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详解高三英语名校试题汇编(第3期)专题14交际用语(学生版)高三名校英语试题汇编第三期专题 14 交际用语(学生版)1.【河北省保定市摸底试题】21一 My family went on a tour to Korea during the National holiday.-_. A.All right.B.Forget it.C.I really envy you.D.So what? 4.【浙江省十校联合体高三上学期联考】21.-What do you say to a weekend in New York?-_.A.Sounds like funB.I think so C.It doesnrsquo;t matter D.I really envy you 5.【浙江省十校联合体高三上学期联考】40.-A stranger gave me an umbrella when I was caught in the rain.-_.A.First impression is half the battleB.A friend without faults will never be foundC.There is kindness to be found everywhereD.Two heads are better than one 6.【河北省五校联盟高三上学期调研】32.- Are you a member of the club?-.Itrsquo;s years since I.A.Yes; wasB.No; wasC.Yes; had beenD.No; became 7【河北省名校俱乐部高三第二次调研】21.Did you go to the basket ball game last night? _, I had an important meeting. ANo, I missed it. B Yes, it was e_citing.CNo, I couldnrsquo;t bear watching it. D No, I wonrsquo;t like it very much.8.【河北省名校俱乐部高三第二次调研】33.by using the DNA from a dinosaur fossil, we might someday create a living one_.Dinosaurs disappeared millions of years ago.you know. A.Never mindB.No ideaC.That sounds crazyD.Itrsquo;s believable12.【云南省师大附中高三适应性月考 】35-Frequent terrible coal mine accidents killed over 2,000 people in China last year-.A Guess what?BWhats up?C Thats the case DQuite OK 13.【安徽示范上学期第一次联考】21-Hi, Monica, Have you made up your mind yet? -Well, I think Irsquo;m going to take up hairdressing.Asooner or laterBmore or lessCbetter or worseDnow and then 14.【安徽示范上学期第一次联考】35-How did your interview go? -! The questions were a bit difficult, but I answered them all.AJust so soBTerrible CCouldnrsquo;t be better DHard to say 15.【山西太原高三 12 月考】21.-I donrsquo;t feel like going out.Why donrsquo;t we just stay home and watch TV instead?- _You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday.A.Great!B.Why me!C.Come on!D.Not at all! 18.【山东乐陵高三质检】27.- How about cing this weekend , just for a change?- OK, _D.However 19【河南襄城 11 月考】18.-Can you help me with the math problem, Dad? _-OK, let me think it overAI m fed up with itBIm stuckCI didnt get itDI can t find it 20.【山东省寿光市 10 月考】31.-Wonrsquo;t you go to the football match tonight? -.I might stay at home watching it live on TV instead.A.Irsquo;d rather notB.Irsquo;m not sureC.I guess soD.Irsquo;d love to第 5 页 共 5 页


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