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Unit 2131.由组成 consist of 2.上气不接下气 out of breath3.徒然,白费力气 in vain4.随意地 at random5.不管多大代价 at all costs6.立刻straight away7.彻底毁灭 wipe out8.终止 stop sth in its tracks9.无论如何 at any rate10.增进 build up11.坚持 stick to12.开始认真考虑 get down to doing sth.13.推迟 put off14.提出,养育 bring up15.尽管 in spite of 16.另一方面 on the other hand 17.指出 point out18.绝望 in despair19.恢复正常 return to 20.爆发,突然发生 break out 21.与交换 swap.with.22.减慢,缓慢 slow down23.当场逮住某人做某事 catch sb. doing sth.24.寂静 in silence25.减肥 lose weight26.对.负责 be responsible for 27.把.看作 treat as 28. 用某物款待某人 treat sb. to sth.29.对.有信心 have faith in .30.抢夺某人某物 rob sb. of sth.31.对有害 be harmful to 32.给某人提供某物 provide sth for sb./ provide sb with sth二、语法填空1.It is necessary for us to learn English well.2.The man treated Tom as his son.3.She made a quick adaptation (adapt) to the new environment.4.We need to become a more united (unite) team.5.The fact that he was late again made the teacher angry.6I swapped (swap) my red scarf for her blue one. 7He was accused of abusing (abuse) his position for personal gains.8.If we had taken (take) the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.9.The doctor suggested that you (should) swim (swim) after eating a large meal.10.It is high time we had/should have (have) a rest now.11. It was the first time I had heard (hear) her sing, wasnt it?12.How I wish I had told (tell) you the news earlier!13My deskmate was caught cheating (cheat) in the exam last week.14I had my watch stolen (steal) last night when I went back home.15When you are given a task, youd better begin to do it straight away.16Severe facts have told us humans must stop the destruction of the environment in its tracks.17Hurricanes sometimes can wipe out half a city in seconds.18It was what he said that disappointed me. 19I tried calling you several times but I couldnt get through.20Not having checked (check) the watch the night before, they found it stopped when they woke up.21With so much work to do (do), I have no time for a holiday.22The police kept shouting at the man to come out with his hands tied (tie) back.23We are postponing our trip till/until the weather grows warmer.24The public has quite simply lost faith in the government.25At any rate, the medicine and food will reach the farmers before the snowstorm.26I fell into comas when the stone hit me on the head.27Tony is said to have gone (go) abroad for further study.28.With the development of our economic, our country is more and more powerful.29.His mother died last year, leaving (leave) him three younger brothers.30.After lunch, we got down to discussing (discuss) the problem.三完成句子。1.我们不但要学好科学,也要关注政治。Not only should we study science, but also we should pay attention to politics.2.他的一切尝试全归无效。 All his attempts were in vain.3.他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。 He saved his daughter from the big fire at the cost of his own life.4.你要是坚持真理就可以无所畏惧。 If you stick to the truth, you have nothing to fear.5.跟他争论是没有意义的。 There is no point in arguing with him.6.今日事今日毕。 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.7.我将会在下次会议提出这个问题。 I will bring up this question at the next meeting.8. 我们被禁止在校园内抽烟。 We are prohibited from smoking on school grounds.9. 地震摧毁了许多村庄。 The earthquake wiped out many villages.10.他绝望之下放弃了尝试。 He gave up the attempt in despair.11.无论如何我都会来。 I will come at any rate .12.他站在那里等他的父母。(分词作伴随状语) He stood there waiting for his parents.13.他随意打开他人的信是不礼貌的。 It is bad manners for him to open others letters at random.14.如果我有自行车,我昨天会借自行车给你的。If I had had a bike, I would lent it to you yesterday.15.吸烟有害健康。 Smoking is harmful to health.16.另一方面,他在写作方面也有天赋。 On the other hand, he has a talent for writing.17.这本英语书是由三个单元组成。 This English book consists of three units.18.学校运动会推迟了。 School sports meeting was put off.19. 他们把他打倒在地,然后抢走了他的手表They knocked him down and robbed him of his watch20.老师捉住他在课堂上玩手机。 The teacher caught him playing mobile phone in class.


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