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六年级沪教版英语下册语法填空家庭专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1Two_(man) caught the lion two days ago.2We must_(listen) to our teachers in class.3Lets_(put) the things in order.4Li Ming never_(go) to school late.5He_(bring)some water and pours it into the hole.6What_(do) he usually_(do) after school.7Beckham(贝克汉姆) is good at_( play ) football. He is a good football_( play).8Liu Tao should listen to_(he ) mother at home.9They are_(Tina)good friends.10Liu Tao should listen to_(he) mother at home.2. 填空题。1We have English class_10:00.2I miss_(they) very much.3Its cool in autumn. I_my bike.4Itsdifficultto learn English well._(画线部分反义词)5I often make mistakes_English words.3. 词汇运用。1They_(fly)kites in the playground(操场) last Sunday.2Do you want_(stay)at home today?3It was a_(rain)day.4Jack_(sing) three songs at the party yesterday evening.5Excuse_(I), where is the park?4. 根据句意,选择适当的内容填空。1Many people like to_(visit) the Bund in Shanghai.2Too_(many) plastic is bad for the Earth. We shouldnt use too_(many) plastic bags or bottles.3Tuesday comes before_(Monday / Wednesday).4There are black_(cloudy / clouds) in the sky. Its going to rain.5Look at the boy! He is_(wear) a funny cap.6_(Fathers / Mothers) Day is on the_(second / third) Sunday of June.5. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1We_(drink) tea in the afternoon and watched TV.2I want to_(buy) the new film magazine in the bookstore.3We_(see) some animals in the zoo last weekend.4Your feet are_(big) than mine.5Did you go_(swim) last Sunday?6I like_(draw) pictures very much.7Now, I_(go) cycling every day.8Its 7:00 am. Sarah is_(do) morning exercise.9Miss Li usually_(play) sports on the weekend.6. 根据中文提示,在横线上填上恰当的单词。1We_(骑)horsesthis morning.2Lilywashappybecauseherfather_(买)heranewbag.3Johnis37kilograms. Tomis35kilograms. SoJohnis_(重)thanTom.4Whichis_(更快的),thesnakeorthesnail?5Ireceived(收到)many_(礼物)onmyholiday.7. 根据首字母及图片提示写出单词。1 Please o_the window. OK, Mum.2C_is on 25thDecember.3Ben has a busy day on Friday. After school he is very t_.4pup_l8. 读单词,根据每组单词的类别,在横线上填写一个同类别的单词。1toilet classroom hospital _2nephew cousin father _3skirt trousers sweater _4pilot teacher doctor _5large heavy nervous _6rice meatballs pizza _9. 单词分类。singing football asks likes basketball reading lives playing kung fu1-ing :_2-s :_3sports :_10. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1Tomhasmanystorybooks.Helikes_(read)verymuch.2There_(be)anewfilmnextweek.3There_(be)fourpeopleintheroom.4WeshouldkeeptheEarthcleanand_(health).5Thisbookisvery_(interest)Ilikeitverymuch.6Paulusually_(play)wordgameswithhisfriends.7Girlslikesgoing_(shop).8We_(visit)Beijinglastsummer holiday.9Whatisshedoing?She_(write)aletter.10Lastweek.I_(buy)astorybook.ItsaboutMulan.11. 根据提示完成单词或词组。1Where did you go_(上周日)?2I_(野营) with my friends last weekend.3Are you_(身体好)?4John_(骑马) yesterday.5Mike_(从跌落) his bike and hurt his foot.12. 选词填空。A. coldB. coolC. glovesD. autumnE. summer1Its_. We wear sweaters.2Its spring. We dont wear_.3I dont like winter. Its_.4I like autumn. Its_.5I dont like_. Its hot.13. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Wheres the_(桌子)? Its in the backyard.2Miss Wu often picks_(水果).3I want to go the t_to see an opera.4s_5Tom can_.14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Where_you_(go) yesterday?2John_(hurt) his foot last weekend.3I often_(go) to a forest park with my friends.4Look! Mike_(ride) a horse now.5Come and look at my_(photo).15. 填空题。1I_(fly) kites tomorrow.2What_you_(do) tomorrow, Lily?Ill_(see) a film in the morning. Then Ill_(play) football in the afternoon.3Ill go_(shop) this afternoon. Will you go?4Will you play ping-pong with_(I) after school?5Simon is going to_(meet) me at the station.16. 语法填空。1Many_(family) go to the park on Sundays.2Mr. Browns family_(have) a picnic at the park at weekends.3We go to the beach on Sundays. We enjoy_(we).4They like to_(swim) in the sea.5Mr Chens daughter_(watch) a movie every week.17. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1My teacher taught me_(read) these words.2W_do you like English?Because I think it is interesting.3I like English b_I dont like math.4My father wants us_(go) to Beijing with him.5My favourite s_is English.18. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Hi, Mike. What_(happen) to you?2He_(hurt) his foot yesterday.3Come and look at my_(photo).4The_(two) class is beginning.5We_(eat) the grapes in Xinjiang last weekend.19. 从方框中给各题选出合适的一项。the Great Wall the West Lake the CN Tower Niagara Falls the Ming Tombs1Its a beautiful lake. Its in Hangzhou. Its_.2They are famous. They are in the north of Beijing. Theyre_.3Its in Canada. Its one of the tallest towers in the world. Its_.4There is a very famous wall in China. Its more than 6,000 kilometres long. Its_.5There is a famous fall in Canada. Its_.5 / 5


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