Module 3 PlantsUnit 7 Lets go to the flower show 花展花展treebanyan榕树榕树树树pine tree松树松树kapok tree 木棉树木棉树rose玫瑰玫瑰lily 百合花百合花tulip 郁金香郁金香sunflower 向日葵向日葵bluebell 风铃草风铃草violet紫罗兰紫罗兰榕树榕树banyanpine tree松树松树kapok tree 木棉树木棉树rose玫瑰玫瑰lily 百合花百合花tulip 郁金香郁金香sunflower 向日葵向日葵Its a lovely day!Lets go to the flower show.rose lilytulipsunGuessing gamerosesunflowertuliplilysleep睡觉睡觉Can I _?sleepOf course, you can.我可以我可以吗?吗?bench长凳长凳Can I _?sit on the benchOf course, you can.我可以我可以吗?吗?camera照相机照相机Can I _?take the cameraOf course, you can.我可以我可以吗?吗?take photo照相照相Can I _?take photosOf course, you can.我可以我可以吗?吗?take a rest休息休息Can I _?take a restOf course, you can.我可以我可以吗?吗?take a walk散步散步Can I _?take a walkOf course, you can.我可以我可以吗?吗?Can I?Yes, of course.Of course you can.Sure!Yes ,you can.Yes,please.Please dont.我可以我可以吗?吗?plant tree种树种树Can you _?plant treesSure!你可以你可以吗?吗?grow flowers种花种花Can you _?grow flowersSure!你可以你可以吗?吗?water the flowers浇花浇花Can you _?water the flowersSure!你可以你可以吗?吗?ride a bike骑自行车骑自行车Can you _?ride a bikeSure!你可以你可以吗?吗?Can you?Yes, of course.Of course I can.Sure!Yes ,I can.我可以我可以吗?吗?keep off the grass远离小草远离小草pick flowers摘花摘花climb tree爬树爬树