九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Books Lesson 5 The Book Club课件 (新版)北师大版

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九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Books Lesson 5 The Book Club课件 (新版)北师大版_第1页
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Unit 2 Lesson 5The book clubWHAT DO WE USUALLY READ?booksciencebookscook bookstravel bookscomicsdetectivestorieshistory storiesfairy talesBrainstormA: Do you like reading?B: Yes. A: What kind of books do you like to read?B: I like reading .A: How often do you read?B: I read every night before sleeping.SpeakingIs reading important in our life? And why do you think so?Discuss in pairs and tell your opinion to your partner.OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS ABOUT READING1 “Im rather proud of the fact that I know several astronauts who became astronauts through reading my book.”2 “Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.”Reading3 “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”4 “The man who doesnt read good books has no advantage over the man who cant read them.”Quotation 引用的话 MATCH THE QUOTATIONS WITH THE MEANINGSMeaningQuota-tiona)Im happy that the books I wrote are inspiring.b)People who read a lot today will succeed in the future.c)You need to choose good books to read.d)Books that encourage a love of reading are good.1342Mark Twain is a well-known American writer. Lots of people know him and like his books.The advantage of a fridge is that it can keep food fresh for a longer time. 优势,优点著名的New wordsHis success depends on his hard work.When I meet difficulties in life, my mother always gives me ideas and advice, she can always inspire me to walk on. 依靠,依赖鼓励,激励inspiring激励人的inspired受到激励的1st: Listen and answer: What are they talking about? Listen and tick the quotations that are mentioned. Quotationsmentioned 1 2 3 4Listening2nd: Listen again and answer the questions.1 Whats the programmes name?2 What do the guests do for a living?3 Whats Peters opinion? Whats Sandras opinion?1 Whats the programmes name? 2 What do the guests do for a living?The Book Club.Sandra is a writer and Peter is a teacher.Peter thinks there are a world of books and they can all help people learn. Sandra thinks only good books can help people. And all good books are inspiring.3 WHATS PETERS OPINION? WHATS SANDRAS OPINION?1.What does Peter think about Mark Twain? a He likes reading all kinds of books. b He cant read or write. c He is clever.3rd: Listen again and choose the best answer2 Sandra thinks _ .a all books are wonderfulb famous people only read good booksc some books help people learn3 Arthur C. Clarke is _. a host of the show b a writer c a scientist Why do they use the quotations in the dialogue?FURTHER THINKING:Read the listening material with the recorder.Read the listening material aloud together. ConsolidationMATCHwell-knownadvantagedepend onperiod一段时间,时期依靠, 取决于优点 , 优势著名的1.Our guests today are _ writer Sandra White.2. The man who doesnt read good books has no _over the man who cant read them.3. Well, it _ what you are looking for.Fill in the blanks according to your memory well-knownadvantagedepends on4.Good books are inspiring. A lot of people were inspired by a certain book during a key _ in their life.periodUse the words to complete sentences“well-known” “advantage” “period” “depend on”1.Childhood is usually a happy _for everyone. 2. What you get _ what you did.3. The new machine has many _ so we must buy one at once.4. The Great Wall is _ all over the world. perioddepends onadvantageswell-knownCOMPLETE THE TABLE ORALLY IN PAIRS:WhoJobsTopic Quotation from the hostPeters opinionSandras opinion1. inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;有激励作用的e.g. She was one of the most inspiring people Ive ever met.inspire v. 鼓舞; 激励; 赋予灵感; 启迪 e.g. Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our career. Language points2.rather adv. 宁愿/不愿;宁可/宁可不e.g. If its all the same to you, Id rather work at homerather 做该义时,放在实意动词前3.form v. 形成; 构成; 组织; 塑造 e.g. All the buildings have names and form a half circle.form a habit 形成习惯 你听完对Peter和Sandra的采访后,觉得他们的观点很有意思,你想把这件事告诉你的英国的朋友。请两人一组,使用以上表格,口头完成此任务。TASK SpeakingThats true.Well, not all books help people to learn.but one thing is clear: good books are inspiring.Right.Thats very interesting.Find the following expressions in your bookJudgement & evaluation判断&评价ExpressionA: What do you think of “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”?B: Ask and answer about these quotations, using the expressions in Ex. 6What are good books according to Sandra?Sandra thinks good books are inspiring.Whats your opinion about good books?Discuss your opinion with your partner.A: In my opinion, good books can .They .B: Right./I agree. Good books are. They .EXAMPLE:PAIR WORKA: In my opinion, good books can .They .B: Right./I agree. Good books are. They .Pair workWrite down the dialogue you had made in class about the quotations. Write down your ideas about reading based on Ex. 8.HOMEWORKHomework谢谢观看!


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