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三年级湘少版英语下学期填空题专项易考题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,选出合适的一项,补全句子。(选项不能重复使用)A. tall B. shortC. fat D. thin E. giraffe F. monkey G. cat H. bear1Look at the_. Its so_.Look at the_. Its_and fat.2Look at the_. Its so_.Look at the_. Its so_.2. 选词填空。A. eraser B. thanks C. face D. My E. brown1_names Chen Jie.2Look at me! This is my_.3Im fine,_.4Colour it_.5I have an_.3. 看一看,不止一个答案哦。A. giraffe B. bear C. tall D. short E. fat1_2_4. 选词填空。1This is_.(I/ me)2Im Alice, Im a_.(boy/girl)3Im a rabbit. My_are long.(ear/ears)4She is_friend.(my/I)5Two fat_are in the classroom.(boy/boys)5. 选词填空,将合适答案的代号填在横线上。A.is B.What C.am D.for E.an1_is this? Its a dog.2I_8 years old.3Here is a birthday gift_you.4He_my father.5What is it? Its_elephant.6. 读一读,选词填空。A. fat B. big C. short D. long1Hi! Im a pig. Im not thin. Im_.2Hello! Im a monkey. I have a_tail.3Hello! Im an elephant. My ears are_.4Hi! Im a dog. Im not tall. Im_.7. 按要求给下列单词分类。A. Panpan B. dog C. black D. desk E. green F. chainG. Sam H. bird I. door J. Lingling K. yellow L. cat1.名字类:_2.颜色类:_3.实物类:_4.动物类:_8. 对号入座。(把序号写在括号内)A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.1cap(_) 2girl(_) 3dog(_)4ball(_) 5woman(_) 6boat(_)7grandfather(_) 8student(_) 9father(_)10watermelon(_)9. 选词填空,补全句子。feed is now at in1People_on this lake.2Lets_the ducks.3The ducks are playing_the rain.4Look_those ducks over there!5Here it_.10. 选词填空。1Look at my_(家人)(family; school).2She is my_(mother; father).3The boy is my_(sister; brother).4Nice_(to; too) meet you.11. 选词填空。A. He B. She1Lingling is a girl._is a student.2This is Mr Jones._is a teacher.3Look at the boy._is my friend.4This is Miss Liu._is from China.5This is John._is a pupil.12. 根据情境补全句子。1你想知道对方的年龄时,可以问:_are you?2你想称赞别人的短裙很好看,可以说:What a_!3你想告诉妈妈想要一支铅笔,可以说:I want_.4同学问你借橡皮,你答应了,可以说:OK. Here_.5你想知道现在几点了,你会问:_is it?13. 选择合适的单词填空。A.is B.am C.are D. a E.an F.the G.some1You_welcome.2What_left for you and me?3I_10 years old.4Can I have_water, please?5Id like_egg, please.6Its_pen.7ABCD, touch_sky.14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We like_(play) football after school.2Everybody_(be) at home now.3He_(have) short hair.4_(be) there a big kitchen in your house now?15. 从括号中选出恰当的单词,补全句子。1This is_(my / I)aunt.2Can I see_(it / is)?3Whats_(on / in)the chair?4Show me your_(sister / sisters)photo.5Its_(a / an)exercise book.16. 选一选,填一填。Whats Whos1-_this?-Its a bird.2-_that?-Its a book.3-_this?-Hes my father.4-_that?-Shes my mother.17. 根据提示完成下列句子。1He is_(sleep) at home.2Tom is_(read) books.3Look, she is_(draw).4 / 4


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