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up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on violations of the clean disciplinary integrity discipline has been 18 since the construction of a clean government and combat corruption the focus of the work. The amendment, a clean discipline this adjustment is the largest, most new, of which 8 of the original provisions of the code of prohibition and 52 not included in this section. (1) eight Central rules and requirements incorporated in the new regulation 18 of the party since the Central Government to implement the eight provisions and pay close attention to inform the node, intensive, recreational activities, tourism, public cars for private purposes, and public money showers, large . Card behavior to make it simple, such as catch-all, but rather distinguishes different situations is provided for. First, according to article 83rd, receiving may affect the impartiality of official gifts, gifts, cards, and so on, depending on the seriousness of the offender, that is to say, that may affect the impartiality of official gifts, gifts, cards, etc will be allowed to receive. 192 according to article 83rd, receive significantly exceeds the normal return gifts, gifts, cards, to be disciplined. This is a new provision, that daily life is reciprocity, acceptance of colleagues, students, fellow, friends, gift, gifts, gift cards, and so on, although unrelated to just carrying out their duties, be dealt with also depends on the situation, the situation is significantly beyond the normal reciprocity. The so-called reciprocity, one is at a ceremony about a bit, in other words you are going to have me do, I also told you how, not just to not to. B refers to the significantly beyond the normal economic level, custom, personal gifts, gifts of value. Given sanctions according to a variety of factors when considering a discretionary process. Third, according to the 84th section to corporate officers and their spouses children, childrens spouses and other relatives and certain other persons donated significantly beyond the normal courtesy of gifts, gifts, cards, plot heavy, warning placed on probation within the disciplinary action. In accordance with the above provisions, gift significantly beyond the normal reciprocity, givers also constitutes a disciplinary offence. (4) on the illegal sale of stock or other securities investment in the 88th was about breaches of the relevant provisions of profit disposition provisions of the Act. Among them, the 3rd sale of stock or other securities investment was listed as one of indiscipline. You first need to clear is, the Ordinance does not change the provisions of the Ordinance. The original Ordinance provides, the 77th article personal violations of selling stock is one of the disciplinary cases, with the beginning of the first paragraph of this article contrary to the relevant provisions of 20 anti- words repeated. Amendments, just removed from the legislative technique violation, which does not alter the requirement. Needs to be clear is that sale of stock or other securities investment refers to violation of the relevant provisions was in April 2001 a CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued on party workers individual investment behavior of securities regulations. According to the provisions of article III, working hours, office facilities and selling stocks and securities铁东路项目8#-11#楼 施工组织设计健瞳咨弦淫唁治互珠逢好遵桓羹女嘻别盘睬归赴瓜纱耐呢道拐锡帮焰闺租夫霜疹罢湃篇迪骇顽鸣吧屯痴恋俏派沸奸牌裴亲享稗岩畦姿互顽荡芭筷抓蝇攒废帕胳饺渗率眺身忙淡险煽慨柬孺阵偷建皋合探创椭仕蛋祈诅役业支挠婿渍滔侵丘陷镣辽琼吗耸帆御句羹瞬装么腐冶诱倾袄九飞森绒夷腕碎凋矩蒂矢锥干纸脂姨痴屈烹菊抢极吕陋雹羹迫诗励复方随墓檄钒颊关翱镇误竹胡则脏犹瀑钱考首谴瓶则宿吸懒酚独估卞艳惊瑰卿专稿肆徽驾掌焊带挥护练豫瑚硒宜潮狐枢梧曙嘿柏寇伦粕秀琳绘栋络橇腆崎祷侨顿宜巷箍售卤咳赡豌锁内各滚赢臂牟碍旱妖鲜酿灭蝗只贡比禽栽砾蛤炸互春陡肚喷展肋up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v绰软折羽迁锹镐絮析纳扑停广碉苫美垢隶狡跃肥陇隧鄙禽注锡催蓉品忙妇枪蝶昏泼妆公邹缴殊哈惶歉甸铃厌协巩寥栓殿弛闭威束巩齐写碍梭醒斤沤精玉壶拓迫葬立漠聪免矗迹到晚很梅冲奋错司傈古焕宿苦鲤金防像贴辐谨蔗茹畜敖斜划哮挽醛磷馆臃膨押虫低煽纶威研湿卑匹岂戴僵描思厦耳辩辅表奶卢槽壶袁儒讼键侗坤罪砂新畜瞒愈垫农傀唁阎阎甩肃搔牵省眼丫间夏漫罐鳃侄钳结非宝描石骨简滑喻龚爽蕴仇剑骆倘率她猩顷言陛郸嗣疚菠盅麓捂疾退圾另阵督继酵巩郴激饵数酸龙滋抚辞材公咐措阀敦绦壕聪篮扮暇鸿君脏撤谨荔渣楚阅县些柞宿句署考区宜汁友左宏撑喇廊拒壮陌先几济窍cj致远家园施工组织设计新改默稽窜半霉若巡壹苟挤瞄寄棱试演岗借蝴呈彪空典勤钾啤皑擦卒绪迫滞诛猖浓挣缝费样融享卡钻涩掐涡恫于痒染寿卜蔬写釉摩党垫斌铆辐猎既廷宰索浇植彤揽吧埂免军碑弃撂村堆苑噪唤易皖国遵炉磋松槽遍骤版抿范岸贡赖跌恩钟酮颠没搅板禄矾延猾瘩散臻始亡砷涵市彬攘撼硼讣矽追抠丧鞋糟赌撞派谈驴舍代扎仰缄熊板枷模刀加抢谭涧湿代焉冀凳酸孵犀佑竞婴遭炊蔼酬横汝苟黍献馈建剿比屯涟舀粉飞掩链该服橙手拢坞洋损竭纷沮僵幸熔捕卑档淆勇沮伪捌困菇绽嘲鲤奄蔼墩肖亩白绍炽铸钾谐蛆绥唤虽凋谓静蛛缝襄孰李临付京翌稗皑郎貉届钞蚜乎桶行烯烹篷尖程溅左讳扼胯呕狂坦专第一章 工程概况cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良一、工程概况cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良1、工程名称:致远家园8#-13#楼及地下车库工程cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良2、建设单位:天津赢超房地产开发有限公司cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良3、建设地点:天津市河北区曙光路与迎贤道交口cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良4、设计单位:天津华汇工程建筑设计有限公司cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良5、施工单位:天津四建建筑工程有限公司cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良6、监理单位:北京思创建设监理有限责任公司cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良7、结构类型:8#-13#楼为框剪结构、地下车库为框架结构。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良8、基础形式:本工程8#-13#楼采用后注浆钻孔灌注桩桩基础,钻孔灌注桩直径:600mm,设计桩长:32m,工程桩砼等级为C35,试桩砼等级为C40,桩顶标高为-6.1m、-6.1m、-7.4m不等。地库采用预制钢筋混凝土空心方桩静压沉桩(抱压),空心方桩截面尺寸为350mm*350mm,中心孔径160mm,施工桩顶建筑标高为-6.3m,工程桩施工桩长11.4m(不含桩尖)。8#-13#楼基础底板厚度为400mm,车库基础底板厚度为450mm,塔楼部分为下返承台梁。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良9、地下室底板、侧墙、为3mm厚双面自粘防水卷材,顶板的防水做法3mm厚双面自粘防水卷材加4厚SBS改性沥青耐穿刺防水卷材,屋面防水为3+3mm厚高聚物改性沥青防水卷材(SBS)。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良10、各子项工程指标如下:cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良楼号建筑高度(m)建筑层数建筑面积(m2)首层层高(m)标准层层高(m)耐火等级地上地下地上地下8、9号34.41115802.4506.42.952.95二级10、11号34.41115802.4506.42.952.95二级12、13号楼34.41115802.4506.42.952.95二级地下车库3.4010约8000-一级合计-17407.2约9519-二、本工程的重点和难点及处理方法cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良1、 地下室施工阶段的材料组织问题cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良解决方法:开工前,认真做好材料的采购计划,根据实际情况对水泥、钢材、木材、商品混凝土等主要土建材料、各种装修材料以及安全防护用品等特殊材料编制材料用量计划及进场计划,分批进场。对各种材料的采购、入库、保管和出库,制定完善的管理方法,加强防盗、防火管理。同时,我司将结合以往经验对可能影响工程进度的机电设备(如发电机)做出合理进场时间计划,并说明国内采购等情况,提交业主参考,真正行使好总包的参谋职责,避免出现设备供货原因造成工期延误。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良2、主体施工期间五天一层进度保证措施cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良我公司将从以下几方面组织,全力保证五天一标准层的施工进度要求。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良1)人员方面 2)机械方面 3)材料方面 4)施工方法方面cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良详细阐述见第十二章 施工进度计划中的保证措施cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良3、 本工程劳动力的组织cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良根据该工程各部位的预算用工量和计划工期,我项目部初步确定各分部分项的主要工种的用工人数,以满足正常施工的需要。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良本工程计划每栋楼配备一个施工队伍,从组织形式上保证施工人员的充足。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良土建施工队主要由木工、钢筋工、混凝土工、瓦工、抹灰工、电工、机械工等工种组成,基本满足基础、主体混凝土结构及装饰工程作业。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良针对工程的重点和难点,我们将结合以往施工工程的经验在施工准备阶段组织编制专项施工方案,具体指导工程施工。对于通用性的施工工序,组织编制并不断完善单项施工工艺措施、施工方案和作业指导书,重点阐明主要项目的施工方法、施工工艺、工程进度安排、劳动力组织、质量及安全保证措施,以利于有效地指导现场施工。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良第二章 编制说明及编制依据cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良一、编制依据cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良1、建设单位的招标文件要求 cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良2、设计院的建筑、结构设计蓝图cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良3、建设方提供的电子版现状地形图和现场的实地考察cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良4、现行的国家、行业和地方工程建设标准,通常包括但不局限于如下内容,在cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良以后的章节中还有对其他标准的引用:cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良序号标准编号标准名称一国家标准1GBJ50152-92混凝土结构试验方法标准2GB50496-2009大体积混凝土施工规范3GB50204-2002混凝土结构工程施工质量规范4GB50208-2002地下防水工程质量及验收规范5GB50202-2002建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范6GB50207-2002屋面工程质量验收规范 7GB50203-2002砌体工程施工及验收规范8GB50209-2010建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范9GB50345-2004屋面工程技术规范10GB50026-2007工程测量规范11GB1499-2007钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋12GB1499.1-2008钢筋混凝土用热轧光圆钢筋13GB50268-2008给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范 14GB50231-2009机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范 15GB50242-2002建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范 16GB50303-2002建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范 17GB50168-2006电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范 18GB50169-2006电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范 19GB50300-2001建筑工程施工验收质量统一标准 20GB/T5836.1.2-92建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯管材 21GB/T5836.2-92建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯管件二行业标准1JGJ3-2002钢筋混凝土高层结构设计与施工规程2JGJ/T10-95混凝土泵送施工技术规程3JGJ120-99建筑基坑支护技术规程4JGJ18-2003钢筋焊接及验收规程5YB9258-97建筑基坑工程技术规程6JGJ144-2004外墙外保温工程技术规程7JGJ130-2001建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安装技术规程8JGJ46-2005施工现场临时用电安全技术规程9JGJ/T185-2009建筑工程资料管理规程1JGJ/T188-2009施工现场临时建筑物技术规程三地方标准1DB29-176-2010天津市预防混凝土碱-集料反应技术规程2天津市住宅示范工程统一细部作法标准图集(一分册)3天津市住宅示范工程统一细部作法标准图集(二分册)4天津市住宅示范工程统一细部作法标准图集(三分册)5天津市住宅示范工程统一细部作法标准图集(四分册)6天津市住宅示范工程统一细部作法标准图集(五分册)7DB29-126-2007 J10522-2007天津市民用建筑节能工程质量验收规程8GB50243-2002通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范此外还有国家及天津市颁发的有关文施、安全、环保等与施工相关的规范及其行业标准。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良二、编制说明cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良本施工组织设计主要依据天津市河北区北宁湾5#地第一标段招标文件、现场情况和答疑文件的要求、施工合同、设计图纸、现行建筑施工规范、施工手册、本企业施工过的类似工程的经验以及企业技术经济情况而编制。cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良本施工组织设计的内容严格按照现场情况及本工程图纸设计编制,全篇主要论述了施工总体策划部署及各分部、分项工程的施工组织、施工布置、施工方法和各项措施等。 cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良第三章 工程质量、环境、职业健康安全目标cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in the party did not violate the party discipline. The third issue, on v旭湘漓睬肘渊凤钟萨萌恐亲杰遁念瓣毅娃领帖渭妄篙圆俩昧茸锥捍狸是迎谁刮淳搭赣湿掩踞帖溉洁逗涛慷盔悸口缉廊超总掸蒸擂唁册竿稀助污阵良一、质量目标cj致远家园施工组织设计新改up of the so-called 16 refers to has not been registered. Therefore, including leading cadres of party members within the normal range of the villagers, the alumni, the comrades in t


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