牛津初中英语课件9B U1 课件1

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The sun is a star(恒星恒星).The earth is one of the planets(行星行星)Mars火星nine planets 行星行星the solar system太阳系太阳系Do you know anything about the Mars?Do you want to live on Mars?What do you think of the life on Mars?Is the life on Mars better than that onEarth at present?Lets look at part A Life in space on P7.Will the following things be better or worse? Write yes or No in the blanks.Life in space (P 7 )1. We will be cared for by robots. _2. We must wear space helmets(头盔头盔) to go outside. _3. There will be no pollution. _4. Robots will help us with our homework. _5. Food will be in the form of pills. _6. Money will not be important. _7. Space travel will make people feel very ill. _ Yes Yes Yes No Yes NoNoEddie and Hobo are now living on Mars.helmetsDo they like life on Mars?Lets listen to their conversation and find out. 1.Where are Hobo and Eddie? They are on Mars.2. What are they wearing? They are wearing helmets. 3.Does Eddie like life on Mars? Why or why not? No. Because he has to wear helmets. So he cant get to his food.Fill in blanks Hobo and Eddie lived on _. Hobo asked Eddie _ he liked the life on Mars. Eddie said that he _ it. Hobo was _ so he asked why. Eddie said that he couldnt _ _ his food because of the _.Marshowhatedsurprisedget tohelmetan astronautDo you know what an astronaut uses in space ? Who is wearing the helmet now?helmet 头盔头盔 A large hard hat that protects the head and is connected to the air tank.一个用来保护头的大的硬一个用来保护头的大的硬帽子帽子,和空气箱连接在一和空气箱连接在一起起air tank 空气箱空气箱,通风箱通风箱Provides many hours of airdigital camera 数码相机数码相机takes high-quality images拍高质量的图像拍高质量的图像space sleeping bag宇航空间睡袋宇航空间睡袋be fixed to the walls to prevent floating.被固定在墙上来防止浮动被固定在墙上来防止浮动 notebook computerSmall and light and has lots of memory space记忆空间记忆空间dried food干的食物干的食物Can be stored for many months可以被贮存很多个月可以被贮存很多个月power pack 电源组电源组Provides energy for the spacesuit为宇航服提供能量为宇航服提供能量special bootsFor walking on the surface of the planet 在行星上行走在行星上行走air tank digital camera dried food helmet special boots notebook computer power pack space sleeping bag badegchfRead and answer P12 What does Simon think is the most important thing for an astronaut? Dried food. What does Daniel think is the most important thing for an astronaut? An air tank. What does Simon think is the least important thing for an astronaut? The digital camera. What does Daniel think is the least important thing for an astronaut? The space sleeping bag.Which is the most/least important for an astronaut? (P12 B)A:I think is the most important thing for an astronaut.B: No, I think is more important than A: Which do you think is the least important ?I think its the B: No, I disagree. I think is the least important.Which place have astronauts traveled to so far?Is it possible for us to camp on the moon?When an astronaut camps on a planet, should he take the following with him? (P7 B)1.Name the items2. Put a tick in the box if you think he should take that item.3. Talk about the reasons for your choices in pairs.tent 帐篷帐篷 camera sunglasses太阳镜太阳镜 matches guitar吉他吉他 football fishing net 鱼网鱼网 Walkman E.g Is it necessary to take a tent? No. Because theres no rain or wind on the moon. We dont need a tent.CameraYes. It can be used to take photos.SunglassesYes. They can protect your eyes from the strong sunlight.MatchesNo. They are useless because there is no oxygen(氧气)氧气)on the moon. You cant light(点燃)点燃)the matches.Guitar (吉他)吉他)No. It will not be any use. You cant play the guitar because there is no air on the moon. So the guitar cant make any sound. You are unable to hear anything.FootballIts difficult to play football on the moon because there isnt much gravity(重力)重力)on themoon. The football will fly away.Fishing netNo. There is no water and no fish on the moon.WalkmanYes. You can use it.If you are given a chance to the moon one day, what three things will you take?Why?DiscussionIf I go to the moon, the three things that I will take with me are I want to take , because .I want to take too,because .I also want to take,because.


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