七年级英语Module5 Unit2 I’m making a card for my mother课件外研版

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一、教学目标一、教学目标课型:课型:听,说目标:目标:学生可以使用现在进行时表达自己的想法重点词汇与句型:重点词汇与句型:Poem, card, lovely, write, cookWhat are you doing for Mothers Day / Fathers Day?What about you?Im drawing a picture for my mother.Im drawing a picture of my mother.Thats a lovely / nice idea.难点:使用现在进行时描述做事情的步骤二、教学过程二、教学过程1、导入2、学新单词3、听录音,回答问题4、解释语法点5、编写对话6、听语音训练7、听短文,填写所缺的单词8、练习9、作业When is Mothers Day?Its the second Sunday of May.What are you doing for Mothers Day?cardI make the card for my mother.New words Mothers Day 母亲节 Fathers Day 父亲节 the third Sunday of July Make 做, 制作 lovely idea 好主意 = good idea poem 诗, 诗歌 own 自己的 piece 张, 块, 片 a piece of 一张, 一片 fold 折叠 colour v. 把涂颜色 finished 完成了的Ms BrownSarah Diana Robert Listen and answer 1. What is Sarah doing for Mothers Day? 2.What about Robert? 3.Whats the poem about? 4.What is Diana doing? 5. What is she drawing?She is making a card for her mother.He is writing a poem for his mother.Its about his family.She is drawing a picture for her mother.She is drawing a picture of her mother.Language notes 1.make a card做贺卡做贺卡 Make a cake做蛋糕做蛋糕 Make breakfast做早餐做早餐 make sb do sth.迫使迫使某人做某事某人做某事 He makes me cry. 2. What about you?你呢? H ow /hat about +n./ 代词/ 动名词?不仅可以询问正在干什么,还可以用来提出建议和请求,还可以用来征询对方的看法或意见,询问对方的打算,甚至对方身体状况及天气状况等。 Eg: What about having a swim ? 去游泳如何? What about some more milk ? 要不要再喝些牛奶?、I am drawing a picture for my mother. 我在给我母亲画画。 此句中的drawing a picture for sb. 意思是:为某人画画。需要注意的是此画中的内容不一定是这个人。、I am drawing a picture of my mother. 我正在画我的妈妈。 此句中drawing a picture of sb. 意思是:正在画某人。需要注意的是此画中的内容就是这个人,应与drawing a picture for sb.区分开。4 .Write a dialogue Teacher : What are you all doing for Fathers Day? Diana,what are you doing? Diana :_ Teacher : Robert,_ Robert :_ Teacher :And Sarah ,_ Sarah :_Watch your taking drawing Can you ofhandcolouring its it Exercises 1.please give me a p_ of bread. 2. I am m_ a Mathers Day card. 3.Is this your o_ house? 4.Its a l_ idea. 5. Can you c_ the picture with these markers?ieceakingwnovelyolour 1.你为了父亲做了什么? _ are you doing for _ Day? 2. 我在为我老师画画. Im drawing a picture _ my teacher. 3. 我要去购物, 你呢? I want to go shopping. How _ you? 4.我正在画我哥哥. Im drawing a picture _ my brother. 5.真是一个好主意. Thats a _ idea.


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