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汽车实用英语教学指南一、课程的性质与任务高职高专汽车实用英语教学以教育部两年制高等职业教育汽车检测与维修技术专业领域技能型紧缺人才培养指导方案为依据,根据学生就业岗位的要求,培养掌握大学专科英语基础知识和专业知识,具有分析问题和解决实际问题能力的高等技术应用型专门人才。汽车实用英语教学的任务是:指导学生较系统地学习汽车专业英语知识,阅读和翻译汽车英语使用说明书和有关技术手册,运用因特网查询有关专业英语资料,达到能与外籍客户用英语进行一般交流的水平。二、教学时间汽车实用英语教学时间为半年(一个学期)。每周两学时,有效教学时间不少于34学时。每两学时完成课文和实用文体的教学。三、教学要求与教学内容1词汇(1)注意区分常用词语和专业词语。专业词语又可分为“术语”和“行业语”。熟练掌握2000个左右的专业英语词汇。(2)了解科技英语词汇的来源。熟记部分希腊语和拉丁语的词根。(3)了解科技英语词汇的造词规则。注意比较英国英语和美国英语拼法的差异。2读、译、写的技能(1)了解英美主要报刊杂志和一般印刷品的格式。(2)能借助专业词典并利用目录、索引、附录、文献等来阅读、翻译汽车各主要系统的构造和工作原理、故障检修、常规保养和新技术应用等文章。特别应注重英文原版文章的阅读。(3)能模拟套写商务信函、电子邮件、传真、业务单证、合同、广告、产品说明书、文章摘要等各种实用文体。 (完)ContentUnit OneText Structure of AutomobileReading Material Introduction of Automobile IndustryWritten Expressions Layout of English LetterUnit Two Text Four-stage-engine OperationReading Material Clever Cars Can Read Road SignsWritten Expressions E-mail and Fax Unit Three Text The Power Mechanism of the EngineReading Material Engine Classifications and Engine PerformanceWritten Expressions RsumUnit FourText Valves and Valve TrainReading Material Engine Analyzer科技英语知识1 科技英语词汇的来源和分析Unit FiveText Engine Fuel SystemReading Material The Carburetor of a Gasoline EngineWritten Expressions Letter of Credit Unit SixText Engine Cooling SystemReading Material Vehicle Refrigeration Air ConditioningWritten Expressions Policy Unit SevenText Engine Lubrication SystemReading Material Factors Influencing the Stability and Control of VehicleWritten Expressions Bill of ExchangeUnit EightText Engine Ignition SystemReading Material Electronic Ignition System科技英语知识2 美国英语和英国英语在词汇上的差异Unit NineText Engine Starting SystemReading Material Annual Testing of Goods VehiclesWritten Expressions AdvertisementUnit TenText Exhaust SystemReading Material Emission ControlWritten Expressions Advertisement of EmploymentUnit ElevenText ClutchReading Material Automotive Chassis Written Expressions Directions for Use Unit TwelveText TransmissionReading Material Transmission Service and Maintenance科技英语知识3 翻译技巧Unit ThirteenText Automobile Suspension SystemReading Material Electronic Control Suspension SystemWritten Expressions Sales ContractUnit FourteenText Automobile Steering SystemReading Material Four-wheel SteeringWritten Expressions Contract Of Employment Unit FifteenText Automobile Braking SystemReading Material Anti-lock Brake System Written Expressions Invitation to Bid / TenderUnit SixteenText Instrument ClusterReading Material SRS Airbag科技英语知识4 翻译的标准 Appendix I Glossary 词汇总表II Answer 练习答案 Translation 参考译文Unit OneText Structure of Automobile一Focal Words and Expressionsengine chassis body electrical system. fuel lubricating cooling ignition cylinderstarting system transmission system suspension system steering system brake system. clutch gearbox drive shaft final drive differential. leaf spring coil spring torsion bar steering wheel steering shaft worm gear sector pitman arm drag link steering knuckle arm king pin steering arm tie rod front axle steering knuckle kinetic energy brake drum brake shoe brake lining wheel brake mechanism parking brake mechanism hood fender roof panel instrument panel bumper luggage compartment air-fuel mixture combustion chamber battery generator horn 二Focal Functions and Patterns1. It is well-known thateg. 1 It is well-known that the electrical properties of semiconductors depend very much on their purity. 半导体电的性能完全取决于本身的纯度,这是众所周知的。 2 It is well-known that the atom is made of still smaller particles. 众所周知,原子由更小的微粒组成。2. provide sth. for sb. provide sb. with sth eg. 1 We provide everything for our customers. 我们供应顾客各样东西。 2 The school provides all the books we need for us. 学校为我们提供我们需要的书籍。 3 The school provides us with all the materials we need. 学校提供我们所需要的一切资料。 4 We are provided with everything we need for work. 我们被提供了工作所需要的一切。3. fall into eg. 1 His lecture falls into three parts. 他的演讲分为三部分。 2 This period of history falls into two phases.这一段历史分为两个阶段。Key to the exercisesCheck Your Understanding. Choose the correct word to match the sentence1. chassis 2. lubricating 3. ignition 4. combustion 5. cylinder 6. transmission 7. suspension 8. friction 9. crankshaft 10. axle. Fill in the table below English ChineseElectrical system电器系统Expanding force膨胀力Auto component汽车部件Final drive后桥,主减速器Gear sector扇形齿轮Pitman arm 转向摇臂Drag link直拉杆Tie rod 转向横拉杆King pin主销Brake shoe 制动蹄片Build Up Your Vocabulary. Write down the words that the important abbreviation stands for 1. auxiliary air control valve2. average annual daily traffic3. American Automobile Labeling Act4. advanced automotive power systems5. active anti-theft system6. anti afterburn valve7. automobile backward automatic ranging system8. air bleed control valve. Look at the picture and label it correctly using the words given below 1. Frame 2. Wheels 3. Radiator 4. Engine 5, Clutch and gearbox 6. propeller shaft 7. Universal joint 8. Differential, Rear Axle 9. Fuel tank 10. Front axle 11. Steering 12. Road springs 13. Exhaust/silencerWritten Expressions 英文书信格式. Put Chinese into English I am fascinated with my pearl necklace-it is wonderful. You have chosen just what I want. I look graceful when I am wearing it and standing before the looking glass. Thank you so much.Put the Underlined words into Chinese 敬请贵公司惠寄我们一册永久牌自行车的目录和最新价目单。倘若贵公司的自行车质量另人满意并且价格有竞争性,我们将经常大量定货。早复为盼。Unit TwoText Four-stage-engine Operation一Focal Words and Expressionselectric motor steam engine internal combustion engine gasoline engine kerosene engine diesel engine piston top dead center bottom dead centerintake stroke compression stroke power stroke exhaust stroke crankshaft revolution connecting rod volume intake valve exhaust valvespark plug crankpin port二Focal Functions and Patterns1. each time (that)clause-eg. 1 Each time he came to town he would visit our school.他每次进城都要到我们学校来看看。 2 Each time he came to Shanghai he would stay with me for a few days.他每次来上海,总要和我呆上几天。2. As clause-adverbial of mannereg. 1 Just as an accelerator pedal controls the speed of a cars engine, the steel rods control the rate of the fission reaction. 正如汽车的加速杆控制发动机的速度一样,(反应堆中的)钢杆控制核裂变的速率。 2 The heavier air crowds the lighter gas upward as a piece of wood is forced to the surface of water. 比重较大的空气将比重较小的气体挤向上方,就象木块浮向水面一样。Key to the exercisesCheck Your Understanding. Choose the correct word to match the sentence1. energy 2. gasoline 3. impulse 4. expand 5. stage 6. piston 7. mixture 8. plug 9. valve 10. spark. Fill in the table below English ChineseDiesel engines柴油机Top dead center上止点Bottom dead center下止点Compression stroke压缩冲程Exhaust valve排气门Spark plug火花塞Air-fuel mixture可燃混合气Intake valve进气门Connecting rod连杆Kerosene engines煤油机Build Up Your Vocabulary. Write down the words that the important abbreviation stands for 1. alcohol blender gasoline2. alternating-current generator3. air cleaner housing4. automatic car identification5. automotive crash injury research6. acoustic control induction system7. automatic checkout test equipment8. actual servo position. Look at the picture and label it correctly using the words given below1. Intake stroke 2. No compression 3. Compression stroke 4. Expansion stroke 5. Exhaust stroke 6. Inlet valve 7. Exhaust valve 8. Piston 9. Connection rod 10. CrankshaftWritten Expressions 电子邮件和传真 . Put Chinese into EnglishA: 1. that I have made a new friend in Japan.2. in my leisure hours3. playing the violinB: 1. a copy of your catalogue and pricelist 2. copies of any descriptive leaflets3. An early reply would be appreciated. Put English into Chinese1. 本公司专门从事东南亚贸易,但尚未与贵国发展业务往来。特函探询,能否发展有利于你我双方的合作关系。2. 冒昧自荐,我们是本国最大的机械进口商之一,希望与贵公司建立贸易伙伴关系。3. 从怀特先生处得知,贵公司是你们地区最主要的电子产品进口商之一,随函附上我方产品插图目录及价目表。4. 承蒙日本东京工商业协会告知贵公司名称,并获悉贵公司生产纺织品、布品以及其它一般性商品,同时兼做进出口生意。5. 我们是伦敦的一家进出口公司,主要经营各种机械设备,已有大约40年的商贸历史。6. 本公司是中国最大的食品贸易公司,在中国各主要城镇都有分公司及门市部。7. 很高兴回复您对三轮车资料的询函。8. 兹回复贵公司2月15日来函,随函附上本公司最新价目表,以资参考。9. 请惠告商品详情,包括产品尺寸、颜色、价格,并附上不同质地材料的样本。10. 随函附上公司概况、业务范围和其它方面的小册子一本,以资参考。Unit ThreeText The Power Mechanism of the Engine一Focal Words and Expressionscrankshaft and connecting rod assembly crankcase cylinder block piston flywheel thermal energy mechanical energy alloy ironpiston head piston ring piston land piston skirt piston pin hole fiat concave convex turbulence ring groove compression ring oil-control ringconnecting rod small end connecting rod big end connecting rod shank connecting rod cap connecting rod bearing half shell I-cross section bushingmain bearing journal rod journal crank arm bearing counter-balanced weight flywheel end二Focal Functions and Patterns1. adj. + enough to do sth.eg. 1 He is old enough to go to school. 他到了上学的年纪。 2This book is small enough to go in my pocket. 这本书很小,足以放进我的口袋。2. prep. + which clause-attributive clauseeg. 1 Language is a tool by means of which people communicate ideas with each other. 语言是人们互相交流思想的工具。 2 At the center of an atom is a nucleus, around which electrons revolve. 原子的中心是原子核,电子绕原子核旋转。3. thereforeeg. 1 Since you do not know, therefore I shall have to tell you. 因为你不知道,所以我不得不告诉你。2 The word is an uncountable noun and is used in a general sense, therefore it takes no article. 这个词是不可数名词,又是用于一般意义,所以不要加冠词。Key to the exercisesCheck Your Understanding. Choose the correct word to match the sentence1. piston 2. block3. cylinder 4. crankshaft5. flywheel 6. crankcase 7. pin 8. turbulence. Fill in the table belowEnglishChinesepower mechanism动力装置thermal energy热能kinetic energy 动能piston head活塞顶部mechanical energy机械能connecting rod连杆heat dam绝热槽power stroke做功行程inertia forces惯性力piston ring活塞环Build Up Your Vocabulary. Write down the words that the important abbreviation stands for 1. digital analog converter2. drive axle ratio3. drawbar horse power4. dual diaphragm distributor 5. direct fire unit6. distributor ignition7. double-overhead-camshaft (engine)8. diagnostic trouble code. Look at the picture and label it correctly using the words given below1. intake stroke 2. compression stroke 3. power stroke 4. exhaust stroke 5. combustible mixture 6. intake valve 7. spark plug 8. exhaust valve 9. exhaust gasWritten Expressions 简历Read carefully the information given below and write a rsum for Kang Nali who is applying to study abroad.Rsum.Personal Data: .Education:1. Name: Kang Nali 9. 19992001 Xian Jiaotong University2. Address: 404 Building 23 Major in gas dynamics Xianjiaotong University M.S. degreeChina 10.19921996 Xian Jiaotong University3. Birthdate: Aug.11 1970 Major in internal combustion engine B.S. degree.Experience:4. Bitheplace: Xian 11. 2003present Associate professorthe Department of PME,XJU 19972003 Lecturer the Department of PME,XJU19961997 Teaching assistantthe Department of PME,XJU5. Nationality: Chinese 12. 19861992 Worker Xian Railway Construction Company6. Maritial Status: Married with a child .Special Training:7. Sex: male 13. 1997 one-year course in computers8. Interests: Football 14. 1991 3-month training class Arts to learn to make fans Classical music Unit FourText Valves and valve Train一Focal Words and Expressionsintake port exhaust port cylinder head intake manifold exhaust manifold valve gear timing gear camshaft tappet valve spring with fastener valve guide eccentric wheel drive gear gallerycylindrical bore push rod rocker armrubber ring rubber cap washer valve stem valve seat二Focal Functions and Patterns1. so that + clause-adverbial of purpose eg. 1 Stir the solution so that the compound may dissolve more quickly.搅一下溶液,使化合物溶解快些。 2 They worked hard so that they could overfulfil their task.他们努力工作,以便超额完成任务。2. be made of be made from eg. 1 The resistance of a wire also depends upon what material it is made of.导线的电阻也取决于制成的材料。2 This dress is made of nylon, isnt it?这件衣服的料子是尼龙的,是不是?3 Steel is made from iron.钢是由铁炼成的。4 Wine can be made from grapes.酒可以由葡萄酿成。3. consist of be composed of be made up ofeg. 1 A sentence consists mainly of the subject and predicate.一个句子主要由主语和谓语组成。2 Coke consists mainly of carbon.焦炭的主要成分是碳3 Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen.水由氧和氢组成。4 The army was composed entirely of mercenary troops.全军为雇佣兵所组成。5 The mobile medical team is made up of ten doctors.流动医疗队由十名医生组成。6 The majority of the population of our country is made up of workers、farmers and soldiers.工农兵占我国人口的大多数。Key to the exercisesCheck your Understanding . Choose the correct word to match the sentence1. camshaft2. rocker3. valve4. manifold5. bore6. tappet7. eccentric8. clearance. Fill in the table below EnglishChinesevalve gear配气机构fresh charge新鲜充气coil spring 螺旋弹簧valve stem气门杆valve guide气门导管push rod推杆rocker arm shaft摇臂轴cylinder head气缸盖timing gear正时齿轮valve clearance气门间隙Build Up Your Vocabulary. Write down the words that the important abbreviation stands for 1. electronic (idle) air control valve 2. electronic secondary air injection3. electronic air suspension4. electronic control advance5. engine control module6. engine coolant temperature7. electronic diagnostic monitor 8. evaporative emission control system. Look at the picture and label it correctly using the words given below1. camshaft 2. camfollower 3. push rod 4. adjuster 5. rocker shaft 6. rocker arm7. valve spring 8. valve 9. valve port 10. combustion chamber科技英语知识1. Put the following words into plural 1. appendices/appendixes2. bacteria3. curricula/curriculums4. data5. foci/focuses6. formulae/formulas7. indices/indexes8. media/mediums9. nuclei/nucleuses10. radii/radiuses11. stimuli12. analyses13. bases14. criteria15. hypotheses16. phenomena17. axes18. crises19. theses20. abaci/abacuses. Write out noun form by adding the suffix to the following wordsexplosion exposure leader kindnesspreference width performance divisionobserver argument encouragement carelessnessintensity liberation possibility education. Write out verb form by adding the suffix to the following wordsmodernize centralize strengthen purify broaden simplify weaken prettify realize industrialize normalize revolutionize shorten deepen soften intensify. Write out adjective form by adding the suffix to the following wordschildish drinkable hopeless natural northward sunny wooden troublesome heroic poisonous glorious passionate customary costly foolish beneficialUnit FiveText Engine Fuel System一Focal Words and Expressionsfuel tank fuel supply line fuel pump fuel filter carburetor injector air-fuel ratio fuel feed pipe fuel nozzle baffle hinged float dashboard gaugeeccentric lobe diaphragm armature magnetic coil pressure relief valve pressure regulatorthrottle plate二Focal Functions and Patterns1. instead of eg. 1 A lot of suitcases and purses are made of plastic instead of leather. 很多手提箱和钱包是塑料制成的,而不是皮制的。 2 You should be out instead of in on such a fine day. 天气这样好,你应该出去,不要呆在里面。2. rather than eg. 1 He should be rewarded rather than punished. 他应受奖励而不应受惩罚。 2 He was bolting his food rather than eating it. 他是在囫囵吞食物而不是吃。Key to the exercisesCheck your Understanding . Choose the correct word to match the sentence1. venturi2. armature3. pump4. diaphragm5. filter6. float7. carburetor8. discharge. Fill in the table below EnglishChinesefuel injector pump喷油泵air-fuel ratio空燃比throttle plate 节气门fuel filter燃油滤清器fuel pump燃油泵magnetic coil磁性线圈secondary filter次级滤清器gasoline engines汽油机diesel engines柴油机intake valve进气门Build Up Your Vocabulary. Write down the words that the important abbreviation stands for 1. electronic (idle) air control valve 2. electronic secondary air injection 3. electronic air suspension 4. electronic control advance 5. engine control module 6. engine coolant temperature 7. electronic diagnostic monitor 8. evaporative emission control system. Look at th


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