北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Extreme Sports课件 北师大版必修3

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北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Extreme Sports课件 北师大版必修3_第1页
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北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Extreme Sports课件 北师大版必修3_第3页
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Lesson 2Extreme SportsObjectives To practise strategies for preparing to listen to a text. To practise expressing preferences. To practise using phrasal verbs.Do you often do sports?What kinds of sports do you like?Warm upDo you like extreme sports(极限运动极限运动)?Do you know any extreme sports?jumping off very high with a long special rope to pull you back without touching the groundbungee jumpingSky surfing jump out of an plane and use a board to surf.空中滑翔空中滑翔They sometimes do gymnastics in mid-air . gymnasticsdo gymnasticsgoing down snow-covered hills on a snowboard snowboarding单板滑雪单板滑雪SnowraftingSit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed.动力雪橇滑降动力雪橇滑降 White-water RaftingSit in a small inflatable (膨胀的膨胀的)raft(救生艇救生艇) and go down a river at high speed.激流漂流激流漂流Ice divingput on diving equipment and dive under a frozen lake. sometimes walking upside down.冰下潜水冰下潜水skiingRock climbingMotor racingcanoeing Learn listening strategies 1.picture , title , question preparationbefore listening2.predictionLISTEN AND CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS.1. People do extreme sports in order to feel _. A. excited B. nervous C. happy2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last _. A. 5 years B. 10 years C. 20 years3. People usually bungee jump from _. A. airplanes B. high buildings C. bridgesABCLISTEN AND CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS.4. In sky surfing people do mid-air _. A. gymnastics B. dancing C. swimming5. Snowboarding has similarities with _. A. skiing B. surfing C. canoeing6. Snow rafting is _. A. quite dangerous B. very dangerous C. not very dangerousABB7. For white-water rafting you need _. A. a big river B. a warm river C. a mountain river8. Ice divers _. A. swim under the ice B. walk on the bottom of lakes C. walk upside down under the iceCCListen and choose the best answers. Listen to two people talking about extreme sports, and complete the table.From the table can you guess what will be talked about in the conversation?Sports Carol Jonathan sportsreasonssportsreasonslikesdoesnt liketenniscant stand slow sportswould like to trywouldnt like to trybungee jumpingSports Carol sportsreasonslikesdoesnt liketenniswould like to trywouldnt like to trybungee jumpinggreat, like being a birdboring, dullsky surfingsnowraftingterrible accidentsSports Jonathan sportsreasonslikesdoesnt likecant stand slow sportswould like to trywouldnt like to trybungee jumpingskiing/ snowboardingcoolsailingice divingsound crazycant stand heights, terrifying2. Listen again. Complete the function file with the following words.quite like, like, love, prefer, cant stand, hate, wouldnt like, d quite like, d love, d prefer1. I _ bungee jumping.2. I _ to try sky surfing.3. I_ to do snowrafting.4. I _ doing boring sports. 5. I _ to stay at home.6. I_ winter sports.7. I _ going skiing.8. I _snowboarding.9. I _ slow sports.10.I _to go ice diving.likewould lovewouldnt likehatewould preferpreferlovequite likecant standwould quite like3. Divide the ten sentences into three groups. 4. I hate doing boring sports. 7. I love going skiing. 1.I like bungee jumping. 6. I prefer winter sports. 8. I quite like snowboarding. 9. I cant stand slow sports. 2. Id love to try sky surfing. 3. I wouldnt like to do snowrafting. 5. I would prefer to stay at home. 10.I would quite like to go ice diving. Work in pairs and make up a dialogue about your preferences for sports. 1)I like/ love/ prefer, 2)Id love to , Id quite likeId prefer . 3) I hate, I wouldnt like, I cant stand, ExampleA: What sort of extreme sports do you do?B: I like/ loveA: Really? Why?B: A: What about other extreme sports?B: I, but you know.A: Right. Are there any sports you wouldnt like to try?B: Personally, I wouldnt like / hate doing boring sports, like. Post listening ( group work )DiscussionYour class are discussing which extreme sport you are going to do on this Weekend. Discuss in groups and show your own opinions and the reasons. Your reporter will present your final decisions.Your discussion must cover:Your preferences in extreme sports. The reasons why youd like to to do this extreme sport.Evaluation:Whether the discussion covers the above points.Voice your opinion Are extreme sports Are extreme sports worth promoting and why?worth promoting and why?VocabularyEx 7. Replace the verbs in italics with these words in their correct form. not do it, organise, be interested in, arrive, wear, do (it) as planned, explain, start doingI decided to take up ( ) bungee jumping and now I am really into it ( ). When Istart doingam really interested inturned up ( ) for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out ( ), but my friends persuaded me to go through with it ( ). You dont have to put on ( ) any special clothes, just a sweater and jeans, but obviously you need a lot of time to set up ( ) the equipment. But its worth waiting for. Its difficult to get across ( ) how exciting it is!arrivednot do itdo it as plannedwearograniseexplainEx 8. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs.1. Ann waited for Tom for ages but he didnt _.2. What kind of music _ you _?3. A friend of mine _ just _ jogging in order to get fit.4. Why dont we _ our computer in the study?5. They were going to have a party last Saturday but _ at the last minute.turn upare intohas taken upset upbacked outHOMEWORK1.Go over all the expressions and new words.2.Surf the internet and find out other sorts of extreme sports to describe. 3. Write a paragraph about your preferences in extreme sports and the reasons.


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