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2020学年人教版英语精品资料九年级英语单元测试Unit 2 Name_ 听力部分: 25%I. 听小对话,请选出与对话内容相符的图片 5% 读一遍( )1. What does Bill want for breakfast?A B C ( )2. What the matter with the man? A B. C ( )3. Whats Han Mei going to be? A B C ( )4. Where is Miss Lin going next month? A B C ( )5. How will the weather this weekend? A B C II. 听长对话,选正确答案: (第一段回答6-7小题,第二段回答8-10小题)10% 读二遍( )6. Ann used to be _ and used to have _. A. really tall; curly hair B. short; long hair C. really tall; short hair( )7. How does Bob look like now? A. He is short. B. Hes taller than Ann. C. He has short hair.( )8. Where was Bruce born? A. Sydney. B. New York. C. Boston.( )9. How long has he learned Chinese? A. For 5 years. B. For 3 years. C. For 2 years.( )10. Who will visit the Great Wall next week? A. Bruce. B. Jason. C. The girl.IV. 听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的信息记录表。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)读二遍Information CardTime now6:00 amWeather informationSnow has been falling since 11 Suggested ways of transportation 12 Influence to the schoolSome schools in the countryside are 13 More information about the weather 14 will last for at least two more days.Time for the next 15 In two hours( )11. A. Today( )12. A. Drive a car( )13. A. closed( )14. A. Wind( )15. A. musicB. yesterday afternoonB. WalkB. open as usualB. SnowB. weatherC. last nightC. Take a busC. brokenC. CloudC. news笔试部分: I. 完形填空:15% Football may be the most 1 of the games. People in many 2 around the world like playing it. In the 19th century 3 in England first played this kind of balls. The players moved the ball 4.The first international football game was between England and Scotland in 1872. Football is played by 5 with eleven men on each team. Each team has one way to 6. It must score more goals (进球) 7 the other team. Each 8 in games is one point (分).Football is a round ball. Players may kick (踢) it and 9 it by any part of the body except the 10. Only one player on the team can use his hands. This player is the goal keeper. A football game usually 11 for ninety minutes. The teams play for forty-five minutes, and then take a short rest. After this halftime rest, they play again for 12 forty-five minutes.Now football is one of 13 played in the Olympics. Another important international football match is called the World Cup. The World Cup is had 14 every four years. The 15 of the World Cup match is the world champion football team.( )1. A. careful B. popular C. dangerous D. difficult( )2. A. towns B. cities C. villages D. countries( )3. A. people B. English C. children D. football( )4. A. with his foot B. by his feet C. with their feet D. by their feet( )5. A. two teams B. three teams C. one team D. four teams( )6. A. win B. winning C. won D. winner( )7. A. as B. like C. than D. in( )8. A. football B. goal C. ball D. player( )9. A. move B. use C. carry D. lift( )10.A. feet B. heads C. hands D. bodies( )11.A. begins B. lasts C. kicks D. gets( )12.A. other B. others C. the others D. another( )13.A. the sport teams B. the sport team C. the team sports D. the team sport( )14.A. first B. one C. once D. the first( )15.A. win B. winning C. won D. winnerIII. 阅读理解: 40% (每小题2分) A We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays. There are different customs (习俗) for each festival. Tan Xiaodong. 15. Hong Kong, China “Itll soon be Chinese New Year Before it well clean the house and decorate it for good luck. Every shop is going to close for a few days and well go out a lot to celebrate in the streets. We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival. ” Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia “Australia is on 26 th January and its an important holiday here. We always have a Monday off, so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach parties or street parties and theres lots of music and dancing. What fun!” Amy, 14, New York, the USA “The first Thanksgiving Day was hundreds years ago when Europeans who came to America thanked God for his help. Its still a very important day for families to be together. This year were going to visit my parents and well eat a delicious meal of turkey. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November every year.”( )1. How many festivals are mentioned (提到) in the passage? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( )2. During the Chinese New Year, tourists can _. A. do a lot of shopping B. see lion and dragon dances C. decorate the house for good luck D. eat turkey ( )3. On Australia Day, families often _. A. have a picnic in the countryside B. go to a swimming pool C. have a party at school D. clean the house and dance( )4. What do you think a turkey is in the passage? A. A country B. A festival C. A bird D. A kind of drink ( )5. From the passage, we can learn that _. A. Australia is an important day for family members to get together B. different festivals have different customs C. many go out for s picnic with friends before Chinese New Year D. the first Thanksgiving Day was born a hundred years agoBHere are some facts about homes in the United States and the people who live in them. In the early1990s, about 50% of the Americans owned their homes and the rest rented (租) their homes. The rentedhomes were usually apartments (公寓).74% of the people in the US make their homes in or around cities. 26% live in the country. Dogs live in about 40% of all homes in the US. About half that number have cats. Families in the US are becoming smaller. On the average (平均), 2.64 people lived at home in early 1990s. In 1960, the average was 3.5.Half of the teenagers in the US have their own bedrooms. An American moves, on the average, twelve times in his or her life. In Japan a person moves about five times, and in England a person moves eight times.( )6. Most Americans live _, according to the passage. A. in or around the cities B. in cities C. around cities D. in the country( )7. How many American families own a cat? A. About 40%. B. About 20%. C. About 74%. D. About 26%.( )8. On the average, there were _ people in an American family in 1994. A. more than 3 B. only 3.5 C. less than 2 D. about 2.64( )9. _ in the US have their own bedrooms. A. All of the people B. Most of the children C. Half of the teenagers D. Only some of the teenagers( )10. What can we learn from the passage? A. In the early 1990s, most of the Americans owned their homes. B. Families in the US are becoming bigger and bigger. C. A Japanese moves more often than an American. D. An American moves more often than an Englishman. C I wonder whether there is any girl or boy who does not like to see a rainbow(彩虹) in the sky. It is so beautiful. There is a story, saying that whenever you see a rainbow you should run at once to the place where it touches the ground, and there you would find a pot of gold. Of course it is not true. You could not find the pot of gold or its end. No matter how far you run, it always seems far away. A rainbow is not a thing which we can feel with our hands as we can feel a flower. It is only the effect(结果) of light shining on raindrops. The raindrops catch the sunlight and break it up into all the wonderful colours which we see. It is called a rainbow perhaps because it is made up of raindrops and looks like a bow(弓). That is why we can never see a rainbow in a clear sky. We see a rainbow only when there is rain in the air and the sun is shining brightly through the clouds.Every rainbow has many colours in the same order. The first or the top colour is always red, and the next comes orange, then yellow, and last of all, blue. A rainbow is indeed one of the wonders of nature.( )11. Children like rainbows because .A. they are beautiful B. they are like bows C. they can find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow D. they are good to crops( )12. We cannot feel with our hands.A. a pot of gold B. a flower C. a rainbow D. a raindrop( )13. We can see a rainbow .A. when it is raining heavily B. when it is snowing C. when it is cloudy D. when it is becomes fine shortly after raining( )14. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.A rainbow is like bow. B.A rainbow is the effect of light shining on raindrops.C. Every rainbow has different colours in different orders. D.A rainbow is one of the wonders of nature.( )15. The first colour of a rainbow is always . A. yellow B. red C. green D .blue DJerry Green went to spend a year at the South Pole Station (南极站)as the only doctor in 1998 when she was 47. While working at the station that March. she discovered that there was a hard lump (肿块) in her stomach. She knew it was cancer, but she wasnt able to go to a doctor for help. She couldnt leave the station for the next seven until the snow thawed. Dr. Green didnt wait for the death. But decided to fight against the cancer. She tried to the lump to a hospital in the United States. The doctors said it was cancer. Without the proper wouldnt live for long. Soon a USA airplane came to provide her with some help. She started her own treatments(治疗)after getting instructions from American doctors. She finally spent the long winter there before she returned home that October .Since then, she had become a incubus (沉重的压力)in support of cancer charities. She also wrote a best-selling book called Ice Bound.Sadly, Dr. Greens cancer finally returned. She died on June 23.2009.( )16. Jerry Green discovered that she bad a bard lump in her stomach in_.A. March.1998 B. May. 1998 CJune.2009 D. July,2009( )17. What does the underlined word “ thawed ”mean in Chinese? A. 形成 B. 堆积 C. 融化 D.覆盖( )18. When did she start her own treatments? A. After searching the Internet. B. After getting instructions from American doctors. C. After hearing from her paw law D. After becoming a member in support of cancer charities.( )19. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Dr. Green decided to give up the treatments. B. She sent the information about the lump to a hospital in the United Stales. C. She wrote a book called Ice Bound. D. Dr Green died of cancer.( )20. What does the writer feel about Dr. Greens death? A. exciting B. Happy. C Sad D. PleasedIII. 根据所给汉语和首字母,写出正确的英语单词,使其句意完整: 10%1. Theres a red (灯笼) _ hanging in the yard. 2. The (民俗的) _ song has a good run in the area.3. The gardener picked off the (死的) _ flower. 4. A (磅) _ in the purse is worth two in the book. 5. Our dog rushed upon the (陌生人) _ and bit (咬) his leg.6. Her aunt is her nearest l_ in this city.7. He planted roses(玫瑰花) in the middle of the g_.8. After dinner, we had ice-cream for d_. 9. Had to l_ down for a while to rest.10. My father will p_ me again if I am lateIV. 词汇运用:15% A. 阅读下面短文,根据括号内的汉语意思填写单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词。 It was Christmas time in 2008. I had no idea that this would be the last Christmas we would (度过)_with Mom. It was snowing hard and very cold. It was a very (特别的) _ Christmas for meyou see Mom never owned a new coat. Mom got it when she was a (年轻的) _ child and she became disabled. One of her legs was larger than the other. At times she would have trouble walking, but she never complained。 Mom always treated my friends with kindness and they were always welcome at our house anytime. I (记得)_my good friend Glen coming over and talking with Mom even when I wasnt at home. Mom was always willing to lend a listening (耳朵) _. Moms all clothes were four dresses, four pairs of shoes, a (白色的) _ blouse, and a yellow (毛衣)_. I decided that I would buy Mom a coat that year, so I took her down to find something for Christmas. As we went past the coat store, one of the coats in the store caught Moms eyes. I asked her to try on the coat for fun. She said that we did not have the money to buy the coat. But after a long talk with Mom, (最后)_ we left the store with Mom wearing that nice coat. She agreed that the coat did look good on her. I will ever thanked for this opportunity(机会), being able to give back just a little. This was the nicest coat that she ever owned. In (三月) _ of 2009, Mom died at the age of 42. As I look back on my mothers life, it was filled with acts of kindness. Giving came from her heart. She was willing to help others whenever it was (可能的) _. I learn a lot from my mother.B. 选择方框内词的适当形式填空,每空一词 5%get; helpful; see; get; manyDear Ricky,How are you (1)_ on? Thanks very much for sending me the pictures and the English reading materials. From the pictures I can (2)_that your school looks very beautiful. The reading materials are very useful and (3)_. I can learn a lot from them. Some stories are so interesting that I like them very much.Now I dont have (4)_ time for my hobbies. I am busy getting ready for the coming exams. Im working hard at all my lessons because I want to (5) _ a better result.Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Wu MingV. 语法综合填空: 10% (根据括号内词的适当形式填空) Ive never been _(late)for school , but yesterday I came very close . My alarm clock didnt go off ,and by the time I _(wake)up, my father had already gone into the _(bathroom)and I had to wait for him to come out . I had to really _(rush). I took a quick shower ,had some _(breakfast),and the ran off to the bus stop ,Unfortunately ,by the time I got there ,the bus had already _(leave), I started _(walk), but I knew I couldnt get to school on time ._(luck), My friend Tony and his dad came by in his dads car and they give me a _(ride),when I got to school ,the final bell was ringing . I only _(just)made it to my class.VI. 任务型阅读 5% 请仔细阅读材料,选出与之配对的标题。( )1. We have different kinds of English food here. The food menu is in English and Chinese. All the waiters or waitress can speak at least one language. Tel:681-6991.( )2. You will find different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks. You will feel you are in the sea, but of course this is not true. If you like fishes, I suggest that you pay a visit to it. Time: 8:30a.m.6:30p.m.( )3. You can watch a lot of famous movies. But after you enter this club, you should keep quiet. Dont make any noise. Time:7:0011:00. Te;:7321657.( )4. Show this coupon at the bookstore to get a 10% discount on any books you buy. We have lots of books to choose from. You are sure to find something that you will enjoy. Come here any day.A. The Underwater World B. Free Movie Club C. Red Star Restaurant D. 10% Off( )5. Where can you see above? A. A movie B. A newspaper C. A magazine D. A play VII.书面表达: 20% 目前学校中有部分同学的行为不规范,请根据以下图片那些不规范的行为,写出一条你发现的不规范行为。 A B C D 假如你是李华,你非常支持学校开展的“Be well-behaved”活动,为了让更多的同学加入这个活动,请你写一份倡议书,说说针对这些不规范行为我们改如何做。要求: 文章不能出现真实的校名和人名,约100字左右。作文开头已给出:Boys and girls,To make every student have good behaviour, our school has an activity of “ Be well-behaved”. So lets take part in it and try to be a well-behaved student. _LihuaUnit 2 听力部分 I. 听小对话,选出与你所听到内容相符的图片:读一遍 15. BAACB1. W: What do you want for breakfast, Bill? M: Milk and bread. W: But theres just little milk left. M: Then some coffee is all right.2. W: Im sorry to hear that you dont feel well. M: Yes, its my back. It hurts here.3. M: What are you going to be when you grow up, Han Mei? W: Im going to be a doctor.M: Wow. That sounds great!4. M: What are you going to do next month, Miss Lin ? M: Im going to London to see my uncle.5. W: Dad, are we going to the mountains this weekend? M: Im afraid we cant. The weather report says there will be a lot of snow. II. 听两段长对话分别回答1112和1315小题: 读二遍 610. CBCCA(A). M: Hey, Amy, its great to see you. W: Hi, Bob. How are you? M: Fine. Wow, youve changed! W: Really? How? M: Well, you used to have short hair. W: You remember that? Yes, I did. M: And you used to be really tall! W: Not any more. Youre taller than me now, Bob. (B).W: Excuse me, Bruce. May I ask you some questions? M: Yes, please. W: Were you born in New York? M: No, I was born in Boston. And my family moved to Sydney when I was 5. We lived there before we came to China. W: Have you ever learned Chinese? M: Yes, Ive learned Chinese for 2 years. W: Have you ever visited the Great Wall? M: No, never. But I will visit it next week. W: Will Jason go with you? M: No. Hes very busy. W: I hope youll have a good trip. M: Thank you. III:听独白,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。1115. BCABC Its six oclock in the morning and here is the local news. The bad weather has brought lots of trouble to the local areas. The heavy snow which has been falling sinceyesterday afternoon has caused great trouble. So please dont drive to town. If you must go to town, take a bus or take the train. As the result of the bad weather, some schools in the countryside are closed. In the city, however, schools are open as usual. Its going to snow all day today, and for at least two more days. Well, thats the news at six oclock. The next news will be in two hours time. Now lets have some music.笔试部分:I


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