高一英语《21世纪中学生英文报 第4142期》课件

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Reading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)Why is blood so scary? (P5) 12-13学年第学年第41-42期总第期总第519期期SkimmingRead the article and quickly answer the following What is the article about? The article introduces it by answering four main questions about it . What are the questions? is about blood phobia.Should the sight of blood make people faint?What causes peoples blood phobia?How did this strange phenomenon come about at first?What should people who suffer from blood phobia do?ReadingRead the article carefully and answer the following.1.Whats Emmas trouble?2.What causes people to faint at the sight of blood?3.How did the strange phenomenon come about at first?4.What should you do if you think you are about to faint?She faints every time she sees blood.Less blood flows to the brain, with a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure, at the sight of blood.Blood phobia might have allowed our ancestors to appear dead to survive battles and now some of us have inherited this.Tighten your leg and arm muscles to raise your blood pressure and fight against fainting. VocabularyFind a word or phrase from the article to match with the following definitions.1. lose consciousness2. see3. happen4. reduce the speed of5. end in6. something likepass out; fainttake in the sight ofcome about slow downresult insimilar toVocabularyTranslate the following with a word or phrase from above.1.他们不知道这个变化是怎样产生的。2.我希望在问这个问题的时候不会昏过去。3.看到老师 ,他们停止了议论。4.这次车祸是由于粗心大意造成的。They didnt know how the change had come about.I hope I dont pass out while Im asking this question.Taking in the sight of the teacher,they stopped talking.The traffic accident was due to carelessness.VocabularyTranslate the following with the word or phrase learnt above.5.我想我们大多数都将有相似的观点。6. 转弯前,你得先减速。7.当你有信心的去做某事,结果就会成功。I believe most of us have similar views.Before turning, you should slow down your car.When you do something with faith, the result will be success.Reading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)for Senior 1Never alone (P6) 12-13学年第学年第41-42期总第期总第519期期Warming UpComplete the sentences according to the first letters and the Chinese given.1. I walked into the grocery store, but I wasnt p interested in buying groceries.2. And this grocery store held so many sweet (记忆,回忆)(记忆,回忆).articularly memories 3. RUDY OFTEN CAME WITH ME AND ALMOST EVERY TIME HED (假装)(假装)TO GO OFF AND LOOK FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL. 4. WITH A HEART F WITH GRIEF, I ONLY WANTED TO BUY MY FEW ITEMS AND LEAVE. 5. STANDING BY THE MEAT, I (寻找)(寻找) FOR THE PERFECT SMALL STEAK AND REMEMBERED HOW RUDY HAD LOVED HIS STEAK. pretend searched illed 6. “MY HUSBAND LOVES T-BONES, BUT (说实话)(说实话), AT THESE PRICES, I DONT KNOW.”7. (盯着)(盯着)AT THE PACKAGE IN HER HANDS, I FOUGHT TO CONTROL THE TREMBLE IN MY VOICE.8. SHE SHOOK HER HEAD AND I SAW THE EMOTION IN HER EYES AS SHE _ (放置)(放置)THE PACKAGE IN HER BASKET AND WHEELED AWAY. honestlyGlancingplaced9. THEN I SAW THE GREEN DRESS AGAIN, AND R THE PRETTY LADY COMING TOWARDS ME.10. AS SHE CAME (近)(近), I SAW WHAT SHE HELD AND TEARS BEGAN MISTING IN MY EYES. ecognized closer1. Why did the author often walk into the grocery store?She lost her husband and the grocery store brought her many sweet memories.2. Whats the most likely relationship between the author and Rudy? Wife and husband.Careful reading3. What flowers did the author love?Yellow roses.4. What do you think of the woman in the soft green dress?Shes not only beautiful but also kind and considerate.5. How did the author feel after the woman walked away? She was moved, tears clouding her vision.Fill in the blanksMy(1)_ memories of the grocery storeThe pain of (2)_my husband was still too raw.I wasnt (3)_ interested in buying groceries, but just wanted relief for my grief.My experience in the grocery storeI met a woman when (4)_ for the perfect small steak.I told her my story.Then I went to the (5)_ products section.I met the woman again.She (6)_me three beautiful, long, yellow roses and (7)_ me on my cheek.My (8)_Tears (9)_ my vision.losingparticularlysearchingdairyboughtkissedfeelingcloudedsweetPractise to learnStudy the sentences and make new ones:1.I knew what he was up to. 孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在搞什么鬼。孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在搞什么鬼。他知道汤姆在偷偷干什么,可又是什么呢?他知道汤姆在偷偷干什么,可又是什么呢?The children are very quiet. I wonder what theyre up to.He knew Tom was up to something. But what was it? 2. With a heart filled with grief (悲痛悲痛), I only wanted to buy my few items and leave.作业都做完了,孩子们出去玩了。作业都做完了,孩子们出去玩了。她离开了房间,灯还亮着。她离开了房间,灯还亮着。With all of their homework done, the children went out to play. She left the room with all the lights on.3. On her face was the brightest smile I had ever seen.桌子底下有一个黑色的书包。桌子底下有一个黑色的书包。拐角处走来一个高大的警察。拐角处走来一个高大的警察。Under the desk lies a black bag.Around the corner walked a large policeman. Reading Reading the passage carefully Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within and complete the form below.(within 3 words)3 words)Smart guy (PV) 12-13学年第学年第41-42期总第期总第519期期Which is your dream university?Peking UniversityHarvardTsinghua UniversityCambridgeZhejiang UniversityHow will you pay your tuition?Part-time jobWork as a tutorWork as a babysitter 1.What does David Krichbaum do to make money? 2. Is it hard work for him to make money?Skim the passage and answer the questions.Yes, it is hard.He makes money by running vending machines.SkimmingScanning Scan the passage and decide if the sentences are true or false.1. David Krichbaum bought his first gumball machine about 18 months ago to make money.2. Because he put a sign above the candy-filled globe , his business increased quickly. FT4. He bought new gumball machines and decorated them by himself.5. Besides the vending machine, he also runs his own hot dog stand every Sunday . 3. After he added the sign, more jobs have been given him.TFFLanguage points 2. His friends insisted he had no experience with drugs.1. He insisted I should take a taxi and offered to pay for it.坚持或坚决要求坚持或坚决要求,坚持说坚持说, 固执地声称固执地声称 insist他坚持要求我打车并且主动帮我付车费。他坚持要求我打车并且主动帮我付车费。他的朋友坚持说他和毒品没有联系他的朋友坚持说他和毒品没有联系。insists on3. He insisted upon checking everything himself.4. She was insisting on her innocence. 他坚持要求自己检查所有的东西。他坚持要求自己检查所有的东西。她坚持说她是清白的。她坚持说她是清白的。坚决主张坚决主张,坚持说坚持说:拒绝接受(某人拒绝接受(某人某事物某事物).reject vt.reject a gift, 1. She rejected his offer of marriage. 2. Sarah rejected her brothers offer to help.她拒绝了他的求婚她拒绝了他的求婚。莎拉拒绝了他弟弟的主动帮忙。莎拉拒绝了他弟弟的主动帮忙。an opiniona suggestion


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