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从前有棵树,名字叫“高数”,树上挂了许多人 数学不给力的童鞋们常常吐槽,“高数”这个东东不是一般人类能够征服哒!数学不好不是错,但是数学没学好的各种晕,慢慢你就知道了。下面这些纠结,你躺枪了吗?1. 每次聚餐完毕都是+-的节奏 该掏多少?切个闹啊The end of a meal when you need to split the bill with a bunch of friends.2. 现金?刷卡?都还是要算哒。算没算对?只有天知道!And heaven help you when people pay with cash and cards.3. 给小费前,先要检查大脑有木有短路。Having to figure out how much to tip without your brain shutting down.4. 帮小伙伴们叫匹萨,该要几寸的?这道难题真不是你能想象的Figuring out how much pizza to get for a group of friends is not a decision you should be making.5. 明明知道TA是哪年生的,可怎么就算不出TA今年多大呢?When you know the year someone was born and its way harder than it should be to calculate their age.6. 算账理财神马的完全不在你的理解范畴之内。Responsible things, like making a budget for yourself, are sadly outside the realm of your understanding.7. 有些时候,你只能偷偷地掰着手指Any time you need to covertly resort to counting on your fingers.8. 看了超市的价签,合计了半天,结果还是选错了。When you try to compare bulk prices at the store to see whats the better valueand make the wrong decision.9. 想把这顿饭double一下,做完了才发现bigger than bigger了Any attempt to double a recipe usually ends with you totally screwing up the measurements.10. 一部电影需要多长时间?为神马总要用分钟,直接说小时不好吗?When you have to think for a minute to figure out a movies actual runtime.11. 最受不了商场里玩折上折这一套!Going shopping and trying to make sense of all the discounts stacked on top of each other.12. 玩大富翁一类的游戏,最悲催的是轮到自己扮银行了。Any game of Monopoly where you had to be the banker was bad news.13. 没了手机,你就自己算算数吧!When your phone dies, forcing you to do all the math by yourself.14. 身边数学好的小伙伴们让你感到压力山大啊!When your mathematically gifted friends give you a hard time for not being able to do simple things.15. 当然,最让你受伤害的还是上!数!学!课!And of course theres the absolute worst experience for the math-impaired: Math class.精彩推荐:企业英语培训 bbb:/aaaspiikersaaa/友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!3 / 3


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