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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2017年12月英语六级考试真题及答案(第三套)“考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题进行核对。”Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the sayingHelp others,and you will be helped when you are in need you can cite examples to ilustrate your views. you should write at least 150 words but no more than 200。Part IIListening comprehension(30miutes)Section aSection aQuestions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1、a)they forbid business produce more foods than neededb)they facilitate the donation of unsold foods to the needyc)they prohibit the sale of foods that have gone staled)they reward businesses that eliminate food waste2、a)it passed a law aiming to stop overproductionb)it prohibited the promotion of bulk food salesc)it voted against food import from outside europed) imposed penalties on businesses that waste food3. a)it has penalized businesses that keep overproducing foodsb) it has started a nationwide campaign against food wastec) it has warmed its people against possible food shortagd) it has banned supermarkets from dumping edible foods4. a)americans habit of buying food in bulk.b)a lack of regulation on food consumption.c) the confusion over food expiration labelsd) the surplus resulting from overproductionQuestions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. a) it specializes in the sale of ladiesdesigner dressesb)it offers regular weekend sales all the year roundc) it has just launched its annual anniversary salesd)it has started a week-long promotion campaign.6. a)price reductions for its frequent customers.b)coupons for customers with bulk purchasesc)free delivery of purchases for senior customersd) price adjustments within seven days of purchase7. a) mail a gift card to her.b) allow her to buy on credic) credit it to her accountd)give her some coupons8. a) refunding for goods returnedb) free installing of appliances.c)prolonged goods warranty.d)complimentary tailoringSection bDirections: in this section, you will hear two passages. at the end of each passage, you will hear Iree or four questions. both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked a, b, cand d). then mark the corresponding letter on answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard9. a)they are thin, tall, and unlike real human beings.b)they have more than twenty different hair texturesc)they have twenty-four different body shapes in totald)they represent people from virtually all walks of life.10. a)they do not reflect young girls aspirationsb)they are not sold together with the originalc) their flat feet do not appeal to adolescentsd) their body shapes have not changed much11. a)in toy storesb) in shopping malls.c)on the internetd)at barbie shopsQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard12. a )moveable metal type began to be used in printingb) chinese printing technology was first introducec)the earliest known book was publishedd) metal type was imported from korea13. a)it produced some 20 million volumes in totalb)it helped the german people become literatc) it was the biggest printer in the 16th century,d)it had more than a hundred printing presses.14. a)it boosted the circulation of popular worksb) it provided readers with more choicec)it made writing a very profitable careerd)it pushed handwritten books out of circulation15. a)it accelerate the extinction of the latin language.b)it promoted the growth of national languagesc)it turned translation into a welcome professin.d)it standardized the publication of grammar booksSection cDirections: in this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. the recordings will be played only once. after you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked a, b, c and d)Then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet 1 with a single line through centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. a)they choose a job without thinking it throughb) they become stuck in the same job for decadesc) they spend an average of one year finding a jobd)they get bored after working for a period of time17. a)decide which job is most attractive to youb)see if there will be chances for promotionc)watch a film about ways of job huntingd)find out what job choices are available18. a)the pay you are going to getb)the qualifications you havec)the culture of your target companyd)the work environment you will be in.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.19. a)it is a religious festival celebrated by afriean-amencars.b)it is an ancient fesitival celebrated by afriean-amencars.c)it is s cultural fesitival celebrated by afriean-amencars.d)it is as important as christmas for african-americans20. a)to call on african-americans to worship their godsb) to urge african-americans to do more for socitey.c) to remind african-americans of their sufferingsd)to help african-americans to realize their goals.21. a)faith in self-determination.b) the first fruits of the harvest,c)creative work and achievementd) unity and cooperative economics22. a)they take a solemn oathb)they drink wine from the unity cupc) they recite a principled) they call out their ancestorsnamesQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23. a) it consists mainly of various kinds of seafoodb)it began to impact the world in recent yearsc)it contains large amounts of dairy productsd)it is one of the worlds most healthy diets24. a)it is regarded as one of the greatest researches of its kindb)it has drawn the attention of medical doctors the world overc)it was conducted in seven mid-eastern countries in the 1950sd) it involved 13,000 researchers from asia, europe and america25. a)they eat foods with little fatb)they have lower mortality ratesc)they use little oil in cookingd)they care much about their healthPartIII Reading Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.The pacific island nation of Palau has become home to the sixth largest marine sanctuary in the world. the new marine reserve.Now the largest in the pacific, will 26 no fishing or mining.Palau also established the worlds first shark sanctuary in 2009.The tiny island nation has set aside 500,000 square kilometres-80 percent-of its maritime27 ,for full protection that s the highest percentage of an28 economic zone devoted to marine conservation by any country in the world. the remaining 20 percent of the palau seas will be reserved for local fishing by individuals and small-scale29 fishing businesses with limited exports.island 30- have been among the hardest hit by the threats facing the ocean, said President Tommy Remengesau jr. in a statement. creating this sanctuary is a bold move that the people of Palau recognise as31 to our survival. we want to lead the way in restoring the health of the ocean for future generations.Palau has only been an32 nation for twenty years and has a strong history of environmen-tal protection.it is home to one of the worlds finest marine ecosystems, with more than 1, 300 species of fish and 700 species of coral.Senator Hokkons Baules lead 33- of the Palau National marine sanctuary act, said the sanctuary willhelp build a34 future for the palauan people by honoring the conservation traditions of our past. these include the centuries-old custom of, where leaders would call a temporary stop to fishing for key species in order to give fish35 an opportunity to replenish(补充).A)allocate I)permitB)celebrities J)secureC)commercial K)solitaryD)communities L)spectacleE)essential M)sponsorF)exclusive N)stocksG)independent O)territoryH)indulgeSection BDirections: in this section, you an going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it each statement contains information given in ine of the paragraphs.identify theparagraph from which the information is derived. you may choose a paragraph more than once. each paragraph is marked with a letter. answer the questions by marking the correspanding letter on answer sheet 2Data sharing: an open mind on open dataA it is a movement building steady momentum: a call to make research data, software code and experimental metbods publicly availablc and transparent A spirit of openness is gaining acceptance in the science community, and is the only way, say advocates, to address acrisis in science whereby too few findings are successfully reproduced. furthermore, they say, it is the best way for researchers to gather the range of observations that are necessary to speed up discoveries or to identify large-scale trendsb the open-data shift poses a confusing problem for junior researchers,on the one hand, the drive to share is gathering official steam. since 2013, global scientific bodies have begun to that support increased public access to research on the other hand, scientists disagree about how much and when they should share data, and they debate whether sharing it is more likely to accelerate science and make it more robust, or to introduce vulnerabilities andproblems. as more joumals and funders adopt data-sharing requirements, and as a growing number of enthusiasts call for more openness.junior researchers must find their place between adopters and those who continue to hold out, even as they strive to launch their own careers.( c) one key challenge facing young scientists is how to be open without becoming scientifically vulnerable. they must determine the risk of jeopardizing a job offer or a collaboration proposal from those who are wary of -or unfamiliar with -open science. and they must learn how to capitalize on the movements benefits, such as opportunities for more citations and a way to build a reputation without the need for conventional metrics, such as publication in high-impact journals.D some fields have embraced open data more than others. researchers in psychology, a field rocked by findings of irreproducibility in the past few years, have been especially vocal supporters of the drive for more-open science. a few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science-for example, by affixing an badge to articles that clearly state where data are available. according to social psychologist brian nosek,executive director of the center for open science, the average data-sharing rate for the joumal Psychological science, which uses the badges, increased tenfold to 38% from 2013 to 2015.E funders, too, are increasingly adopting an open-data policy several strongly encourage,and some require a data-management plan that makes data available. the ional scienc Foundation is among these. some philanthropic(&)funders, including the bill &melinda Gates foundation in seattle, washington, and the wellcome trust in london, also mandate open data from their grant recipients.F but many young rescarchers,especially those who have not been mentored in open science are uncertain about whether to share or to stay private. graduate students and who often are working on their lab heads grant, may have no choice if their supervisor or another senior colleague opposes sharing.G some fear that the potential impact of sharing is too high, especially at the early stages of a career Everybody has a story about soneone getting scoopedsays New York university astronomer david hogg. those fears may be a factor in a lingering hesitation to share data even when publishing in journals that mandate it.H researchers at small labs or at institutions focused on teaching arguably have the most to lose.when sharing hard-won data. with my institution and teaching load, i dont have postdocs and grad students, says terry mcglynn, a tropical biologist at california state university,Dominguez hills. the stakes are higher for me to share data because its a bigger fraction of whats happening in my lab.I researchers also point to the time sink that is involved in preparing data for others to view Once the data and associated materials appear in a repository( 存储库), answering questions and handling complaints can take many hour.J the time investment can present other problems. in some cases, says data scientist karthik Ram, it may be difficult for junior researchers to embrace openness when senior colleagues many of whom head selection and promotion committees-might ridicule what they may view as misplaced energies i have heard this recently that embracing the idea of open data and code makes traditional academics uncomfortable, says ram. the concem seems to be that open advocates dont spend their time being as productive as possibleKan open-science stance can also add complexity to a collaboration. kate ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the university of florida, gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field-those who care about open science and those who dont there is a new area to navigate-are you cool with the fact that ill want to make the data open?-when talking with somebody about an interesting research idea, she says.L despite complications and concerns, the upsides of sharing can be significant. for example, when information is uploaded to a repository, a digital object identifier(DOI) is assigned.Scientists can use a doi to publish each step of the research life cycle, not just the final paper In so doing, they can potentially get three citations- one each for tthe data and software,inaddition to the paper itself. and although some say that citations for software or data hace little currency in academia, they can have other benefitsMmany advocates think that transparent data procedures with a date and time stamp will protect ientists from being scooped. this is the sweet spot between sharing and getting credit for it.while discouraging plagiarism says lvo Grigorov a project cooedinator at thenational institute of aquatic resources research secretariat in charlottenlund, denmark. hogg.says that scooping is less of a problem than many think. the two cases im familiar with didnt involve open data or code, he says.N open science also offers junor researchers the chance to level the playing field by gaining better access to crucial data .rose mounce a postdoc studing ecolutionary biology at the University of cambridge, uk, is a vocal champion of open science, partly because his fossilbased research depends on access to others data. he says that more openness in science could help to discourage what some perceive as a common practice of shutting out early-career scientists requests for data.Ocommunication also helps for those who worry about jeopardizing a collaboration, he says Concems about open science should be discussed at the outset of a study. whenever you start a project with someone, you have to establish a clear understanding of expectations for who owns the data, at what point they go public and who can do what with them, he says.P in the end, sharing data, software and materials with colleagues can help an early-career researcher to gain recognition-a crucial component of success. the thing you are searching for is reputation, says titus brown, a genomics(基因组学) researcher at the university of California, davis.to get grants and jobs, you have to be relevant and achieve some level of public recognition. anything you do that advances your presence - especially in a larger sphere, outside the communities you know-is a net win.36. astronomer david hogg doesnt think scooping is as serious a problem as generally thought.37. some researchers are hesitant to make their data public for fear that others might publish nething similar before them.38.some psychology journals have offered incentives to encourage authors to share their data39. there is a growing demand in the science community that research data be open to the public40. sharing data offers carly career researchers the chance to build a certain level of reputation.41.data sharing enables scientists to publish each step of their research work, thus leading to more citations.42. scientists hold different opinions about the extent and timing of data sharing43. potential problems related to data sharing should be made known to and discussed by all participants at the beginning of a joint research project44. sharing data and handling data-related issues can be time-consuming45. junior researchers may have no say when it comes to sharing dataSection cPassage oneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.In the beginning of the movie / robot a robot has to decide whom to save after two cars plunge into the water-del spooner or a child. even though spooner screamssave her save her.the robot rescues him because it calculates that he has a 45 percent chance of survival compared to sarahs ll percent. the robots decision and its calculated approach raise an important question:would humans make the same choice and which choice would we want our robotic counterparts to make?Isaac asimov evaded the whole notion of morality in devising his three laws of robotics, which hoId that I. robots cannot harm humans or allow humans to come to harm; 2. robots must obey preservation, unless doing so conflicts with laws i or 2. these laws are programmed into Asimovs robots-they dont have to think, judge, or value. they don t have to like humans or believe that hurting them is wrong or bad. they simply dont do it.The robot who rescues Spooners life in i, robot follows Asimovs zero law: robots cannot harm humanity (as opposed to individual humans or allow humanity to come to harm-an expan-sion of the first law that allows robots to determine whats in the greater good. under the first law.a robot could not harm a dangerous gunman, but under the zero law, a robot could kill the gunman to save others.Whether its possible to program a robot with safeguards such as asimovs laws is debatable A word such asharmis vague (what about emotional harm? is replacing a human employee harm?)and abstract concepts present coding problems. the robots in asime complications and loopholes in the three laws, and even when the laws work, robots still have to asscss situations.Assessing situations can be complicated. a robot has to identify the players, conditions, and possible outcomes for warious scennrios. Its doubtful that a computer program can do that-at least, not without some undesirable results. A robotocost at the bristol robotics laboratory programmed a robot to save human proxies(替身)called“Hbots”from danger. when one H-bot of headed for danger,the robot sucecssfully pushed it out the way. but when two h-bots became imperiled, the robot choked 42 percent of the time, unable to decide which to save and letting them both die .The robot choked 42 percent of the time, unable to decide which to save and letting them headed for danger, the robot successfully pushed it.how can


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