广东省湛江一中中考英语第二阶段复习 2.数词、冠词课件 人教新目标版

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广东省湛江一中中考英语第二阶段复习 2.数词、冠词课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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广东省湛江一中中考英语第二阶段复习 2.数词、冠词课件 人教新目标版_第2页
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广东省湛江一中中考英语第二阶段复习 2.数词、冠词课件 人教新目标版_第3页
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第二阶段复习第二阶段复习 专题专题词汇词汇 数词、冠词数词、冠词考点揭密考点揭密典型例题解析典型例题解析课时训练课时训练 考点揭密考点揭密1.掌握数词冠词的定义及分类;掌握数词冠词的定义及分类;2.掌握冠词和数词在句子中的作用;掌握冠词和数词在句子中的作用;3.掌握冠词在一些固定搭配中的特殊用法;掌握冠词在一些固定搭配中的特殊用法; 掌握不用冠词的情况;掌握不用冠词的情况;4.掌握序数词的构成及特殊形式的序数词,掌握序数词的构成及特殊形式的序数词, 了解并能够运用数词的其他用法。了解并能够运用数词的其他用法。 【例【例1】 Which is the smallest number of the four?_ A.A half B.A quarter C.Two thirds D.Three fourths 典型例题解析典型例题解析【例【例2】 David has_cat.Its very nice.2003,四川,四川 A.a C.the BA 【例【例3】 A_schoolboy,Li Lida,first tried to cross the Qiongzhou Channel in June,2000.2003,呼和浩特,呼和浩特 A.12-year-old B.12yearsold C.12yearold D.12yearsold 【例【例4】 It is said that SARS has killed more than_ people worldwide.2003,杭州,杭州 A.three hundreds B.three hundreds C.three hundreds D.three hundred 【例【例5】 _sun is shining brightly.2003,吉林吉林 A.A B.An C.The D.不填不填 AD C.用适当的冠词填空。用适当的冠词填空。1.Here is _useful book to read.2.There are sixty minutes in _hour.3._ clouds over _sea were lovely yesterday.4.Well build_ 800-metre-long bridge.5.He is fond of playing _piano while she is interested in playing_ basketball. 课时训练课时训练 a an The the an the .用英语写出下列各题。用英语写出下列各题。1.1978年年9月月12日日 _2.三点半三点半 _3.八点差一刻八点差一刻 _4.2,973,608 _5.第二十层第二十层 _ 课时训练课时训练 September the twelfth, nineteen seventy -eighthalf past threea quarter to eighttwo million, nine hundred and seventythree thousand, six hundred and eightthe twentieth floor1.Wheres_maths teacher? Hes talking with Sams father. A.a C.the D.2.Though the first letter is _ “u”in the world useful,we must say“_useful book”. A.a,a B./,a C./,an,an3.Wang Qing is a_boy. A.five-years-old B.five-year-old C.five year old D.five years old4.We can see_stars at night if it doesnt rain. A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of5.We are thirsty.Please give me_. A.two cups of tea B.two cups tea C.two cup of teas D.two cups of teas 课时训练课时训练CABCA6.I have_orange.You may drink it. A.a little B.a few C.few D.little7.The low temperature will be minus 5. The underlined part means_ A.5 B.-5 C.0.5 D.58.Im afraid we have to get_for the meeting. A.twenty more chairs B.more twenty chairs C.two hundreds chairs D.twenty one chairs9.When is Christmas Day, do you know? _. A.October 1st B.June 1st C.November 25th D.December 25th10.Which is _second longest river in China? _Yellow River. A.a,/ B.the,The C.the,/ D./,A 课时训练课时训练(A)(B)(A)(D)(B)11.What was the date yesterday? It was_. A.Friday B.a fine day C.July 1st D.200312._is the easiest of all. A.Lesson one B.The Lesson one C.Lesson First D.First Lesson13.There are tall buildings on_sides of the street. A.every B.either C.both D.all14.If you like the chicken,you can have as_ as you can. A.much B.many C.more D.little15.Would you like_bread? A.another B.other C.some more D.much more 课时训练课时训练CACA C


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