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八年级英语补全对话、书面表达专项训练一补全对话。(一)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hello, Peter! Long time no see.B: Yes. 1. ?A: My vacation was wonderful!B: 2. ?A: I went to Beijing with my parents.B: 3. ?A: We went to visit Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum and some Beijing hutongs.B: Sounds great! 4. ?A: Yes. I ate Beijing duck. It was delicious. 5. ?B: It was interesting. I helped my grandfather feed the cows on the farm.(二)A: Hi, Julia! 1. ?B: I went to the hospital yesterday. I didn t feel well.A: 2. ?B: I m feeling much better. Thanks. You are always in good- health.A: Yes. I often exercise like running and playing soccer.B: Really? 3. ?A: I like running best. 4. ?B: No, I dont like running but I like playing soccer.A: Great. 5. ?B: No. t dont like eating vegetables at all.A: I don t think you have healthy eating habits.B: You re right. I should change my eating habits before it s too late.(三)A: Hello, Lisa! 1. ?B: I didnt go anywhere last Saturday.A: 2. ?B: No. I didnt do my homework. I didnt feel well that day.A: Sorry to hear that. What was wrong with you (你怎么了 )?B: I had a stomachache ( 胃痛). I ate much junk food.A: Eating too much of them is bad for your health.B: Youre fight. 3. ?,4,: I climbed a mountain on, Saturday morning,B: 4. ?A: I picked some strawberries on the farm.B: 5. . You really had a good time!(四)A: Hello, are you Jane?B: Yes. But 1. ?A: Of course, you know me. I am Helen! We were classmates in primary school. Dont you remember me?B: Oh, you are Helen. You look different. Youhad long hair before. But2. .A: Yes. You have also changed (改变 ) a lot. You were very short then. However, you are much taller and more beautiful now.B: Thank you. Why are you here?3. ?A: No, Im not shopping. Im working here.B: Great! I need a new skirt, but I don t know which one I should buy.A: 4. ? B: Hmm . l think its too small.A: That one is larger. Ypu can have a look at it.B: Well, I think it s OK. 5. ?A: Its 100 yuan.B: OK. Ill take it.(五)A: Hi, Jeff ! Dad, Where Are We Going is on in so many movie theaters these days.B: Really? 1. ?A: No. I didn t g9 to see it. My friend went to see it last Sunday.B: 2. ?A: He thinks it is a great movie.B: 3. ?A: Yes, Id like to. Which do you think is the best movie theater in our neighborhood?B: City Theater.A: But its too far. And .it is the most expensive. I think Gold Theater is the best one.B: 4. ?A: It s only five yuan if we show them our student ID cards.B: Great! What about getting there at 6:30 p.m.?A: OK. 5. .(六)A: Welcome to our talk show, Mr. Green.B: Thank you. Im glad to be here.A:1. ?B: I work at a TV station. I m a reporter.A: 2. ?B: Yes, I love TV shows. I often watch them in the evening.A: 3. ?B: I like sports shows best, and I often write some articles.about sports.A: What about our talk show? 4. ?B: Yes. I watch it on weekends.A: 5. ?B: Wonderful! It s educational! I can learn a lot from your talk show.A: OK. Thank you for answering my questions.B: Youre welcome.(七)A:1. ?B: Liu Mei is my best friend in my class.A:2. ?B: She is of medium build and has big eyes and a high nose.A: 3. ? B: No. She is a little shy.A: How did you become the best friends?B: She is a good listener. I can tell her everything.A:4. ?B: We both like reading.A: Do you think, your best friend should do the same things as you?B: No. I dont care about that as long as we can help each other. What about your best friend?A: My best friend is similar to me, but she is less hard-working than me.B:5. ?A: Yes, I always get better grades than she does. But maybe I should help her more with her schoolwork.(八)A: Where do you plan to go this weekend?B: I plan to the countryside. I like enjoying my time quietly there.A: 1. ?B: Yes, I often go there. My uncle lives there and I often feedhens and pigs on his farm.A: Sounds interesting. But I want to go to Town Movie Theater.B: Oh, I cant stand that place.A:2 ?B: Because there are always so many people there,A: But the tickets there are the cheapest.B: But you have to wait for a long time.A: 3. ?B: I love-coffee house. Its a good place to relax.A: 4. ?B: Shangdao Coffee House is the best.A: Why do you think so?B: Well, it has the best environment (环境).A: OK. I 11 go there this weekend. Thank you for your advice ( 建议).B:5. .(九)A:Today is Sunday.We can relax.B:1. ?A:I plan to play sports.B:2. ?A:I like playing volleyball best.B:3. ?A:Almost every day.Whats your plan today?B:4. .A:A comedy?Its boring I cant stand it.B:But I think its interesting and relaxing.A:5. ?B:It starts at 3:00 p.m. Ill take the No.12 bus to the movie theater.A:OK.Have a good day!B:The same to you!(十)A: Hi, I am Nelly. I am new here. Can you help me?B: Of course. 1. ?A: I want to buy some books. 2. ?B: Xinhua Bookstore is the best in this city. It is very famous. Most people buy books there.A: 3. ?B: Because it has the best service and the books are at a good price.A: Are there any books about science?B: Yes. There are all kinds of books. I think you can find the books you need.A: 4. ?B: Yes. You can take a bus there because it is a little far away from here.A: 5. ?B: The No.10 bus is the fastest. You can get off(下车) at Chongyang Stop and then you 11 see it.A: Thank you very much.二书面表达(一)假如你是李若涵,上周六你到农村度过了有意义的一天。你想把你这一天的情况和你的美国朋友Julie分享一下。请根据下列所给提示词用英语写一封电子邮件向她描述你的这一天。提示词:Cool and sunny,start at 8:00,visit a farm,fly a kite,go boating要求:80词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。One possible version:Dear Julie,It was cool and sunny last Saturday. My father and I decided to visit the countryside. We started at 8:00 in the morning. We enjoyed the clean air and beautiful flowers along the way. At about 10:00, we visited a farm. We fed some sheep, milked a cow and rode a horse on the farm. In the afternoon, we flew a kite and went boating It was an exciting day. I had a great time there.Yours,Li Ruohan(二)好习惯使人终身受益,坏习惯使人终身爱害。下周英语角的话题是与同龄伙伴分享自己的好习惯。请你用英语写一篇短文,为此次英语角发言做准备。要求:70词左右,可适当发挥。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Im Ma Hongxiang.One possible version; Im Ma ltongxiang Im a middle school student in Taiyuan. I have lots of good habits I usually go to bed before 9:00 p.m. and get up at about 6:00 a.m. I often play spots in the morning. After that, I eat a healey breakfast. I usually finish my homework on time. I sometimes read books in the ibrary. Reading more helps open my mind. I never eat junk food because it is not good for my health.Thats all.What are your good habits?Please tell me!(三)你们班黑板报本期英语角话题为“介绍你的家人或朋友的业余活动。”假设你的父亲是一名医生,平时工作很忙,但他的业余活动丰富多彩(colorful),如下表:活动频率锻练一周三次购物一周一次看电影一月一次上网一周两次读书每天请根据以上提示写一篇英语短文刊登在你班黑板报上,80词左右,可适当发挥。One possible version: My father is a doctor, He is usually busy, but he does different activities in his free time. He cxcreiscs three times a week. On weekends, he often goes shopping. He shops once a week. He goes to the movies once a month and uses the Internet twice a week. He enjoys reading very much. |It reads books every day. He thinks reading more is good for his mind. How colorful his free time activities are!(四)假如你们英语老师要组织一次以“我的好朋友”为主题的交流会。请根据以下提示用英语写一篇发言稿来介绍你的一位好朋友。70词左右,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。提示:1.谁是你的好朋友; 2.你的好朋友与你的相同之处和不同之处;3.你的交友观。 Good morning,eryone! My good friend is Zhao Min. She is talented in music and 1 am. too. Both of us like playing sports. But there.are some differences between us. She is more outgoing than I. At schoolwork, she is not as hard-working as I. Also. she likes to go online when she is free. but I like reading books. I think good friends should help each other. It s not important to be the same or different. Thats all.Thank you.(五)假如Mary是你们的新外教,她想买几件衣服,但是她不了解学校附近的服装店。请你根据下表内容提示写一篇英语短文,向她介绍这三家服装店的情况。(注:五角星数与价格、质量和服务成正比)。ClothesStorePriceQqality(质量)ServiceFunkyFashionsJasonsTrendyTeens要求:70词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。There re three clothes stores near our school Of the three. Funky Fashions has the best quality and the best service. We like it although its clothes are the most expensive. he clothes in Jason s are cheaper than those in Funky Fashions. But it has the worst quality of the three. And its service isn t so good as Funky Fashions. As for Trendy Teens, its clothes are the cheapest and it has better quality. However. it has the worst/service.(六)在英语课上,老师让你们就“你最喜欢的电视节目”这个话题分组进行交流。假如你是组长,请你结合下表向全班同学介绍你组其他成员对电视节目的喜欢情况及原因。80词左右,可适当发挥。CaroldKevinKateBoblovessportsshows(likes sports)game shows(fun)talkshows(educational)likesNewsdoesntmindSitcomsdoesnt likeSoapoperassitcoms(meaning-less)cantstandgameshows(boring) I asked four classmates in our group about TV shows. Here is what they said. Carol loves sports shows because she likes soorts very much. Bul she doesnt like soap operas, Kevin likes the news, but he doesn t like sitcoms because he thinks theyre meaningless. Kate loves game shows because she thinks they are fun. Shedoesnt mind sitcoms. Bob loves talk shows because they are educational. But he can t staod game shows. He says they are boring(七)假如你们班本周英语墙报“交流园地”栏目需要题为“Why am I so popular in our class?”的稿件,请你写一篇70词左右的英语短文将自己受欢迎的原因与大家分享,刊登在你班墙报上。Why am I so popular in our class? (八)假如你是张君,上周六晚上你和朋友们在你们镇新开的一家饭店聚会了。这家饭店各方面(服务、饭菜、环境)都很不错,你们也玩得很开心。请你用英语写一封电子邮件把这件开心的事情和你的美国朋友珍妮特(Janet)分享一下。80词左右,可适当发挥。One possible version:Dear Janet,There s a new restaurant in our town. Last Saturday evening, I had a party there with my friends. I think it s tile best restaurant here. It has the best service and the most delicious food. The price of the food isn t very high. It also has the best music to listen to when you eat. All of us felt relaxed there. At the party, we played games and told jokes. We also sang and danced. Everyone had a wonderful time.Zhang Jun(九)假如本期校报栏目“英语写作园地”需征一篇描述家庭成员的稿件,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文为校报投稿。80词左右,可适当发挥。 (十)亲爱的同学们,初二上学期的学习生活已经快过去一半了,你还记得两年前的学习生活吗?请你结合自己的实际情况,从身高、体重、性格、健康状况、所学科目、成绩这几个方面将现在和两年前的你进行比较,写一篇英语短文,并发表在校报“英语角”栏目。80词左右,可适当发挥。 Two years ago, I was a primary school student.Now I am in Grade Eight in a middle school. Im 6 cm taller.and 2 kg heavier than two years ago. I am moreoutgoing, stronger end healthier than before. At primary school, I had only five subjects, but now I have to learn ten subjects. I must study harder so thatI can get good grades in the exams. I think 1 can do better.补全对话参考答案(一)1. How was your vacation 2. Where did you go3. What plaens did you visit4. Did you eat anything special there5 .What about your vacation(二)1 Where did you go ycsterday2. How arc you feeling now3. Whats your favorite sport What sport do yoa like best4. Do you like running5. Do you like eating vegetables(三)1. Where did you go last Saturday2. Did you do your homework3. What did you do on Saturday morning4. What about the afternoon / Then what did you do in the afternoon5. Sounds great / Sounds fun / Great(四)1. do I know you2. your hair is short now youhave short hair now3. Are you shopping4. What / How about this one5. How much is it(五)1. Did you go to see it2. What does your friend think of it3. Would you like to see it4. How much is a ticket 5. See you then(六)1. Where do you work2. Do you like TV shows3. What (kind of) IV shows do you like best4. Do you often watch our show5. How do you like / What do you think of our talk show(七)1.What can I do for you2. Whats the best bookstore in the city3. Why4. Can 1 take a bus there5. Which is the fastest bus to go there(八)1. Do you often go there2.Why 3. What about thc coffee house4. Which coffee house do you think is the best5. You are welcome


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