9 苏州新区实验2020-2021学年初二上学期英语12月月考试卷 (002).docx

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2020-2021学年苏州新区实验初二上学期英语12月月考试卷第一部分听力略第二部分 单项填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分1()分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。()21-The film Legend of Deification(姜子牙)is, I have to say, really wonderful.-Yes, itsexcellent film and I never seebetter one.A.a;an B.an; the C.an,a D.a;thc()22. You can see eighty per cent of the studentsmost of the work.The rest of theworkreally difficult.A.is doing; is B. arc doing; arc C. are doing; is D is doing; arc()23.-Iitimpossible to finish it in time.-So did he.()24. Preventing floodhappening is not the only importancetrees.A.from,forB.from,ofC for, of D. for, from()25.Someone is knocking at the door. It my mother, because she is working in (hecompany.A.cant be B may not be C. must be D. mustnt be()26. -Could you please (ell me something about Hong Kong Disneyland, please?-With pleasure. Itan area of 129 hectares, four different parks.A is;includes B. covers; includes C covers; including D. is; including()27.-How many problems did you have these exercises?-Theyre quite easy.69.我希望你能够理解学英语的重要性。7().他给我提供一个和她说话的机会。阅读表达第八部分阅读表达(共3小题:71题1分,72题2分,73题3分)请认阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题。Your smartphone may seem like the centre of your entertainment, but a Kent State University study shows that too much phone use is taking the fun right out of our spare time.Researchers watched a group of nearly 500 students and recorded their daily smartphone use. Those who were considered in lhe high-use group experienced more stress during their spare time than the other group.So what can wc do in order to really take advantage of our spare time? Wc have collected the following activities that also take a few hours to complete, but best part of all, youll improve your health in lhe process(过程).Whether youre at home or on holiday, its important to disconnect from the Wi-fi. Walking in nature can do good to your health. As a professional职业的)travclcr, Samantha Brown put it in a recent passage, “ I put my map in my back pocket, put down my phones and take a good, long walk. Just walk around.”Go to bed earlier. What can help improve your mood? Extra sleep, naturally. Getting the right amount of sleep is very important to our health and studies show that we dont get enough of it.Read a book. And let yourself gel lost in a good story. Research shows that reading can reduce stress, keep your brain sharp and can even help you sleep better. Everyone should spend at least 30 minutes reading every day.Putting pen to paper is a good exercise. Try writing down your thoughts. Writing has a lot of health advantages. Besides, writing down your thoughts may even help clear your mind.71. How many activities does the writer advise us to do to improve our health?72. Why did the Kent Slate University do (he study?73. As a student. Which will you spend more time on, smartphones or books When you have free time? Why?第九部分书面表达(共1题满分10分)所有生物都是地球的主人,人与动物共享同一家园。假如你是阳光中学八(6)班学生Lily, 请你以Protect Earth and Love Animals为题写一篇演讲稿,在学校举办的“第六届年度英语节” 活动中作专题演讲。要求:1.演讲内容包含所有要点,省略号部分要作适当发挥。2. 条理清晰、字迹工整。词数90词左右Your idea和其他的生物分享同一个家园Problems1.砍伐树木和森林2. 为了金钱捕猫动物为农场和建筑物制造更多的空间3. 每年发生许多自然灾害Ways1.政府:制定法律去保护环境和动物2.我们学生.Importance如果我们如果我们不.Protect Earth and Love AnimalsGood morning, everyone! Today I am very happy to be here to give a report on protectingEarth and loving animals第一部分听力略第二部分单项填空2130: CCBBACBCBB第三部分完型填空3IT0:CAACD BDACB第四部分阅读理解41-43 BBD解析41. B推理判断题。根据 Nowadays, there is a saying that A picture paints a thousandwords .Perhaps thats why we are seeing more and more signs in pictures, or a combination of pictures and words可知,一个图片标志通常有比一千个单伺更多的信息。故选B。42. B词义猜测题。根据 Nowadays, theres a saying that A picture paints a thousand w ords. Perhaps that s why we are seeing more and more signs in pictures or a combination of pictures and words I可知,一幅画中有一千个字,也许这就是为什么我们在图片中看到越来越多的符 号或者是图片与文字的结合,combine结合,故选B。44. D细节理解题。根据 However, thats the difficult part because picture signs may have different meanings in different countries.可知,不同的国家,图片会有不同的含义。故选D44-47 CDCC文章大意:本文详细介绍了一份调查的结果,并针对这份报告对人们的睡眠问题进行了分析。 调查结果显示:睡眠问题与收入、工作条件或社会地位几乎没有直接关系,压力、担忧和情 绪低落是导致睡眠不好的主要原因,而沉迷于电子产品会使睡眠问题更严重。解析:44. C推理判断题。根据第 2 段中”The Chiese Sleep Research Society surveyed nearly 6 0, 000 people aged 10 to 45, Only about 1 1 percent said they could sleep through the night without waking up?,可知 60, (X)()人中的 11 %能整晚不醒。6(), ()0()xll%=6, 60()。故选 C45. D细节理解题。根据第 6 段中”Surveyor s said that stress, worries, and low spirits were the main causes in bad sleep?*可知教育、收入和工作条件都不是睡眠质吊:低的原因,排除ABC.故选 择C.46. C细节理解题。根据第 6 段中”Surveyor s said that stress, worries, and low spirits were the main causes in bad sleep, it would get worse because of by the obsession(着魔)with electronic products that could cause blue light effects breaking sleep.” 可知压力、看电子产品都将使睡眠 质量下降,只有睡前喝牛奶这一项对睡眠有益。故选C。47. C细节理解题。根据第 5 段中The part of people with bad sleep is almost (he same in different social layers 可知 A、B 项错误;枳据第 6 段中 t would get worse because of the obsession(着 魔)with electronic products ”可知C项正确;根据常识可知D项错误。故选C48-50 CAD分析:文章大意:作者建议我们将花费时间的方式分成三组或三瓶:必要任务瓶、义务任务瓶、 幸福瓶,并在文中详细介绍了这三种瓶子各自的内容,提醒我们要找到方法平衡三类瓶子, 一天结束的时候,尽我们最大的努力确保我们的幸福瓶装满。解析:48. C细节理解题。根据第 2 段中”These are things that We do for others, but we may not enjoy them. ”可知为他人修理工具属于义务任务瓶。故选C.49. A句意猜测题。根据上一句说It was a time of fun, fellowship and music- making nJ知作者 的幸福瓶被装满了, my happiness jar was filled to overflowing 应是说我的幸福无法用言 语表达。故选A。50. D细节理解题。根据最后一段中 Try to find ways to achieve a balance between how you are filling your three jars 可知我们应该寻找达到平衡的方法,D项正确。故选D第五部分信息还原51-55 EDCFA解析:本文介绍的是一种新的发明,就是白拍杆。现在,白拍杆受到大家的喜欢,是因为是一个较 轻的,便于携的工具,方便人们拍照,并且用自拍杆拍照时人们会感觉朋友就在身边,因而 不会感觉孤独.51. E句意:这项新发明是一个小巧、实用、设计巧妙的工具。根据前句Have you ever taken photos by using mobile phones with selfie sticks(自拍杆)?可知,此处是在介绍自拍杆,详细描述这是一个怎样的工具。结合选项,故选E52. D句意:无论是好是坏,它们席卷了全世界.根据上文Arie Snee and Justin Crowe believe (hey have invented a better one 可知,Arie Snee和Justin Crowe觉得他们发明了一个更好的自拍工具,此处表示无论是好是坏,它们 席卷了全世界”。结合选项,故选D。53. C句意:他们似乎和朋友们在一起。根据前句The selfie arm makes people feel they arc not alone when they take photos ”可知, 白拍臂让人们在拍照时感觉自己并不孤单,所以此处表示他们似乎和朋友们在一起的含义。 结合选项,故选CF句意:更好的是,在未来,它会以一种友好的方式说话,永远不会生气或沮丧分析:The product, at present, just an art project and a model conveniently provides you a welcoming arm. 54 The pair say they are fascinated by these new ideas ”可知,此处是在描 述这个新产品,所以此处内容也与新产品的介绍相关。结合选项,故选F54. A句意:它重量轻,容易携带。根据前句M The selfie arm is made of fiberglass,可知,自拍臂由玻璃纤制成,所以重量轻,便 于携带结合选项,故选A.第六部分词汇检测56: description解析:the.of确定词性,用describe的名词形式,description作为描述的概念时,不可数。 具体描述内容或者分类时可数,分类书,说明书等。57: Natural解析:自然灾害,Natural形容词修饰disasterso58: introduction解析:i封介绍性 a letter of introduction 059: comfortably解析:许多鸟全年在Zhalong自然保护区舒服地居住着,comfortably修饰live ino60: covered解析:have done现在完成时,我们已覆盖8英里。61: lead解析:事故导致了他的失败,lead to导致.may为情态动词,故用原形lead。62: including解析:在那场交通事故中,20个人被杀了,包括三个外国人。63: accept解析:我收到了她的一封邀请信,但是我认为我不打算接受它,故accepto64: result解析:她上学迟到了,由于一场雪as a result of由于。65: beginning解析:in the beginning 一开始,我们对他都感到抱歉。但是然后我们发现我们都错了。 第七部分句子翻译66. We must stop the hunters (from) killing rare wildlife.67. Thc number of giant pandas is getting smaller and smaller.68.1 find there is not much water left in the bottle. /I found there was.69.1 hope you can understand the importance of learning English well.7O.He provided me with a chance to speak to her/ talk to her /offered me a.第八部分阅读表达Four.71. To find out whether too much phone use is taking the fun out of ones spare lime略第九部分书面表达Protect Earth and Love AnimalsGood morning, everyone! Today I am very happy to be here to give a report on protectingEarth and loving animalsI think that we should share the same home with other living things. But in fact, there are many unsatisfying problems in our society. For example, people hunt animals for money. Whats worse, they cut down trees and forests to make more space for farms and buildings. As a result, many natural disasters happen every yearSo I advise that we should take some action to protect our earth and animals. At first, our government should make laws to protect the environment and animals. And we students make posters or give talks to help more people realize the importance of protecting the earth and loving animals.If we do this, our earth will become coinfbrlable for both humans and animals to live peacefully. But if we dont, terrible things wil happen. So lets act together to make a better worldThats all. Thank you very much!A. to finish;A few B.finishing;Few C. to finish; A little D. finishing: Little)28. -What do you think of the question ?-I find it quite.1 can find out (he answer.A easy; easy B. easily; easily C. easy; easily D. easily:easy)29. Lets put the tablethe wall so (hat (here is more space in the room.A above B againstC.acrossD. around)30. -Could you pleasefur coats any more?A dont buy;OK, I will.B not buy;OK, 1 wontC.not buy;Yes,I couldD.not to buy;Yes,I can第三部分完型填空(共1()小题:每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Every summer, a great many students travel to other countries, looking fbr work and adventure. Most of the 31 arc in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and agriculture. The pay is usually poor,but most students work abroad fbr the excitement of travel. You can pick grapes in France, look after kids in American summer camps, and, of course, (here are 32 jobs in hotels and restaurants.But it is not easy to find work. ”33 you speak the language of the country well, there will be very few openings, says Anthca Eills, an adviser on vacation work for the students. If you work with a family in Italy, youll have to speak Italian. When you wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris, the owner will expect you speak_34. British students only have a language ad van lege fbr jobs in the USA and Australia.Not everyone enjoys the 35, Sarah James and her friend were employed(雇佣)to help forty American children in Europe. The two young teachers with the children had never been_36. One child lost his passport; another became seriously ill during the journey and was sent home; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the noise they made; and Sarah herself 37 on her only free evening of the entire trip. Wc did have the _38 chance in our life to go abroad and visit a lot of new places, she says,but it wasnt worth it. The pay was_39 and it really was a 24-hour-a-day job. The kids never slept!The trouble is, students 40 to have an easy time at it, Anthea Ellis points out. In fact, they have to work hard, with few employment rights. As soon as the holiday season finishes, theyll lose the jobs.31. A.workB.luckC.chancesD.changes32. A. alwaysB. hardlyC. neverD.seldomB. UnlessC. Because.Although34. A. ItalianB. EnglishC. FrenchD.JapaneseB.iripC. awakeD. anywhere3 7. A. robbedB.robsC.robD.was robbedB.finalC. bestD, onlyB.highC.poorD.a lotB.expcctC.offcrD.advise第四部分阅读理解(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项ADo you see many signs around you? Do you know the signs are an important part of our daily life? They can be in pictures or in words to give people information. What do people think are good signs? If you are thinking about making signs for others, what should you know?The most important thing is that signs should be simple and easy to understand. It is important to use clear language. On the other hand, the words should be easy to write and you just need to write down what you want to do. Keep off the grass is a very good example. It means “Dont touch or walk on the grassNowadays, there is a saying that A picture paints a thousand words. Perhaps thats why we are seeing more and more signs in pictures, or a combination of pictures and words. However, thats the difficult part because picture signs may have different meanings in different countriesThe writer uses A picture paints a thousand words to show that .A. a word sign is as easy as a picture sign to makeB a picture sign often has more information than a word signC. a word sign has more information than a picture signa word sign and a picture sign have the same information41. What docs the underlined word combination mean?A. 分开B.结合C.并列D平行What is the disadvantage(不利因素)of picture signs?A. They are too simple.B. They are not easy to understand.C. They arc not as interesting as word signThey may have different meanings in different countries.BMany young Chinese people make their eflbrt to get a good nights sleep which could be harming their health, according to the results of a major survey published to mark World SleepDay.The Chinese Sleep Research Society surveyed nearly 60,000 people aged 1() to 45, and found that 91 percent of them reported not having enough sleep or still being tired after sleep .Only about 5.6 percent of respondents said (hey fell energetic after sleep. About three quarters of respondents said they experienced difficulty falling asleep, and 13 percent said they really struggled to fall asleep. Only about 11 percent said they could sleep through the night without waking up.Many respondents said that work pressure has a main influence on their sleep quality, and could lead (o bad sleep. The survey showed 60 percent of the respondents would choose to work instead of sleep.In general, people with good education background were cared to be more self-disciplincd( 自律的)about getting enough sleep, but only 5 percent of respondents had a routine(常规的)daily schedule.Sleep problems have little direct connection with income(【I攵入),working conditions or social status, according to the survey. The part of people with bad sleep is almost the same in different social layers, the report stated.Surveyors said that stress, worries, and low spirits were (he main causes in bad sleep, it would get worse because of by (he obsession(着魔)with electronic products that could cause blue light effects breaking sleep. Some 93 percent said they would play with smartphones before sleep, watching TV series or shopping online.Surveyors believed that the random life schedules would lead young Chinese people to have low work efficiency , low appetite, bu( higher cancer risk.42. How many people in the survey can sleep through the night without waking up?A. About 60.000.B. About 30,000.C. About 6,600.D. About 54 000.43. What mainly influences our sleep quality?A. Education and stress.B. Work pressure and income.C. Work conditions and stressD. Work pressure and low spirits.44. The sleeping problem will get worse because of the followings EXCEPT tA. thinking of the worries in the dayB. watching TV series for a long timeC. having a glass of milk before sleepD. playing with smartphones before sleepWhat can learn from the passage?A. People who have much money are sure to have a good sleep.B. People from different social layers have different sleep problemsC. Use smartphones less before sleep, or youll have more sleep problemsD. If people dont have routine daily schedule, they will sleep well without waking up.CThe way we spend our time can be divided into three groups, or jars. These would be the necessary task jar, the voluntary tasks jar and the happiness jar.Every day, we spend lime filling the necessary tasks jar. We fill this jar with useful things, like earning money, housework, buying food and paying bills. We then fill another jar with voluntaiy tasks. These are things that we do for others, but we may not enjoy them. This jar gets filled with tasks like taking children to activities, cooking family meals, and doing laundry. Those jars arc very important. If wc don* t fill them each day, our households wont run properly.However, we often forget to fill lhe third jar-the happiness jar. This is (he jar lhal we fill with activities that make us happy. Is your happiness jar sometimes empty at the end of the day? We all have days like that. Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks, time flies by on some days, and before we know it, it is time for bed.That is why each day we have to make an effort to fill our happiness jar. Most days, I fill mine by going to ballroom dance class with my husband and daughter. Between the music, the dancing and the friendship among (he students, I always leave classes happier than when I entered.Music is another way that I fill my happiness jar. This week, I had the pleasure of taking part in an orchestra(管弦乐队)practice at my church. Our church isnt large, but wc are blessed with a lot of musical talent. A small group of us met to practice Christmas music for a church service. It was a time of fun, fellowship and music-making. At the end of the evening, my happiness jar was filled to overflowing.This week, consider how your time is being spent. Are you doing enough activities that bring joy to your life? Or are the necessary and voluntary tasks eating up all your time? Try to find ways to achieve a balance between how you are filling your three jars. At the end of the day, hopefully weve done all we can to make sure that our happiness jar is filledWhich of the following might belong to the voluntary tasks jar?A. Making enough money.B. Singing and dancing.C. Repairing tools fbr someone,D. Getting high marks In exams.45. The sentence my happiness jar was filled to overflowing . in paragraph 5 most probablymeans.A. My happiness went beyond wordsB. My jar was filled with waterC. My happiness was emptied after a tiring day D. My joy was like the water in the jarWhich of the following is true according to the passage?A. Wc seldom fill the 1c happiness jar,B. We all hate the necessary tasks jarsWe should always empty the happiness jar.C. We should find methods of achieving a balance.第五部分信息还原(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项Have you ever taken photos by using mobile phones with selfie slicks(自 拍杆) 51.However, a pair of US artists from New Mexico, Arie Snee and Justin Crowe believe they bave invented a better one and they call it selfie arm”.52 It makes those people in the pictures seem to be holding hands with a loved one. They say it offers a far better experience than using a straight stick. The selfie arm makes people feel they are not alone when they take photos. 53 They think their invention solves the main problem that the selfie stick has people look alone while they are taking pictures of themselves with great interests.The product, at present, just an art project and a model conveniently provides you a welcoming arm.54 The pair say they arc fascinated by these new ideaThe selfie arm is made of fiberglass. 55 The project that they work on shows the growing selfie stick Phenomenon(现象)directly and the increasing need for narcissism(自恋)and Internet agreement.A. It is lightweight and easy-taking.B. Thousands of selfie arms have been made.C. It seems that they arc together with their ffriends.D. For better or worse, they have taken the world by stormThis new invention is a small, useful and cleverly-designed toolE. And better yet in the future, itll talk in a friendly way and never get angry or upset.F. These ideas give them a lot of happiness第六部分词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,在答题K上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。55. She gives them the (描述)of the birds.56. (自然)disasters destroy people s life a lot.57. Would you please write me a letter of(介绍)?58. Many birds live (舒服的)in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year roundWe have already (覆盖)8 miles.59. You know this accident may to his failure.60. In that traffic accident, twenty people were killed, three foreign visitors.61. I received an invitation from her, but I dont think I am going to itShe was late for school as a of snow62. In the , we all felt sorr


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