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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 七年级英语Review 4 Review of Units 78湘教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: Review 4 Review of Units 78教学过程一、大声读单词: 二、重点及难点: (一)重点词汇: 1. happiness n. 幸福, 愉快 Money does not always bring happiness. 金钱并不总是带来快乐。 His life is full of happiness. 他的生活很幸福。 happy adj. 开心的,快乐的 Im happy to see you. 见到你我很高兴。 happily adv. How did you do your work? 你怎样做你的工作? I did my work happily. 我快乐地做了我的工作。 2. congratulation n. 祝词, 庆贺 Please give him my congratulations when you see him. 请见到他时转达我的祝贺。 Congratulations on your good grade! 祝贺你取得好成绩! Congratulations on your new job! 祝贺你找到新的工作! 3. ski n. 滑雪板 vi. 滑雪;n. 滑雪板 You can rent skis here if you havent got your own. 如果你自己没有的话,可以在这里租滑雪板。 vi. 滑雪 They go skiing in Harbin every winter. 他们每年冬天去哈尔滨滑雪。 I am learning to ski. 我正在学滑雪。 词组:go skiing 去滑雪 They often go skiing in December. 他们经常在十二月份去滑雪。 4. dark blue 深蓝色 She wears a dark blue coat. 她穿着一件深蓝色的上衣。 My book has a dark blue cover. 我的书是深蓝色封皮。 light blue 浅蓝色 My skirt is light blue. 我的裙子是浅蓝色的。 5. feel v. 感觉;摸,触;试探 I cant feel where the light switch is. 我摸不出电灯开关在哪里。 感觉;感知;经受 I felt the house shake. 我感觉房子震动。 I felt the wind blowing on my face from an open window. 我感到风从开着的窗户吹到我脸上。 认为,以为;相信 I felt that she was very weak. 我觉得她很虚弱。 I felt myself unable to leave the city. 我觉得自己离不开这座城市了。 n. 触觉;手感 The silk has a soft smooth feel. 这丝绸摸上去柔软光滑。 感觉,气氛 There is a feel of winter. 有一种冬天的感觉。(二)重点短语: 1. Make some more puzzles like this. 多做一些像这样的谜语。 many more most puzzle riddle like vt. 喜欢 like sth. / like doing sth. He doesnt like tomatoes. 他不喜欢吃番茄。 She likes playing the piano. 她喜欢弹钢琴。 与would连用表示希望,想,想要 would like to do sth. 想要做某事 He would like you to make that trip. 他希望你走一趟。 n. 爱好 The two sisters share the same likes and dislikes. 这两姐妹有相同的好恶爱憎。 prep. 像,如 They are like brothers and sisters. 他们就像兄弟姐妹一样。 (与look, sound等连用)像要;好像是 It looks like rain. 好像要下雨了。 诸如 He does well in subjects like history and music. 他在历史和音乐这类课程上成绩不错。 2. start with 由开始 Her illness started with a high fever. 她的病开始时是发高烧。 We have only six members to start with. 我们开始只有六个会员。 He had nothing to start with. 开始时他一无所有。 3. a new student 一名新学生 new old;new adj. 新的;新鲜的;新型的 He has bought a new dictionary.他买了一本新字典。 陌生的 Her name is new to me. 她的名字对我来说是完全陌生。 old adj. 老的,上了年纪的 Oxford is an old university. 牛津大学是一所老大学。 旧的;破旧的 I have some old books. 我有一些旧书。 岁(的) My father is fifty years old. 我的父亲五十岁了。 4. I can also dance. 我也能跳舞。 also too;also和too用于肯定句。 also放在实义动词前;be动词、助动词之后。too常置于句末。 John is also a student. 约翰也是一名学生。 John is a student too. He also likes English. 他也喜欢英语。 He likes English too. 5. I can play the piano very well. 我的钢琴弹的非常好。 well good;well adv. 很好地;满意地;成功地 Do the boys eat well at school? 孩子们在学校吃得好吗? She sings very well. 她歌唱的很好。 good adj. 好的,令人满意的 He is my good friend. 他是我的好朋友。 Exercise is good for health. 运动有益于健康。 We all had a good time on the beach. 我们在海滩上玩得很开心。(三)重点句型: 1. there be 句型 肯定句: There is a book on the desk. There are some pens in the bag. 否定句: There isnt a book on the desk. There arent any pens in the bag. 疑问句及回答: Is there a book on the desk? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Are there any pens in the bag? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. How many pens are there in the bag? There are two. 注意: 不可数名词要用there is。 There is some coffee in the cup. 就近原则 There is a book and some pens in the desk. There are some pens and a book in the desk. 2. 情态动词can She can sing many English songs. 单词含义: (1)表示“能力”,意思是“能;会”。 I can run. 我能跑步。 (2)用来表示语气委婉的许可或请求。不过只是口语常用,并非正式。 Can I come in? 我可以进来吗? Can I sit here? 我能坐在这里吗? 使用原则: (1)与动词原形“形影不离”;没有人称和数的变化。 You can play football with us. 你可以和我们一起踢足球。 We can speak English. 我们会说英语。 She can dance very well. 她的舞蹈跳的非常好。 3. Where were you born? I was born in. be born 出生 (1)用一般过去时was born或were born。 When were you born (2)be born后的介词;be born后接时间 具体日期用介词on。 I was born on June 10, 1998 年或月用介词in。 He was born in June. 具体时刻用介词at。 The twins were born at 9 in the morning (3)be born后接地点状语 Cherry was born in Harbin 4. I left Dalian on July 15th. 我在7月15日离开了大连。 leave left 离开 When did you leave Beijing? 你何时离开北京的? leave for 离开去某地 He left for New York yesterday. 他昨天去了纽约。 5. Her parents held a party for her. 她的父母为她举办了生日聚会。 hold held 举办,举行 We will hold the meeting on Sunday. 6. Janes mother bought a piano for her. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物 I bought my mom a dress. = I bought a dress for my mom. 我为我妈妈买了一件衣服。 【典型例题】一、单项选择: ( )1. All the students enjoy _ music in the music room. A. listenB. listen toC. listening toD. listening ( )2. I dont have _ books in my bag. A. much tooB. too muchC. too manyD. many too ( )3. Let her _ it in English. A. speakB. talkC. sayD. tell ( )4. In my class, Linda plays the guitar _. A. wellB. bestC. betterD. good ( )5. The word starts _ “A” and ends _ “L”. A. with , withB. at , atC. to , toD. with, to二、单词拼写: 1. The f_ says the temperature of tomorrow will be 18. 2. The w_ gets warmer and warmer. 3. Im going to travel a_ the world one day. 4. Listen, someone is k_ at the door. 5. I had a w_ journey to Tibet. 参考答案一、CCCBA二、forecast ; weather ; around; knocking ; wonderful 【模拟试题】(答题时间:25分钟)一、单项选择: ( )1. Do you want _ with us? A. goesB. to goC. goingD. went ( )2. Jane didnt feel _ yesterday. A. happilyB. happyC. more happyD. happiest ( )3. Miss Brown would like _ it again. A. they doB. them doC. them to doD. they to do ( )4. There _ an apple and two oranges on the table. A. isB. areC. beD. has ( )5. _ your last trip with your partners. A. Talk withB. TalksC. Talk aboutD. Talk to 二、阅读理解: 根据短文判断对错,判断正(A)误(B) Jenny is a girl who always lowers her head. She always thinks that she is not a pretty girl. One day, she went to a shop to buy a green hair clip. The shop man said: This one looks good. You look pretty. But Jenny didnt believe him. But she also was happy to wear the new hair clip. She was hurry to show it to her friends. But she walked too fast to bump a man. But she didnt mention that. When Jenny came into the classroom. Her teacher said: Jenny, you look pretty when you raise your head. How pretty you are! On that day, she got lots of praise. She thought this hair clip makes her much more beautiful than before. Then she got a mirror and wanted to have a look. But when she suddenly found that, theres no a hair clip on her head. It was lost when she bumped that man in the shop. After that she knows that confidence is the real beauty. Believe I can do it. Ill be the best in the future. ( )1. Jenny is an ugly girl in her school. ( )2. Jenny ran to her parents and showed her new hair clip. ( )3. The teacher thinks Jenny is a pretty girl. ( )4. Jenny got lots of praise when she wore her hair clip. ( )5. If you want to be more beautiful, please buy a new hair clip.【试题答案】一、 BBCAC二、 BBABB7 / 7


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