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WORD八年级英语第一学期第二次联考试卷 (时间90分钟 总分100分)一听力部分I听对话,选择正确的图片。(5%)( ) 1.Who is Sallys good friend?A B C( ) 2.What is James doing this Sunday?A. B. C.( ) 3.Where is Pedro going for vacation?A B C( ) 4.Whats wrong with Andy?A B C( ) 5.What do we need to make fruit salad?A B CII听对话,根据问题选择最佳答案。(5%)( )6. Whats the weather like now? A. Cold B. Cloudy C. Rainy. ( )7. Where does the man want to go?A. Post office B. Bank C. Bookstore. ( )8. Whats Mary looking for?A. Her dress B. Her blouse C. Her sweater. ( )9. hat color is the womans dress?A. Green B. Blue C. Yellow. ( )10. Whats Emmas favourite season?A. Autumn B. Spring C. Summer. III听长对话,回答问题。(10%)听下面一段长对话,回答11-12 小题。( ) 11. Where are the speakers?A. In a tea house B. In a park C. In a shop( ) 12. What does the woman want to do?A. Buy shoes B. Borrow some money C. Get something to eat听下面一段较长对话, 回答13-15小题。( ) 13. What does the boy do to practice his spoken English?A. He just read aloud every morning .B. He often talks to his teacher and classmates in English.C. He often goes to English corners.(英语角)( ) 14. What does the boy think of his English?A. very good B. very poor C. He doesnt know( ) 15. Where is the English corner ?A. in the library B. in the classroom C. in front of the library笔试部分(80%)二单项选择(15%)( )16.Did you see _ koalas in the zoo?A. some B. a C. any D. anything( )17.Its good for your health to have _ every day.A. two glass of milk B. two glass of milksC. two glasses of milk D. two glasses of milks( )18.Its raining outside, please take _ with you.A. a prize B. a gift C. an umbrella D. a camera( ) 19. Kate isnt very _.She likes to stay at home and read.A. kind B. outgoing C. funny D. quiet( ) 20. He often goes to work _foot.A. by B. with C. on D. in( ) 21.Whats she doing for vocation?Shes _her sister.A. look B. babysit C. babysitting D. babysiting( ) 22.You play the guitar very well. -_A. Yes. B. No C. Where? D. Thanks.( )23.I am taller _she is.A. as B. from C. at D. than( )24. _ yogurt do you need?A. How many B. Which C. How much D. When ( ) 25. It rained all day, _ we didnt have a fun day.A. so B. but C. and D. because ( ) 26.Did your parents sleep late on weekends? _.A Yes, they did. B No, they dont. C Yes, they were. D No, they werent.( ) 27. Thanks for _ me to your birthday party.A. ask B. asks C. asking D. to ask( )28.Im 1.65m and Yao Ming is 2.04m. Hes much _ than me.A. older B. shorter C. more athletic D. taller( ) 29. Please _ the TV set, its time for CCTV news.A. turn off B. put on C. turn on D. open( ) 30. -How do you make the fruit salad?-_ wash the bananas and watermelon, _ cut up the fruit, then put the fruit in the bowl, _ put a cup of yogurt in.A. First, next, finally B. Finally, next, first C. First, finally, next D. Next, first, finally三完型填空(10%)I think the best place to go on Sunday is the zoo. When you are _31_, you can go there with your family. _32_ the zoo, there are many animals: elephants, deer, _33_, rabbits and other animals. Elephants are _34_ than any other animal on land. I _ 35_ there is a baby elephant in our zoo. So I want to _36_at it. Yu Xuan wants to go with me. She says, _37_ we go there together? Sure! I say. We can _38_ a good time there. But lets _39_ there at half past four. I have _40_ homework to do. ( )31. A. busy B. free C. young D. clean ( )32. A. In B. On C. For D. Near ( )33. A. monkeys B. monkey C. two monkey D. one monkeys ( )34. A. younger B. smaller C. bigger D. taller ( )35. A. listen B. listen to C. hear of D. hear ( )36. A. looks B. have a look C. see D. have a see ( )37. A. Can B. Could C. Shall D. Would ( )38. A. get B. have C. be D. has ( )39. A. goes B. go C. to go D. going ( )40. A. many too B. much too C. too much D. too many四阅读理解(30%)(A) Bobby送给你一优惠券,请仔细阅读回答问题。Discount (打折)85for students: It is useful(有用的) between May 1, 2005 and April 30, 2006 and only in China. Please come with this ticket and your student ID card. ( ) 41、How long is the ticket useful?A One month B Two months C One year D Two years( ) 42、Can your parents eat a discount pizza with this ticket here?A Yes, they can. B No, they cant. C I dont know. D It depends on.( ) 43、What do you have to take for a discount pizza?A The ticket. B Your student ID card. C Both ticket and ID card. D Nothing.( ) 44、Do you think its a good idea to send this ticket to your American pen pal?A I dont think so. B I think so. C Im not sure. D Yes, I do.( ) 45、If the price of a pizza is ¥40, how much do you need to pay(付钱)?A ¥32 B ¥34 C ¥36 D ¥38BMary is a schoolgirl. The day before yesterday (前天) was Sunday. Her parents were very busy, but she had nothing to do. So she wanted to cook lunch for herself.She didnt cook before, so it was difficult for her. She couldnt cook vegetables or meat. She thought for a long time, and finally she had an idea. First, she cooked some rice. When the rice was OK. She put it into a big bowl. Next, she took out three eggs from the fridge. She beat up(打坏) the eggs, poured some oil(油) into the pan(煎锅) and put the eggs into the pan.And then she put the rice into the pan. Next she put some salt and a teaspoon of relish. She mixed them up and cooked them. She finished her dinner. How happy she felt!( )46. what day was it the day before yesterday?A. Thursday B.Sunday C. Tuesday D. Saturday( )47. What did Mary want to do?A. do her homework B. cook dinner for her parents C. cook lunch for herself D. cook lunch for her parents( )48. What did Mary cook for lunch?A. some rice and vegetables B. some rice and meat C. some rice and eggsD. some eggs and meat( )49. What did Mary do first?A. mix the eggs and rice up B. put some salt and a teaspoon of relish C. cook some rice D. fried (油煎)the eggs( )50. What should we learn from Mary?A. We should let our parents cook dinner for us B. if we cant cook, dont do itC. We must make dinner for the familyD. We must do the things we can.COnce James Thornhill, a famous English painter, was asked(被邀请)to paint some pictures on the walls of the kings palace in English. Then workers made a big platform(平台)for him . With the help of a worker, Thornhill started painting on the platform. They worked for a whole year and at last the pictures were ready. Thornhill was happy when he looked at the pictures, because they were really beautiful. He looked at them for a long time, and then took one step back and looked again. Now the pictures were even more beautiful. He took another step, then another. Finally he was at the very edge(边缘) of the platform, but he did not know it because he was thinking of his pictures. The worker saw everything. What should I do? he thought. Thornhill is at the very edge of the platform. If I cry out, he will take another step, fall off it and surely be killed. So the worker quickly took some paint(颜料) and threw it at the picture. What are you doing? cried the painter, running quickly forward to his pictures.( ) 51.What was Thornhill? He was an English _.A. writer B. king C. worker D. painter( ) 52. He was asked to _.A. paint a picture for the kingB. paint some pictures on the walls of the kings palaceC. have his pictures painted in the kings palaceD. have his pictures painted on the walls( ) 53.How long did James finish his work?A. a whole year B. more than a year C. some months D. a few years( ) 54. What did James think of his pictures?A. he didnt mind them. B. he didnt like them C. he liked them very much D. we dont know ( ) 55. Which of the following is right?A. the worker had to pay for the picture.B. the painter could not forgive(原谅) the worker.C. the worker was really sorry for what he did.D. the painter thanked the worker for what he did when he got to know why. 五阅读下面短文,请根据首字母与中文提示正确拼写单词,注在答题纸上请拼写出完整的单词。(10%)Li is my good friend. He is _56_(外向) and _57_(聪明). He is a good student ,too. He is good at all his _58_(功课). Today is his 14th birthday. He invites many of his classmates to his party. But I _59_(不能) come to his party. Because I _60_(不得不) to babysit my sister. And I _61_(制作) a banana milk shake for him. _62_(首先), I peel three bananas. Then I _63_(切) up the bananas. After that, I put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. Next, I _64_(放) the milk into the blender. Finally, I turn on the blender. I hope hell like my _65_(礼物).六、 Bobby和你一起看电视采访节目,请把他们喜欢的食物写在空格。(5分) Marian: Well, I love vegetables, all vegetables. I think this is why I like Chinese food so much. Graham: my favorite iserI always have it as soon as I comeis a full English breakfast. I like eggs, sausage and tomatoes best. I love them, not every day but when Im at home.Lucy: Oh, no question, I know exactly what my favorite food is. SpaghettiItalian noodles with tomato sauce and I like it best when Im in Italy. The food was wonderful.Gavin : erIm not sure. Myfavoritefood is Indian food. Friday night we always go to an Indian restaurant and I have a chicken. Its the best! I like it more than chips!Sally: Shh! But my very, very favorite food is chocolate. Chocolate anything, especially just a big box of chocolate. My friend brought it back from Switzerland for me!NameMarianGrahamLucyGavinSallyFavorite food6667686970七. 写作(10分):Bill Smith是你的好朋友,和你同班。他来自加拿大。现在和父母一起在中国。请根据下列信息,写一篇短文。60字左右。Bill Smith年龄13国籍加拿大身份学生喜欢的学科英语,美术喜欢的颜色蓝色喜欢的运动足球家庭成员父(医生)母(教师)性格品质学习努力,乐于助人其他(1)天天放学后,帮我学英语。(2)擅长画画。这周画了6幅画。这些画都很漂亮。8 / 8


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