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甘肃省庆阳市2021-2022学年高二上学期1月份联考英语试卷(wd无答案)一、阅读理解()I. If youve experienced the care of a kind hardworking doctor, one way to thank your doctor is writing a thoughtful thank-you note. Finding the right words isnt always easy. To help you create a meaningful message for the doctor, you can learn from the thank-you notes below.The first example: Post-surgery (术后)thank-you noteThank you so much for your excellent work during my foot surgery. 1 experienced the least pain during the recovery. I feel much better now, and I am confident that Ill be returning to my favorite sport soon. Your kindness and devotion to patients really shine bright in everything you do. Thank you again.The second example: Post-delivery (产后)thank-you noteDear Pam Smith, thank you for delivering my baby. All of your care and concern leading up to the delivery made me iccl confident in going into the delivery room. The baby class you recommended was a lifesaver, and I cant thank you more for your help through this entire process.The third example: Say thanks for taking care of your loved oneThank you for your kindness with my mother, Susan Meyer. The entire family was concenied when she fell sick last month, and you really helped us a lot. If it werent fbr you, I dont know how 1 would have handled everything as an office lady. My mother is better now. We all send our love and thanks!The fourth example: Say thanks to your family doctorI appreciate your reliable care year after year. Your guidance during my annual physical keeps me in my best shape, and I owe much of my success to you. Best wishes from a dedicated patient.【题 1 】What can we learn from the first example?B. Its writer is fond of sports.A. Its writer might have cut off his feet.A. relaxedB. protectedC. convincedD. occupied【题16A. anxiousB. impatientC. negativeD. sightless【题17A. paperB. practiceC. partD. hair【题18】A. bring outB. long fbrC. refer toD. put off【题19A. informedB. ignoredC. appreciatedD. educated【题20】A. contributeB. accompanyC. instructD. elect四、用单词的适当形式完成短文() 7.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Recently, Chinese people from all walks of life 【题 1 】(discover)their daily lives are filled with an academic term; involution(内卷).In agricultural economics, involution originally means that 【题 2 】 (add) work is put into agricultural production for higher output, 【题 3 】 yet doesnt increase proportionally(成比例地).Our society is becoming increasingly competitive when population outgrows resources. Accordingly, 【题 4 】 we used to achieve easily requires more efforts now. The level of competition wc have in our society is often compared to millions of troops 【题 5】 (cross) a single wooden bridge. The 【题 6】 (major) of us arc trying hard to get ahead of the troops.Netizens now use involution to describe their current conditions, especially in the study of children. Parents feel stressed 【题 7 】 (provide) their children with the best, and children must keep 【题 8】in the race. Though great efforts have been made, they find it much 【题 9】(hard) to go to the schools that they have been looking forward to.Too much pressure is bound to do harm to children physically and mentally. Parents should cool down firstly and relieve their own anxiety, taking 【题 10】 (measure) to rid their children of heavy burden from involution.五、短文改错() 8.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(人),并在其下而写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划-横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:I.每处错误及其修改均仅限-词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分World Book Day is arriving. Id like to tell you anything about my reading habits. Im too crazy about reading books that I always do all I can spare time to read each day. In the past few month, I have read more than 10 books. I still think ifs not enough. If I will have time, I will read more. I enjoy read books about history. I think history stories are usefully. I can learn a lot about the history of China but the world. Reading books are a way fbr me to relax myself after a days hard work. I can get pleasure from rcadingjoo. Whafs more, books open up the whole new world to me.六、其他应用文() 9.假定你是李华,你校正在组织英语演讲比赛。请你以“ProkctOurEyes”为主 题写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:1. 分析大家近视的原因;2. 给出你的建议;3. 号召大家保护眼睛。注意:1. 词数100左右:2. 格式己为你写好。参考词汇:近视的short-sightedC. The doctor is good at curing mental illness. D. The doctor caused much pain during the operation.【题 2】What did Pam Smith do tor the writer of the second example?A. She supported her in having another baby.B. She helped her in the baby classC. She gave her a lot of confidence.D. She saved her babys life.【题 3 】Which example was written by a patients daughter?A. The third example.B. The second example.C. The first example.D. The fourth example.()2. Carol Heffernan, a 43-year-old woman from Oshkosh,regularly felt worn out from working, sending her two kids to school and playdates, and taking care of housework. But after the COVID-19 hit in March 2020, the kids were suddenly at home all day and learning remotely, her common weariness quickly turned into fiill-on exhaustion.Z/Jt just added up all the extra responsibility and the mental load/ she says. felt bad-tempered and tired, and it wasnt due to lack of sleep. If theres one thing many of us have in common, its that were tired. Doctors even have a name fbr it, tired all the time, or TATT fbr short. The solution isnt always as simple as getting more sleep. Nearly a quarter of people who get seven or more hours of rest a night report that they still wake up feeling tired most days.A few weeks after her tiredness set in, Heffernan decided to drop everything and go fbr a walk, which she hadnt done since the pandemic began. just want to be myself she says. need a break. When she returned, she felt recharged and decided to make a habit of it.Doing something active when youre feeling sluggish will actually increase your energy, not consuming the little energy that you have. In fact, researchers at Georgia University found that just ten minutes of low or moderate intensity exercise gave study participants a no-ticeable energy boost. Exercise also works its magic at the cellular level. The mitochondria, the parts of ell that provide energy to muscles, can grow more power fill and numerous after aerobic exercise, providing a continuous source of increasing energy to help you work hard.Now, Heffernan goes for a daily 45-minute stroll. The walks feed me spiritually, emo-tionally and physically/* she says. I have something to look forward to every afternoon. Im in a better mood and Im also energetic. Of course, getting more exercise isnt the only defense against TATT syndrome.【题 1 】What was wrong with Heffernan after the COVID-19 hit?A. She lacked enough sleep.B.She felt tired all the time.C.She always wok cup at night.D.She suffered from CoVID-19.【题 2】What docs paragraph 3 mainly tell us about Heffernan?A. Her hobby and habit.B.Her regret and sadness.C.Her tiredness and helplessness.D.Her determination and action.【题 3 】What does the underlined word sluggish in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Lazy.B. Wann.C.Refreshed.D.Energetic.【题 4】How docs Heffernan feel about her lite now?A.Puzzled.B. Curious.C.Optimistic.D.Concerned.()3. How many of us as children have stared up at a church-likc top of a giant tree and climbed it in wonder, which is a rally special part of our lives? asks Bill Laurance, a tropical ecologist at James Cook University. The leaves of big trees in forests are spreading out in all directions. Were faced with organisms that have evolved ft)r long periods of ecological stability.w“Theres a lot to discuss on the issue, says David Lindenmayer, a conservation ecologist at theAustralian National University. Climate change will mean that, in some forests, big trees wont reach the same sizes they used to. The effects of climate change, including long droughts, more invasive species and so on increase the simple physical challenges that big trees face in pulling water from their roots to their leaves and withstanding windstorms.Lindcnmaycr and Laurancc define large, old trees as the largest five percent mature trees within a species. The flexible definition means that in some forests, the large, old trees might be only 20 meters tall and 100 years old.These large, old trees control the surrounding plant communities, affect water and nutrient distribution, and provide food and shelter for wildlife. Theyre really the breadbaskets of the forest/ says Laurance. This is a very environmentally and ecologically important group of organisms, and they need special care and handling/ Determining the distribution and habitat requirements fbr large, old trees in the landscape is the first step towards ensuring their survival, We have to ensure that what were thinking is long-tenn, to match the way these trees have existed for hundreds or even thousands of years, says Laurance. Its going to be a real challenge to keep some places where there is still wildlife and the big church-like trees that we all really care about.【题 1 】How does the author lead in the topic of the text?A.By definition.B.By quoting someones words.C.By comparison.D.By drawing some conclusions.【题 2 】What can wc learn about big trees from paragraph 2?A.They have become shorter but thicker.B.They easily pull water from their roots.C.They are affectedby variousfactors.D.They grow taller because of climatechange.【题 3 】 Which of the ft)llowing does Laurance want to express in the last paragraph?A. Planting big trees is the first step in forest protection.B. The plants around control trees sunival.C. Big trees mainly depend on wildlife fbr survival.D. It is necessary to take good care of big trees.【题 4】What can be the best title for the text?A. Protect Forest GiantsB. Keep Ecological StabilityC. Deal with Forest: OrganismsD. Fight Against Climate Change()4. The human race shares this planet with millions of other species and forms of life. In recognizing that It is always important to remember that our rapid rise of the urban civilization has unavoidably impacted the planet and life on it.In the long run, however, the civilization risks destroying well balanced ecosystems, which could potentially have serious results fbr humanity itself. As such wc must eventually find a balance between development and nature which can maintain the ecology, beauty and harmony of the earth.The word harmony is an important concept in China. Chinese society and culture arc built on the idea that relationships between people should be harmonious, which means avoiding conflict, highlighting a common good and balancing uncontrollable desires with the needs of society as a whole. However, this idea does not just apply to people, it also applies to our relationships with the world and nature. Never has this been more meaningful than the view of how China handles its rapid development, which has lastingly changed the countrys landscape and created new challenges regarding nature and the environment.Actually, over the past few years China has been working hard to protect biodiversity and has drawn red lines fbr ecological protection, established a national pars system, and under taken major projects fbr biodiversity protection.One example of Chinas success in this area is in its reversing of the decrease of its giant panda population to the point that it is no longer endangered. This effort included creating a giant panda national park in 2016 and doubling the number of births. Pandas have become a global symbol of conservation succcsswsomething in which China has played a key part.Likewise, China is also taking its efforts overseas. It recently announced a $232 million fund to promote biodiversity protection in developing countries. The eftbrl is a part of its community of shared future fbr mankind, meaning that we share one world, one planet and one future, and so we human beings must work together. Now it is the time to act.【题 1 】 Which potential risk along with the urban civilization is mentioned?A. Loss of the natural scenery.B. Ruining our human health.C. The disappearance of all species.D. Breaking the ecosystem balance.【题 2】What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A. The word harmony refers to good interpersonal relationship.B. Keeping in harmony makes a diflerence to Chinas development.C. Humans uncontrolled desires arent connected with harmony.D. Balancing development and nature isnt complicated as imagined.【题 3 】What does the author want to tell us by the example of pandas?A. China has completed the task of protecting biodiversity.B. The population of grant panda is gradually decreasing recently.C. China has made some achievements of protecting biodiversity.D. Pandas have become the most successful representative of China.【题 4】 Which of the following can best describe Chines role in protecting biodiversity?A. Fundamental. B. Unique.C. Indirect.D. Mysterious.二、七选五()5. One of the vital factors of successful job hunting is the job interview, during which creating agood impression is essential fbr you. 【题 1 】 .There are two rules to remember. One is to present yourself perfectly and stress your areas of competence. Second, listen carefully. 【题 2 】 .Notice the interviewers interests and relate your comments to them.The job interview is the time to sell yourself by giving examples of experiences yoifvc had related to the job and by revealing your good points. It*s a good idea to have handy job resume(简历) or a list of school courses that prepared you R)r the job. 【题 3】 .Do be honest and avoid just using good words on yourself but show confidence in yourself and your ability to do the job.【题 4 】.They could refer to your lack of an academic degree, a long period ofunemployment, or lack of work experience if you are entering a new field. Answer sensitive questions briefly and positively. I you believe that this area presents a real barrier(障碍)to a job offbr, you could be communicating this doubt to the interviewer. Many times, however, an interviewer will ignore these sensitive areas if you have a confident, positive attitude.The job inten iew is an important part of the job search, and the attitude and impression can make the intenuewer feel with you or against you. Remember that you have the power to create a favourable impression. 【题 5】 .A. Never let yourself be a big talkerB. Dont talk about your succcssfiil experiencesC. Of course, each of us has sensitive areasD. Get involved in what the intenicwcr is sayingE. It can give you an advantage over other candidatesF. Ask questions to see whether you do feel qualified for the jobG. Interviewers have the intelligence to recognize genuine interest三、完形填空6. My parents and I lived upstairs over my aged and sick grandmother. Ail of us heras carefully as possible. Grandmother was gradually going blind. However, her mind was .I often think of the fall when Grandmother got the to be useful again to help earnextremely-needed dollars. At that time, her niece had _ one of lunch stands on the fairgrounds in our town during the week-long fair, food fbr the hungry crowds coming tothe fair, together with the nieces daughter.Though grandmothers relatives would have little time to during the day, they wouldneed a place to sleep in. Grandmother stumbled (蹒跚而行)around at home-thinking of allthe she could offer.Under her guidance, the woodshed (柴房)of the stand had been made into a relatively sleeping room. A curtain was at the one small window. Simple beds with quilts were carefully. A blanket would their feet and the cold floor on the earlymornings. Grandmother also helped take in a few dollars to her relatives.Shortly after that, the best day came! The two women got everything early before thelunch time, finding that their simple sandwiches for lunch sold like hotcakes,.The fairs employees themselves bought their breakfasts here, keeping the two women overly .Nearly as grandmother may have been,she could do her . Grandmotherstated delightedly, That was the best week Ive had in years!wThe lesson that memory brings back to me is that we all a chance to be usefYilor. No matter what our situation is, there*s usually a way to !【题1】A. heard aboutB. ran afterC. attended toD. looked fbr【题2】A. sharpB. criticalC. calmD. complex【题3】A hopeB. beliefC. nameD. chance【题4】A. rentedB. seizedC. lentD. built【题5】A. judgingB. seningC. buyingD. begging【题6】A. restB. talkC. eatD. wait【题7】A. easilyB. happilyC. strangelyD. repeatedly【题8】A. usageB. joyC. helpD. love【题9】A. publicB. comfortableC. smellyD. crowded【题10A. cut downB. taken offC. pointed outD. put up【题11】A. raisedB. listedC. arrangedD. packed【题12A. fixB. warmC. matchD. injure【题13A. supportB. thankC. annoyD. miss【题14A. describedB. preparedC. repairedD. finished


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