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History 6C-SyllabusHistory of the Middle EastSan Joaquin Delta CollegeFall 2008InternetDr. Theodore Kallman, InstructorOffice: Holt 248Office Phone: 209-954-5267Office Hours: MWF 8-9 or by appointmentE-mail Address: tkallmandeltacollege.eduCourse Description:This course surveys Middle Eastern history from its origins to the present. Topics emphasized include the political, cultural, social, and economic developments: the pre Islamic period, the rise of Islam, its expansion, imperialism, nationalism, independence, the Arabic world in conflict, religioius revival, and the problems of modernization. This course fulfills the Social Science (group A) requirement for the AA and AS. (UC, CSU).Advisory: By enrolling in an online class, you are accepting responsibility for having an adequate computer system, a decent Internet connection, and sufficient computer knowledge to fulfill the requirements of the course. All technical problems should be directed to the Etudes Online Helpdesk. Failure to complete work because of technical problems is your responsibility.One precaution that you should take immediately is to bookmark the Etudes website. This will allow you to enter the course even if the Delta College website is down.Contacting Me. The best way to contact me is through the Private Messages section of Etudes NG. You can also E-mail me at If you want to see me in person, my office is Holt 248. Hours: MWF, 8:00-9:00am or by appointment.Course Objectives/Outcomes:By the end of the course, you should be able to: * Recount an overview of the movements, events, and ideas which have characterized Middle Eastern history and have molded the perspectives of its people. * Explain how and why the Middle East affects the U.S. and the world. * Explain Middle Eastern attitudes about America. * Demonstrate how the Middle East became, and why it continues to be, such a hotbed of conflict. * Explain the significance of religion in the Middle East and how it affects the world. * Explain why the problems in the Middle East are so intractable, and understand different sides of the issues well enough that you could mediate between opposed groups. The goal here is, first, to make you aware of the complexity of the issues (so that you are not so naive as to say why cant they just get along?) and, secondly, to help you with sensitivities and skills of personal and global peacemaking. * Access and utilize internet sources for the study of the Middle East. This includes discerning good from bad WWW sites and understanding biases. * Verbally articulate or debate an issue regarding the Middle East.Text/Documents:The required texts are:Goldschmidt, Arthur, Jr. and Lawrence Davidson. A Concise History of the Middle East. Eighth Edition. Westview, 2006.Husain, Mir Zohair. Islam and the Muslim World. Dubuque, Iowa: McGraw-Hill, 2006. These texts are available through the Delta College BookstoreThere will also be a number of other readings. Some of the documents will be posted in the course; others may be obtained by clicking on links in the course. See the Course Schedule for more specifics.Responsibilities of the StudentWithdrawal from class. If you are reading this, you have logged on and are considered to have attended class. IF A STUDENT STOPS PARTICIPATING IN THE CLASS, IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO DROP. Students who quit participating but do not officially withdraw will receive an “F” in the course.Reading Assignments: Text reading assignments are given under each unit. Reading assignments should be completed when scheduled.Forums: Participation in the Discussion Forums is a required component of the course and will be graded. To get the best grade, you should not only respond to my initial questions but also read the comments of your fellow students and engage them in discussion and debate. You must make your forum entries while the corresponding unit is open. You will not receive credit for late entries.Quizzes. There will be a quiz on each unit during the semester. You must take the quizzes when scheduled. If you do not take the quiz during the assigned time, you will receive a 0 on that unit. No exceptions. No makeups. I will drop your lowest grade of the eight quizzes.Examinations. You will also take a midterm exam and a final exam. The final will cover the entire course. You must take the exams when scheduled. No exceptions. No makeup examinations.QUIZZES AND EXAMINATIONS: WARNING!ALL QUIZZES AND EXAMINATIONS ARE TIMED. IF YOU RUN OVER THE TIME LIMIT, YOUR TEST WILL BE SUBMITTED AUTOMATICALLY WHEN TIME RUNS OUT.Writing Assignment. The policy of the history faculty is that every student write between 1500-2000 words per semester. The writing assignment for this course is a critical book review.Choose one of the books listed in the “Bibliographic Essay” at the end of the Goldschmidt text or in the Bibliography at the end of this syllabus. Write a 1500-2000 word review of the book that answers the following questions: + What are the main points (or the thesis) of the book? Why did THIS book have to be written? + How does the author prove the thesis (i.e., what evidence does he/she use? How do the topics he/she chooses buttress the general argument of the book? )Is he/she successful in proving the general argument? + What can we learn from this book? How does it help us understand the history of the Middle East?You must observe the following GUIDELINES.The papers MUST be submitted in Rich Text Format. (RTF).The paper will be graded on content (the accuracy of your response to the questions raised or a demonstration that you understand the issues) and the quality of your writing (i.e., spelling, grammar, complete sentences, paragraphs, etc.)If you need help with your writing go to the Center for Academic Preparation in Holt 201.Late papers will receive a 10 point deduction for each day late.More detailed instructions for the critical book review are under Tasks, Tests, and Surveys.ACADEMIC INTEGRITY. You are expected to have honor and integrity, and to do your own work and not cheat in any way. Plagiarism is claiming someone elses work as your own. I will consider any of the following as plagiarism: copying (either verbatim or in substance) from books, encyclopedias, pre-existing papers, WWW pages, or any other source (slightly rearranging words or sentences in order to avoid exact duplication is not an adequate defense); adopting the progression of argument from one author; submitting a pre-existing paper as your own; incorporating quotes in the text without any notation to that effect; or not acknowledging your sources. If a paper or an essay looks suspicious to me, rest assured: I will check it out. I will also periodically check references and citations at random. If you have any questions whatsoever about what is proper and what is improper, make sure that you ask me. The penalty for plagiarism is an F for the entire course. Furthermore, your name will be submitted to the Vice-President of Student Services for disciplinary action.For the Book Review: You will need to submit the review in EtudesNG AND post an electronic copy (word processing file) to http:. You will need to create an account for yourself, then to access the course by using a class ID number and password that I will provide at a later date. You will NOT receive a grade until you post your papers to T.DISABILITIES. All students with disabilities who are in need of academic accommodations should have Learning Disabilities or Disabled Student Services contact me.If you have questions about these directions, discuss them with with me before you write. Use the Messages sections of Etudes to communicate with me.Method of Evaluation. I grade as follows:Quizzes 25%Forum Participation 15%Midterm exam 15%Book Review 20%Final Exam 25%Grades:90-100=A=Excellent80-89 =B=Very Good70-79 =C=Fair60-69 =D=Poor, but passing60 =F=FailureAll assignments must be completed when scheduled. No exceptions. No makeups.I reserve the right to revise this syllabus if necessary and to announce such revisions in the Announcements section.Additional Resources:I will occasionally assign a specific website, but if you want to go beyond the basics and enhance your learning, you should consider the following websites.Note: If you find websites that are particularly helpful to students in this class, please bring them to the attention of the instructor by writing to him at Middle East Directory Middle East Studies The Ottoman EmpireMideast Maps Middle Eastern Newspapers OnlineAl-Jazeerah in EnglishVirtual JerusalemIsraeli Foreign Ministry Arabia Online Arab Net Islam World Palestine-Net Palestine-Net NewspapersGlossary of Islamic TermsThe Daily Star-LebanonWorld Press ReviewCourse Schedule:Note: the readings should be completed while the corresponding unit is open. You are expected to access the links as well as read the text. You should print out hard copies of the shorter documents (1-2 pages). This schedule is tentative and subject to change.August 14-26Unit 1: Orientation. Introduction to Islam. Goldschmidt, chaps. 1-4 Husayn, pp. 1-16, 39-54, 57-58, 287-294 What is Islam? Instructions for prayerAugust 26-September 7Unit 2: Goldschmidt, chaps. 5-6 Dome of the Rock (Haram al-Sharif)September 8-September 20Unit 3: Goldschmidt, chaps. 7-9 Husayn, pp. 17-21, 61-62, 300-305 Topkapi Palace Museum Ottoman Empire: John Holevoets siteSeptember 21-October 1Unit 4: Goldschmidt, chaps. 10-12 Husayn, pp. 78-81, 117-122October 2MidtermOctober 3-October 14Unit 5 Goldschmidt, chap. 13 McMahon Letter, Balfour Declaration King-Crane Commission The Armenian HolocaustOctober 15-October 26Unit 6 Goldschmidt, chaps. 14-15 Husayn, pp. 88-90, 207-210, 227-33, 263-70, 276-78October 27-November 6Unit 7 Goldschmidt, chaps. 16-17 Husayn, pp. 35-36, 156-160, 169-173, 218-223 Churchill White Paper, MacDonald Letter Peel Commission UN Special Committee on Palestine Summary Report Cleansed Palestinian Villages 1948 Palestinian Refugee ResearchNet Gaza: Legacy of Occupation; A Photographers Journey Gamal Abd-al Nasser PageNovember 7-November 18Unit 8 Goldschmidt, chap. 18 Husayn, pp. 36-37, 249-253 Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nassers Speech at the UAR Advanced Air Headquarters and his Resignation Broadcast Israel Foreign Minister Abba Ebans Speech at the Special Assembly of the United Nations UN Security Council Resolution 242 Palestinian National Charter Egyptian President Anwar Sadats speech Peace with Justice Egypt and Israel Peace Treaty PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat Interview on Camp David Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad speech 1980) King Hussein of Jordan Sadat AssassinationNovember 19-Nov. 30Unit 9 Goldschmidt, chap. 19 Husayn, pp. 16, 21-35, 37-38, 62-69, 86-87, 141-147, 298-299 The Iranian Revolution Lebanese ForcesNovember 30 Book Review DueDecember 1-December 12Unit 10 Goldschmidt, chap. 20-21 Husayn, pp. 38-39, 54-56, 58-60, 69-77, 82-85, 148-155, 161-166, 211-217, 224-226, 240-245, 271-272, 282-286, 295-297, 306-325 Images from the Iran-Iraq War Intifada Diary Yitzak Rabin Assassination Yitzak Rabin Memorials Brief Report on the Arab Human Development Report September 11December 13-December 18 Final Exam BibliographyFor your book review, you might want to focus on recent issues or events (such as Iraq and Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda). Below are a few books readily available in bookstores and libraries:Aburish, Said. Saddam Hussein: The Politics of Revenge. Bloomsbury, 1999.Bergen, Peter L. Holy War, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden. Free Press, 2001.Gold, Dore. Hatreds Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism. Regnery Publishing, 2003.Miller, John. Inside Iraq: The History, the People and the Worlds Politics of the Least Understood Land. Marlowe, 2002.Karsh, Efraim, and Inari Rautsi. Saddam Hussein: A Political Biography. Grove, 2002.Williams, Paul. Al-Qaeda: Brotherhood of Terror. Alpha, 2002. Other good books for the book review. In addition to this list, you may choose from the Bibliographical Essay at the end of the Goldschmidt text. Titles which have an asterisk in front of them are highly recommended.Aburish, Said K. Cry Palestine. Westview Press, 1993.Ahmed, Akbar. Discovering Islam. Routledge, 1989.Algosaibi, Ghazi. The Gulf Crisis. Routledge, 1993.Babinger, Franz. Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time. Princeton, 1992.Badron, Margot and Miriam Cooke, eds. Opening the Gates: A Century of Arab Feminist Writing. 1990.Eban, A. My People.Esposito, John. Islam: The Straight Path. Oxford, 1988._. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Oxford, 1992.*_. Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam. Oxford, 2002.Farsoun, Samih, ed. Iran: Political Culture in the Islamic Republic. Routledge, 1992.*Fernea, Elizabeth. Women and Family in the Middle East. 1991.Freiberger, Steven Z. Dawn on Suez: The Rise of American Power in the Middle East, 1953-1957. I. R. Dee, 1992.*Friedman, Thomas. From Beirut to Jerusalem. Doubleday, 1989.Gerges, F. America and Political Islam: Clash of Cultures or Clash of Interests? (2001)Ginat, J. Women in Muslim Rural Society. 1982.Hiro, Dilip. Desert Shield to Desert Storm. Routledge, 1992.*_. Holy Wars: The Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism. Routledge, 1989._. Iran Under the Ayatollahs. Routledge, 1987._. The Longest War. Routledge, 1990.*_. Sharing the Promised Land: A Tale of Israelis and Palestinians. Interlink, 1999.Hoffman, B. Inside Terrorism. 1998.Holmes-Eber, Paula. Daughters of Tunis: Women, Family, and Networks in a Muslim City. Westview, 2003.Huband, Mark. Warriors of the Prophet: The Struggle for Islam. Westview, 1999.Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Touchstone, 1996.James, Lawrence. The Golden Warrier: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia. Paragon, 1993.Katzman, Kenneth. The Warriors of Islam: Irans Revolutionary Guard. Westview Press, 1992.Keddie. Religion and Politics in Iran. Yale, 1984.Laqueur, Walter. A History of Zionism. 1972.Lesch, David. 1979: The Year that Shaped the Modern Middle East. Westview, 2001._. The Middle East and the United States. Westview, 2003.*Lewis, Bernard. The Multiple Identities of the Middle East. Schocken, 2001.*_. What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response. Oxford, 2002.Maalouf, Amin. The Crusades through Arab Eyes. Random House, 1984.Mansfield, Peter. The Arabs. Penguin, 1993.Marr, Phebe and William Lewis, eds. Riding the Tiger: The Middle East Challenge after the Cold War. Westview Press, 1993.Mazarr, Michael, et. al. Desert Storm. Westview Press, 1993.Milani, Farzaneh. Veils and Words: The Emerging Voices of Iranian Women Writers. 1992.Parker, Richard Bordeaux. The Politics of Miscalculation in the Middle East. Indiana University Press, 1993.*Peters, Rudolph. Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam. Markus Wiener Press, 1999.Piscatori, James. Islamic Fundamentalisms and the Gulf Crisis. American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1991.Runciman, Steven. The Fall of Constantinople 1453. Cambridge, 1990.Shaley, Aryeh. The Intifada: Causes and Effects. Westview Press, 1991.Sicker, Martin. Judaism, Nationalism, and the Land of Israel. Westview Press, 1992.Tibi, Bassam. Islam and Cultural Accomodation of Social Change. Westview Press, 1990.Viorst, Milton. In the Shadow of the Prophet: The Struggle for the Soul of Islam, 2001.Westrate, Bruce C. Arab Bureau: British Policy in the Middle East, 1916- 1920. Scholars Press, 1992.Wiebke, Walther. Women in Islam: From Medieval to Modern Times. Markus Wiener Publications, 1993.Williams, Paul. Al-Qaeda: Brotherhood of Terror. Alpha, 2002.Woodward, Peter. Nasser. Longman, 1992.Yapp, M. E. The Making of the Modern Middle East, 1792-1923. Longman, 1988._. The Near East Since the First World War. Longman, 1990.


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