Unit4_When_is_Easter_B_Let's_learn (2)

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Unit4 When is Easter?B Lets learn1stonetwothreefourfivefirst second third fourth fifth 2nd3rd 4th5th12345How many balls can you see?twelfth第十二(的)第十二(的) 12thtwelfthtwelve When is Grandpas birthday?Its on October 12th.把ve变成f再加thtwentieth第二十(的)第二十(的) 20thtwentiethtwentyWhen is Grandmas birthday?Its on April 20th. 把y变成ie再加ththirtieth第三十(的)第三十(的) 30ththirtieththirtyWhen is Dads birthday?Its on November 30th. 把y变成ie再加thtwenty-third第二十三(的)第二十三(的) 23rdtwenty-thirdtwenty-threeWhen is Mums birthday?Its on February 23rd. 几十几只变个位数twenty-first第二十一(的)第二十一(的) 21sttwenty-firsttwenty-oneWhen is your birthday?Its on August 21st. 几十几只变个位数 twelfthtwentiethtwenty-thirdthirtiethtwenty-firsttwenty-twotwenty-twotwenty-twenty-secondsecond 基变序,有规律:基变序,有规律:一般都是在基数词的末尾加一般都是在基数词的末尾加上上th th 发音发音| | |特殊情况:特殊情况:1,一、二、三、特殊记,八去t,九去e, ve要用f替,最后th加上去.2,整十去y变ie,然后再加th. 3,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。基数词基数词 :1,2,3 序数词:第一,第二,第三序数词:第一,第二,第三 twenty twentieth 20ththirty thirtieth 30th第一、二、三特殊记一般是在基数词的末尾加th基数词末尾ve 要用f替,再加th 八去t,九去e,再加th整十基数变序数,末尾y改为ie,再加th基数词 序数词 序数词缩写 one first 1st two second 2nd three third 3rd four fourth 4thseven seventh 7th five fifth 5thtwelve twelfth 12theight eighth 8thnine ninth 9thWhats missingtwelfthtwenty-first22nd30ththirtieth12th20thtwenty-third21stOctober 24thSept. 21stJuly 12thJune 23rdLook and writeWhen is your birthday?My birthday is on .一、写出下列单词的完全形式(1)12th (2)20th (3)30th(1)12th (2)20th (3)30th(4)21st (5)23rd(4)21st (5)23rd( (1)twelfth1)twelfth(2)twentieth(2)twentieth (3) (3)thirtieththirtieth( (4)twenty-first4)twenty-first( (5)twenty-third5)twenty-third1. is, when, birthday, your, brothers (?) 2. uncles, my, in, is, July, birthday (.) 3. is, December 12th, on, birthday, Zhang Pengs (.) When is your brothers birthday?My uncles birthday is in July.Zhang Pengs birthday is on December 12th.二、Put the word in right order.(连词成句)Homework1.抄写42页Lets learn 的单词五遍.2.预习41页Lets talk.


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