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二年级人教版下册英语填空题实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择英文对应的翻译。( )vegetable A. 水( )fish B. 鱼( )water C. 蔬菜2. 选词填空。doingtidyingisdrawinglistening1.Hes_hishomework.2.Hes_totheradio.3.Shes_apicture.4.Samis_hisroom.5.What_hedoing?3. 选出不同类的词。( )nicesuperfoodyummy( )fishpotatoestomatoescarrots4. 连词成句。(将下列单词组成通顺的句子)(1)weplayinginarethefootballplayground.(2)themareboysthecatching.(3)amIrunningmyfriendwith.(4)isheskipping.(5)catchsomeareplaying.5. 用括号里的词的适当形式填空。1.A: Whats the weather like today?B:Itsa_(rain)day.2.A:What will the weather be like next week?B:It_(be)snowyandcold.3.There _(be)a strong wind in the southeast.4.What a _(worse) day it is!5.How_(storm)the weather is!6. 根据图片,选出正确的单词。1.Can you see a_(bus/car/ship)?Yes.2.Touch this. Is it_(hard/soft)?Yes.3.What colour is the tree?Its_(blue/green/red).4.What do you see?I see_(four/five/six)chicks.5.Look at the dog. Its_(brown/black/yellow).7. 图文配对。 A. Its cloudy. B. Its rainy. C. I like eating apples.8. 选词填空。friendhavesummer(1)Ia sweater.(2)Myhas a new shirt.(3)What do you have for?9. 读一读,写出字母的左邻右舍。(1)Mm (2)Ff(3)Gg (4)Jj(5)Ll (6)Oo10. 选出不同类的单词。( )A. sweater B. shirt C. bus( )A. footballB. basketballC. soup( )A. fish B. wolf C. van11. 问答句配对,连一连。 Is it an apple? A. Im Miss Fang. You are Miss Fang. B. You are Miss Fang. Who are you? C. Yes, Im Miss Fang. Who am I? D. No, its an orange.12. 图文配对,连一连。 A. I can see two dogs. B. I can ride my bicycle in spring. C. I have a dress for summer.13. 补充下面句子。1._youdoingyourhomework?(你在做功课吗?)2.Im_apicture_flowers.(我在画花的图片)3.Sheis_abook.(她正在看一本书)4.He_playingfootball.(他不在踢足球)14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I will_(visit) Australia this month.2. They_(climb) a mountain last night.3. Mike sometimes_(go) to the park with his sister.4. There_(be) some water in the bottle.5. We will_(stay) with my parents.15. 完成下列对话。1_is fast?2A: Who_slow?B: The turtle_slow.3A:_is fast?B: The rabbit_fast.16. 按要那要求写单词。1.these(对应词) 2. is(复数)3.those(单数) 4. they are(缩写形式)17. 找出不同类的单词,把答案编号写在前面括号内。( )A. red B. black C. blue D. winter( )A. shirt B. blouse C. shorts D. hot5 / 5


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