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会计学1第一页,共31页。Whats your name?Which school are you from?What grade are you in?Do you like English? Why?Whats your hobby?让我们让我们(w men)成为好朋友成为好朋友第1页/共30页第二页,共31页。第2页/共30页第三页,共31页。What do I like doing in my spare time?第3页/共30页第四页,共31页。1. Do you like seeing the film?2. Where can you see the film?3. When did you last go to the ?4. Tell me about the play / film you like.5. Who is your favourite film star?6. Would you like to be an actor / actress?7. Why or why not?第4页/共30页第五页,共31页。interesting, enjoy, get angry , pay attention (to), private (public) in the end, bear, cant help doing sth.第5页/共30页第六页,共31页。厌倦了伦敦阴雨天气的憨豆先生,梦想能在法国南部的沙滩上美美地度个假期。正所谓傻人有傻福,这一天,他居然中了彩票头等奖,不仅可以免费前往戛纳,还获赠2000英镑的零花钱和一台摄像机。乘坐欧洲之星列车抵达巴黎后,憨豆先生遇上了戛纳电影节的评审团成员、一名来自俄罗斯的电影摄制(shzh)者。憨豆先生希望能拍一部有关自己的电影,鬼灵精怪的他还偷偷带着这位电影人10岁的儿子斯蒂芬跳上火车,两人假扮一对父子,却因为言语不通和花光了钱而陷入窘境。与此同时,他还以 绑架者 的身份遭到警察的追捕。为免在牢狱度过自己的开心假期,憨豆先生必须避开所有耳目,安全将斯蒂芬送回他爸爸身边。期间他更遇上一位半红不黑的好莱坞女星,好心的憨豆希望可以帮助美女成名,当中却搞出不少令人捧腹大笑的桥段几经波折,最终憨豆先生还是实现了自己的心愿。第6页/共30页第七页,共31页。1.Where did the writer go last week?2. Why didnt he enjoy the play?3. What did the young man say to the writer?第7页/共30页第八页,共31页。1. A private conversation2. talk loudly3. got angry4. turn round5. pay attention6. bear7. Its none of your business8. rudely第8页/共30页第九页,共31页。第9页/共30页第十页,共31页。Last week went theatre didnt enjoy were sitting talking loudly could not actors turned looked angrilypay attention in the end bear cant hear none business- private第10页/共30页第十一页,共31页。Do Exercises in the book1. b 2. c 2. b 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. c 11. c 12. c第11页/共30页第十二页,共31页。第12页/共30页第十三页,共31页。1. Smoking without asking people.2. talking loudly with the mobile phone when having the meeting.3. jumping the queue.4.第13页/共30页第十四页,共31页。第14页/共30页第十五页,共31页。第15页/共30页第十六页,共31页。1.Do you like day or night?2.What do you usually do in the daytime and in the night?3.Do you get up early every day?4.When do you usually get up / have breakfast?5.Do you find it easy or difficult to get up?6. What do you usually have for breakfast?第16页/共30页第十七页,共31页。第17页/共30页第十八页,共31页。Remember in your heart 请记住请记住(j zh)哦哦!Breakfast is the most important in the three meals.The early bird catches the worm.第18页/共30页第十九页,共31页。1. What day was it ?2. What was the weather like ?3. Did the writer get up early that day?4. Who was coming to see the writer?5. Was the writer having lunch at one oclock?6. Why was the writers aunt surprised?7. What does “brunch” mean? Can you guess? Do you usually have brunch on weekends? Is it good or bad?第19页/共30页第二十页,共31页。第20页/共30页第二十一页,共31页。1. On Sundays / in the morning / at one oclock2. until3. look out of / look into4. It was my aunt Lucy5. by train / car / bus / ship / on foot6. Im coming to see you.7. Dear me = My goodness! = Good heavens8. never seldom usually often - always9. What a day! (What an awful day it is = How awful today is. 第21页/共30页第二十二页,共31页。Cold!第22页/共30页第二十三页,共31页。What beautiful flowers they are ! How beautiful the flowers are !第23页/共30页第二十四页,共31页。2. _ _ busy man he is ! _ _ the man is ! 3. _ _ happy baby it is ! _ _ the baby is !What aHowbusyWhataHowhappy第24页/共30页第二十五页,共31页。4. What a high mountain _ _ ! How high the _ _ !5. What a hungry boy _ _ ! How hungry the _ _ !itismountainisheisboyis第25页/共30页第二十六页,共31页。1. What a wonderful garden (this is)!2. What a surprise (this is)!3. What a lot of trouble he is causing!4. What wonderful actors (they are)!5. What a hard-working woman (she is)!6. What a tall building (it is)!7. What a terrible film (it is)!8. What a clever boy you are!9. What a pretty girl (she is)!10. What a strange guy (he is)!第26页/共30页第二十七页,共31页。1.c 2. d 3.c 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. b 8.a 9. d 10. c 11. d 12. b第27页/共30页第二十八页,共31页。never early Sundays very late looked window dark outside raining just then rang Aunt Lucy arrived train coming to see still breakfast very surprised dear me one oclock第28页/共30页第二十九页,共31页。第29页/共30页第三十页,共31页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结会计学。厌倦了伦敦阴雨天气的憨豆先生,梦想能在法国南部的沙滩上美美地度个假期。正所谓傻人有傻福,这一天,他居然中了彩票头等奖,不仅可以免费前往戛纳,还获赠2000英镑的零花钱和一台摄像机。乘坐欧洲之星列车抵达巴黎后,憨豆先生遇上了戛纳电影节的评审团成员、一名来自俄罗斯的电影摄制者。为免在牢狱度过自己(zj)的开心假期,憨豆先生必须避开所有耳目,安全将斯蒂芬送回他爸爸身边。Bye第三十一页,共31页。


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