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Module 1 复习资料一、 固定搭配:11 / 11more than 超过kilometre 千米、公里something 某事物,某种东西ten 10 hundred 100 thousand 1000 ten thousand 10000million 百万 twenty million 两千万map 地图 right 正确的country 国家postcards 明信片America 美国 American 美国人flag 国旗the West lake 西湖the Great Wall 长城New York 纽约 San Francisco 旧金山Houston 休斯顿 Tennessee 田纳西州二、重点句型:1. 描述某样物品:This photo is beautiful!These postcards are great!Those apples are nice!2. 谈论一些其他的信息: Tell me more about it. Can you tell me something about.? 3. 描述景点的特征或地理位置:Its in the +方位名词(north, east, west, south)+ ofHow long is the Great Wall? Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. Its in the north of China. Where s the West Lake? Its in the east of China.4. 描述城市的特征或地理位置: How big is New York? It has got more than eight million people. Its in the east of the US. How big is Beijing? It has got about twenty million people. Its in the north of China.5. 感叹句:E.g.:Whats this? What a big map of the US!Module 2 复习资料一、 固定搭配:Chinatown 唐人街、中国城 shop 商店 restaurant 饭店 then 那么 strong 坚固的sometimes 有时dancing 舞蹈classroom 教室famous 著名Huangshan Mountain Changjiang River 长江二、 重点句型:E.g:There s a Chinatown in New York. E.g:Is there a cat? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. There is a book on the desk. Are there any fruits? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.There is an apple.There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. There is some milk. There are some dolls.2.祈使句:Lets +动词原形+其他Lets go to Chinatown now!Lets make a home library.3.描述现在正在做的事情: What are you doing now? Im sending an email to my family in China.4.描述某人正在做某事标志词:Now/ Listen!/ Look!句子结构: 主语+ am/ is/ are+ V-ingModule 3 复习资料一、固定搭配:collect 收集 stamp 邮票hobby 爱好doll 洋娃娃bicycle 自行车Canada 加拿大二、 重点句型:1. 描述某人现在有:(单个人) has got.(多人) have got.I have got some dolls from China.He She It has got lots of books.2. 描述某人是否拥有: Have you got any dolls from Japan? Yes, I have. No, I havent.E.g: I have got long hair. You have got a good teacher. They have got some new books. Amy and Sam have got some pictures. She has got a picture of the Great Wall. Simon has got lots of stamps. The dog has got big eyes.E.g:Have you got any stamps from Canada? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.3. Collecting stamps is my hobby.4. 询问喜好? What s your hobby? I collect dolls. Reading is my hobby. Flying kites is my hobby. I like riding my bicycle.Module 4 复习资料一、固定搭配:flag 国旗 Flag Day 纪念日 special 特殊的 meal 餐 sound 听起来 football 足球、美式橄榄球 race 比赛 lantern 灯笼 hang 挂、吊 fly 飞 moon cake 月饼on Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 at the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节at the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节at the Lantern Festival 元宵节二、 重点句型:1. 谈论中西方节日: Tomorrow is Flag Day. Thanksgiving Day is my favourite festival. Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival.2. 描述在节日里干什么? What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? We always have a special meal. We say “thank you “ for our food, family and friends.3. 介绍节日活动:At the Dragon Boat Festival, we go to see the dragon boat race. We eat zongzi. Its very delicious. At the Mid-Autumn Festival, my mother makes delicious moon cakes. My father likes singing songs about the moon. At the Spring Festival, we have a special family dinner. We eat dumplings. My favourite festival is the Lanterns Festival. It is after the Spring Festival. People eat yuanxiao, hang lanterns and do dragon dances. Module 5复习资料重点词汇:story 故事(复数 stories) 短语:tell a story 讲故事candy 糖果 (不可数) 短语:a box of candy 一盒糖果address 地址 (巧记:ad + dress连衣裙)French 法语 短语:speak French 讲法语age 年龄 pen friend 笔友习惯搭配:be from . = come from 来自speak some English 讲一点英语write emails 写电子write to . 给 . 写信collect stamps 收集邮票write in English/ Chinese 用英文/中文写重点句型:1. Please to meet you! 见到你很高兴!= Nice to meet you! (用于初次见面问候)2. like + V-ing 喜欢做某事 I like dancing and painting. / She likes reading and swimming.3. can + V原 描述某人具有某种能力.I can speak English. / He can ride the bike.4. Please be my pen friend! 请成为我的笔友!(祈使句:以V原 开头)Module 6复习资料重点词汇:often 经常 (巧记:of + ten)difficult 困难的 (反义:easy) world 世界 短语:in the world 在世界上 all over the world 全世界knife 餐刀;刀子 fork 餐叉;叉子 a knife and fork 一副刀叉Japanese 日语; 日本的 (日本:Japan)chopsticks (常复) 筷子 a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子Canada 加拿大(国名)习惯搭配:live in . 住在 . in the UK 在英国have/ has got 拥有next year 明年a Chinese dragon kite 一只龙风筝a knife and fork 一副刀叉重点句型:1. Its + 形 + for * 对某人来说怎么样 Its difficult for me. / Its too big for him.2. have/ has got 表达某人有某物 I have got a book about the US. / She has got a Chinese kite.3. Have/ Has . got . 询问某人是否有. Have you got a book about China? / Has she got any stamps?4. “and” 肯定句中表并列 “or” 否定句中表并列 ;疑问句中表选择 “but” 表转折Module 7复习资料重点词汇:believe 相信 短语:believe in 信任its 它的 (后接名词;与his, her, my, our, your 同一类)get 变得;变成 (后加名词、形容词)body 身体 (复数: bodies)snake 蛇 bamboo 竹子together 一起 短语: live together 住在一起 lucky 幸运的 (名词: luck 运气)flute 笛子 短语: play the flute 吹笛子frightened 恐惧的;害怕的习惯搭配:look at 看.in winter 在冬天come out of 从 . 出来get frightened 害怕play with . 和. 玩耍a fantastic present 一份极好的礼物重点句型:1. I dont believe it! 我简直不敢相信!2. What an interesting DVD! 多么有趣的DVD光盘啊! 感叹句: What a/ an + 形+ 名!3. Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. 熊猫一天进食十二小时。 for +一段时间: 持续多长时间4. Do/ Does . 引导的一般疑问句肯定回答:Yes, 主语+ do/ does.否定回答:No, 主语+ dont/ doesnt.Module 8复习资料一、单词long ago很久以前 Id love to我很乐意 not really不全是,事实上没有 stop(使)停止 cleankli:n打扫,(使)清洁 camera照相机 show把给(某人)看 never从不 二、短语: 1. .Id love to.(=I would love to.)我想要. see my photos看我的相片 2、 Look at 看 3、 play with dolls 和玩具娃娃玩 4、 in this photo 在这照片上 5、 read books 读书 6、 not really真地不是 7、 read stories 读故事 8、 clean your room 打扫房间 9、 go to see films 去看电影 10、 a long time ago很长时间以前 11、 .Not very often不是很经常 12、 clean the blackboard擦黑板 13、 eat fast food 吃快餐三、 句子1. Id love to.(=I would love to.)我想要.例:Id love to see your photos.我想要看你的相片。2. Not really.I stopped a long time ago.真的/的确不是。我很久以前就不玩了。3. -Do you like reading books now? -Yes,of course.I often read stories. 你现在喜欢看书吗? 是的,当然。我经常读故事。(补充:always100%总是,相反词是never0%从不;often 60%经常,sometimes30%有时)4. I like to go shopping.我喜欢去购物。动词“go+doing”表示“做某事”,一般多与娱乐活动有关。再如:go dancing去跳舞 go walking去散步 go climbing去爬山 go boating去划船 go swimming去游泳Module 9复习资料一、单词around在四周,到处 all around到处,遍与 member state成员国 inside向室,向里面 should应该二、短语:1. the UN building 联合国大楼 2. bring peace to 带去和平 3. in New York 在纽约 4. go inside 进入 (反义词 go outside) 5. take a photo 拍照片 6. all around 到处 7. all around the world 全世界 8. the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国9. a visit to the UN一次联合国旅行10. the Summer Palace 颐和园11. go to the sea去海边 12. ride on a bus乘坐公交车 13. visit the zoo游览动物园三、句子1. Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?你们想参观在纽约的联合国大楼吗?Yes,I/we do. No, I/we dont. Want to do sth. 意为“想要做某事”,to后跟动词原形;UN=the United Nations2. How many countries are in the UN? 联合国有多少个国家?3. When is the UN building open? 联合国大厦什么时候开门?4. Where is the Summer Palace? 颐和园在哪?(要大写)5. It says,From the Peoples Republic of China,1974上面写着:“来自中华人名国,1974年”。the Peoples Republic of China=CRP,联合国UN,美国US/USA, 英国 UK6. They want to bring peace to the world.他们想把和平带给世间。bring.to.把.带来 ;Peace“和平”,反义词是war战争;同音词是piece片,块7. I want to show Daming the present from China.我想给大明展示一下来自中国的礼物 show sb. sth.向某人展示(出示)某物。Module 10复习资料一、单词line(等候的)长队,队列 stand in line排队 close关门,关闭 librarian图书馆管理员 rule规定,规章 quiet安静的 problem麻烦,困难,问题 No problem没问题 cross穿过(马路等);渡过(河)二、短语: 1.帮助我 Help me 2. Dont walk! 不要走 3. in line 成一条直线 4. be quiet 安静! 5. go to the library 去图书馆6. at the library在图书馆(强调地点)7. Heres the book.这本书在这儿、8. ten to five 4点五十 9. the library rules 图书馆规定 10. library card 借书卡 (postcard明信片,ID card,Birthday card生日贺卡,New Year card新年贺卡) 11. turn right 向右转 向左转 turn left 12. Please hurry 请快点 13. go straight on 直走 14. be difficult是难的 15. be easy 是容易的 16. Dont go !禁止前行/不要走! 17. Dont walk!禁止步行!18. Its green now.现在是绿灯了。 19. Dont ride your bicycle here!此处禁止骑自行车!20. Dont turn right here!此处禁止右转! 21. Please hurry.请快点/请抓紧。 22. Dont walk on the grass!禁止踩踏草坪!23. clap your hands拍手 24. stamp your feet跺脚 25. want to show it.想展示出来 26. Youre out!你出局了!三句子。 1.Where are you going,Simon?To the library.Please hurry.Its ten to five. 西蒙,你要去哪里?去图书馆。请抓紧,现在4:50了。注意:分钟在1-30分钟,用”past “ 例:twenty past seven七点二十 分钟超过30 分钟,用“to” 例:twenty to eight 七点四十2. Dont talk in the library. 不要在图书馆里交谈。 Dont+v原形+其它1. 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。2. 若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。在纷杂的尘世里,为自己留下一片纯静的心灵空间,不管是潮起潮落,也不管是阴晴圆缺,你都可以免去浮躁,义无反顾,勇往直前,轻松自如地走好人生路上的每一步3. 花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。有时候觉得自己像个神经病。既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。4. 岁月是无情的,假如你丢给它的是一片空白,它还给你的也是一片空白。岁月是有情的,假如你奉献给她的是一些色彩,它奉献给你的也是一些色彩。你必须努力,当有一天蓦然回首时,你的回忆里才会多一些色彩斑斓,少一些苍白无力。只有你自己才能把岁月描画成一幅难以忘怀的人生画卷。


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