高优指导高三英语一轮复习 Module 2 My New Teachers课件 外研版必修1

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MODULE 2MODULE 2MY NEW MY NEW TEACHERSTEACHERS-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1231.avoid vt.避免;防止;故意避开;回避领悟高考究考法用所给单词的适当形式填空/翻译句子To avoid missing(miss) the last train,please check the last train time posted in the station.(2014全国课标)He is a suspect of bank robbery,trying to avoid being caught(catch)by the police.All the mistakes you made in the paper were avoidable(avoid) with more care.-18-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123Most people work because its unavoidable(avoid).By contrast,there are some people who actually enjoy work.(2015 浙江)Some people avoid small talk because they dislike discussing things like traffic or weather.(2015安徽)有些人有意避开闲聊是因为他们不喜欢讨论交通或天气之类的事情。-19-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-20-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1232.appreciate vt.欣赏;赏识;感激;重视领悟高考究考法完成句子/用所给单词的适当形式填空 When you look people in the eye,they feel you appreciate what they are saying.当你注视他人的眼睛时,他们感觉你重视他们所说的话。(2015安徽)Id appreciate it if you could return my cell phone.如果你能将我的手机送回我将十分感激。The homeless children appreciated receiving(receive) your gifts on Christmas Eve.My parents appreciated you driving(drive) them home from the airport.-21-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-22-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-23-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1233.admit vt.承认;准许进入;容纳vi.容许;承认领悟高考究考法完成句子/指出句中admit的意思He admitted to stealing two bikes.他承认偷过两辆自行车。This ticket admits two people to the piano concert by Li Yundi.这张票可供两人观看李云迪的钢琴音乐会。Two Chinese students were admitted to Standford University last year.-24-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123去年有两名中国学生被斯坦福大学录取。The theatre only admits 1,000 persons.容纳If youre the person who is in the wrong,just admit it!承认(2015福建)-25-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123-26-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The mother is patient with her children,and she always speaks with patience.(patient)2.He expressed his appreciation(appreciate) to his teacher after making great progress.3.He went to his teachers office and admitted(admit) his mistakes.4.Being a teacher is a respectable job,and the students talk with their teachers in a respectful manner.(respect)5.You should avoid spending(spend) too much money in the first half of the year.-27-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.完成句子1.他能够忍受困难。He can be patient of hardships.2.我们必须避免犯同样的错误。 We must avoid making the same mistake.3.我不愿被父母当做小孩子对待。I dont appreciate being treated like a little child by my parents.4.他的女儿被一所名牌大学录取了。His daughter was admitted into a famous university.5.我非常尊敬你的哥哥。I have/show the greatest respect foryour brother.-28-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训121.make sure 确保;弄清楚;核实或查明某事物领悟高考究考法完成句子Make sure the people you surround yourself with are supportive.(2015 福建)你要确保围拢在自己身边的人都能够支持你。If I get there,can you make sure of my safety?如果我去那里,你能确保我的安全吗?When the group discussion is nearing its end,make sure to conclude it with important points.(2013浙江)当集体讨论结束时,一定要总结要点。-29-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12Im sure that your missing glasses will turn up sooner or later.(2015湖北)我确信你丢失的眼镜迟早会出现的。If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate what is below the water surface.(2015浙江)如果你在河里或湖里游泳,一定要查看一下水下有什么。The meeting will be held in September,but nobody knows the date for sure.(2015 重庆)会议将在九月份举行,但是没有人确切知道会议日期。-30-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-31-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-32-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12体会语境辨词义选词填空(sure/certain)Im sure/certain that he will come to your help.=It is certain that he will come to your help.-33-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训122.as a result 结果;因此 领悟高考究考法完成句子/介词填空/同义句转换They wear out,and as a result,we get old and eventually die.(2015广东)它们(我们的细胞)慢慢消耗尽,结果我们就会变老并最终死亡。We are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet.(2015安徽)由于有了互联网,我们不会成为记忆力差的人。-34-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12I learnt that shouting and threats of punishment would result in a disaster.(2014湖北)Her failure resulted from not working hard enough.He was too careless;as a result,he failed the English test.He failed the English test as a result of his carelessness.His carelessness resulted in his failure in the English test.His failure in the English test resulted from his carelessness.-35-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-36-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.介、副词填空1.He did his best to make sure of her happiness.2.Even to this day we dont know what happened for sure.3.As a result of the big earthquake,many Japanese lost their homes.4.The burning of more and more fuel is resulting in the increase of carbon dioxide.5.The accident that happened yesterday resulted from the drivers carelessness.-37-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.完成句子1.当实验结束的时候,确保关闭实验室内所有的电器设备。Make sure that all the electric facilities in the lab are turned off,as soon as the experiment is over.2.如果你违背自然,你一定会受到大自然的惩罚。If you go against nature,you are sure to be punished by nature.3.他奶奶自信会活一百岁。His grandma is sure of living to 100.-38-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训4.我敢肯定我把钥匙忘在柜台上了。I was sure that I had left my keys on the counter.5.由于心脏病,她去世了。She passed away,as a result of her heart attack.6.他摔伤了腿。结果,两个月不能上学。He broke his leg.As a result,he was away from school for 2 months.-39-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12341.Shes kind and patient,and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!她既和蔼又有耐心,而且她解释英语语法如此清楚,以至于连我也能听懂!分析提炼究考法so.that.“如此以至于”,常用于引导结果状语从句。在此结构中,so是副词,后接形容词或副词。通常有三种结构:so+adj./adv.+ that从句-40-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234so+adj./adv.+ a/an + 单数名词+that 从句so+many/much/few/little(少)+名词+that从句so that也可连在一起使用,引导目的(句中常用can,could,may,might)或结果状语从句,意为“以至于,这/那样”。such.that.“如此以至于”有以下两种结构:such + a/an + adj.+ 单数名词+ that从句such + adj.+ 复数名词/不可数名词+that 从句-41-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234领悟考法用考点语段改错/选词填空(so/such)Tony saw a toy in a shop window.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.After looks at the toy for some time,he turned around and found that his parents were missing.(2015 全国课标)去掉very;lookslookingAs an outgoing girl,I get along well with my classmates.Besides,I have so a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.(2015陕西)sosuch-42-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234The team are working hard to analyze the problem such that they can find the best solution.(2015湖北)suchsoThey are such little trees that there are so few apples on them.It was such great fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children.The Great Wall is so well-known a tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.We were in such an anxious rush when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.-43-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12342.Shes very strictwe dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.她非常严厉除非她允许,否则我们一句话也不敢说。分析提炼究考法本句包含由unless 引导的条件状语从句。(1)unless conj.“除非,如果不”,引导条件状语从句。(2)当主句是一般将来时或祈使句时,unless从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。(3)若主句的主语和unless条件从句中的主语相同且从句中含有be动词时,从句中常可省略主语和be动词。-44-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234领悟考法用考点同义句转换/完成句子It is so cold that if you are not fully covered in thick clothes you cant go outside.It is so cold that you cant go outside unless fully covered in thick clothes.(2015江苏)除非受到邀请,否则他不会参加这次晚会。 He wont go to the party unless he is invited.-45-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12343.Physics will never be my favourite lesson,but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.物理永远不会成为我最喜欢的课,但是我想在陈老师的指导下,我在考试中会取得好成绩的。分析提炼究考法本句包含“with的复合结构”,该结构在句中做状语。(1)“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构一般被称作with的复合结构,with复合结构中宾语补足语的构成有以下几种情况:-46-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234领悟考法用考点用所给单词的适当形式填空/介、副词或形容词填空People of all ages happily walk along the pavement with eyes and hands glued(glue) to the mobile phone,quite unaware of what is going on around them.(2015湖南)Charles was alone at home,with no one looking(look)after him.With so long a distance to go(go),he went to bed early.He is used to sleeping with the window open at night in summer.He often sleeps with the light on.Suddenly she found a small river with red flowers and green grass on both sides.-47-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12344.Id rather do translation than revision,Mr Stanton.我宁愿做些翻译练习而不愿复习,斯坦顿先生。分析提炼究考法would rather do sth.than(do) sth.=would do.rather than do.=prefer to do.rather than do. 宁愿做而不愿做would rather do sth. 宁愿做-48-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训1234领悟考法用考点用所给单词的适当形式填空/语段改错Id rather choose(choose) to give up than quarrel(quarrel) with him about the position.We would rather our daughter stayed(stay) at home with us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer.(2014 山西)Id rather you had gone(go) to the party yesterdayit was so wonderful.It wasnt until her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became aware of her habit of finding fault.Very quickly,she learned to appreciate life other than to judge everything such harshly(刻薄).She was able to transfer her new wisdom to other parts of her life as well.otherrather;suchso-49-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训翻译句子1.This was so good a book that I read it twice.这本书如此好,以至于我读了两遍。2.他落下了那么多课以至于他发觉很难跟上其他人。He missed so many classes that he found it hard to follow others.3.It was so noisy that we couldnt hear ourselves speak.(2015浙江)这么乱以至于我们听不到自己讲话。4.我宁愿失败也不愿在考试中作弊。I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.-50-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训5.You will never gain success unless you are fully devoted to your work.(2014 湖南)你不会取得成功,除非你全身心投入到你的工作中。6.有很多工作要做,我无法去看医生。With a lot of work to do,I couldnt go to see a doctor.


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