北京语言大学22春《英汉 汉英翻译》离线作业1答案参考6

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北京语言大学22春《英汉 汉英翻译》离线作业1答案参考6_第1页
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北京语言大学22春《英汉 汉英翻译》离线作业1答案参考6_第3页
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北京语言大学22春英汉 汉英翻译离线作业1答案参考1. Almost all the TV viewers were deeply impressed by Titanics huge mass and her ruined splendor of a lost age.( )A、泰坦尼克号的庞大以及她那昔日辉煌的残毁,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了十分深刻的印象。B、泰坦尼克号船体庞大,虽已损毁,昔日丰采犹存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。C、泰坦尼克号无比庞大,往日荣光业已荡然无存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。D、泰坦尼克号的庞大船体以及她那失去的昔日光辉,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。参考答案:B2. He helps me _my homework.A. withB. forC. atD. fromHe helps me _my homework.A. withB. forC. atD. from答案:A3. Our _ talks promise a good future for our cooperation.A.interiorB.insuranceC.initialD.invisible参考答案:C4. A: Its a wonderful party. B: Its very nice of you to come. _.A.Please do make yourself at homeB.Please enjoy yourselfC.Help yourselfD.Have a good time参考答案:A5. Who is the patient being _ on?A.paintedB.operatedC.tiedD.fetched参考答案:B6. I ve read many books on selfhelp , but 1 must say 1 haven t had much help from (1) (them). It didn t give me (2) (much ) pleasure reading them either , as I think a useful book should. Most of the1. What does them refer to in this sentence?2. Can you replace this by many here?3. Can you replace this by is here?4. Can you use the word some here?5. Can you replace this by what here?6. Can you replace this by A here?7. Can you leave out the word that here?8. Can you replace this by aren t here?9. Can you replace this by which here?10. Can you replace this by himself here?参考答案:1. Books on self-help.2. No.3. No.4. Yes5. No.6. Yes.7. Yes.8. No.9. Yes.10. No.7. This year our university does not have any _ to continue the international student exchange program.A.functionB.fundamentalC.funeralD.funds参考答案:D8. This factory is planning to build a new _ line this year.A.resembleB.assemblyC.productiveD.assess参考答案:B9. These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than _ in traditional media.A.existB.existsC.existingD.to exist参考答案:A10. The room is in a terrible mess; it _ cleaned.A.cant have beenB.shouldnt have beenC.mustnt have beenD.wouldnt have been参考答案:A11. 她的表演不够理想。 Her performance is not so good as one could wish.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B12. 如今能为他的这本散文集子作序,我觉得很荣幸。( )A、To be asked to write a preface to his collection of essays is a great honor.B、I find a great pleasure to ask to write his collection of essays a preface.C、Its a great pleasure that 1 will write him a preface of this collection of essays.D、I find it a great honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays.参考答案:D13. Through which _ did you get the information?A.canalB.channelC.placeD.way参考答案:B14. _I want is peace and quiet.AAll whatBAll whichCEverything whichDAll that_I want is peace and quiet.AAll whatBAll whichCEverything whichDAll that正确答案:D15. _ is good at French. AMy either children BEither of my children CEither my chil_ is good at French.AMy either childrenBEither of my childrenCEither my childrenDMy either of childrenB16. Do not _ in the exam. This will do you no good.A.coinB.disasterC.cheatD.resort参考答案:C17. I was amazed at the_of his knowledge.AexpenseBextendCextentDexpandI was amazed at the_of his knowledge.AexpenseBextendCextentDexpand正确答案:C18. AeastBwestCsouthDnorthAeastBwestCsouthDnorth正确答案:A19. We have the pleasure _ introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportuniWe have the pleasure _ introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity _ cooperating with you.of, of20. 横穿马路要小心。 Be careful when you go cross the road.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A21. Physically we feel comfortable. But _, we suffer a lot.A.psychologicallyB.moderatelyC.naturallyD.precisely参考答案:A22. There are some kinds of rays from the sun which would burn us to death if we were not protected from them. 太阳中有些光线射到我们身上会把我们烧死,如果我们不防备的话。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A23. For years, doctors _ millions of patients&39; lives with the help of microscopes. A) have savFor years, doctors _ millions of patients lives with the help of microscopes.A) have savedB) are savingC) will saveD) were savingA由for years这一时间状语,可知本题谓语动词应用现在完成时,即have(has)+动词的过去分词。所以本题选择A项。本句话的意思是:多年来,在显微镜的帮助下,医生们已经拯救了上百万人的生命。24. W ould you like a coffee? No,lm fine,thanks. A. Right B. Wrong-W ould you like a coffee?- No,lm fine,thanks.A. RightB. Wrong参考答案A25. Please _ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here.A.engageB.comfortC.executeD.forgive参考答案:D26. We are in a difficult position in _ we have nobody properly qualified for this work.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.where参考答案:B27. _ (miss)the train means _ (wait)for another two hours_ (miss)the train means _ (wait)for another two hoursMissing$waiting28. During the eight years war, many people _ their blood for their country.A.shedB.temptedC.reservedD.devoted参考答案:A29. He went to the dance last night but couldnt find a _ because of his strange clothes.A.pondB.saddleC.partnerD.salad参考答案:C30. Hes worked here _ three years. A. since B. in C. forHes worked here _ three years.A. sinceB. inC. for参考答案C31. She is already 16years old. But she _ as if she were still a little girl.A.believesB.absorbsC.accrsesD.behaves参考答案:D32. A: The plan _ for the trip is of great important, I think. B: I see, but John is sure to work it out on time.A.madeB.to be madeC.makingD.has been made参考答案:B33. A UN official said aid programs will be ( ) until there is adequate protection for relA UN official said aid programs will be ( ) until there is adequate protection for relief personnel.A、multipliedB、spannedC、arrestedD、suspended正确答案:D34. After talking for nearly ten hours, he _ to the governments pressure at last.A.expressedB.yieldedC.decreasedD.approved参考答案:B35. The _ can help people to see very small objects.A.metropolitanB.microphoneC.microscopeD.microwave参考答案:C36. They will keep the library open until 9:00 p. m. _.Awhen necessaryBif is necessaryCThey will keep the library open until 9:00 p. m. _.Awhen necessaryBif is necessaryCif it necessaryDif necessarily正确答案:A37. It is impossible for us to _ such a difficult task within the limited time.A.fuelB.frownC.fulfillD.frost参考答案:C38. Talk to anyone in the drug industry, _ youll soon discover that the science of genetics is the biggest thing to hit drug research since penicillin was discovered.A.orB.andC.forD.so参考答案:B39. The old man dropped his spoon and bent to pick it up, _him to feel a sharp pain in thThe old man dropped his spoon and bent to pick it up, _him to feel a sharp pain in the back.AcauseBcausedCcausesDcausing正确答案:D40. You will see this product _ wherever you go in this city.A.advertiseB.to be advertisedC.advertisedD.advertising参考答案:C41. I regretted answering like that, I was sorry _ (do)so.I regretted answering like that, I was sorry _ (do)so.to do/to have done42. “High” and “tall” are synonyms: this may be used in speaking of what grows-a tree; that in speaking of what does not grow-a mountain. “High”和“tall”是同义词,后者用以指不生长的东西,如树,前者用来指不生长的东西,如山。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B43. Since there is only a little left, then he wouldnt have enough to pay the interSince there is only a little left, then he wouldnt have enough to pay the interest on a loan.参考答案因为所剩不多,他没有足够的钱来偿还银行的贷款利息。44. The residents, _ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.A.all their homesB.all of whose homesC.all whose homesD.all of their homes参考答案:B45. Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to _, or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980s.A.revoltB.revolveC.reverseD.revive参考答案:C46. AportraitBwornCforbidDstormAportraitBwornCforbidDstorm正确答案:C47. Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan. 古埃及的坟墓和寺庙跟着尼罗河一直深入到苏丹。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A48. It is _ view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer mIt is _ view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer most favourably and cable us acceptance _ your earliest convenience.in, at49. Can you _ the man who robbed you for your watch?A.illustrateB.exhibitC.damageD.identify参考答案:D50. This kind of medicine has the power to _ poison.A.splashB.resistC.adoptD.occupy参考答案:B


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