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Unit1 Whats the matter?1. Whats the matter with Tom?(写出3个同义句)2_ _ _感冒 _ _ _ _背疼 _ _ _胃疼_ _ _牙疼_ _ _发烧_ _ _量体温_ _ _拍X光3. _ _太多homework _ _太多books_ _太beautiful=_太beautiful4. Please drink_ _ _ _带蜂蜜的热茶5. China is a country_带着a long history.6. Tom cant sleep _没有toy monkey.7. Please _ _ _ _躺下并休息8. You _不应当_玩computer games, you need _ _休息一下_ _远离 the computer9. I saw some boys _(play)basketball when I passed the playground.10. I _ _同意you .11. I agree _(take) the bus .12. We won the game ,_ _多亏了you .13. _ _感谢_(help) me in English.14. The driver didnt think about_(him). He only thought about _(save) a life.15. _ _ _据说that the girl went to the hospital.16. I have some trouble_(learn) English. I dont have any problem_(learn) English.17. _ _ _让我感到惊讶的是,she won the game .18. She is a _六岁的girl.19. I dont want to _ _ _陷入困境. You cant seem _ _ _ _摆脱 the trouble .20. Should I _(take) some medicine?21. You shouldnt _(eat)_(something).22. Kids,help_(you) to some fruit, Its good for your health.23. I learn by _(I).24. Please _ _ _ _ _放一些药在上面。25. I hurt _(I).26. Im busy ,so I have_(few,a few,little,a little) time to exercise.27. She is _生病的in hospital.I have to look after the _生病的 person.28. Please tell him _(not smoke).29. Look,_(someone,everyone,anybody,nobody) is dancing under the tree.30. He told me _ _(put) my head back.31. I took my _温度and I_(have) a _ 发烧。32. 请放你的手指在水下。(翻译)33. Im sorry to hear the _(die) of the dog.34. He never gives up_(make)_(decide) to learn English.35. We can solve the problems by _(our).36. She used to _(take) the bus to school, but now she is used to _(walk) to school.37. The sports meeting was put off _因为the heavy rain .38. After_(lose)his right arm,he kept on_(write) with his left arm.39. Dad, I _花光了all the money yesterday, Could you please give me some?40. I am _(interest) in sports.41. I know the _(important) of _(do) exercise.42. Tom doesnt mind _(take) risks.43. I _ _ _ _掌管 the money of my family.44. Would you mind _(close) the door?45. English is important,youd better not _放弃它。46. He doesnt mind _(run) _ _ 花光the money.47. Please _ _切断 the noodles.48. Tom often _ _摔倒。49. Please _ _下车the bus.50. Please go to school_ _按时。51. Its_3小时的walk.Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks1. _清除_使振奋,高兴_张贴 _ _2个分发_推迟_穿上_想出_ _ _3个关心_制作公告牌_帮某人摆脱困境_与.相似=_长得像_修理_捐赠_我的一个朋友_建立_ _2个立刻,马上_与.相同_与.不同_相处融洽_打电话给某人_参加选拔_有影响2. I cant put off_(make) our decision.3. Please _ _举起your hands.4. He lives_独自,but he doesnt feel_孤独。5. Could you please help me to_ _分发 these new books?6. They put off _(have) a sports meeting _因为the rain.7. I knew the news by _(give) out the newspapers.8. When Tom told us the good news, all of us _ _欢呼。9. Mr.Greens house was on fire .The fireman _him _摆脱困境。10. The bedroom is a mess.I will _ _ _打扫它right away.11. We need to _ _ _想出a plan.12. Its a bad habit _ _ _推迟what you can do today until tomorrow.13. Tom used to_(go) to office by bus,but now he is used to_walk.14. Several=_ _=_ _ _+可N复15. _ 这样 a little girl can draw _如此many pictures.16. Students should learn how _ _(solve)problems.17. _ the age of 7,Tom won the game .18. My dream will _ _实现。19. _(volunteer) here is a dream for me.20. _ _ _ _满足感21. Please stop _(watch) TV ,Tom .Its time to go to bed.22. She _(raise) money _为 the poor every day.23. _ _至少24. I _ _ _担心my dream.25. I am _(excite)26. The story is _(excite)27. Please show your _(kind) to me.28. You will_ _ _能够 watch TV for an hour.29. I found it difficult _(talk) with my students.30. English is difficult for me, But I wont _ _ _放弃它。 31. They will _ _ _ _ 延期设立the club.32. I am _ _相似him. We are all ready to care _关心others.33. My father is fixing up the _(break) bike.34. We can spread love and_(kind).35. She is the _主人of the house now.Unit3 Could you please clean your room?1. Could you please_(help) me out.2. I want you _(clean) the room?3. Let me finish _(watch) the show at _(little).4. Tom often _ _ _洗碗。5. Please _ _ _叠你的衣服。6. Mom told me _ _ _ _扫地 every day.7. He often _ _ _铺床。8. Lets _ _ _ _倒垃圾。9. The teacher asks us _ _(read) English every day.10. Could you _(please dont , please not, not please, dont please) watch TV?11. The plane will_ _起飞。12. Please _ _脱掉 your coat.13. Could you please clean your room?肯回和否回14.I am _忙于,从事于my dinner.15.A: I dont like apples.B:_ _ _我也是16 A: I can dance.B: _ _ _我也是17._两个都 _两个都不18.She asked me _ _吃惊地。19.Tom will _ _顺便来访 to my house .20.Tom played with the phone in class_ _ _一直。He didnt listen to the teacher.21.He asked me _(angry).22.I will give it you_一就she comes back.23.Dont _ _ _生气 me .24.Lets _ _ _ _ _ _带狗散步。25.I_ _扔掉all the old clothes yesterday.26.They are laughing_ _ _一直。27_he _I 既不.也不_ interested in singing .28.A:_ _我能go to the movies ? B:No,_ _29.Could you please_(not do, not to do , doing, does) it again.30.Could you please _(pass) the book_介 me ?31.I hate _(do) chores.32.I borrowed a book _介 Tom。33.I lent a book_介 Tom。34.Tom invited me _(have) dinner yeaterday.35.Tom invited me _介 his house.36.Could I _借 your book?37.Its every teachers job _(make) things clear and easy.38.I spent all the morning _(help) my mother clean the house.39.I study hard in order to _(get) into a good university.40.The company_(提供) us _介 3000 dollars in 2004. 同义句 The company _3000 dollars _介_us.41.She was _生病的in hospital.42._ _ _结果,he didnt pass the exam.43._ _(much) you eat , the fatter you will be.44.Its our duty _(protect) the environment.45._ _ _ _浪费时间46.Children _ _依靠 their parents every day.47.There is no need for you _(do) the dishes.48.I will do our part in _(keep)the earth clean.49.Tom doesnt mind _(play) basketball.50China is _(develop) quickly.51.I dont agree _介 you .52.The _更多 trees, the _更少 air pollution.53.I study hard_ _这样以来I can get good grades.54.I will give the book to you_ 一就.I finish reading it.55.A:Would you like to go to Beijing or Shanghai? B:_(both, neither ,either).Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents?1.Why dont you talk to your parents?同义句:2. My mother doesnt allow me _(watch) TV.3. Please _ _浏览 the information.4. Thank you for _ (invite) a letter to me .5. Why dont you _ (seep) the floor?6. I am good at _(play) basketball.7. I found my father _(look) through the newspaper yesterday8. Whats wrong .?=Whats_ _?9. Could you please not _(get) into a fight with him.10. You should call him _ _为了,以便 you can say sorry to him同义句:You should call him _ _ _目的是 say sorry to him11. My father doesnt allow me _ (hang out)12. Please _ _浏览the question. Then try your best _算出它。13. I cant get _足够的钱。14. _ _为什么不 you talk about it_ _ _在电话上。15. I want to _ _ _ _相处融洽 them .16. They will talk instead of _(do) homework.17. you can eat _无论什么 you like , help yourself.18. I cant go home _直到 I finish my homework.19. They _提供 him a good job yesterday .20. 同义句:They _提供 a good job _介him yesterday.21. _虽然 she is tired ,she feels very happy.22. Youd better take the map with you _ _以便you wont be lost23. What about _(have) a drink? A: help yourself B:never mind C:youre right D: Good idea24. I have _ _足够的时间_watch TV.25. He likes _(compete)_介 me .26. The boy often _ _ _ _有一个争论,打架 his parents.27. _ _ _依我看,playing computer games is bad.28. He continued _(walk).29. Tom practices_(play) the piano every day.30. We should have listening_(skill).31. In my class, some like Chinese,_其他人 like math.32. I learned some _ _考试技能。33. Dont _ 比较me _介 her .34. They are keeping on _(hang) out.35. _ _ _依我看,dont cause too much trouble.36. _ _为什么不 go to the movies?37. What about _(have) a picnic.38. He has already _ _减掉 many after-school activities.39. I will go to the zoo_ _ 代替 watching TV,Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1. My alarm didnt _ _发出响声,_也。2. _突然,my telephone_ _响了。3. When did you _开始to study English?4. Tom was in the kitchen _(help) her mom at eight yesterday evening.5. He is so tired that he didnt see a car_(come)6. He is busy _(look) for his dog.7. We _ _(have) a piano lesson at that time yesterday.8. They _ _(pick) tomatoes on the farm this time yesterday.9. Tom _ _(play) computer games when his mother got home.10. What _(be) you _(do)_when the rainstorm came?11. Tom _(fall) asleep because he was tired.12. The sun _ _(rise)when he got up.13. At that time ,It was raining_(heavy).14. I met an old friend of mine while I _ _(walk)on the street.15. The Chinese team _击败了the Japanese team by 3:1 in 2004.16. There arent many tickets left for the concert. Youd better _确保 that you get one today.17. He was too tired _ _(fall asleep).18. The wind _ _ _(die down) at that time yesterday.19. I was watching TV _当 my brother was writing a letter.20. What _(be)Tom _(do) from 5:00 to 6:30 this morning?21. It _ _(rain) hard when I got home yesterday afternoon.22. Who _(win,beat) the game yesterday? Tom _(win,beat) all the others.23. I get to school at 7:00 every day. 同义句: 同义句:24. He was having a shower when I _ 经过。25. The students were standing there _ _沉默 at that time yesterday. 26. I like fruit,_ _例如apples,pears,oranges and so on.27. The boy is so young that he cant go to school.同义句:同义句:28She remembered_(write) to me ,but I didnt receive it.29. Please remember _(close) the window.30. He didnt tell the teacher the _(true) of being late .31. _ _起初,He liked English ,but now he dont like English 。32. The workers _拆掉了 the old park in order to build a new one yesterday. 33. The storm _(break)everything介_so we had to buy new things.34. Please feel like _(swim) to have fun in summer. Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains.1. _ _ _ _从前there was a big tree in front of the village.2. 有点_ _ _=_ _=_ _ 3. I felt _ _ _有点bored.4. The old bike _提醒me _介 my grandpa.5. Mary is _ _quiet.6. _(either,both ,neither) of us wants to go to park today.Because we have to finish so much homework. 7. I wont go to the party _(if ,unless,when) Im invited.8. The book will _ _出版。9. _ _ _事实上,he dont like English.10. If you finish your homework, youll_能 watch TV.11. A boy _(call) Tom is my brother.12. Water can _ _变成 ice.13. She _ _ _ _爱上了 the poor worker.14. I _ _ _情不自禁微笑。 15. The couple _ _结婚了 3 years ago.16. That song _(sound) beautiful.17. He often swims _穿过 the river.18. Its cold, Please _ _(put ,wear) your coat .19. What a beautiful girl she is!20. _ _多危险 it is!21. _ _一.就. I get home, Ill call you.22. Dont _叫醒 him _介。23. Tom _ _ _没起床 until his mother came back.24. Unless you work hard ,you will fall in the exam.同义句:_ you _ work hard ,youll fail in the exam. 25. The boy didnt sleep well last night because of the _(voice, noise,sound) from the factory.26. Her _声音 sounds very beautiful.27. I heard him _(speak) loudly when I passed by just now. 28. I hope to have _ _一些有趣的事。29. I like _(west) food.30. It isnt possible _(move) the mountain.31. They gave going hiking _ _代替 going swimming.32. Why not _(ask) your father for help when you have trouble _(finish) the work by yourself.33. A:Im sorry for being late . I want to be here earlier ,but the traffic was too heavy.B:_(Glad to here that , Thats right, Never mind, Thank you)34. There are five _(monkey) eating bananas there.35. Tom kept _(watch) TV for 10 hours so she felt very tired.36. When did your parents get _(marry)?37. I like eating _(west ) food.Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the word?1. 北京的人口是多少?(三种表达方式)2. Tom is _(good) student in our class.3. China is _(big) population in the word. Its a lot _(big ) than the population of the US.4. He is _(clever) than _ _ _其他任何学生in our class. 5. Which is _(big), the sun ,the moon or the earth?6. The Yellow River is the second _(long) river in China.7. Beijing is _ _ _ _ _ _最美的城市之一in the word. 8. _ _ _I know ,Tom is good at English.9. Mary is the tallest girl in our class.(同义句)Mary is _ _ _ _girl in our class.10. The box was _(more heavier, much heavier, little heavier, very heavier) than I had expected.11. The shoes are as _(cheap) as Toms shoes.12. He always_挑战himself _ _ _ _面对difficulties .13. Humans can be stronger than _ _ _ _自然的力量。14. Its hard _(take) in air on the top of the mountains.15. Its _(300米长的) A:300-meter long B:300-meters-long C:300-meters long D:300-meter long16. The bridge is over eight _(hundred) meters long.17. 用英语表达数字863:_18. Ill _ _ _活到 100 years old.19. Asia is _ _四倍 _large_Europe.20. The house is _ _两倍 larger _ that house .21. Many people in the world die from _(ill).22. His voice is full of _(excite).23. Most students spend too much time _(play) computer games.24. Can you help me to _ _ _my dog?25. He died _介 _(ill).26. He didnt understand _ _ _的重要性 the question .27. The baby is _(wake).28. We need _ _ _再5个小时。29. The pair of shoes is too small ,Please give me _再一个pair 。30. We will have _ 更少water _污染。31. Lets stop_ _砍伐 the trees.32. Animals live for o short time _ _ _由于疾病。33. Tom is _big _一样大 a cat _ _出生时。34. The weather is becoming _ _ _越来越热。35. I _ _ 出生in China.36. I want _ _(succeessful) in life.37. His shoes are too big for him ,so he often _ _绊倒。Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?1. _ _快点,or we will be late for school.2. I_ _(finish)my homework yet.3. The street _ _ _(充满)cars and people.4. There is a room _ _(充满)flowers.5. He finished _(write) the letter last night.6. What are you going to be when you _ _(长大)。7. When I walked past the park, I saw sonce old people _(do) chinese Taiji.8. Who _(other,else,another,othes)will come to our school ?9. I _ _(finish )writing the book yet .10. Dont_me _(把我落下)when you leave .11. He _ _(放下)his book after he read two_页。12. The boy is ,running_(朝)me.13. He has finished the wark _(已经)。14. He hasnt finished the wark _(还)。15. I _ _(read) the book twice already .16. Tom has _(已经)fed the dog , but she hasnt watered, the flowers _(还).17. I have seen the film twice _(yet, already ,hever ever ).18. I_ _(telll)him already.19. He_ _(wake) up already.20. Tom isnt here ,He _ _ _(已经去)Beijing.21. He _never _(eat) mutton.22. _you ever _(drink) coke .23. The teacher makes me _(play) the piano every day.24. A: What _(be) the number of the students in your school? B: About two _(thousand),Anumber of them _(be) from the countryside .25. A:_you _(finish)the homework ? B: Not yet.26. We must find a good way _(relax).27. Since then, she_ _(be) a teacher .28. Diaoyu Islands _ _(属于)China wewill never _ _ _(放弃它们).29. The book _ _属于 _I.30. Your life will be full _(介词) happiness。31. I can speak several languages_ _(例如)French ,Japanese and English.32. We must believe _ _(互相)。33. I will love you _(永远).34. He will go_(国外) to learn English.35. Tom _ _ _去国外 already. 36. He _ _ _(过去常常听) to music.37. We like the _(beautiful) of nature .38. _(succeed) aslo bring the chanllenges .39.


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