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本次作业是本门课程本学期的第7次作业,注释如下:大学英语II 第7单元 作业题 一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. What do you think of my suggestion? _. 本题2分(A)Never mind(B)Thank you(C)Of course not(D)I cant come up with a better one你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第七单元D 你觉得我的建议怎么样? 我想不出比这更好的主意了。此句用到了比较级“better”,是用否定句表肯定意义,“come up with”:“想出”。2. I wonder if you can come over tonight. _. 本题2分(A)Id love to, but I am busy tonight(B)No, you cant(C)Yes, but I am busy(D)I dont know你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 今晚你能顺便来我家吗? 我很想来,但今晚我很忙。 come over:“顺便拜访,顺便来访”。3. Why dont we watch the fashion show tonight? _! 本题2分(A)Yes, we do(B)Sounds great(C)For sure(D)No, we dont你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 我们今晚何不去看时装表演呢? 这主意听来不错!4. I am on my way to the bank. Want to come? _. 本题2分(A)No, of course not(B)Never mind(C)Sure. Wait a minute(D)I dont know你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 我要去银行,一起去吗? 当然可以,稍等一下。5. Would you like to take a look? _! 本题2分(A)With pleasure(B)No, I wouldnt(C)No, please(D)Here you are你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 你想看一看吗? 很高兴能一饱眼福!6. At this time tomorrow morning, well be in London. Im so excited! _. 本题2分(A)Yes, go on(B)Yes, you may be(C)Me, too(D)You do your things, please你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 明早这个时候我们就在伦敦了,我真兴奋! 我也是。7. This is the worst film ever produced. _! 本题2分(A)You said it(B)I dont mind(C)Not at all(D)No, thats not real你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 这是有史以来最糟糕的电影。 说得对! you said it:“说得对,是这样”。通常用you said it来表明非常赞同对方的观点。8. Do you mind if I change the channel? _. 本题2分(A)Yes, I mind(B)Yes, you cant(C)Id rather you didnt(D)No, I mind你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 介意我换频道吗? 最好别换。 would rather后可跟一个从句,表示某人情愿某事发生或不发生。如果指的是现在或将来,动词用过去时;如果指过去的事,动词用过去完成时。9. Hi, Jane. Mind if I have lunch with you? _. 本题2分(A)Sure, have a seat(B)Yes, but I dont know(C)Im sad(D)No, not at all你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第七单元D 嗨,简。介意我和你一起共进午餐吗? 当然不。选项A“sure”用法错误,问句“Mind”一词所询问的是“介意否”,而“sure”表“当然”,故选项A意为“当然(介意),请坐”,为矛盾错误用法。10. Can I borrow your textbook, Susan? _. 本题2分(A)No, not really(B)Sure, here you are(C)Yes, bring it with you(D)Never mind你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 苏珊,我可以借你的教科书吗?。 当然可以,给你。11. The fact _ most people believe the earth is flat does not mean that it is true. 本题1分(A)that(B)the(C)what(D)why你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 同位语从句题。此句出现了fact,后面应是that引导的同位语从句。【译文】大多数人认为地球是扁平的,但这一点并不意味着它就是事实。12. _ made matters worse was that he was ill. 本题1分(A)It(B)What(C)That(D)Which你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 主语从句题。此题测试的是What引导的主语从句,what指的是“他病了”,即后面的that从句。【译文】使事情变得更糟糕的是他病了。13. The people living here have free _ to that swimming pool. 本题1分(A)access(B)excess(C)excel(D)recreation你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 单词辨义题。access表示“使用,获取,接触的途径或权利”,后常跟to excess “过度、过度”;excel动词,“胜过、优于”;recreation“消遣、娱乐”。【译文】住在这儿的人可以免费进入那个游泳池。14. Mechanical research has shown that dirty water contributes_ the rapid spread of disease. 本题1分(A)on(B)with(C)for(D)to你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第七单元D 惯用法题。contribute后接to,意为“有助于,促成”。【译文】医学研究表明脏水促成了疾病的迅速蔓延。15. Many difficulties have _ as a result of the economic crisis. 本题1分(A)risen(B)arisen(C)raised(D)arrived你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 词义辨析题。risen(原形rise)意为“上升,升起”,不及物动词;arisen(原形arise)意为“呈现,出现”,不及物动词;raised(原形raise)意为“举起,抬起”,及物动词;arrived意为“到达”。题干中谓语动词之后无宾语且四个选项均为主动,故谓语动词应为不及物动词,排除C和D,按句义应为“出现了很多困难”,故选B。【译文】由于经济危机,故而出现了很多困难。16. _ of the two books holds the opinion that the danger of nuclear war is increasing. 本题1分(A)None(B)Both(C)Either(D)Neither你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第七单元D 代词用法题。在以none of+复数可数名词作主语时,动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式,但none只能用于三者或三者以上,这与题干中的two相矛盾,故排除A;both作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式,故排除B;either表示肯定,意为“两方中的各一方”或“双方各”。Neither表示否定,意为“双方都不”。根据题意,只有neither符合题意,故选D。【译文】这两本书都秉持核战争的危险并未增加的观点。17. The accountant and private secretary of the company _ the conference. 本题1分(A)are to attend(B)were attending(C)is to attend(D)were to attend你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 主谓一致题。由于本句中and连接的两个名词只有一个定冠词the修饰,故可判断它们指的是同一个人,谓语动词应用单数。此外,be to表示计划将要去做某事;其余三个选项谓语都用了复数形式,与主语的数不符,故排除。【译文】这家公司的会计兼私人秘书要去参加这个会议。18. We always give the vacant seats to_ comes first. 本题1分(A)whom(B)who(C)whomever(D)whoever你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第七单元D 语法题。从句子结构来看,该连接词既要在从句中充当主语,又要作主句的介词宾语,因为要作从句主语,所以应该选用主格形式,故排除A)和C);而who不能既充当to的宾语又充当come的主语,如果用who则其前面必须加一个先行词,如the one。【译文】我们总是将空位给先来的人。19. He _ cigarettes because of depression. 本题1分(A)takes to(B)takes away(C)takes down(D)takes in你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 短语辨析题。take to“养成习惯,开始喜欢”;take away “拿走”;take down“记录下”;take in“欺骗”。只有A符合题意。【译文】由于压抑,他开始喜欢上抽烟。20. There has been a sudden drop in retail sales, _? 本题1分(A)does it(B)hasnt there(C)has there(D)doesnt there你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 反意疑问句用法题。在反意疑问句中,陈述部分的主语如果是代词,则反意部分的主语须用与之一致的代词,助动词与陈述部分一致,且如果陈述部分用的是肯定形式,那么反意部分用否定形式,反之亦然。本句中,陈述部分的主语是there,助动词是has,所以反意部分用hasnt there。【译文】零售额大幅下跌,是吗?21. _ youve finished the work, you ought to have a good rest. 本题1分(A)So far(B)Now that(C)Though(D)Even if你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 连词辨析题。Now that“既然”,表示由于新情况的出现而促成某事的发生。so far“迄今为止”;Though“虽然,尽管”;Even if“即使”。【译文】既然已完成了工作,你就应该好好休息一下。22. In fact, George would rather have left for London than _ in Paris. 本题1分(A)staying(B)to stay(C)stayed(D)having stayed你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 惯用法题。would rather do sth. than do sth.“宁愿做,而不是”,than 是并列连词,其后的动词形式应与rather后的动词形式一致。题干中,rather后的动词用了have done的形式,所以than后面的动词也应该用have stayed,此处省略了have。【译文】事实上,乔治宁愿当时去了伦敦,而不是留在了巴黎。23. My father seemed to be in no _to celebrate. 本题1分(A)mood(B)emotion(C)attitude(D)feeling你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 固定词组题。be in no mood to do sth.指“没有心情做某事”。【译文】我父亲似乎没有心情庆祝。24. The storm stopped him _ coming to our party. 本题1分(A)for(B)at(C)from(D)with你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 固定词组题。stop sb. from doing sth.:“阻止某人做某事”。【译文】暴风雨使他未能来参加我们的聚会。25. The manager needs an _ secretary 本题1分(A)sufficient(B)inefficient(C)efficient(D)effective你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 词义辨析题。sufficient“充分的,足够的”;inefficient意思是“不能胜任的,没有能力的”;efficient“办事效率高的,有能力的,能胜任的”;effective“有效果的”。 【译文】经理需要一位能干的秘书。26. He is hostile _ reform. 本题1分(A)for(B)with(C)at(D)to你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第七单元D 固定搭配题。be hostile to:“对怀敌意”。【译文】他对变革持敌对态度。27. What you have done is _ our expectations. 本题1分(A)attached to(B)responsible to(C)contrary to(D)on the contrary你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 词组辨析题。be attached to:“喜爱,依恋”;be responsible to:“需负责任的,应担责任的”;be contrary to:“与相反”;on the contrary:“正相反”,副词。【译文】你的所做有违我们的期望。28. His mistake was _ carelessness. 本题1分(A)due to(B)as(C)so(D)because你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 短语用法题。due to“因为,由于”,相当于because of ; as作“因为”之意时,与because词性相同,均为连词,引导原因状语从句,而题干中空格后仅为一个名词,故排除B和D;so作连词时,是“因而,所以”之意,与题干逻辑不符;而so作副词时,后应接careless,而非carelessness,且与主语相悖。【译文】他由于粗心大意而犯了错。29. Congress has criticized new government measures to _ crime. 本题1分(A)contest(B)combat(C)contact(D)struggle你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 辨义题。contest“争夺,与竞争”;contact“联系”;struggle表示“与斗争”之意时,为不及物动词,需后接for/against;只有combat作及物动词表示“与斗争”之意。【译文】国会抨击了政府新出台的打击犯罪的措施。30. I cannot _ this signature. 本题1分(A)identification(B)identity(C)identical(D)identify你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第七单元D 辨义题。identification是名词,“鉴定,识别”;identity名词,“身份”;identical形容词,“同一的,完全相同的”;identify动词,“鉴定,识别”。【译文】我识别不出这是谁的签字。31. The research center has published a report on child _. 本题1分(A)damage(B)abuse(C)injury(D)hurt你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 辨义题。damage,injury和hurt均为“损害,伤害”之意,只有abuse有“虐待”之意。 【译文】研究中心发表了一篇关于虐待孩子的报告。32. Gambling is not _ here. 本题1分(A)legal(B)official(C)law(D)office你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 词汇辨义题。legal“合法的”,符合题意;official“官方的,正式的”。law名词,“法律”;office名词,“机关,办公室”。【译文】在这儿赌博是不合法的。33. The smell of fresh bread _ the whole house. 本题1分(A)saw(B)saw through(C)penetrated(D)came你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 词汇辨义题。see through“看穿”,如:I see through your trick. (我看穿了你的花招);penetrate“弥漫于;扩散于;渗透” 【译文】满屋子都弥漫着新鲜面包的香味。34. Some language experts think foreign expressions _ English. 本题1分(A)wounded(B)corrupted(C)injured(D)hurt你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 辨义题。wound“打伤,伤害”,指对肉体或精神、感情上的伤害;injure“伤害,损害,毁坏”,有对“康乐,福利,安康”的损害之意;hurt指那些带来痛苦、悲伤、损失的“伤害”;corrupt“使堕落,使腐化”;“使讹误,改变其最初形式(如文章,语言)”,符合题意,故选B。【译文】有些语言专家认为外来语的表达会玷污英语。35. The high-speed train service is planned to _ from the city to the countryside. 本题1分(A)extent(B)extend(C)expense(D)expanse你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 形近词辨析题。extent是名词,“范畴,广度,延展的范围”;extend动词,“扩充,延伸”;expense名词,“费用,代价,开支”;expanse名词,“广袤,宽阔的区域” 【译文】按计划,这项高速火车的业务将从城市延伸到乡村。36. I believe she can cope _ the difficult situation. 本题1分(A)to(B)by(C)at(D)with你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第七单元D 词组的固定搭配题。cope with“对付,处理”,类似词组还有deal with。【译文】我相信她能应付好此困境。37. The _ price of goods rose by just 2.2%. 本题1分(A)normal(B)ordinary(C)average(D)regular你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 词汇辨义题。normal“正常的”;ordinary“普通的,平凡的”;average“平均的”;regular“有规律的”。【译文】商品的平均价格上升了2.2%。38. With a _ of the mouse, we can surf online. 本题1分(A)ring(B)hit(C)click(D)strike你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第七单元C 辨义题。click指的是点击鼠标的“卡嗒声,喀嚓声”。【译文】鼠标轻轻一点,我们即可上网冲浪。39. Youd better steer _ of these sensitive issues. 本题1分(A)clear(B)about(C)away(D)through你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第七单元A 词组的固定搭配题:steer clear of sb./sth. “避开、绕开某人/某事”。【译文】你最好绕开这些敏感的话题。40. Her manner of speaking was to the _ of elegance. 本题1分(A)way(B)point(C)shape(D)rank你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第七单元B 词组的固定搭配题。to the point of:“达到的程度”。【译文】她的言谈举止简直可称是优雅。五、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题)41. Of the many problems in the world today, none is as widespread, or as old, as crime. Crime has many forms, including crimes against property, person, and government. Crime, in all its forms, penetrates every layer of society and touches every human being. You may never have been robbed, but you suffer the increased cost of store-bought items because of others shoplifting. Your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago because of the increased crime rate in your neighborhood. Perhaps your business is not doing as well as it used to because tourism is down due to increased terrorism in your part of the world. Crime, especially violent crime, has risen to a point where many people are afraid to walk alone in their own neighborhoods, afraid to open their door after dark, afraid to speak out and voice their own opinions. Some citizens have reacted by arming themselves with various weapons, legal and illegal, to defend themselves. Citizen groups have taken the law into their own hands by forming their own vigilante groups to administer “judgment” when they feel that their criminal justice system has not performed its duty. Experts argue whether the number of crimes committed is actually on the rise or whether there is simply a rise in the number of crimes reported. This issue is particularly true in cases of marriage violence, the abuse of spouse or children. Throughout much of history, cases of family violence and neglect often went unreported because of the attitude of society, which considered family matters to be private. Other experts argue about who is really to blame for criminal behavior: the individual or society. Researchers in the United States and Canada have identified several factors in society that contribute to the crime rate: massive urbanization, unemployment and poverty, and a large immigrant population. Other countries are more affected by factors such as politics, government corruption, and religion. 共5题(1) What does the passage mainly discuss? 本题2分(A)Crimethe widespread problem. (B)The results caused by increasing violent crime. (C)Factors contributing to the crime rate. (D)Citizen groups combating crimes. 你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A(2) The word “shoplifting” in line 4 is closest in meaning to _. 本题2分(A)the crime of lifting the ban (B)the crime of moving the shops away (C)the crime of robbing things from shops (D)the crime of stealing things from shops 你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D(3) Why does the author in Paragraph 2 mention citizen groups forming their own vigilante groups? 本题2分(A)To show the criminal justice system is not just (B)To show citizens are powerful in combating crimes (C)To show crime is a serious social problem (D)To show citizens have rights in combating crimes 你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C(4) According to the passage, which of the following are the factors contributing to United States criminal behavior? 本题2分(A)Politics, unemployment, poverty and a large immigrant population. (B)Massive urbanization, unemployment and poverty, and a large immigrant population. (C)Politics, government corruption, poverty and religion. (D)Massive urbanization, unemployment and poverty, and government corruption. 你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B(5) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? 本题2分(A)Since you have never been robbed, you are not a victim of crime. (B)Some people use illegal weapons to defend themselves. (C)Only the individual should be responsible for the criminal behavior. (D)Family violence and neglect are considered family matters, and therefore private, so they are not crimes. 你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B参考答案:第七单元; 第5小题:B 事实细节题。选项A与第一自然段的细节相悖,第一自然段中的第四句话提到“即使你从未被抢劫,他人的入店偷窃行为却导致店铺商品的价格日渐攀升,故而你仍受其害。” 选项C与第四自然段的细节相悖,第四自然段中提到了个人和社会均应为犯罪行为负责。选项D与第三自然段的细节相悖,第三自然段中的第三句话提到“在历史上很长一段时间里,社会上普遍认为家事属于私事的范畴,这种态度导致家庭暴力和忽视家庭责任的情况鲜有报告。”只有选项B符合第二自然段的细节,第二自然段中的第二句话说道“有些公民已对犯罪行为采取了措施,他们通过各式各样、合法或不合法的武器来装备、保卫自身。”42. “The teenage years should be the best years of your life!” Young people often hear adults say this, but many teenagers disagree. They simply dont feel like theyre in the midst of their “best years”. The pressures of school exams and concerns about relationships with family and friends create a great deal of stress for the average teenager. Many find ways to cope with the stress. But for a large number of teens, their problems seem impossible to deal with. When this happens, the young person may fall into depression. In mainland China, a survey found that 16 percent of college students suffered from fear, anxiety, or depression. Increasing mental health problems have prompted the government to look for possible solutions. This growing trend extends beyond Asia, too. Studies in the U.S. and the UK show that teenage depression is on the rise. A 2004 report stated that emotional problems among Britains youth have increased by 70 percent over the past 25 years. Faced with these startling numbers, mental health professionals are hoping to raise awareness. Depression can range from mild unhappiness to thoughts of suicide. For this reason, adults should take the illness seriously. Parents can do this by learning about the causes and symptoms of teen depression. Some factors that may lead to teenage depression are: Overwhelming expectations by parents and other adults Parental separation or divorce Death of a loved one Moving to a new location Physical illness “Most of the time when teens are depressed, theres something wrong in their lives,” says UCLA psychology professor Constance Hammen. “Kids often get depressed because bad things happen to them that they dont have the coping skills to deal with.” If you are experiencing any symptoms of depression, you need to talk with someone. Theres no shame in being depressed. Most people suffer from it at one time or another. Unfortunately, feelings of depression may cause you to feel hopeless about your life and your future. But another person can help you put things in perspective. 共5题(1) In paragraphs 3 and 4, a survey in mainland China and a 2004 report are mentioned to _. 本题2分(A)indicate the contrast between mainland China and UK (B)show teenage depression is a serious problem in mainland China (C)show teenage depression is a growing problem in UK (D)indicate teenage depression is a growing problem in many countries. 你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D(2) Why do kids often get depressed according to Constance Hammen? 本题2分(A)Because bad things often happen to them. (B)Because theres something wrong in their life. (C)Because they cant deal with the problems. (D)Because they are weak. 你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C(3) All of the following can fall into the category of “depression” EXCEPT _. 本题2分(A)stress (B)mild unhappiness (C)some mental or emotional problems (D)thoughts of suicide 你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A(4) If you feel depressed, you should _. 本题2分(A)be ashamed (B)feel hopeless (C)talk to someone (D)enjoy your “best years” 你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C(5) The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to _. 本题2分(A)a problem (B)depression (C)shame (D)a disease 你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B参考答案:第七单元; 第5小题:B 指示代词题。见文章最后一段的前三句话,注意此三句话相互之间的关系。43. About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table. I couldnt help overhearing parts of their conversation. At one point the woman asked, “So, how have you been?” And the boywho could not have been more than seven or eight years old replied, “Frankly, Ive been feeling a little depressed lately.” This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing. As far as I can remember, my friends and I didnt find out we were “depressed” until we were in high school. The evidence of a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children dont seem childlike any more. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different. Childhood as it once was no longer exists, why? Human development is based not only on innate (天生的) biological states, but also on patterns of access to social knowled


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