高考英语一轮复习 语法专项提升专题四 介词和并列连词课件 新人教版

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高考英语一轮复习 语法专项提升专题四 介词和并列连词课件 新人教版_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习 语法专项提升专题四 介词和并列连词课件 新人教版_第2页
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高考英语一轮复习 语法专项提升专题四 介词和并列连词课件 新人教版_第3页
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介词的分类和用法 介词可分为简单介词(如 on, over, at, about)、 短语介词(如 in addition to, along with, regardless of)和分词介词(如concerning, including)。 介词的考查主要方式之一就是与动词、名词等搭配成短语或词组。另外介词本身也有其意义和作用,比如表示方位的介词,如above, over, across, into, around, towards, below, beneath等;表时间的介词,如at, in, on, by, after, from, since等;表方式手段的介词,如by(后接交通工具时不要冠词),on, in, with(表示具体的有形的工具或身体的某部分);表原因的介词because of, due to, thanks to等。 以下介词需特别关注:1.besides(除以外还有), except(意为“除去”,后可接句子), but, other than, except for(意为“除了”,后接短语) 2.with的复合结构:with名词代词现在分词过去分词不定式形容词介词短语或副词,相当于一个状语从句。3.beyond 本意是“在的那一边”,引申为“超越;超过某人的能力等”。例如: The professor in his lecture went beyond the capacity of his audience. 这位教授的课超过了听众的理解能力。4.without 常用作介词,意为“没有”,也可用作副词,如do without, go without(没有也行)。5.against 意为“反对,违反;靠,倚;防备”,它能与不同的动词、名词搭配,意思十分灵活。并列连词主要是连接一个并列句。并列句一般不可只用逗号分隔,而要用分号或并列连词连接,连词前可用或不用逗号。例如: He was a man who had plenty of money, and who spent it freely.他是一个有很多钱并且花钱很随意的人。 I would have written before but I have been ill.要不是生病了,我就已经写完了。连词的用法1.and表示平行、递进等关系。例如: You must write me a good long letter and tell me what you are doing and so forth.你必须给我写封长信,告诉我你在做什么事等等。and用在这里表平行递进关系。2.but和yet表示转折或对照等关系。例如: I hope you dont mind me asking, but where did you buy those shoes?我希望你不介意我问一下,你在哪里买的鞋子。 Therere many kinds of sports, but my favorite is swimming.运动的种类很多,但我最喜欢的是游泳。尽管but和yet都可译作“但是”,但二者间还是有区别的。主要有以下几个方面。but是并列连词,而yet可用作并列连词或副词,因此不可说and but,但可说and yet、but yet。例如: What we heard was strange, and yet it was true.我们所听说的非常奇怪,然而它是真的。but不可放在句尾,而yet则可放在句尾,因为yet可用作副词。例如: I dont want to go yet.我还是不想去。but表示对照或对立时,一般都比较轻松自然,而yet表示对照或对立时,则往往比较强烈,时常出人意料。例如: Jane said she was ill, yet I saw her in the street just now.简说她病了,可是我刚刚在大街上看到她了。but用在表示歉意的话后(可省略不译),引起一个句子,此时很少用yet。例如: Im sorry, but I disagree with you all.我很遗憾,我不赞同你们(的观点)。 Excuse me, but can you tell me how to get to the railway station?打扰了,你能告诉我怎么去火车站吗?。3.for表示原因或理由,是对前文的说明或解释,它一般不可置于句首。例如: I must be off now, for my sister is expecting me.我得走了,因为我的妹妹在等着我。 I couldnt answer the question, for I had not prepared my lessons well.我答不出这个问题,因为我没有好好准备这堂课。4.so表示结果。例如: I was very thirsty, so I asked for some water to drink.我很渴,所以我想要些水喝。 The play began at eight, so they must dine at seven.戏8点开始,所以他们必须7点吃饭。5.or表示选择或转折关系。例如: They had lost their way in the forest; they didnt know how to go farther or turn back.他们在森林里迷路了,他们不知怎么往前走也不知怎么往回走。 Now I must go or I shall be late for the party.我得走了,不然参加晚会要迟到了。.单句填空单句填空1.Shes got the job because she has the advantage _ others of knowing many languages.【解析】句意:她得到了那份工作,因为比起别人她的优势是她懂多门语言。have advantage over是固定搭配,意为“比有优势”。over的基本意义是“directly above”,即“比高”。【答案】1.over2. _ foreign trade recovering, the recent labor shortage in the southeast of China has become a hot topic.【解析】句意:随着对外贸易的复苏,最近在中国东部的劳动力短缺已成为一个热点话题。with 是介词,意为(at the same time as) “伴随着”。如用as 时应注意的是,as 是连词,其后应跟一个句子。【答案】2.With3.“How could you lose so much money?” Charlie asked his wife, eyeing her angrily from _ the kitchen table.【解析】句意:“你怎么能丢那么多钱?”查理愤怒地从餐桌的那一边望着他的妻子问道。across 意为 “从/在的那一边”。【答案】3.across4.Failure hurts grown-ups and children alike,but it can make a positive contribution _ your life once you learn to use it. 【解析】句意:失败对老少都会有同样的伤害,但一旦你学会使用它,它可以为你的生活做出积极贡献。contribute/contribution与to连用是固定搭配。【答案】4.to5.We hope some adjustments _ the quality of their service will be made in response to the reactions of the customers. 【解析】句意:我们希望在服务质量方面做一些调整以应对客户的反应。make adjustments to 意为“对做出调整”,是固定搭配。【答案】5.to6.Oh, you havent read my e-mail?Sorry, I havent had any access _ the computer these days.【解析】句意:哦,你还没有读过我的邮件吗?对不起,这几天我没有用电脑。have access to是固定搭配,意为“有进入的(能力/机会)”。【答案】6.to7.However weak we are, we can still do something _ the powerful nature so long as we are adequately prepared.【解析】句意:尽管我们很弱小, 但只要我们充分准备面对大自然,我们仍然可以做一些事情。against 意为“对,反对”。【答案】7.against8.The bridge connecting the two islands is _ construction and is expected to be completed in October.【解析】句意:这座连接两个岛屿的桥正在建设中,预计将在10月完成。“under+一个表动作的名词”相当于一个正在进行的被动语态,是一个固定句型。【答案】8.under9. _ a winter evening of 1987, when she was on duty, an old man over seventy was carried into the operating room because of a sudden “brain hemorrhage”.【解析】句意:在1987年深冬的一个晚上,正是她值班时,一位年过七旬的老人,因突发“脑出血”被抬入手术室。特指某天或某天的上下午/晚上等,应用介词on。【答案】9.On10.Advertisements have become part of our everyday life _ its so important that everyone of us educates ourselves about them to avoid being fooled by them.【解析】句意:广告已经成为我们日常生活的一部分,并且它很重要,我们每个人都要了解它们以避免被愚弄。上下文是递进关系。【答案】10.and11.Until now, talking giraffes have starred in cartoons, _ never have they been heard making a sound in real life.【解析】句意:迄今为止,会说话的长颈鹿主演了漫画,但从未在现实生活中听到过他们的声音。上下文是转折关系。【答案】 11.but12. Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, _ plants can spread to new places.【解析】前后为因果关系,因此填so/therefore。【答案】12.so/therefore13. Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _ half an hour.【解析】介词in+一段时间,意为“在之后”,即火车半小时后出发,因此in 符合题意。【答案】13.in14. People wont pay attention to you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying _ expression.【解析】句意:当人们还有自己的想法需要诉求和表达的时候,他们是不会注意到你的。cry for 是固定表达,意同“be dying for”,意为“渴望,急需”,因此填for。【答案】14.for15. Our club is open to everyone _ age, sex or educational background.【解析】句意:我们的俱乐部对所有的人都开放,不论年龄、性别或教育背景。regardless of 意为“不管,不计”,符合题意。【答案】15.regardless of16. It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life _ his great wealth.【解析】句意:尽管卢卡斯先生很富有,但他却过着简朴的生活,这真令人难以置信。despite 意为“尽管”,符合题意。【答案】16. despite17. _ the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.【解析】句意:除了这所学校外,村里还有一家诊所,也是政府资助修建的。句中also 提示我们这里强调的是“还有”之意,因此In addition to/Besides符合题意。【答案】17.In addition to/Besides18. The Scottish girl _ blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest.【解析】介词with 有“具有,拥有”之意,符合题意。【答案】18.with19. She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went _ the road.【解析】句意:她在拐弯处开得那么快以至于车子几乎偏离了道路。off 意为“away from”,符合题意。【答案】19.off20.I think George doesnt really care for TV plays.Right, _ he still watches the program.【解析】句意:我认为乔治不一定真的喜欢电视剧。是的,但他还在看电视节目。上下文为转折关系,but正是一个起转折关系作用的并列连词。题干中选用right一词赞同对方的观点,其后又用了still一词,表示(乔治)依然是,这一赞一反间,当然是转折关系,因此此题非but莫属。【答案】20.but21.The job is not very profitable in terms of cash, _ I am getting valuable experience from it. 【解析】句意:这份工作收入不算高,但是我从中可以获得宝贵的经验。上下文是转折关系。【答案】21.but22.Some students often listen to music _ classes to refresh themselves.【解析】句意:一些学生经常在课间听音乐来提神。between 表示两两之间,符合题意。【答案】22.between23.Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _ their education that causes misunderstanding.【解析】句意:在两代人之间,往往不是他们的年龄,而是他们的教育导致误解。本句是考查notbut引导的并列句。【答案】23.but24.So little did I know about mathematics that the lecture was completely _ me. 【解析】句意:我对数学知之甚少,以至于我完全听不懂这个讲座。beyond这里意为“超过的理解范围”,符合题意。【答案】24.beyond25.We have to weigh the cost of the new system _ the benefits it will bring. 【解析】句意: 我们必须权衡一下启用新系统所需的成本和它将带来的效益。weighagainst 意为“将与进行权衡,掂量”。【答案】25.against26.He wore a brown suit and moved precisely and energetically and I suddenly remembered that people kept telling us he was special _ his age. 【解析】句意:他穿着一件咖啡色西装,动作利落,充满活力。我突然想起人们曾不断地告诉我们以他的年龄而言,他非常优异。for意为“相对而言”,往往含有异常之意。【答案】26. for27.Scientists are convinced of the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health. 【解析】句意:科学家确信笑对身心健康有积极的影响。 have an effect on 意为“对有影响”。effect 后跟on 是固定搭配。【答案】27.on28.I would prefer a quiet evening at home to spending my time _ the company of many people. 【解析】句意:我宁愿在家里度过一个安静的夜晚,也不想在一大群人的陪伴中度过。in the company of 是固定搭配,意为“在的陪伴下”。【答案】28.in29.Some people are always occupied _ work, and therefore they cannot go traveling and enjoy the weather.【解析】句意:有些人总是被工作缠身,不能出外旅行,享受阳光明媚的天气。be occupied with 是固定表达,意为“忙于”。【答案】29.with30.Nowadays, those who actively choose to live in rural communities are generally motivated by the particular qualities of village lifepeace, quiet, pace of life and easy access _ open country.【解析】句意:现在,那些热心于在乡村定居的人都是被乡村的恬静、平和、(缓慢的)生活节奏以及能够和大自然亲密接触的特性深深吸引。have access to 是固定搭配,意为“能够接近;有权使用”,to 是介词。【答案】30.to.单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1.To avoid the Spring Festival rush and make their journey more economical, many migrant workers will team up with others to ride a car, and car pool, to go back home.【解析】句意:为了避免春运高峰,使他们的旅程更经济,许多农民工将与他人共开一辆车,或者拼车回家。前后为选择关系。【答案】1.andor2.As a costume designer, my job is to make special clothes with the measure of all cast in the film.【解析】句意:作为一名服装设计师,我的工作是为电影里的所有演员量身定制特别的衣服。to the measure of是固定搭配,意为“根据尺寸”。to有according to之意。【答案】2.withto3.This article may shock some sensitive readers, for whom I offer my apologies in advance.【解析】句意:这篇文章可能会令一些敏感的读者感到震惊,对他们我愿意提前表达我的歉意。offerto是固定搭配,这里是介词前置。【答案】3.forto4.Some international organizations denied the fact that developing and developed countries were at different stages of development and should shoulder different responsibilities.【解析】句意:一些国际组织否认这样一个事实:发展中国家和发达国家在不同的发展阶段,应该承担不同的责任。句中stages 意为“阶段”,意同period, “在阶段”应用介词in。【答案】4.atin5.Children are bound to meet with setbacks as they grow up, and their parents dont have to worry about it.【解析】句意:孩子们在成长的过程中注定都会遇到各种各样的挫折,所以作为父母不必担心。上下文应是因果关系,而非递进关系。【答案】5.andso6.We spent many years studying the formation of rocks, experiencing many sufferings and even death. So our hard work paid off in the end, and we made it.【解析】句意:我们花了许多年研究岩石的形成,经历了许多磨难甚至死亡。但是我们的努力最终得到了回报,而且我们做到了。句中前后是并列和递进关系,不是因果关系。【答案】6.SoAnd/But7.Take medicine as directed by the doctor, besides, you should also keep in mind that sunshine, fresh air, or rest often accelerate a persons recovery from sickness.【解析】句意:要遵照医嘱吃药,除此之外,你还应该记住,阳光,新鲜的空气和休息常常会加速疾病康复。上下文应为并列关系,而非选择关系。【答案】7.orand8.They were ahead during the first half of the match, and they were beaten in the last five minutes.【解析】句意:比赛的上半场他们领先,但是在最后五分钟他们被击败了。上下文应是转折关系。 【答案】8.andbut9.The injured girl was crying when her father arrived at the hospital, yet she hadnt had such an accident before.【解析】句意:当她的父亲赶到医院,受伤的女孩儿哭了,因为她以前从没有遭遇过这样的事故。后半句是对前文的解释说明,因此用for。【答案】9.yetfor10.After 3 months association with her boyfriend, Jane came to know that beneath the apparently calm surface is a man of fierce temper, yet she decided to break up with him.【解析】句意:与男友交往3个月后,简渐渐了解到她的男友显然是一个平静表面下脾气火暴的人,所以她决定跟他分手。上下文是因果关系,因此用so。【答案】10.yetso11.When you looked at those mountains, at their beauty and their lines in the blue sky, this tree alone was seen to hold the sky. 【解析】句意:当你看着那些山脉,看着它们的美和它们映衬在蓝天下的线条,单独的这一棵树看起来好像撑起了整个天空。against 有“以为背景,在映衬下”之意,符合题意。【答案】11.inagainst12.He climbed up a large tree, planted on a high rock, whose branches were thick enough to conceal him, and yet enabled him to see all that passed with being discovered.【解析】句意:他爬上了一棵很大的树。那棵树长在一块很高的岩石上,有着茂密的树枝足以隐蔽他,还能够让他在不被发现的情况下看到所有发生的一切。without 意为“不能,没有”,符合题意。【答案】12.withwithout13.So, to be here tonight and be acknowledged as the first to receive this honor is without expression in words for me. 【解析】句意:所以,今晚能来这里,能有幸被选为第一个获得这项殊荣的人,我实在无法用言语来表达自己的感受。beyond有“超越”之意, beyond expression意为“无法表达;形容不出”。【答案】13.withoutbeyond14.Groups of young Chinese dancers, dressed in blue shorts and white baseball caps, danced with the music and waved red flags.【解析】句意:一群群身穿蓝色短裤、头戴白色棒球帽的中国年轻人伴随着音乐翩翩起舞,挥舞红旗。to the music 是固定搭配,to 意为“伴随着, 和着”,符合题意。 【答案】14.withto15.Together, Im confident that we can move steadily towards the direction of progress and meet our responsibility to our people and to the future that we will all share.【解析】句意:我深信,只要我们携起手来,就能沿着进步的方向稳步向前,履行对我们的人民和我们共同的未来所承担的责任。“沿方向”应用in the direction of。【答案】15.towardsin16.Despite the fact that all the family members are against his decision, hes determined to marry to that woman. 【解析】句意:尽管家人都反对他的决定,他还是决定要娶那个女人。marry 是及物动词,其后的介词to 是多余的。【答案】16. marry to that woman17.Her entering into a university was a big surprise to everyone at that time when womens education was always second to mens.【解析】句意:在当时她能进入大学读书对每个人而言是一件惊奇之事,因为当时的女性教育总是放在次之于男人的地位。句中enter 是及物动词,其后的介词into 是多余的。【答案】17.entering into a university18.Contrary with what I had imagined by myself, the discussion turned out to be the climax of the meeting. 【解析】句意:与我自己想象的相反,讨论后来成为了会议的高潮。contrary to 是固定用法,意为“与相反,违反”,不可用contrary with。【答案】18.withto19.They are the people who pour cold water to all our enthusiasms, have no faith in human nature, no sympathy with human suffering. 【解析】句意:面对我们的一腔热情,他们只知大泼冷水,他们不相信人性、不同情人间疾苦。pour cold water on/over 是固定用法,意为“对泼冷水,使气馁。”【答案】19.toover/on20.Such a little boy has so little difficulty at working out this difficult problem that I admire him very much.【解析】句意: 这样小的一个男孩解这道题所遇到的困难是如此之少,以至于我很佩服他。have difficulty in doing sth.是一个固定结构,意为“在做方面有困难”。【答案】20.atin21.Mr.Feng concluded his remarks by saying that moving part of his business abroad doesnt necessarily mean that hes lost confidence for the China market.【解析】句意:最后,冯先生说,将部分业务转移到海外并不一定意味着他对中国市场失去了信心。lose confidence in 是固定搭配,意为“对失去信心”。【答案】21.forin22.The earliest Mothers Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor for Rhea, the Mother of the Gods.【解析】句意:母亲节最早可追溯到古希腊,人们为了表示 对众神之母瑞亚的敬重,每年春天都会举行重大的庆祝活动。in honor of 是一个固定的介词短语,意为“为了纪念”。【答案】22.forof23.They thought about this question for the rest of the day and wrote down what they came up. 【解析】句意:那一天余下的时间里,他们都在思考这个问题,并且把他们想到的都写下来。come up with是一个固定短语,意为“想出,想起”,句中what 是其逻辑宾语,因此with 不可省略。【答案】23.came up with24.He purchased a 104acre island along the coast of Belize in 2014 and planned to develop a resort with renewable energy sources.【解析】句意:在2014年,他买下伯利兹海岸附近一座面积为104英亩的小岛,计划以可再生能源开发一个度假村。off 表示的是分离且离不远; along表示的是在上且沿着。【答案】24.alongoff25.All were dressed white coats and green aprons the typical colors of the uniforms worn by students and teachers in Burma.【解析】句意:所有人都穿着白色的上衣和绿色的围裙这是缅甸学生和教师制服的标准颜色搭配。dressed in 相当于wearing,wear 是及物动词,后直接跟宾语;dress 用作及物动词时,其宾语往往是人,即dress sb.(给穿衣服)。此句中应是be dressed in+衣服。【答案】25.dressed in/dressedwearing26.Faced her look of shock, I had been ready to take it all back if necessary, blame myself, and apologize.【解析】句意:面对她那震惊的表情,我已经准备收回我说过的话,如果有必要的话,责备我自己,再道歉。face表“面对”时,是及物动词,后直接跟宾语。【答案】26.Faced with/FacedFacing27.Creative people with many hobbies and interests, and those who have the ability to keep themselves occupied with all manner of circumstances, tend not to become bored easily. 【解析】句意:爱好广泛且富有创造力的人,以及在各种环境中都能有所作为的人,并不容易陷入无聊的泥淖。 这里不是be occupied with (忙于),而是keep oneself occupied (=busy) in all manner (在各方面)。【答案】27.occupied withoccupied in28.In the early days there were not nearly as many women migrants as there were men, but many of the men remained bachelors.【解析】句意:早期的移民中女性没有男性多,所以许多男性移民仍然单身。上下文是因果关系。【答案】28.butso29.It is not how much money you will give us that you are present at the ceremony that really matters.【解析】句意:不是你给我们多少钱而是你出席了仪式才真的重要。句中notbut是一个固定句型,其后分别跟了两个从句。【答案】29.give us but30.Its not easy to make the river clean again, and but our government has recently launched a drive to get rid of the river pollution completely.【解析】句意:让河水重新变干净不容易,但我们政府最近发起了一项运动来彻底整治河流污染。上下文为转折关系;but 不可以和and 连用,但可以和yet 连用。【答案】30.and/but yet


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