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SAT备考资料3 3 33 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any pari of this page is illegal.Note: Figure not drawn (o scale. 2In the figure above, the measure of SQR ,sthe measure of PQR. 1 fthe measure ofPQR is 2一 the measure ot a right angle, what is the measure 3of -SQR ?(A) 24.(B) 36.(C) 48.(D) 60.(E) 96.Each square in the grid above is to be filled with either 1 or 0. Each number io the right of the grid is the sum of the numbers in the row to its left, and each number below the grid is the sum of the numbers in the column above it. For example, there is a 0 below the third column because the sum of the numbers in that column is 0. When the Os and 1 s are all entered correctly into the grid, what will row f be?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)3 3 33 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any pari of this page is illegal.3. If (m 1)(1 k )0, which of the foliowingcan betrue?I. m - 1II. A: - IHI. m - k(A) None(B) I only(C) II only(D) I and II only(E) I, II, and HIIn L ABC above, AB _ 3, and D is the midpoint of AC. What is the length of HC ?(A) 3/3 (approximately 5.20)(B) 4-(approximately 5.66)(C) 4-73 (approximately 6.93)(D) 6拒(approximately 8.49)(E) 55/3 (approximately 8.66)6. Which of the following could be the equation of the graph of function g, shown above?(A) =x2 -3x2(B) g(x) x2 2x . I(C)小)=+3(D) g(x) = x2 4. 2x - I(E) (x) = x2 * 3x - 28. If q and rare positive numbers, what percent of (q + 1) is r?(A)(B)(C)(D)lOOr100(9+ 1) %FlOOr(E)100r%夕+ 1侬蜀U) W THIE糊懿T搂睡3 3 33 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any pan of this page is illegal., Directions: For Siudcnt-Pnxluccd Response questions 9-18, use the grids at ihc bottom of the answer sheet page on which you have answered questions 1-8.Each of ihc remaining 10 questions requires you io solve the problem and enter your answer by marking ihe circles in the special grid, as shown in the examples below. You may use any available space for scratch work.(kid in result.-Fraction lineWrite answer in boxes. Answer:支25q| O0f0IfAnswer: 2.5-DecimalpointAnswer: 201Either position is correct.2 0 I I|2 0 I。|I械 0。|回00。0I血。一Note: You may start your answers in any column, space pcrmiiting. Columns not needed should be left blank. Mark no more 山an one circle in any column. Because the answer sheet will be machine- scored. you will receive credit only if the circles are filled in correctly. Although not required, it is suggested that you write your answer in the boxes at the top of ihc columns io help you fill in the circles accurately.Decimal Answers: I! you obtain a decimal answer with more digits (han the grid can accommodate, it may be either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid. For example, if you obtain an answer such as 0.6666., you should record your result as .666 or .667. A less accurate value such as .66 or .67 will be scored as incorrect.2Acceptable ways to grid j arc: Some problems may have more than one correct answer. In such cases, grid only one answer. No question has a negaiive answer. Mixed numliers such as 3 J must be gridded as3.5 or 7/2. (If |3|T|/j2| is gridded.31iincrprctcd as not 3亍)it will be66161761610 (5 + 2)/ + 39. How many-pound sticks of butter together weigh as 4much as 25 pounds of butter?=6 , what is the value of ni ?喻I聊EITHIE糊懿T磁蝴E3 3 33 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any pari of this page is illegal.WHERE DO TWELFTH GRADERS USE COMPUTERS?11. In isosceles triangle ABC. the measure of angle A is 80. If another angle of the triangle measures x, where x 兀 80, what is one possible value of .v ?Figure 2Note: Figure 2 not drawn to scale.2If r is directly proportional to s and if s - - when44r what is the value of r when $ _ g?The Lyndhurst High School twelfth graders are represented in the circle graph in Figure I. Figure 2 is another way to illustrate the use of computers by these twelfth graders. If the same 200 twelfth graders are represented in both figures, what is the total number of twelfth graders represented by the shaded circle in Figure 2 ?12. In the figure above, the lengths and widths of rectangles A, B, C, and I) are whole numbers. The areas of rectangles A, B. and C are 35, 45, and 36, respectively. What is the area of the entire figure?喻I聊 ETHE糊懿T磁蝴E3 3 33 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any pari of this page is illegal.Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 417. If a and b arc integers such that a b 1000 and-0.625. what is the greatest possible value of Z? ? bIn the chart above, if the number n chosen in step I is 39, what number will be (he result of step 4 ?18. How many positive integers less than 1,000 are multiples of 5 and are equal to 3 times an even integer?15. In an art class, there were just enough staplers, rulers and glue bottles so that every 2 students had to share a stapler, every 3 students had to share a ruler, and every 4 students had to share a glue bottle. If the sum of the number of staplers, rulers, and glue bottles used by the class was 65. how many students were in the class?STO PIf you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only. Do not turn to any other section in the test.4 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. n 4SECTION 4Time 25 minutes35 QuestionsTurn to Section 4 (page 5) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding circle on ihe answer sheet.The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness of expression. Part of each sentence or the entire sentence is underlined; beneath each sentence arc five ways of phrasing the underlined material. Choice A repeats the original phrasing; the other four choices are different. If you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A; if not, select one of the other choices.In making your selection, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, sentence construction, and punctuation. Your selection should result in the most effective sentence-clear and precise, without awkwardness or ambiguity.EXAMPLE:Laura Ingalls Wilder published her first hook and she was sixly-five years old ihen.(A) and she was sixty-five years old then(B) when she was sixty-five(C) at age sixty-five years old(D) upon the reaching of sixty-five years(E) at the time when she was sixty-fiveG1. Industrial growth thal was being stifled by the countrys dicialorship. bul now ihcy arc developing their full economic potential.(A) Industrial growth that was being stifled by the countrys dictatorship, but now they are developing their full economic potential.(B) The dictatorship had stifled industrial growth, but ihe country is now developing their full economic potential.(C) Industrial growth was stifled by the countrys dictatorship, and so now (hey are developing their full economic potential.(D) Though ihe dictatorship had stifled industrial growth, the country is now developing its full economic potential.(E) Now developing their full economic potential, the countrys dictatorship had stifled industrial growth.2. Looking down through the boat s glass bottom, a school of yellow fish was seen swimming along with the turtles.a school of yellow fish was seen a sch(x)l of yellow fish were seen we saw a school of yellow fish we seen a school of yellow fish yellow fish in schools are seenA radio system consists of a means of transforming sounds into electromagnetic waves and of iransmilling those waves ihroueh space: after this those waves mustbe transfomied back into sounds.(A) waves and of transmitting those waves through space; after this those waves must be transformedwaves, transmitling the waves through space, and transforming them(B) waves, of transmitting them through space, and then (he translation of themwaves and of transmitting them through space; after this the waves have to be translated(C) waves, of the transmitting of those waves through space and of translating sameIt underlies ihe Doen】 that human beings are free to choose and may be blamed for (heir choices.It underlies the poemIn the poem, they assumedIn the poem, a basic assumption which is made is It is an assumption that underlies the poem The basic assumption of the poem ism mi to the raen 储嘘4 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. n 43. The modem city may not have new citadels or cathedrals, bul【here is a great many new office buildings and freeways.(A) but there is a great many new office buildings and freewaysbut it does have a great many new office buildings and freeways(B) but a great many new office buildings and freewaysalthough many new office buildings and freeways are there(C) although a great many new office buildings and freeways arc seenThe remains of the Apatosaurus provide evidence of there bnkig giants existing on Earth during the late Jurassic period.(A) of there being giants existing(B) of there having been giants existing(C) of there existing giants(D) that giants have existed(E) that giants existedFarming in that area of the country is inefficient. because of their farm machinery shortage and that they lack【he knowledge lo operate it.(A) because of their farm machinery shortage and (hat they lack thein that they have a shortage of farm machinery and a lack of(B) because of the shortage of farm machineiy and their lacking thein that there is both a shortage of farm machinery as well as a lack of(C) because of the shortage of farm machinery and the lack ofThe most popular painting in the exhibit of works by local artists was done by a sevenly-year-old woman, who paimed an exauisite sclf-Dortrait of herself.(A) was done by a seventy-year-old woman, who painted an exquisite self-portrait of herselfwas an exquisite self-portrait of a seventy-ycar- old woman, who painted herself(B) was an exquisite self-portrait of a seventy-year- okl womanwas done by a seventy-year-old woman, and it is her own exquisite self-portrait(C) was by a seventy-year-old woman, being an exquisite self-portraitThe tiles are sorted not only by their surface appearance but also according lo their hardness and their capacity of conducting heat.(A) according to their hardness and their capacity of conducting heataccording to their hardness and of their heat- conducting capacity(B) by their hardness and if they have the capacity for heat conductionby iheir hardness and their capacity for conducting heat(C) by their hardness and capacity in heat conductionRadio frequencies have to be allocated to users so that one transmission will not interfere with anothe。(A) one transmission will not interfere with another(B) each transmission cannot interfere with anotherstransmitting them will not interfere with one another(C) no transmission is interfered with by anotherno one transmission would have interference with the other4. The Pony Express was an ingenious system for carrying mail; ii was in existence only briefly, however, before the telegraph system made it obsolete.(A) mail; it was in existence only briefly, however.(B) mail, for it was in existence only briefly, however,(C) mail; however, existing only briefly(D) mail, having existed only briefly(E) mail, but was existing only brieflym mi to the raen 储嘘4 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. n 4The following sentences test your ability to recognize grammar and usage errors. Each sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. No sentence contains more than one error. The error, if (here is one, is underlined and lettered. If the sentence contains an error, select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence is correct, select choice E. In choosing answers, follow the requirements of standard written English.EXAMPLE:The olher delegates and him immediately AB Caccepted the resolution drafted by theD neutral states. No errorEAt first wc panicked when wc discovered wehad missed our flight, but then we took a bus toanother airport, where (here arc several planes-c-leaving for Denver that evening. No error D-E-Only after the floodwaters had rose two feet was the ABmayor willing io order the evacualion of some CDhomes. No errorE5. Confucianism is more a code of ethics than like a Areligion; it presents no deities bul fosters instead aB Crespect fbr ones ancestors and fbr an orderly society. DNo errorEJust as parents vary in their readiness to have their Achildren leave home for college, young people varyBin his or her readiness to leave. No errorCD E6. Local party organizations have discovered that voterturnout is diminished considerably whenever the ABmedia projected election results early in【he day. CDNo errorEAbsent from the speech were any mention of theABstudents and laboratory technicians upon whoseCcontributions the chemist had depended heavily.DNo errorEPauls letter to myself about the missing money Awas not intended to be read by any other member CDof the organization. No error-E-7. After the prince characterized modern architectureas ugly, he has been severely criticized for having AB Cbeen so oulSDoken in public. No errorDEm mi to the raen 储嘘4 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. n 4attended the job faira doctor or lawyer.DNo matter how cautious snowmobiles are driven, ABthey are capable of damaging (he land over which CDthey travel. No error E8. The black squirrels drew a crowd of students, for jt AB Chad never been seen on the campus before. No error DE9. A majority of the students who Aexpressed interest in becoming -c-Noerror ENever before had a group of artists been so isolated 丁Bfrom society and from official patronage as was the-C-Dso-called Impressionists. No errorE10. The flowers that Jane and Jonathan ordered to be Asent to Iheir molher were less fresh and much moreBCexpensive than Carr s Flower Shop . No error DEA possible first step in develoNng anonsexist Avocabulary with which to analyze the works of (he BCnineteenth-century writer Elizabeth Gaskell would beto stop refen ing to her as Mrs. Gaskell.M No errorDE11. After 140 years under the sea , the remains of the AB-Monitor, an ironclad warship that was sunk during theCivil War, is being gradually brought to the surface. -C-DNoerror EI have gone to only one football game after X BCI graduated from high school. No enor DEThe radio station received the most number of callsAfrom listeners on the evening it aired a discussion of -B Cthe music of Aretha Franklin. No error E-When the village elders present recommendations, Athere is hardly ever any opposition against theirB CDproposals. No errorm mi to the raen 储嘘4 Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. n 4Directions: The following passage is an early draft of an essay. Some pans of the passage need to be rewritten.Read the passage and select the best answers for the questions that follow. Some questions are about particular sentences or parts of sentences and ask you to improve sentence stiucture or word choice. Other questions ask you to consider organization and development. In choosing answers, follow the requirements of standard written English.Questions 30-35 are based on the following.(1) People today have placed emphasis on the kinds of work that others do. it is wrong. (2) Suppose a woman says she is a doctor. (3) Immediately everyone assumes that she is a wonderful person, as if doctors were incapable of doing wrong. (4) However, if you say youre a carpenter or mechanic, some people think that youre not as smart as a doctor or a lawyer. (5) Cant someone just want to do this because he or she loves the work ?(6) Also, who decided that the person who does your taxes is more important than the person who makes sure that your house is warm or that your car runs ? (7) i know firsthand how frustrating it can be. (8) They think of you only in terms of your job. (9) I used to clean houses in the summer because the money was good; but yet all the people whose houses I cleaned seemed to assume that because I was vacuuming their carpets I did not deserve their respect. (10) One woman came into the bathroom while I was scrubbing the tub. (11) She kept asking me if I had any questions. (12) Did she want me to ask whether to scrub the tub counter-clockwise instead of clockwise ? (13) Her attitude made me angry! (14) Once I read that the jobs people consider imporlant have changed.(15) Carpenters used to he much more admired than doctors. (16) My point is. then, (hat who I want to be is much more important than what I want to be!30. Of the following, which is the best way to phrase sentence 1 (reproduced below) ?People today have placed emphasis on the kinds of work that others do, it is wrong.(A) (As it is now)People today place too much emphasis on the kinds of work that others do.(B) What kinds of work others do is being placed loo much emphasis on by people today.(C) The wrong kind of emphasis had been placed on the kinds of work others do today.(D) The wrong emphasis is being placed today on people and what kind of work they do.31. In context, which of the following is the best way to revise and combine the underlined portions of sentences 2 and 3 (reproduced below) ?woman says she is a doctor. Immediate卜everyone assumes that she is a wonderful person, as if doctors were incapable of doing wrong.(A) Suppose a woman says she is a doctor, but immediatelyIf a woman says she is a doctor, for instance, immediately(B) When a woman says she is a doctor, however, immediatelyImmediately, if they say, for example, she is a doctor,(C) Therefore, a woman is maybe saying she is a doctor: immediatelyIn context, the phrase do this in sentence 5 would best be replaced byhold this particular opinionresist temptationask someone for assistancebecome a carpenter or a mechanicaspire to learn medicine32. Which of the following is (he best way to revise and combine the underlined portions of sentences 7 and 8 (reproduced below) ?I know firsthand how frustrating it can be. The、ihink of You only in terms of your job.(A) be; theypeople, that isthink of yoube when they arc thinking of one(B) be how people think of yoube when people think of you(C) be; having people think of youm mi to the raen 储嘘1 ESSAYUnauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal.ESSAY 1ESSAYTime 25 minutesTurn to page 2 of your answer sheet to write your ESSAY.The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can develop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take care to develop your point of view, present your ideas logically and clearly, and use language precisely.Your essay must be written on the lines provided on your answer sheetyou will receive no other paper on which to write. You will have enough space if you write on everj, line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size. Remember that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write. Try to write or print so that what you arc writing is legible to those rea


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