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三年级外研版英语下册语法填空校外专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择合适的选项填空,填序号。(每个选项仅限用一次)A.class B. friend C.family D.Miss E.No1Good morning,_Li.Good morning.2Goodbye,_!Goodbye.3Look(看)! This is my_. This is me. This is my brother.4This is Liu Tao. Hes my_.5Are you Yang Ling?_, Im not.2. 把单词宝宝送回家。A. WhatB. fineC.in D. see E. are1.Hello! How old_you?2.Im_.3.Glad to_you.4.Im_Class One,Grade Three.5._is your name?3. 选词填空。1I_a cat.(am is)2Are you_Dog? (Mr mr)3Nice_meet you.(too to)4_name is Qiqi. (My I)5_, Im Mr Duck. (Not No)4. 根据图片提示完句子。Wheres the bird?1Its_the desk .2Its_the desk .3Its_the desk .4Its_the desk .5. 读一读,选出合适的单词。1This is_(a/an) elephant.2Nice_(two/to) meet you.3I_(has/have) a new bag.4Lets_(go/goes) to school.5_(Am/Can) I have some fish?6Id like_(a/some) milk.7I see two_(birds/bird).8How old_(are/is) you?9_(Nice/Happy) birthday!10How many_(tiger/tigers)?6. 选择合适的词填空。A. zoo B. elephants C. monkey D. baby E. elephant1. Here is an_.2. They are_.3. This is a_.4. Its a_tiger.5. Amy is in the_.7. 选词完成句子。1Look at the elephant.Its very_(big/bag).2Can I have some_(Mike/milk)?Sure. Here you are.3How old are you?Im_(sit/six).4This is my monkey._(It/Its) so fat!8. 小朋友,请你用英语做做下面的数学题吧!只填答案的字母序号哟。A. thirteen B. seventeen C. eighteen D. fourteen E. sixteen1twofifteen=_2twentysix=_3fiveeleven=_4threesix=_5seventeenfour=_9. 选择所给单词的对应词补全句子。A. goB. warm C. snowing D. cold1. In Harbin, its_in winter.2. We_to school on Mondays.3.Its_today. Its very cold.4. Today is not_, but its raining.10. 读一读,选出正确的一项,补全句子。1(He / She)_is my sister.2Look at that_(man / woman). (He / She)_is my grandma.3The elephant is too_(big / many).4How many_(apple / apples) do you have?5I like_(banana / apples).11. 写出下列数字的左邻右舍。1_eight_ 2_five_3_seven_ 4_four_5_two_ 6_nine_12. 读一读,根据图片提示选出正确的单词。1Look at my_(headhand).2This is my_(footnose).3Look at my_(armleg).4Look at my_(eareye).13. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。birthday welcome many friend you1How_plates?2Here_are.3Hi, John. Happy_to you.4Youre_.5This is my good_, Oliver.14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We like_(play) football after school.2Everybody_(be) at home now.3He_(have) short hair.4_(be) there a big kitchen in your house now?15. 从括号中选出恰当的单词,补全句子。1This is_(my / I)aunt.2Can I see_(it / is)?3Whats_(on / in)the chair?4Show me your_(sister / sisters)photo.5Its_(a / an)exercise book.16. 选词补全句子。you your1. Whats_favourite food?2. Thank_!17. 看图,选择恰当的选项完成句子。A.cap B.jacket C.mother D.T-shirt1Look at my_. 2Look at my_.3Look at my_. 4Look at my_.18. 根据提示将下列单词分类,并将单词写在横线上。pear orange bear body panda catfifteen twenty hand twelve apple ear1_ 2_3_ 4_19. 选择填空,将正确答案写在横线上。1_(He / She) is Wang Bing.2_(She / This) is Liu Tao.3Good morning,_(Miss / miss)Li.4This_( is / are )Tina. Tina is my_(sister / this).4 / 4


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