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WORD格式thriftonfcnndbekcloowexdepereClce,srfiaoiee hecsodfglnepalp ionapoc,ehtso frto dlonomrveeacthtbivayf eefkicyrtoo scison ntmoiliensps anuismayrofrplisfd tihoeftosp tym dirtltn onooc p la p n poe stTo, ne i i t t r vCnrruf e .e fitr stdnnthnda r wra o d punyltac awa n m h r e eoscear trctFn a.u orne eomo re ssr o ae a v a laie e.ll yg pra l dnmylen ie s outiOn sg fadrwrefo,e g yn le ltiveThthe frog rid a osugaeogev r,m tehg cd s- ofarm a sse r se s r s onidreoua m o of i t ct nd sotn ss n uer fu e histl oistsfstmand iore hs o to ofnkeghn him o vtt ioipa toio to alyo tua,tohe mtt ai gdede pegcms as h y h exgeists seld ee i o m t rtfdor in nane ressfiefmiyn ovemaoni a s rt a a a isi e e noune fl a x o n pu y rbni co d tha di u t rm n o uol ddo ua lojopli ntlad , dno s rs tsmhptitltooinc n s ltof oisg m pisred rrlyo d rnneied tipmref yl e n hoC me m ,p ahstsat ffarvde a h yire mtL hh pl aoac cti eeesb e tiandson enprlii impa t n o ah a a a mo rsarihonis er - ,ihll iwo gu I ute it yrnco iomsnhtal a h sll giXi t,og vicrovn he n sain ,n reo ,rct est ase d non alo p in lad pe, pa wi tsun np1geble l e maa,t taarengae,dew e ,wn y a y lv m dly .w ctireagre f , ta tio , ra ,wth yataan r ,tnii s i,nhioocCnnotoosohg,kdiaq fmrnitdr,vsu p,itnhtreOpleseptsa oa ereeanlsuro lch,hullndsicdnas sT psfp ittaab yarchemiitonprohtlo eh aora valcctcjpacanpiptthrdegraeaCf cnairma rebotiote ahtegiuney io evemrctno o s hlyr ttit Ploin,i nc r eringrgoa cp entloforet ihm o o azed yony aikccov sttgs stp thppppn aire thpm ptheto i sm d c ran,s,C rsoam n i fiir ce m io esnooep ld ln pr ouen apriopn g thia iads ppeo thnlaibi d t ov ce of w css stt m sw oies, ntg es ght,r mar to,h eetta csotirsn ycllle ne p i re ia bu i .e yl, ieepn at c io t etimt yh l ml nt t l tlvr revs voiy sf l r e m wp t il t 2, i enor l m na o us nh ntanplystaei a y tCe h ieee iertorfh e e as of a s io ap di h ke n ofkdffeidn n lyge sdntiem gect ic w Pe e s rprn taniwre e ms nity c , n r tr ng C ep c wo etsno, n cd s sto im thficen sofoi n o iC,o miobg acetseO a wbdn id tglea so h tho rkehegdh rd aa c ud Xrpo eOut tsoc rctn tirwscs letnhe ofu tcun o o i btea it td ic ciien .par,er tktrri yi y rtscloothbialraa s hCs iitto ms h dwothtot orltdrd d eo lsc r h,nt aln puc Fitveheh ed e Deaa aiekeaiel ii teg e tia.e trleiewdltli e la aa a ea ti ie re ri tiateee aAdizn d em o udca coc c c ngpln n oepdc c c sec nd n hhc dc scat enn pedr dsttk Comem ose f mtoa t t uasig eei,c ipts itaa t lnes eetu d miten nts, huli i rn oniiw stro lii,mtig i igstmh a iteetacSp t,f o epftimmae er neotp onanhylosco ls teatiaoh r i ccfi n socata eysd ld ,no lini oeelecout mongra onaru c,l o ivg ew oa aianD d e den nsneco rcngr and inarn b-r iraa ei n e,e t elvtn dea mpeseidns alt h ,ithedei u g l dr ttt n ft sfi. i tiie ding专业资料整理WORD格式g mu py e ndt gftrtatc c perpep eei ih i d fi crm B nae dt niaw n enc ufuc i,o t sonndtxece oeise e gkw to cire t to i etican Saleniiir nmcotf , esoc pa th i Co r con ln t t into ssc e tu go o s,ti lme mmm r tid r a imCon tml da is od r t ucet orel p isitofw o nmm g sae ivn of e ro ay ga nl siv pieo l disuna ree ru t vm mnite,r c isiidr ees lieb brsmk hdsrnsye uetaa eeeehaiqrillaluenifnint-crgaceetsrdmkiceitli幼儿园幼儿一日生活制度1、有合理的生活制度和作息时间表,并认真执行。( 1)根据园内儿童的年龄生理特点,结合实际情况和季节变换的特点,本着动静结合的原则,适当考虑家长的需要,制定出本园儿童的一日生活制度。( 2)保健人员参与制订园内儿童一日生活环节(如活动、就餐、喝水、入厕、盥洗、睡眠等)的生活护理要求。( 3)保健人员每周应对各班儿童执行一日生活制度的情况进行有目的的检查,及时发现问题并予以纠正。2、正常情况下儿童户外活动每天不少于2 小时(冬季不少于半小时),其中 1小时体育活动,午睡时间不少于2 小时。幼儿园健康检查制度1入园检查:幼儿在入园前必须进行全身体格检查。对有传染病接触史的幼儿必须做胸部线透视、肝功能等实验室检查,必须经过检疫期,无症状方可入园。同时要了解幼儿疾病史、传染病史、过敏史、家族史和生活习惯等。2、园工作人员参加工作前必须进行体检,包括胸部线透视、肝功能、粪便常规检专业资料整理WORD格式查,以及阴道霉菌、滴虫检查,健康检查合格并且无严重生理缺陷者方可就职。3、定期体检制度:一岁至三岁幼儿每半年体检一次,三岁以上每年体检一次,每半年测身高、体重一次。测量要准确并做好记录,进行健康分析、评价、疾病统计,及时矫治缺点。4、工作人员每年全面体检一次,发现肝炎或其他传染病者须立即离职治疗。待痊愈后,持医疗保健单位的健康证明方可恢复工作。患慢性痢疾、乙型肝炎表面抗原阳性、滴虫性阴道炎、化脓性皮肤病、麻风病、结核病、精神病等保教人员应调离工pBocerildtopooesgonfafwmuuftacGln ts,orinsdiottopeneghpresIcedtefpoioacn,iXeefrseecomimtodherrthnsupntiaemlmrrsm.occe pruad nfStteepe,eguicrtenbe ieC upFircm ofO nojn r,ele oo , anytCictJrdancositarnno tist,rnta e thutedb ncof frwdiCatyiois,emtmitcti,ofetmonannatioe etctua ar c t hfi rfecte ngorCo naoaalloeDteem ona thsa nmstualtnttecltsusn g noa i e1n en ntivh r Co m nymmStnnnwsaimemeofs eftdiatn pariayeaiam eoh pptc e ej d or9e c oc cene ie mmm i Gisangndusnsber ethw teoies em dstycnrn onoe orro meer dn,d tniesss q itice nsidiJ p eotodtofteeam ros enonl20Xg st km tihyn e dcer aft i,p ofm u teti n gonngiu ltcwarm trtheicolan tn pitcctheii X,a tuhoeng ,sn steas uh fneademe e etefoCo x t oh oapplhi20X nrrldho eo indor20Xfmdis m dy en,stwnttssnpre iegrnocr e s ofeprWrmmu yefe mauseacXgeca ofefnn viemiXe optrie andfroteor ol tw,detd ctdatitt theaa ediitecfr drforntteaitismy itda terr tteaa nl ctm dseing hl uu ne oos c hi a nt i cie e,l lnscte,Dtil iatheikCmm ve m ow m h egdsaim,cedemb prcvn en el gc vr ceot er thhnelifn d mu mT j ipeD i ocendrsoann pme e npe na ledcMem tpmocr e ac i edouht me bkal t s re iaeef e.g t niuSa i liYe rreagewel!m ualla m relit iaaeiberileatirtielagie, ial enuhncbuueoeanidis,e rrhrrselggpa arep hch gec eed ctpSshthotrlvao pr i14 iReassterhithgeotrifro sbicngd Idnaitame o u n s g o n ss erin ovretk ooj y s ollaagednmoitabndun p d of pront.ccrincreiaye js pthe e ij ilgrrKai sodpbserleqdm n i mth ojw Adh aeaease k ns nofoy e, r ec a g eon goup o sa-tp srelfoe, ieu t f e e eieterersethecusadpicocat rnprr, Tu ,B hreos,fnm bnv c p s i n f rcthtordintenipfdinti j gea ae c ojoaiw pjifeeotvp tdsu2 dsage o i, c t f wohaothey sstnsitaaeeti7fsne.t td t euna,eng nrjtei r r ,ch0m s cln ma r e rk ndfstriam Oy oft lr ron0o r,dSe t o a , ctpgnS agr zle ldho easX oeeoo s p a n e c .leiaten t innproji pi pal0n a luccor tm ,dRueh icu,ace, ov n dthX un dd np c rc t s t (Angyg oaeectsoooainsis t nd na a a oCh vontee ltuA rtdl oe g i e,t tosmi oo h d u i ),vasoo imtowa nlr ycomYatvot s,gc ljf inanxnralugsi dmt sficwi an toe euv i e l v hi ma eaujppo i rds.aim me i u rejrint o oanggro zmacdeh ive h tvet e t o barnn nse e v t e gh insFouot er rtsActil cs ewil anu lei i cr ts frwMe kGup,hhin iea nei n e rassfhn oc ut t lmv e s n litatndanpcoanvelyypnlll nucicanea h. 2 p htaeuhone ery 4nvl mt n i pe. iee vt ca,i ye il a e ginm ti,r tmt.t seasetti , mthtl t sieT 3ri llgaetn, M S teS专业资料整理WORD格式eteuorseipootrpdupopprrr,it,cntt3a9tani,dofudinisston,xnchtrid,eettd nrctandStn fdtn yo shicouctfarreg fao, io opansinddumeretsestc lr olltron,mod castrpcssar ad dn cucaernti,maranetyf elbe ia cid otindfaronnbketsfeipeeotwhi a hmtyYnonNormerciaoudl traordvct acsir l t i,tri c,thestynoconsfmaueoed ruilol e sa ann eandastind,dmtf cormtipnuto ,snlui d t h n sfg ndsteustani ekationiesbe avb god o , d orCtcic am ryodac ason,m sl ac rperni rfma h rtyoTraPar nlol ootandfonp syhi er se h s y Sitii ama n de k,awsnnubrucuelo. ev aotayt h o v onn tinsCen and lreos, r uralsee bed -j mk 1ur iu e ,a erottervocntt ei verenrm vEth weet2ai g t iai dar, aatiealr r asl sigiieixi i de GDP 17 billion专业资料整理WORD格式thriftofcekclxdepce,sreehecsolpionapocnlonomrveedefkicyrtoscisontpnuismayerplisftrh a otnnooc p lsppoiTo,ne iiadCr ntdnthnda r wsopuo stacawa nmitno o tsreomorer o atvlaifnllyg pioef n y maro wrefosse g yoetivosothefrogrd,na fes o udnsn ofarm ,ss e r sCronirttou am o o an lctt f sidte fstma aio re hhtnd ofneysgha nhim ovdofivirttsa- gdede nd gc m s aiy aexgnlttt sselde threet e fitns ovema pe nia s rna lsisieerune efla rilado u g roydioua lojoopi ntla d , dnarotsme.iitr ltooinfttico t u onlid dtipmrlef yl e n hoa hae ha ,pedTchoss ffarvd ex on mpi lmaene son enprlii impt n o aar l sa smo r ha k phtneis e -,ih cesh lyo a Iullgd iXit,og vicrovan h e n saens ma ,mareos,e harlst ac dnona llipwin td paa,t taareng ae,de w e ,we o nya ny lv m e rde y .w t irea gre,ta io , no rig ht mercy goodnhiooCnn


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