广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册《Module 9 Animals in danger Unit 1 We need to protect animals.》课件(2) 外研版

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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册《Module 9 Animals in danger Unit 1 We need to protect animals.》课件(2) 外研版_第1页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册《Module 9 Animals in danger Unit 1 We need to protect animals.》课件(2) 外研版_第2页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册《Module 9 Animals in danger Unit 1 We need to protect animals.》课件(2) 外研版_第3页
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Say thanks to your family!Say thanks to your teachers!Say thanks to your friends!Say thanks to the strangers!Say thanks to everyone! andSay thanks to animals!Module 9 Animals in danger Unit 1 (第二课时)(第二课时)Infinitive动词不定式动词不定式1、观看视频,动物话题口语练习、观看视频,动物话题口语练习1;2、语法自学:感知动词不定式;、语法自学:感知动词不定式;3、语法训练:动词不定式练习;、语法训练:动词不定式练习; 动物话题口语练习动物话题口语练习2; 4、达标测评:强化训练。、达标测评:强化训练。Guide: Welcome to Beijing Zoo. There are lots of animals, for example, _. Which animal would you like to see? Tommy: I am excited to see _.Guide: Mmm, but I like to see _.Tommy: Many animals are in danger. Its sad to think about it.Guide: We need to protect them. 小组对话小组对话: :假设一位是导游,一位是北京动物园的游客。假设一位是导游,一位是北京动物园的游客。rainsrs rhinoceros犀牛犀牛1. It is a good idea _ (check) your vocabulary note- book every day.2. Try not _ (translate) every word.3. I want _ (remember) all the new words.4. Sally has invited me _ (stay) with her in England.5. There is a lot _ (see) and do there. 6. It has taken several months _ (get) there.7. Its hard _ (understand) how large the universe is.8. Its easier _ (learn) a foreign language when you visit the checkto translateto rememberto stayto seeto understand任务一:任务一:浏览浏览P175-177,回忆课文,回忆课文,用动词正确形式完成句子。用动词正确形式完成句子。to getto learnI was so excited to see the pandas at last.任务二:任务二: 朗读朗读M9U1对话,找出动词不定式对话,找出动词不定式(to+V.)的句子。的句子。It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve.But its sad to think about all those animals in danger.The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger.And it isnt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat.But many people decide not to think about it.练习一:考点点击练习一:考点点击1. Its hard for us _English well. A. learn B. to learn C. learning2. He wants _ some vegetables. A. buy B. buying C. to buy 3. Mr. Li often teaches his Japanese friends _ Chinese food. A. cook B. cooks C. to cook 4. She went _ her teacher. A. to see B. looks C. seeing5. My mother was very glad _ her old friend. A. to meet B. meet C. met 6. I have a lot of homework _. A. do B. doing C. to do7. So much work usually makes them _ very tired. A. to feel B. feel C. feeling 8. Please stop _ a rest if you feel tired. A. to have B. having C. have 主语主语宾语宾语宾补宾补状语状语be +形容词形容词+ to do sth.定语定语不带不带toV.不定式与不定式与V.-ing的区别的区别练习二:根据方框里的词,用正确形式填空。练习二:根据方框里的词,用正确形式填空。 They are working _ a better life for the panda.1. We try _ people about animals in danger.2. He is making a card _ people about the panda.3. Tom needs _ his homework on time.4. They tell people not _ pandas.5. We are glad _ pandas. to maketo tellto showto finishto killto look afterkill make look after show finish tell练习三:根据对话内容,划出正确答案。练习三:根据对话内容,划出正确答案。Katy: Hi, Katy speaking.Tony: Hi, Katy. Its Tony. Do you want (1) to see / seeing a film tonight?Katy: Oh, thats very nice of you (2) to invite / inviting me. What is it about?Tony: Its about animals in danger, and what the government is doing (3) for protecting / to protect them.Katy: Oh, that sounds interesting. What time does it (4) to start / start?Tony: At five o clock. Lets (5) to meet / meet at half past four.Katy: OK. See you then.Tony: OK. _ _ _ _ _假设你们刚才在导游的指引下,游玩了北京动物园,参照假设你们刚才在导游的指引下,游玩了北京动物园,参照M9U1,运用动词不定式自编对话,运用动词不定式自编对话, 谈谈濒危动物的现状。谈谈濒危动物的现状。For example:A: Did you like the zoo?B: Yes! I was so excited to see. It was interesting to .A: But its sad to think about .C: The surprising thing was to .B: It isnt right to . A: Many animals have no place to live in. B: How can we do to save them? 1. I was so excited _ the pandas.(作原因状语)(作原因状语)2. It was interesting _ about the Wolong Pandas.(作主语)(作主语)3. We need _ them better.(作宾语)(作宾语)4. Many animals have no place _ in.(作定语)(作定语)5. Lets find out what we can do _ them.(作目的状语)(作目的状语) 从以上你所填的空中,你发现有什么共同规律了吗?从以上你所填的空中,你发现有什么共同规律了吗?根据课文对话填空,并谈论共同规律:根据课文对话填空,并谈论共同规律: 遇到两个动词连用的时候,应如何表达呢?遇到两个动词连用的时候,应如何表达呢?“to+to+动词原形动词原形”动词不定式动词不定式 to seeto learnto protectto liveto save一、用动词的适当形式填空。一、用动词的适当形式填空。1. But it is sad _(think) about all those animals in danger. 2. The surprising thing was _(hear) how many animals are in danger. 3. It isnt right _(kill) whales or elephants for their meat. 4. But many people decide _ (not think) about it. But it is hard _(stop) the killing. to thinkto hearto killnot to thinkto stop二、完成句子。二、完成句子。1、这个结果让我们很生气。、这个结果让我们很生气。 The result _.2、你们应该保护树木免受暴风雪的侵害。、你们应该保护树木免受暴风雪的侵害。 You should _ the storm.3、为了获得象牙而捕杀大象是不对的。、为了获得象牙而捕杀大象是不对的。 It is not right _ their teeth.4、小明没有地方住。、小明没有地方住。 Xiaoming has _.5、让我们找出更多关于事故的原因吧。、让我们找出更多关于事故的原因吧。 _ more reasons about the accident.made us very angryprotect the trees fromto kill elephants forno place to live inLets find out综合填空。根据综合填空。根据U1U1的内容,以及所给的首字母补全单词。的内容,以及所给的首字母补全单词。 Many people love animals. They sometimes go to the z_ and they feel e _ to see the pandas. It is i_ to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve, but its sad to t_ about all those animals in danger. So we need to protect them b_. And it just isnt right to k_ rare animals for their meat. Of course, its h_ to stop killing. Now more and more animals have no p_ to live in. We are taking away their l_ and making their water too d _ to drink. So its necessary for us to something to save the animals in danger.ooxcitednterestinghinketterillardlacesandsirty1.Recite the dialogue.2.Finish Ex1 and Ex2 in the workbook.


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