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毕 业 论 文英文论文题目: Cooperative learning of English in primary schools in China 中文论文题目: 浅谈中国小学的英语合作学习 姓 名: 学 号: 学习中心: 河北沧州黄骅奥鹏学习中心 专 业: 英语(师范方向) 指导教师: 张 枫 二一四 年 二 月17 Outline:1. The background of learning method 1.1 The necessity of learning English1.2 Educational environment and problems of primary school English 1.3 Cooperative learning model was proposed 2. Introduce the Cooperative learning of English2.1 The idea of cooperative learning2.2 The form of cooperative learning2.3 Scholars agree with cooperative learning2.4 The students are promoted in the cooperative learning 2.5 Cooperative learning English is fit for curriculum standards 3. The features of Cooperative learning 3.1 Let every student learn to seize opportunities3.2 Let each student develop his own personality and get a reasonable development3.3 Let every student learn to cooperate4. How to conduct group work4.1 Divided into the groups well4.2 Clear mandate4.3 Conduct activities4.3.1 The competition method with games in the group4.3.2 Act out the dialogue in groups4.4 Reasonable assessment5. Some problems5.1 Students do not take the initiative to cooperate5.2 Student participation is not balancedConclusionBibliographyCooperative learning of English in primary schools in ChinaThesis Statement:English is a very practical subject, and using English for communication is a main expression in practice. Primary English teaching should develop students interest in learning English; improve their English communication ability, which is the main task. Cooperative learning for its cooperation, fun, competitive advantages is widely used in English teaching in primary school.In this article, the author attempts at teaching by herself to talk about Cooperative Learning of English. It is fit for English teaching in primary schools and it is one of the best ways and Cooperative learning in teaching embodies several features. In this process, the writer tries to find out the best way of cooperative learning methods in primary schools in English, as well as several problems in cooperative learning which are also discussed in this paper.Keywords: Cooperative learning English primary school China关键词:合作学习 英语 小学 中国Cooperative learning of English in primary schools in ChinaChapter The background of learning method1.1With the continuous development of economy, Chinas international status is rising. In order to contact to the international community, English, as an international common language, becomes more and more widely used in China. In order to lay a solid foundation, and follow the rules of learning language, students begin to learn English since they are in primary schools. Meanwhile, leaning English has a lot to do with learning methods.1.2 In the present of educational environment, there are a lot of students in the same class. Large class teaching is the feature. Full-time English teachers of primary school teach more than sixty students, sometimes even more. In class, the teachers only say by themselves, and this method is not successful. The students are forced to learn English and asked to recite words and sentences without rules. Teaching practice has proved this model does not fit the new English curriculum, and gradually exposes some problems. On the one hand, some students hate learning English. On the other hand, polarization is worse and worse. 1.3 In order to change the old teaching pattern, encourage and train students interests in learning English. I find cooperative learning is one of the best ways in primary school. During this process, I not only practice but also study English in teaching. Therefore , I can improve the efficiency of English teaching in primary school.Chapter Cooperative learning of English2.1Cooperative learning, which is a teaching model. It is based on classroom-based teaching organization. Under this premise, cooperation ideas is the soul, and team teaching is an important form of organization. By carrying out cooperative learning groups, playing an active function in groups and improving the individuals motivation and ability. Truly make English teaching become a communicative cooperation process. 2.2 A cooperative learning teaching English in primary schools carried out mainly in small groups, which is called cooperative learning groups. The so-called cooperative learning groups usually contain 4 - 6 students in each group. Students are divided according to their marks, abilities, and personalities. Each reconstituted group will be the best. 2.3 Many scholars believe cooperative learning in groups is an adaptation of a variety of learning styles. And it can promote the students to join it actively ,and it is also the most popular and most effective method. As early as 1979,American educational experts Johnson discussed the various benefits of this approach. Cooperative group members can gradually formed a superb concept learning strategies ,and the member of groups can explore more effective information from others. So the members can get more useful materials in less time .At that time, some social teaching advocates thought, there was a link between the formation of cooperative social behavior and the development of skills and knowledge, so they used the forms of cooperative learning which gradually developed into a teaching theory and tactical system based on the following six theories.Group Dynamic theory, which was invented by Germany psychologist K.Lewin, it thought, the group is basically a dynamic group with their members mutual dependence changing continually. Inside, any members condition can cause the changing of other members condition, and the intense inside condition can motivate the group to reach common anticipated aims.Social Cohesiveness theory. It was similar to group dynamic theory. It interpreted the teaching effect of cooperative learning from the aspect of motivation. However, its emphasis is members should care the group.The one was complex learning theory rising in foreign countries: Constructivism. It said knowledge was neither objective nor subjective, and just was a kind of interpretation, and was moving, not static. On the basis of this realization, Constructivism highlighted the students state and function in activities of learning.Cognitive developmental theory from the aspect of cognition, gave special attention to their task that had finished in cooperative learning (every group member improve their cognitive level at the process of getting group aims). The theory thought, it was easier to understand and master some important notions for children under the mutual effect of taking very tasks. The development of children and their social behavior were increasingly formed through the mutual effect and communicative cognition of accompanies.American psychologist A.Maslow created needsgraduation theory, which was a theory of studying mens need structure. Class was an activity between one person and a group. It was very important for students development ,not only to satisfy their communication and so on, but satisfy the need for development and egorealization by the way of communication forming social personal relationship.Classroom instructional technology theory. It thought there are mainly three factors to affect the quality of class studying and social mental environment: task structure, incentive structure, and authority structure. The classroom instructional technology is the unity of the three factors. It has an illuminating significance of cooperative learning.At present, the cooperative learning has been broadly used in schools in many countries, such as USA, Britain, Holland, etc. absorbing the experience of foreign teaching ,teachers in our countries should excavate own potency to make use of cooperative learning. 2.4The students have the attitudes and experiences of cooperation, so the more they are able to have clear learning goals. They believe if they work hard they will get excellent achievement by themselves. At last they must be the best students. So they think it is important to learn new knowledge. They will be more careful when study in groups. Comparing with the only class group or individual learning, students who have cooperative learning experience will be the owner. This kind of method can stimulate students comprehensive ability. 2.5Cooperative learning groups have been accepted by many countries educators. Since the 1980s, it has also become Chinas teaching theory. In the ordinary high school classroom full-time compulsory standards (trial version), the basic concept and implementation of the proposed class, cooperative learning has become an important concept. The standard elaborated the task of primary school English curriculum : Stimulating and developing students interest in learning English, so that they can build confidence, develop good habits and create an effective learning strategy. Many elementary educators are engaged in cooperative learning groups and explore our specific practice; they expect to find practical cooperative learning groups with Chinese characteristics.Chapter The features of Cooperative learning A teacher and students should understand and respect each other, and work in a harmony and friendly environment. Nowadays, education advocates the style of personality first and students as protagonist. A teacher is not stand at high place. He or she should be more like friends, and parents to treat and care students. Especially in some closed type schools. Classmates and friends are one of the most important parts. They together chat, study, courage each other, and play games. In certain way, friends are the necessary part in their life. They can give each other some suggestion when coming across a few troubles. But it is limited for them, because they are at same age stage and both immature. At this moment, a teacher becomes the friends and parents of them. They give the right suggestion and love to students by talking and exchanging ideas in time. A teacher should make good effort to become students reliable and welcomed persons.On the other hand, a teacher should be ready to hear the critic and suggestion from students, and finds the defect and try to improve selves. According to what Wang Fengxian wrote in the book “Learning and Teaching Theory”: scholars at home or abroad ever researched on “the psycho loge of teachers that students like”, the students at home and abroad have a little different attitude on this question, but of all parts, they are the similar ideas. “They all like enriched knowledge teachers with the quality of skill, warm-hearted, friendly, good temper and justice”. They are easy to get along well with students if a teacher occupies these. To the opposite, it is difficult for teachers to do that. A good relationship between a teacher and students is the vital factor that students make progress in studying.In my own teaching practice, comparing with the previous teaching model by cooperative learning”, I have the following experience:3.1Let every student learn to seize opportunities Compulsory English courses should be offered to every student, and make the class serve for every student. As a young primary school English teacher, I feel it is difficult for every student to enjoy the knowledge in their class. As while, it is also a challenge for a teacher to control a the whole class with 50 to 60 students. Only a small number of students who have the good basic can answer questions actively and enthusiastically in class, and can take part in all kinds of activities. But most of the students like a spectator. In the past few years, through communicating with other teachers, I found that this is a common problem in primary schools for English teachers. For the above question, I also had practical exploration. At the beginning, I tried to practice the same table, which allows students to practice oral exercises conducted at the same table.The desk mates discussed some questions, and got the answers. The students at the same table finished a task together. But soon I found that there still will be over thirty groups for only two students as a group. During the class, teachers cant check every group, and help them to work out every question. While students at the same table learn better than a single person, but it also has a lot of limitations. So I tried to organize the groups of four as a cooperative learning method. In this way, it becomes a class for a group of four, totally fifteen to twenty study groups. Virtually, one of the original size of the class looks great, has evolved into a small class composed of fifteen groups. Among four teams, each student has access to exchange with more students, but also have to show themselves to other students, and have the opportunity to express their views. In a small group of four students, the students think actively, practice knowledge and skills what they have learned they fully develop their acquired skills. Then, during the group discussion activities, each member shows themselves in their class in turn. The opportunity of expressing has been greatly improved. For example, before the English class, the students perform the speaking training. Every group practices English dialogues in turn. Such as the weather, the class, the school, and they can also make up the dialogues according to the text, their study, their lives and their hobbies. The members of the group perform in front of the class after they write well. During the process, the members take part in it. They make sure their own roles, and express the ideas with English then show themselves. Different group shows in turn every day, it helps to excite students interests and stimulate their creativity. Cooperative learning groups make up for the shortcomings of much larger classes, while the completion into the standard” so that every student has the possibility to enjoy the class.3.2Let each student develop his own personality and get a reasonable development.We all know that there are differences between students. Most students prefer to express themselves, and their ability have been continuously improved by active participation in learning English. But there is a small part of the students with poor English, or introverted personality. They are afraid to express their views in class. They didnt say anything until the teacher noticed them and called their name. They think learning English is not active. There is no enthusiasm for learning English. Through practice, I find during Cooperative learning group students who usually afraid to speak in front of the whole class, they are willing to share with other companions inside the team; they are willing to get the students appreciated. Through the exchange, the basis of poor students has been improved gradually and originally introverted students establish confidence for their ideas. The students finally dare to boldly show themselves, to experience the joy of success!3.3Let every student learn to cooperateCooperation is in everywhere. Cooperation can promote common development among students; cooperation can show the collective wisdom, and cooperation can improve the ability of the students. We shall train the ability to cooperate from young students; it is the bounden duty for teachers. Cooperative learning groups is an effective way to develop artificial intelligence. Through cooperating with each other among team members, one can masters course content. And within the group we ensure that every member completes and masters the teaching task. For example, there is the unit about How much is it? In PEP fourth-grade language the next volume of English book. There are some difficult words in it, such as colorful pretty, cheap, expensive, sneakers, slippers, sandals, and boots. After the teacher teaches twice to three times, the most of students can not read them. So let the students work together. The groups have a role to play. The students read the words after the group leader, or one teaches one. At last, each of them read by themselves. Next, the leaders are serious like a teacher, and the students learn from them carefully. They can learn from each other, and get the joy of success; they can also increase their self-confidence. Thus, the enthusiasm of each member are mobilized. Students help each other, and cooperate with each other. Students exchange the information, share of results, and team spirit has been cultured.Chapter How to conduct group workIn order to play the role of group learning better, specific implementation of cooperative learning groups as follows:4.1Divide into the groups well. Grouping is the basis for cooperative learning. Cooperative learning mainly depends on the situation of the group, and the activity of the group. When the teachers divide into the group, they maybe meet kinds of questions from the students. Facing these questions, the teacher should tell the students, no matter who stays with you, you are the same team,and the achievements of the group need to work hard by everyone. Each of them can learn from others, and get something that they need, and they can help others to master their own knowledge. In order to make good use of individual students and groups, we remain reasonable distribution in the formation of the group. Such as character, personality traits, and academic and so on. In this way, one can help one in the group, it can help to improve the achievements, and the ability is balanced between the group and the group, it can make the groups compete. Each group has 4 - 6 people. Each plays different roles in the group, as leader, recorder, and discipline guards. And to ensure each students enthusiasm ,the teacher should call of roles occasionally.4.2 Clear mandate during cooperative learning. First we should clear learning objectives and goals. It not only includes the knowledge tasks but also the contest tasks, and the English skills. There are the tasks about the cooperation of division and the cooperation method. In a word, when the teachers set tasks, the teachers ask the students to use a very short period of time and coordinate Method of cooperation, to improve the efficiency of cooperative learning groups. Meanwhile, in the usual learning, we should cultivate good habits of cooperative learning, such as good study habits of cooperation, listening carefully to the opinions of others habits, positive practice, hands-on operations and other habits. As a result, some tasks are recessive and some tasks are recessive, so finishing every task is to develop the students ability. Cooperative learning groups is a process to develop all kinds of ability. 4.3 Conduct activities. The purpose of cooperative learning groups is to make everyone involved in the learning process. Everyone feels joy of success. We must deal with the relationship between eugenics and students with learning difficulties. Otherwise we can not achieve our objectives, it will exacerbate the polarization. Eugenics are better, poor students are worse. Each student has their own responsibilities in the activities. Both they are participants, but also they are the organizer. It brings equality and cooperation to every student and they are glad to learn. In limited time it can achieve the best learning efficiency. For example, during the teaching, Teachers can use activities to promote the teaching.4.3.1 According to the teaching contest, the teachers can use games to design this situatio


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