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启东市小学英语教案用纸 牛津小学英语6A牛津小学英语6A Unit 2 Bens birthday (Part BC) 第二课时 徐龙小学 施玲玮【教学目标】1. 语言知识学习新单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, November, December及缩写。学习序数词:210 second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth及缩写。用已学单词准确表达日期。熟练使用句型:Whens your birthday? What would you like as a birthday present?2. 语言技能初步掌握日期的表达方式。引导学生围绕“生日”这个话题展开活动,在活动中提高英语运用表达能力。3. 情感态度引导学生通过了解朋友的生日日期及礼物愿望,增进朋友间交流和情感。复习英美节日,了解国外文化习俗。【教学重点】能用新授单词,结合本单元已学句型,熟练表演对话。【教学难点】能准确使用12个月份和10个序数词表达日期,并根据本单元句型,运用所学语言与朋友展开生日话题。【课前准备】1. 教具准备:录音机,磁带,PPT。2. 板书准备:课题Unit2 Bens birthday【先学提纲】 (自我评价) (他人评价)_ ( ) _ ( ) _ ( )_ ( ) _ ( ) 1. 查一查,拼一拼:(查音标,试拼读)March June April JulyMay 2. 听一听,读一读:(听磁带,试模仿)January February September November December3. 找一找,连一连:(试着找出变化规律)序数词(缩写)sixth (6th)eighth (8th)seventh (7th)tenth(10th)ninth(9th)序数词(缩写)fifth (5th)first (1st)second (2nd)fourth (4th)third (3rd)基数词678910基数词123454. 问一问,填一填:(问好朋友以下2个问题)Whens your birthday? My birthdays on . What would you like as a birthday present? Id like . 5. 想一想,说一说:每个月里重要的已学节日有哪些?【教学过程】Step 1. Preparation1. Free talkWhat day is it today? What date is it today?/ Whats the date today?Whens your birthday? What would you like as a birthday present?Would you like as a birthday present?请个别学得较好的学生根据本单元A部分句型结合实际情况提问其他同学。2. 落实先学提纲1T: Thank you, good job! Boys and girls, look at the screen please. Can you read them?_ ( ) _ ( ) _ ( )(PPT展示大日历112个月,日历下蓝笔标注出先学提纲1中5个单词,读完一个词,飞入大日历中对应的月份)_ ( 六月 ) _/du:lai/_ ( 七月 ) March /m:t/ 三月 June /du:n/ April /eiprl/ 四月 JulyMay /mei/ 五月(抽读学得比较慢的同学,个别读,读得不对请其他同学纠正,小组读,拼读)Step 2. Presentation1. 落实先学提纲2 T: You work hard! Im sure youll do better this time. January February September November December/ /ju/ /e/ /u/ /e/ /e/ /u/ /e/ /i/ /e/(PPT展示先学提纲2中5个单词,个读、生生互授、齐读后抽读。学生都读错的单词由教师纠正。由于单词较长,无需整个标注音标,在个别字母下标注发音,需多花时间操练。) 结合节日操练5个单词 e.g.The _ is in _. (PPT展示相应的节日图片:New Years Day, Spring Festival, Teachers Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas学生分组根据图片和例句讨论,教师下台巡视帮助,抽组回答并上台移动图片到正确月份下。) (PPT展示大日历112个月,日历下蓝笔标注出先学提纲2中5个单词,学生反复读词,读完一个词,飞入大日历中对应的月份,August, October在上节课Part A中出现过,也同时操练。)听单词录音跟读,出示12个月份的缩写,请学生说说缩写规律,以及记忆方法。Learning tips:月份缩写取前3个字母,结尾处可加点“.” ,也可不加。五月May按照原形来写。2. 110序数词(落实先学提纲3) T: Look at this calendar, how many months are there in a year? Lets count! S: One, two, three 12 months. There are 12 months in a year. T: The first month is S: January.(PPT呈现先学提纲3内容,分别投影3位学生作业,师生校对。在second, third词上附音标。) 分组读、记忆,寻找110序数词的规律,请学生总结。Learning tips: 一二三,单独记,th从四起,8加h,9去e。 GameS1说基数词,S2需快速说出对应的序数词,小组竞赛,比比哪组最神速! 练习日期及表达方式PPT展示以下日期和示例 the of 1月9日 2月6日 5月7日 8月3日 11月2日 12月5日请学生说一说,并请学得较好的学生做评价,对错,说得好不好。 PPT 展示以下日期,请学生分组说一说,并讨论相应的节日是哪个?The _ is in _.The _ is on the_of _.3月8日 Womens Day 7月4月1日 April Fools Day 8月 Summer vacation(暑假)5月 Mothers Day 10月Halloween6月1日 Childrens Day(学生分组根据图片和例句讨论,教师下台巡视帮助,抽组回答并上台移动图片到正确日期下。既练习了Step2. 1中未涉及的月份和日期,又复习了已学的节日,Summer vacation是新知,PPT上用中文标注,学生讲解时教师带读。)Learning tips: in 用在年、月前 on用在具体的某一天Step 3. PracticePPT呈现C部分图12,每组就这两幅图讨论、描述。Jim and his friends are talking about their birthdays. What are they saying? Practise with your partner.A: Whens your birthday?B: My birthdays onA: What would you like as a birthday present?B: Id like学生讨论后用以上句型在座位上展示,请其他小组成员作评价。教师补充评价,监督学生认真倾听。Step 4. ProductionT: Open your books, lets review Part A, read and think. 请学生听A部分录音,思考如何将A部分中生动的对话运用到自己的对话中。PPT呈现C部分图36,请学生尝试模仿A部分拓展对话。说得越多越好,要围绕生日的主题。(如遇到10以外的序数词,教师可稍作提示)e.g. Picture3Yang Ling: Good morning, Su Yang.Su Yang: Good morning.Yang Ling: Would you like to come to my birthday party?Su Yang: Thats great! Whens your birthday party?Yang Ling: My birthday party is on the 3rd of March.Su Yang: Do you usually have a birthday party?Yang Ling: Yes, I do.Su Yang: What would you like as a birthday present?Yang Ling: Id like some flowers.Su Yang: OK. Ill bring you some beautiful flowers.Yang Ling: Thank you!Su Yang: Youre welcome. (此例不在PPT上呈现,让学生自我发挥。)(学生分组讨论,教师巡视帮助。学生展示,生生评价,教师总结。)Step 5. Progress1. PPT介绍其他未学的英美节日图片、简介与相应的日期。学生边看边跟教师读。2. 每周一句Proverb: All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。Homework:1. 听录音,复述A部分,熟读B部分单词,抄四会单词三遍并背出。2. 根据先学提纲题5,用真实资料和朋友表演一段关于生日的对话。3. 当。(由教师根据所学内容安排)4. 完成下节课的先学提纲。【教后反思】4


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