I am delighted that Secretary Geithner and I have the great privilege of once again hosting the third Strategic and Economic Dialogue here in Washington. A few weeks ago in this very room, I had the privilege of sitting and talking with Dr. Henry Kissinger, my esteemed predecessor and a good friend to many of us here. He spoke of the early days of the U.S.-China diplomatic relationship going back 40 years now. And he discussed many of the challenges that his generation of diplomats on both sides had to overcome.大家晚上好。晚上好,欢迎大家光临国务院本杰明富兰克林厅。盖特纳部长和我本人再次有幸在华盛顿主持第三轮美中战略与经济对话,我感到十分高兴。几个星期前就在这个厅里,我有幸坐在这里与我尊敬的前任和在座很多人的好朋友亨利基辛格博士进行交谈。他讲述了40年前美中早期外交关系的情况,谈到当年他那一代双方的外交家必须克服的很多困难。Tonight, I cannot help but marvel at how far we have come together. These have been decades of unprecedented growth and progress for China. It has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and has helped to drive global prosperity. The United States has welcomed Chinas growth and we have benefited from it. Today, our economies are entwined and so are our futures. Relations are far broader and deeper than even Dr. Kissinger and his colleagues could have imagined all those years ago.今晚,我不禁对双方交往的长足进展感到惊叹。几十年来,中国取得了前所未有的发展和进步,使亿万人民摆脱了贫困,并为推动全球繁荣做出了贡献。美国欢迎中国的发展并从中受益。今天,我们两国的经济以及我们的未来已密不可分,两国关系的广度与深度就连基辛格博士及其同事们在当年也难以想象。This change has brought with it our own new challenges. History teaches that often, the rise of new powers ushers in periods of conflict and uncertainty. And during our Strategic Dialogue today, State Councilor Dai and I and our colleagues discussed the concerns that people in both of our countries feel about the other. But in the 21st century, it does not make sense to apply the zero-sum 19th century theories of how major powers interact. Indeed, we are moving through unchartered territory and we need new ways of understanding the shifting dynamics of the international landscape and our own bilateral relationship.这一变化带来了我们这一代面临的新挑战。历史告诉我们,新的大国的兴起往往会带来一些冲突和不确定的时期。在今天双方举行的战略对话中,戴秉国国务委员和我及我们的同事们讨论了两国人民对对方感到关切的一些问题。但在21世纪,运用19世纪大国互动中的零和理论是没有道理的。确实,我们正在走前人没有走过的路,我们需要用新的方式来理解国际环境的变化因素和我们本身的双边关系。Deng Xiaoping once described Chinas process of reform and modernization as being like a person crossing a river by feeling his way over the stones. That is a good description of the way forward that we must chart together. We know it wont be easy and there will certainly be times when both our countries stumble on the unexpected stones. But if we continue building the habits of cooperation and respect that this dialogue represents, and if we learn to trust one another and better understand each others intentions, then I am confident we will not let those slippery stones trip us up and derail our progress. We are very pleased at the habits of cooperation and understanding that have already been developed, and we greatly appreciated the successful visit by President Hu Jintao this past January and the agreements that he and President Obama have made to deepen our relationship to make it one that is positive, cooperative, and comprehensive.邓小平曾用“摸着石头过河”来形容中国的改革和现代化进程。用这句话来描述我们必须共同规划的前进道路也十分恰当。我们知道这并非易事,有时,两国难免会因意外出现的石头而脚下不稳。但如果我们继续培养这一对话所象征的合作与尊重的习惯,如果我们学会互相信任并更好地理解对方的意图,那么,我相信我们不会让那些石头把我们滑倒和阻碍我们的前进。我们对已经养成的合作与理解的习惯感到十分满意,并对胡锦涛主席今年一月的成功访问以及他和奥巴马总统为深化两国关系、使之成为积极、合作、全面的关系所达成的共识十分赞赏。So to all of my American colleagues, members of the Cabinet, and other leaders of our government, thank you for your work on behalf of this dialogue. And to our Chinese colleagues and partners, thank you for making this long journey not only the journey you made by the airplane that brought you here, but the journey that we are making together to build a better future for our children and our grandchildren.各位美国同事、内阁成员们以及我国政府的其他领导人,谢谢你们为这一对话所做的工作。各位中国同事和伙伴,谢谢你们进行这次长途旅行不仅是乘飞机前来与会,而且是和我们一道踏上为我们的子孙后代创造更美好未来的旅途。Please enjoy the evening, and now let me ask Secretary Geithner to make a few remarks.祝大家度过一个美好的晚上,现在请盖特纳部长讲几句话。Good evening and welcome. I begin with the traditional Chinese welcome, a traditional Chinese welcome. Bear with me. The great Chinese philosopher Confucius said (in Chinese). (Applause.) Its not over yet. Vice Premier Wang and State Councilor Dai and distinguished members of the Chinese delegation, a warm welcome to the United States. (Applause.)晚上好,欢迎光临。我首先向你们致以中国传统式的欢迎,中国传统式的欢迎。请多包涵。伟大的中国哲学家孔子说(用中文)(掌声)还没说完。王岐山副总理、戴秉国国务委员、中国代表团的各位成员,热烈欢迎你们到美国。(掌声)I first went to China about 30 years ago to study Chinese. I went to Beijing. I studied for the summer at Beida Beijing Dxu. And at that time, that was an exceptional thing. It was a rare thing for an American to have the privilege of traveling and studying China, and rare as well for Chinese to have the experience of studying in the United States. And of course, that is no longer a rare thing.我第一次去中国大约是在30年前,去学习汉语。我去了北京。我在北大(北京大学)学了一个暑期。当时,这是很特殊的事情。很少有美国人能有幸访问中国、研究中国,也很少有中国人能到美国学习。当然,现在这已不稀奇了。And if there is one fundamental basis for confidence in this relationship today, the future of this relationship, it is in the reality that today, thousands and thousands of Americans are studying in China, and thousands and thousands of Chinese have the experience of learning more about the United States. And there is no basis for negotiation, there is no basis for partnership, there is no basis for accommodation without both countries making the kind of sustained investment you need to understand the interests and intentions and values and traditions of the other country.如果今天这个关系及其未来有一个最基本的信任基础,那就是这样一个现实:今天,成千上万的美国人正在中国学习,同时成千上万的中国人也有机会深入地了解了美国。如果两国没有为了解对方的利益、意图、价值观和传统而进行这种持续投资,就没有谈判的基础、没有合作的基础、没有任何互让的基础。Weve made a lot of progress the last two years. If you find it hard to appreciate how hard this is to do, or hard to appreciate the importance of the progress we have achieved, just think back to the breakdown in cooperation during the Great Depression that turned a severe financial crisis into a global catastrophe. And the record of cooperation we have built with China in this period of crisis was decisive in helping lift the world out of the fires of crisis and into a period now where we can say the world is growing again.So I end with a toast. Well do a virtual toast.过去两年里我们已经取得了很大进展。如果你觉得难以理解这样做有多难,或者难以理解已经取得的进展有多重要,只需要回想一下大萧条时期,当时由于合作终止,一场严重的金融危机变成了一次全球性的灾难。在最近这场危机中,我们与中国的合作发挥了决定性作用,帮助世界摆脱了灾难,使之进入一个我们现在称为恢复经济增长的时期。最后让我来祝酒。我们象征性地干杯。SECRETARY CLINTON: Virtual toast.克林顿国务卿:象征性地干杯。SECRETARY GEITHNER: To the future success of the U.S.-China strategic and economic partnership, to a stronger global economy, and a more peaceful world. Cheers. (Applause.)盖特纳部长:祝美中战略与经济伙伴关系未来取得成功、祝世界经济更强大、世界更和平。干杯。(掌声。)SECRETARY CLINTON: Cheers. Cheers, my friend. Cheers.克林顿国务卿:干杯。干杯,朋友们。干杯。文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!6 / 6


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