UNIT UNIT 12 12 IN THE IN THE PARKPARKDONT WALKON THE GRASS . DONT RIDE A BICYCLE HERE.DONT CLIMB THE TREE.Dont park.Dont climb.Dont swim.WHAT CAN YOU DO IN THE PARK?I CAN.walkfly a kiteskiprunWHAT CAN MISS LU DO?MISS LU CAN.ride a bicycleWHAT CAN MISS LU DO?MISS LU CAN.skip a ropeWHAT CAN MISS LU DO?MISS LU CAN.swing WHAT CAN MISS LU DO?MISS LU CAN.fly a kite Lets chantWhat, what, what can you do?Climb, climb, climb the tree. I can climb the tree.What, what, what can you do?Ride, ride, ride a bicycle. I can ride a bicycle.What, what, what can you do?Skip, skip, skip a rope, I can skip a rope.What, what, what can you do?Swing, swing, swing on the swing. I can swing on the swing.RHYMEWalk like a cat,on the floor.Run like a dog,out of the door.Swim like a fish,in the sea.Swing like a monkey,in the tree.