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生命生命教学反思生命生命教学反思生命生命教学反思一: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 生命生命这篇充满哲理的散文,通过“飞蛾求生、瓜苗生长、静听心跳”三件小事,传递着作者对生命的思考,表达了作者的独特生命体验和感悟。如何帮助学生理解文中含义深刻的句子,如何让学生对“生命”这个如此宏大的话题有自主地、个性的感悟,是我这节课想要努力实现的目标。在本课的教学设计中,我试图通过“由题入手,关注生命”“品读词句,感受生命”“拓展资料,情感升华”“回归课题,感悟生命”四个层次,去引导学生由浅入深地品词析句,读出自己的感受,以课堂为起点引发孩子们对生命的感悟。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 上课前,我对自己的设计还是很有信心,感觉设计上有不少亮点。如:课的开始和结束都是围绕课题,开课质疑,引发思考;结束时给课题加标点,表达个性的感悟,使本课结构完整。又如:课外资料的拓展不是一次展示,而是先出现杏林子的照片,让学生直观地感受她的乐观;然后老师深情地朗读杏林子的生平,让学生在强烈地对比中体会杏林子的坚强,感受内心的“震撼”;再通过阅读杏林子的成就,理解“好好地使用,白白地糟蹋”,从而联系生活引发自己对生命的感悟。以此层层深入,搭建起学生与文本之间的桥梁,加强情感体验,从而理解了本课的重点句,突破难点。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 但上完课,我感到很沮丧。我感到现实的课堂与理想相去甚远。课堂上我在努力演绎着教案,以至于忽略了学生的阅读节奏。常常还没让学生读懂读透,我就急着实施下一个环节。由于开始对词句的品读不够深入和到位,就急着引读,所以学生始终没能进入我努力营造的情感氛围,直接导致了课的后半部分,学生始终游离与文本之外。即使有多次的朗读训练,但因为学生的内心感受不足,朗读也仅仅停留在技巧的指导,而不是真正的有感而读。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 这节课让我再次感受到老师的教学设计要真正为学生的学服务,为学生的发展服务。课堂上,学生的思维不是教师“硬逼”出来,而是真实的原生态的暴露,并经历思维逐步提升的过程.学生的情感不是老师“煽”出来的,而是真诚的投入,真情的交流,真正的分享。生命生命教学反思二: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 生命生命是人教版第八册第五组的第三篇课文,是台湾女作家杏林子对生命的独特感悟,是一篇对生命的颂歌。这篇课文短小精悍、语言简洁朴实、思想含蓄深邃。形象描写与理性思考有机结合,是一篇抒写感悟人生的好文章。课文开头首先提出问题:生命是什么?下面的内容却没有从正面回答,而是从飞蛾求生、砖缝中长出瓜苗、倾听心跳等几件事中,展示了生命的意义:虽然生命短暂,但是,我们却可以让有限的生命体现出无限的价值。作者还表达了自己积极进取的人生态度:一定要珍惜生命,决不让它白白流失,使自己活得更加光彩有力。如何让活泼单纯,生活无忧的四年级学生通过三件看来平常的小事去解读“生命”,如何帮助学生理解文中含义深刻的句子,如何让学生对“生命”这个如此宏大的话题有自主地、个性的感悟,无疑是一个难点。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 我上的是第二课时,制定教学目标是:1、正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,背诵课文。2、理解含义深刻的句子,揣摩其中含义深刻的意思。3、感悟作者对生命的思考,懂得珍爱生命,尊重生命,善待生命,让有限的生命体现无限的价值。重难点:理解三个事例蕴含的道理。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 我主要从抓住每个事例的重点句子来体会,如“飞蛾求生”这个事例,我先请一位学生读这个自然段,再画出他觉得含义深刻的句子,再体会体会。这段中重点品读句子:但它挣扎着,极力鼓动双翅,我感到一股生命的力量在我手中跃动,那样强烈!那样鲜明!“挣扎”说明飞蛾的生命面临着什么?就算是多么危险,能否逃生,飞蛾都没有放弃对生命求生的努力。然后让学生带着飞蛾强烈求生的欲望这种感悟来读句子。再小结学习方法:读mdash;mdash;画mdash;mdash;体会。按照这种学习方法要求学生学习第二、第三个事例。预设往往是完美的,理想的。但是课堂却是动态生成的。不同的学生,上课老师不同的心境都会影响课堂教学效果。遗憾的是这节课在学习最后自然段升华的感悟不够深入,过于仓促。生命生命教学反思三: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 生命生命是四年级下册第五组课文的第三篇,本单元的主题是关注生命。本文针对“生命是什么”而发出质疑,从飞蛾生命的脆弱、从小瓜苗生命的顽强,从自己的心律跳动,作者感悟到生命的意义:虽然生命短暂,但是,我们却可以让有限的生命体现出无限的价值。在课上,我并没有以一个旁观者的态度从客观上去解什么是生命;也没有以一个演讲者的身份慷慨激昂地给学生讲说着人生的哲理,而是引领学生在和文本的对话中,通过读去理解,入情入境地使学生懂得了关爱生命、珍惜生命。在本课教学中我在如下方面收获较大。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 一注重朗读,在共鸣中积累。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; “书读万遍,其义自见。”在进行本课的教学设计时,我注重的是结合孩子们的生活实际,不断地创设情境,让孩子们反复品读重点的语句,让他们实实在在地体会如何珍惜生命,例如:在“飞蛾求生”这个段落中,当学生提出:为什么飞蛾求生的欲望使作者震惊?教师引导学生抓住“挣扎”、“极力鼓动双翅”等重点词,在读中品,在品中悟,悟到了作者对弱小的生命这种顽强生命力的敬意。在学生品读如何向珍惜生命而做出成绩的人学习,学习他们坚强不屈的品质,从而升华文本的主题思想。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 二教学中结合学生自己对大自然中的生命及身边的人事的感悟进行深入学习。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 在教学中,倡导自主合作探究的学习方式,通过在生生交流、师生交流的过程,学生各自交流自己身边的人和事的理解,逐步引导学生感悟生命的意义。使学生真正成为课堂的主人,教师成为课堂的引导者。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 三.适当运用资料,加以拓展 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 由于学生在课前搜索并整理了资料,让他们通过名人故事(如文中的杏林子,外国的保尔、海伦凯勒,还有国内的张海迪,亚残会中的人物等)感受珍惜生命就会活出光彩;让他们通过自己整理并背诵的名人名言(如关于时间、理想的、读书的等名言)进一步感受生命的真谛。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 语文学科是个语言积累的学科,在教学中注重学生表达语言的表达、引用,培养了学生对身边事物的观察,学生的写作也就会收到好的效果,从他们对课后小练笔情况看,也较以前有了较大的提高。生命生命教学反思四: nbsp;生命生命是人教版实验教材第八册第五组的第三篇课文,是台湾女作家杏林子对生命的独特感悟,是一篇对生命的颂歌。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 这篇课文含义非常深刻,短小精悍,是一篇非常好的文章,说实在的,我自己也被这篇文章深深的感染着,但文章的内涵对四年级的孩子来说,理解起来有一定的困难,所以大部分时间我在引领孩子逐步感悟生命的真谛。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 语文教学的本质是实现工具性和人文性的和谐统一。在教学过程中,引领学生去解读文本,去品味语言、感悟语言,情感得到熏陶,思想得到提升,师生共同享受语 文、享受学习,情感达到共鸣。备课时,我重点思考四个问题:1、如何润物细无声地渗透课文的主题,让学生感受到生命的可贵,懂得热爱生命、在遭遇挫折时与 命运抗争。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2、如何有层次地设计教学,体现教学“不着痕迹、跌宕起伏”的和谐之美。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3、如何处理课堂上发生的小“意外”。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 4、教学问题的设计要精妙,点拨要促进学生的发展。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 我在思考的过程中经历了一个不断成熟的过程,它给我带来的收获之大是毋庸质疑的,因为自始至终我都思在其中。如何钻研教材、如何挖掘教材、如何设计大环节、如何处理小细节;一句话、一个词、一个字,让我体会了语文的魅力。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 生命生命教学反思五: nbsp;nbsp; 生命生命是人教版小学语文第八册第五单元中的第三篇课文,属于讲读课文,共需2课时完成,这一单元的教材是围绕生命这一专题展开的。4篇文章从不同角度反映出人类对于生命的思考,抒写了我们对人生的感悟。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 接受任务,开始选题时,我被这篇文章短小而精悍的内容深深地吸引,更为作者杏林子残而不废,奋斗而精彩的一生而感动,她在文章中没有枯燥的说教,而是通过平凡而真实的三个小故事,向我们传达了生命的意义,教育我们要珍惜生命,让有限的生命创造出无限的价值。nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 四年级的学生,平均年龄十一岁左右,大多数生活在快乐而平和的生活中,在父母的保护下,没有遇到过较大的挫折,更无从亲身体验生命对人类的考验。而且本篇课文处于第三篇文章,缺少前2课的铺垫,学生们对生命的意义更加缺乏深刻的理解,因而课前安排学生查找一些关于生命的格言和珍爱生命的故 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 本篇文章语言简练,内容浅显,含义深远,很适合三段六步的教学方法,所以在课堂教学中我安排大量的时间让学生自学,讨论,在汇报的过程中能不讲的就不讲,尽量让孩子孩子们随意发挥,只要表达出自己的观点即可。sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels e_pression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work, maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts to solve the problem of contact service masses “last mile”In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Huiapos;s peopleapos;s livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation.The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining village enterprises, the construction of “” multinational joint building “,” regional construction “industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations, Party organizations and e_pand the coverage of work covered.Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party mittee” on the further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting , optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good.Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off “, implement the three class, public mitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role.As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further e_pand the” red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, munity public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party mitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the “line of work”, “public pipeline engineering”, “five vanguard”, the “party shifangang” star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level.Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation.Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage in the transfer section.To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation and reform, with the “five question five check 33 assessment” as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire chapter formed, the masses ments throughout.The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch.The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, bined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported.The steering group audit checks.Together with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into ments.2, do a good job learning education.Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the partyapos;s glorious history and fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central mittee and general secretary _i Jinping speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities “opinions , scheme and related meeting spirit.To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of Mar_apos;s view of masses and the partyapos;s mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres plement the spirit of calcium” , built the ideological soul of the building, the partyapos;s mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the partyapos;s fundamental purpose to bee party members, cadres of the general consciousness.Adhere to the bination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the “total switch” in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem.The county authorities at the county level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special _uan_uan a warning education, and a theoretical essay “Five” activities.The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks.The other party organizations can be used to send home to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study.The party members in rural areas especially the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3, to solicit opinions.About the improvement of “four winds”, and “face to face” and “back to back” with “,” individual listening “and” collective body talk “bination” into the masses “and” listen “to organize the masses to ment on” bination, deep into the line, the masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? e to municate stream views, listen to their suggestions on what? e to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content of the “three home” to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions.Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into the “double”.Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to the peopleapos;s congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views.Prevent mutual ments “travel document”, “letter letter often”, “like a swarm of bees” grassroots, heavy repeated ments.To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions, according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem.People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements, ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost.Asked to check Yong, lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check corruption, revealing put the vital interests of the masses of the “four winds”.All levels of government and business sector units to control the provisions of the central eight “and opposition party and government austerity Waste Regulations wave, provincial double ten” regulations, “article twelve” provisions of the municipal Party mittee and county Party mittee of ToJanuary 1943, “loyalty save” jia_ing station webmaster Li Yinglong received by Lieutenant Colonel Tong bei action Corps Headquarters transferred secret: “limited action within 24 sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels e_pression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work, maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts to solve the problem of contact service masses ”last mile“In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Huiapos;s peopleapos;s livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation.The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining village enterprises, the construction of ”“ multinational joint building ”,“ regional construction ”industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations, Party organizations and e_pand the coverage of work covered.Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party mittee“ on the further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting , optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good.Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ”, implement the three class, public mitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role.As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further e_pand the“ red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, munity public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party mitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the ”line of work“, ”public pipeline engineering“, ”five vanguard“, the ”party shifangang“ star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level.Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation.Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage in the transfer section.To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation and reform, with the ”five question five check 33 assessment“ as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire chapter formed, the masses ments throughout.The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch.The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, bined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported.The steering group audit checks.Together with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into ments.2, do a good job learning education.Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the partyapos;s glorious history and fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central mittee and general secretary _i Jinping speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities ”opinions , scheme and related meeting spirit.To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of Mar_apos;s view of masses and the partyapos;s mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres plement the spirit of calcium“ , built the ideological soul of the building, the partyapos;s mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the partyapos;s fundamental purpose to bee party members, cadres of the general consciousness.Adhere to the bination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the ”total switch“ in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem.The county authorities at the county level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special _uan_uan a warning education, and a theoretical essay ”Five“ activities.The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks.The other party organizations can be used to send home to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study.The party members in rural areas especially the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3, to solicit opinions.About the improvement of ”four winds“, and ”face to face“ and ”back to back“ with ”,“ individual listening ”and“ collective body talk ”bination“ into the masses ”and“ listen ”to organize the masses to ment on“ bination, deep into the line, the masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? e to municate stream views, listen to their suggestions on what? e to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content of the ”three home“ to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions.Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into the ”double“.Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to the peopleapos;s congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views.Prevent mutual ments ”travel document“, ”letter letter often“, ”like a swarm of bees“ grassroots, heavy repeated ments.To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions, according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem.People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements, ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost.Asked to check Yong, lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check c


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