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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上摘 要由于近几年我国国内生产总值的不断高速增长,国民的生活水平不断提高。私家车作为国家经济的支柱,它的增长速度也是越来越快。但随着私家车的急速增长,相应的停车位缺是增长缓慢。本次设计的小区地下停车库,采用升降式结构,每层有两个车位。这种停车库结构能够充分利用小区地下的空间,把有限的空间应用的淋漓尽致。并且样式也很美观,外观能与小区环境完美融合。在停车或者取车进行升降时,速度也很快捷,不用等待较长时间。本次设计的车库实用性能较强,可以比以前提供更多的停车位置,大大缓解了小区车位紧张的情况,对改善小区停车紧张起到了很好的缓解作用。本次设计从停车库的方案确定,滑轮、钢丝绳,升降装置等来进行设计计算,结构合理,安全系数高,具有相当的实用性。关键词:停车库;升降装置 AbstractDue to the rapid growth of Chinas GDP in recent years, the living standard of our country is constantly improving. As a pillar of the national economy, private cars are growing faster and faster. But with the rapid growth of private cars, the corresponding parking space is slow growth. The design of the underground parking garage, using the lifting structure, each floor has two parking Spaces. This kind of parking structure can make full use of the underground space of the community, and use the limited space application incisively and vividly. And the style is also beautiful, the appearance can be perfectly integrated with the community environment. The speed is also very fast when you stop or pick up the car, and you dont have to wait a long time. The design of the garage and practical performance is strong, can provide more than the previous parking location, greatly relieve the strain on the residential parking situation, to improve the residential parking tense has played a very good relief.The design of this design is determined from the plan of the parking garage, such as pulley, wire rope, lifting device and so on to carry out the design calculation, the structure is reasonable, the safety factor is high, has the considerable practicality.Key words:Parking garage Lifting gear目 录 需毕业论文正文全文及全套图纸可联系: QQ: 海天机械设计 TEL:另本工作室承接机械类毕业设计和课程设计,欢迎咨询。专心-专注-专业


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