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-单元仿真四Unit Earthquakes检测4满分:限时: 100分钟120 分123456789101112131415161718192021222324 25答题栏262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849 50 . 多项选择 there s a1 This umbrella is_big hole in it.B straighA reliableC uselessD extremet2 When he learned that his father was seriously ill, heset off for home_.C at the sameD more orA sooner orB rightlaterawaytimeless3 I forgot my purse but Anna came to the_and lentme some money.A insuranceB shelterC rescueD track4 It was Paul s low test scores that_his chances of getting intoa good school.A recoveredB protectedC expressedD ruined5Mary_the shoes she had bought 20 years before when she wascleaning the room.A came out B put out C gave out Ddug out 6. Mary s always _ in reading and studying. No wonder she always got the first place in any examination.A buriedB scheduledC burstD shocked7 The car was not seriously _ in the accident and it won t costmuch to get itrepaired.A destroyedB ruinedC damagedD suffered8 Why didn t Angus come to school today? He_ his leg while playing football yesterday.A beatB kickedC knockedD injured9 The audience waited until the curtain rose and then _ laughterat the sight of thefunny actor.A burst outB-10 When the robbersaw himselfwas_.A at an end B in the end-C broke intoD began withsurrounded byhe realized that his hopepolicemen,D on endC by the end- . 完形填空In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killingover 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the middle ofcomplete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the schoolwhere his son was supposed to be, only to_11_that the buildingwas_12_.Afterthe unforgettableshock, he_13_the promise hehad made to his son,“ Nomatter_14_ , I ll always be there for you!” And tears beganto_15_his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his_16_to his son. He rushed there and started_17_the ruins.As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, _18_,“ It s too late! They re all dead!_19_, face reality,there s nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded withone_20_,“ Are you going to help me now?” No one helped. Andthen he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.Courageouslyhewentonalonebecauseheneededtoknow_21_himself,“ Is my boy_22_or is he dead?” He dug for8 hours .12 hours . 24 hours . 36 hours . then,in_23_hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son s_24_. He screamed his son s name,“ ARMAND!” He heard back ,“ Dad, it s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry.I told them that if you were alive, you_25_me and _26_yousaved me, they d be saved. You promised, No matter whathappens, I ll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!”“ What s going on in there?” the father asked.“ There are 14 of us left_27_33, Dad. We re scared,_28_ ,thirsty and thankful you rehere. When the building collapsed, it made_29_, and it saved us.”“ Come out, boy!”“ No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, _30_I know you ll getme! No matter whathappens, I know you ll always be there forme !”11 A.knowB discoverC thinkD realize12 A.as flat as a pancakeB as high as a mountain-Cas strong asD as weak as aan oxkittenD remembe13 A.memorizeB forgotC keptdred14 A.whatB howC whichD who15 A.fillB flowC comeD burst16 A.pictureB promiseC presentD encourage17 A.diggingB diggingC digging outD diggingthroughinto18 A.to sayB saidC and sayingD saying19 A.Come outB ComeCCome onD Comeagainoff20 A.wordB soundC rowD line-21 A.forB ofC byD to22 A.liveB livingC aliveD lively23 A.38B the 38C 38thD the 38th24 A.breathB voiceC noiseD tone25 A.will saveB wouldC saveD would have savedsaveC even ifD though26 A.whenB becausC out ofD overeC hungryD sadC roomD a triangle27 A.forB behind28 A.excitedB happyC whenD even though29 A.a promiseB spaceA30 A.becauseB though . 阅读理解Have you ever ridden over huge rocks or through grass as tall asa third- grader? Themountain bikers from an international biking group sure have!Reporter Ricky caught up with three of them 18- year-oldMichael Castellanos, 13- year-old Gerardo Mendez, and 16- year-old Jackie Luevano to learn about their experiences with the group.Ricky : How often do you ride your bikes?Michael:Every day after school. But I ride on the weekend, too.Gerardo : I use my bike to get to and from school and to get to my after- school program. I don t like to ride my bike if it s snowing, though!Jackie : I only ride my bike in the summer, but when I do, I like to ride three times per week.Ricky : What s the difference between riding in the city and in the mountains?Michael :You have to follow more rules and laws when you ride your bike in the city. In the mountains there are laws butnot as many.Jackie : It s harder riding in the mountains, but it squieter. The hardest part is learning to use your gears (挡). Iwas used to riding a city bike that doesn t have gears and thenwhen I started to ride in the mountains I had to learn that gearsmake it easier to ride.Ricky : What is the best part of the mountain rides?-Jackie : My favorite thing is getting a break from being indoors. After being inside all day, it s nice to enjoy the clean air and feel the wind.Gerardo :Our group is usually really loud, but when we ride in the mountains, we are quieter and we can hear the birds and the water.31 Who goes to school by bike?A Jackie.B Michael.CRicky.D Gerardo.32 The mountain biker Michael_.-A rides in the mountains three times a week Boften uses gears to make it easier to ride Cfeels freer when riding in the mountainsD likes to ridein the snowmost in the mountain rides?33 What doesJackie likeA Having a rest.B Drinking the water.CWatching the birds.D Enjoying the weather.34 The text is mainly about_.A different kinds of ridingBan international biking groupCthe skills of riding in the mountainsD an interview with three mountain bikersBThere s a street in Harlem that comes alive every Saturday with thesound of gospel (福音 )music. You won t tind any church there just a simple stonehouse full of teenagers and thewoman who draws them in.Her name is VyHigginsen,a New York theater producer. Fiveyears ago she createdsomething called“ Gospel for Teens ”If you re thinking that Higginsen thought up this program as a wayto save the teens, you dbe wrong. She did it to save the music.The faces and voices of Gospel for Teens include kids between the ages of 13 and 19 who gather in Harlem each week from all over New York and New Jersey to study the tradition and the art of singing gospel.Higginsen runs an advanced (高级的 ) class, but each fall shebrings in a new group, putting out a call for auditions (试音 ) inlocal papers, on radio, and in churches. She calls them her “ beginners ”Yolanda Howard, age 14, had arrived by subway from the Bronx veryearly.“ I was so happy-because I was the first person,” she said.And she brought along her friend Rhonda Rodriguez. Asked if she was nervous, Rodrigueztold Lesley Stahl, a reporter, “ I was really nervous.”“ Did they really have to be great in the audition?” Stahl askedHigginsen.“ No,” she replied. “We_don t_expect_them_to_be_great.They re teenagers. ”One girl who auditioned only knew little about music.“ Thats why we have this school!” said Higginsen.So she and the teachers she calls music mastersincluding her own daughter Knoelle-want to accept as many kids as they can.And that next Saturday, there they were: the 46 kids Higginsen chose as her new beginners,including Yolanda Howard and her friend Rhonda Rodriguez, who thought shewouldn t get in, but Higginsen had decided to give her a chance.35 Which of the following is the best title for the text?A You don t need to know everything! BGive nervous kids a chance!CGo to the audition! D Save the music!36 Gospel for Teens was founded to_. A help kids behave themselvesBraise money to build a churchCteach the tradition and the art of gospel musicD offer kids a chance to meet some new friends37 Who was nervous during the audition?A Lesley Stahl.B Yolanda Howard.CRhonda Rodriguez.D Knoelle.38 By saying“ We don texpect them to be great,Vy ”Higginsen means_.A few teenagers know how to sing gospel musicBshe helps teenagers to develop their musical talentCgreat teenagers can take advanced classes without auditionsD teenagers are always too nervous to show their talent in the auditionsCEverybody hates rats. But in the earthquake capitals of the worldJapan, Los Angeles,Turkey rats will soon be man s new best friends.What happens after an earthquake? We send in rescue dogs. Why? Because they can smell people. Dogs save lives. They help rescuers to findliving people. But dogs are big and they can t get into small spaces.So nowa new research project is using a smaller animal to save lives: the rat.-How does it work? First, the rat is trained to smell people. When thishappens, the rat s braingives a signal(信号 ). This is sent to a small radio on its back, andthen the rescuers follow theradio signals. When the rat s brain activity jumps, the rescuers knowthat someone is alive.Therat has smelled that person.Although there are already robots which can do this job, rats are better. Christian Linster atCornell University, New York, says , “ Robots noses don t work well when there are other smells-around. Rats are good at that.Rats can”also see in the dark. They arecheaper and quicker to trainthan dogs, and unlike robots, theydon t need electricity!The “ rat project is not”finished, but Julie Ryan ofInternational Rescue Corps in Scotland says,“ It would befantastic. A rat could get into spaces we couldn t get to, and arat would get out if it wasn t safe.” Perhapsfor the first timein history, people will be happy to see a rat in a building (but only after an earthquake, of course.)39 From the third paragraph we know the rescuers can judge a person is alive by_.A the noise made by the ratBthe rat s unusual behaviourCthe signal sent by the radio on the rat s backD the smell given off by the person40 In doing rescue jobs, _.A rats smell better than dogsBdogs don t need to be trained to smell peopleCrobots sense of smell can be affected byother smells around D rats can see in thedark and are smaller than robots41 Rats have all the following advantages EXCEPT that_.A they are more fantastic than other animals Bthey are less expensive to train than dogs Cthey don t need electricityD they are small and can get into small places42 After reading the passage we know_.A at present rats have taken the place ofdogs in searching for people Bthe “ ratprojecthas been” completedCpeople are now happy to see a rat in a buildingD now people still use dogs and robots in performing rescuesDMost people prefer to stay indoors during a snowstorm, but Kenneth Libbrecht is not most-people. When snow starts falling down from the winter sky, thescientist s work begins. Taking a magnifying glass( 放大镜 ), a paintbrush, and a camera with him, he heads out into the cold.Outside,Libbrechtwaitsforsnowflakes(雪 花)thatarejustright.Sometimeshewaitsforhours.Finally,heseesthesnowflakeshesbeenwaitingfor.Asthesnowflakesfall,Libbrecht carefully catches them on his paintbrush. Then he points his camera and shoots.The scientist s shiny pictures recently earned him a prize,which is given to top science photographers around the world.-Libbrecht takes pictures of snowflakes to learn more about their shapes. The snowflakes formwhen water steam( 水蒸气 ) in a cloud freezes. Every snowflake grows into a hexagon. That is asix- sided shape. However, no two snowflakes look the same. Experts are not sure why.To find the answer, Libbrecht has traveled to snowy placesaround the world. He has taken pictures of snowflakes in Canada,Alaska, and Vermont. The work takes patience, Libbrechtexplained.“ It doesn t snow all the time, and when it does, the snowflakesaren t always good,”he said. Once he s collected enough pictures, he returns to his sciencelab in Californiato doresearch.Since developing his interest in snowflakes, Libbrecht has collected nearly 10,000 snowflakepictures. He will spend most of this winter studying them. The scientist s outdoor work is farfromover, though. Libbrecht plans to one day go to other snowy places to take more photos.“ I really enjoy watching the snow fall and trying to see what I canfind,” he said.“Thereisa lot of fun.”Kenneth Libbrecht also gave some good advice to kids who want to studysnowflakes.“ Youdon t need a lot of things. With a simple magnifying glass on a snowy day,you can really seequite a bit if you just stop and look.”43 Kenneth Libbrecht is different from most people in that_.A he likes to take picturesB he likes to research snowChe doesn t like warm weatherD he doesn t like life indoors44 Paragraph 2 is mainly about_.A how snow formsBwhat snowflakes look likeChow Libbrecht takes pictures of snow-D what Libbrecht plans to do next45 Why does Libbrecht take pictures of snowflakes?A To study their shapes.B To enjoy the snow.CTo find pleasure.D To win a prize.46 Libbrecht advised kids who want to study snowflakes to_.A watch carefullyB buy a good cameraCbe patientD spend much timeEA little knowledge about earthquakes can increase your chanceof surviving. The keys are education and preparing in advance(提前 ). The earthquake safety tips below will not make you an expert. However, they could make a life- saving difference if you find yourself in an earthquake situation.What to do when the shaking begins:- DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON! DROP to the floor and get under something for COVER and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. Move only a few steps to a nearby safe place. Stay indoors until theshaking stops and you re sure it s safe to exit. Stay away from windows. If you are in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow. If you are outdoors, find a_clear_spot away from buildings,trees, and power lines. Drop to the ground. If you are in a car, slow down and drive to a place with few big things. Stay in the car until the shaking stops.What to do after the shaking stops: Check yourself for injuries. Protect yourself from further danger by putting on long trousers,a long- sleeved shirt, strong shoes, and work gloves. Check others for injuries. Give first aid for serious injuries. Look for and put out small fires. Get rid of the dangers. Turn off the gas if you smell gas orthink it s leaking(漏气 ) Listen to the radio for instructions. Expect aftershocks. Each time you feel one, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON! Inspect ( 仔细检查 ) your home for damage. Get everyone out if yourhome is unsafe. Use the telephone only to report life- threatening emergencies.47 What would be the best title for the passage?A Earthquake safety tipsB What is an earthquake?CWhat to do after anD What


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