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六年级科教版英语下学期阅读理解专项复习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读理解。A little mouse thought he was the tallest and strongest animal in the world. His mother said to him, “Dont say that in front of an elephant. He doesnt like that.” The little mouse didnt listen to his mother. He went out to look for the elephant, but he didnt know who the elephant was. He asked an ant(蚂蚁)first, “Are you an elephant?” “ No, Im not,” said the ant. Then he asked a hare(野兔), “Are you an elephant?” “ No, Im not. An elephant is much bigger than I.” suddenly, he saw four big trees. “Let me climb up a tree. Then I can see where the elephant is,” says the little mouse. “Get down! Get down!” someone shouted to him. “Im the elephant. Go and climb that tall tree nearby. Then you can see me.” “Now, I see. The elephant is the tallest and strongest animal in the world,” said the little mouse.1What did the mouse think of himself?( )A.He was an old friend of all the elephants.B.He was the tallest and strongest animal in the world.C.He knew nothing about elephants.D.He thought he couldnt find elephants himself.2The mouse in the story_.( )A.wanted to see antsB.wanted to see haresC.wanted to know what the elephant was likeD.wanted to c limb the tall tree3How many animals did the mouse meet before he saw the elephant?( )A.One B.Three C.Four D.Two4The mouse saw_ at last.( )A.four tall trees B.an elephant C.a hare D.an ant5Which is TRUE according to (根据)the story?( )A.What the mouses mother said at first was true.B.The little mouse listened to his mother.C.The mouse could see the elephant if he was on the ground.D.In the end, the mouse didnt see the elephant.2. 请根据短文判断对错,对“T”,错“F”。Chen Jies aunt lives in Hangzhou. Chen Jie went there with her parents last week. She went there by train. It was a long trip. She slept on the train. The next morning, she arrived at Hangzhou. Her aunt went to the train station to meet them.Chen Jie played with her cousin. She ate good food. The next day, she visited the West Lake. It was very beautiful. She took many photos. She climbed a mountain, too. She stayed in Hangzhou for five days. She came back to Weihai yesterday.1Chen Jies aunt lives in Hangzhou.(_)2Chen Jies family went to Hangzhou by plane.(_)3Chen Jie visited the West Lake the next day.(_)4Chen Jie took many photos there.(_)5Chen Jie stayed in Weihai for five days.(_)3. 判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。Hi, Im Mike. Im a clever student. Usually, I go to school on foot. Because my home is near the school. Tom is my good friend. We often go to school together. My father is a doctor. He often goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher. She often goes to work by bus, but sometimes by bike.On weekends, I often go to the park with my parents. In the afternoon, I often go to the library by bike. I like reading. After dinner, I like watching TV with my family.( )(1)Tom often goes to school on foot.( )(2)Mikes father is a driver.( )(3)Mikes mother never goes to work by bike.( )(4)On weekends, Mike often goes to the park with his father and mother.( )(5)After dinner, Mike likes reading.4. 阅读理解。Everybody wants to be healthy. We know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. We can have more bananas apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruit and vegetables are good for us. But we dont eat too much choco1ate and candy. We dont eat too much ice-cream, too. They are not god healthy food. So they arent good for our health. Healthy food can make us grow and make us strong and happy. There is a saying An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Sports can also keep us healthy. We should get up early and do some sports every day. Dont be lazy! We will be healthy and happy.(1)Which is right?( )A. Everybody is healthy. B. We want to be healthy. C. We are important.(2)What are healthy foods?( )A. Fruit and vegetables.B. Bananas, apples and chocolate.C. Fruits and chocolate.(3)Why are healthy foods god for us?( )A. They make us grow. B. They make us strong and happy. C. A andb.(4)An apple a day keeps the doctor away. means _.( )A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.(5)To be healthy, we should _ .( )A. eat fruit and vegetables often. B. exercise often. C. A andb.5. 阅读理解。The children are going camping tomorrow. Now they are reading some camping tips.Camping TipsTake a tent, food, water, a cooking pot, warm clothes, walking shoes and a towel(毛巾) with you. Choose flat(平坦的) ground for your tent.Dont choose a place near a river for your tent.Dont drink water from a river.Set up your tent before it gets dark.Gather firewood before dark and make a fire near your tent.Dont walk around without shoes.Close the door of your tent at night.Be careful!There may be snakes.Collect your litter(垃圾) and take it away with you.(1)Water from ais not good to drink.(2)You have tofirewood to make a fire before dark.(3)When you walk around, you must wear your.(4)You mustyour tent at night.(5)There may bearound, so he careful.6. 阅读理解。One day an old man is selling(卖) a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me how you found the elephants bad ears?” “I didnt find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”1_ the elephant. ( )A.The young man sells B.The old man sellsC.The two men sell D.The old man buys2The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out _.( )A.which foot of the elephant is bad B.how heavy it isC.which ear of the elephant is bad D.what it looks like3The young man _.( )A.knows the elephant has bad ears B.wants to buy the elephantC.looks after the elephant D.gets some money from the old man4The young man _.( )A.is not interested in elephants.B.knows what an elephant looks likeC.has seen some elephants beforeD.has never seen an elephant before7. 根据短文内容判断正误。Mr Li is a good painter. He likes painting animals. One day he drew a beautiful dragon without eyes. Mr Zhou looked at the picture and said, The dragon has no eyes. It isnt a good picture. But Mr Li smiled and said, If I add eyes to the dragon, it will fly away. Mr Zhou shook (摇) his head and said, It is ridiculous (荒唐的)! I dont believe (相信) you. Mr Li wasnt angry. He held the paintbrush and added eyes to the dragon. The dragon really flew away.( )(1)Mr Li likes painting trees and flowers.( )(2)One day, Mr Li painted a dragon with beautiful eyes.( )(3)Mr Zhou didnt think the painting was a good one.( )(4)Mr Li didnt paint the eyes of the dragon because the dragon would fly away.( )(5)Mr Li is a liar(说谎的人). He is not a good man.8. 阅读理解。Salad is a kind of healthy food. Salad is the most healthy. It doesnt require (需要) reheating (重新加热). It can also maintain (保留) nutrition (营养). Many women choose salad as a healthy and convenient (方便的) lunch. In fact, there are three main types of salad. They are fruit salad, vegetable salad and other kinds of salad. You can make your fancy salad. First you can buy some washed and cut vegetables or fruit for salad in supermarkets. Next you can add some salad sauce (沙拉酱) and lemon juice to the vegetables or fruit. Now you can enjoy your salad with your family or your friends.(1)阅读短文,根据短文内容用A、B、C、D、E给下列图画排序。( )( )( )( )( )(2)Salad is _.A. unhealthy B. healthy C. sweet and sour(3)Salad is the most healthy because _.A. its fresh and greenB. its womens favourite foodC. it doesnt require reheating but maintains nutrition(4)There are _ main types of salad.A. one B. two C. three(5)We can buy some _ for salad.A. bread or meat B. vegetables or fruit C. eggs and lemon(6)We add some _ in the salad.A. salad sauce B. lemon juice C. A and B(7)Many women think salad is _.A. unhealthy but convenientB. healthy and convenientC. not convenient but healthy9. 阅读海报(Posters),判断句子正误。Interrupting Chicken!Yell out an answer while a friend is trying to think about the answer.Shout out when the teacher is reading a story to the class,Talk at the same time as a friend is talking.Polite Students!Wait until the teacher has called on you before speaking.Stay in your seat and sit quietly if the teacher is talking to a visitor in the classroom.Say Excuse me if you have to interrupt.( )(1)We can see these posters on a farm.( )(2)Stay in your seat and talk quietly when the teacher is talking to a visitor.( )(3)The posters only tell us some bad behaviour.( )(4)The writer wrote the posters for children at school.( )(5)Interrupting Chicken means a student without good behaviour.10. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, Have you got change(兑换) for ten pence?Wait a moment,” the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, Ill see whether I can help you.”Dont you know how to speak to an officer? the young man said angrily. Now lets start again. Have you got change for ten pence?No, sir,” the old soldier answered quickly.( )1. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _.A. that he was going to visit herB. when his train would leaveC. when his train would arriveD. that he was now at the railway station( )2. He looked around for help because he _.A. didnt have coins for the phone callB. had no money to make the phone callC. didnt have the local moneyD. wanted to change money( )3. The old soldier _.A. was glad to help him B. didnt know if he had coinsC. didnt want to help him D. was angry( )4. The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _.A. didnt know how to speak to him B. didnt want to help himC. didnt answer him correctly D. was not friendly to him( )5. The old soldier in the story was_.A. clever B. stupid C. polite D. friendly11. 读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。Bill is a healthy and happy boy. He is eleven years old now. He likes doing sports. He didnt have any homework to do when he was five years old. He liked riding a bike. He rode a bike every evening after dinner on the playground. But now he seldom rides a bike, he likes playing football. He is very good at it. He often watches football matches on TV when he is free. He has lots of homework to do, but he can finish his homework well and quickly. So he can have much time to play football with his friends and his father.( )(1)Bill is an eleven-year-old boy.( )(2)Bill didnt have any homework when he was six years old.( )(3)Bill liked to ride a bike in the morning on the playground.( )(4)Bill likes playing football now.( )(5)Bill often reads books about football matches when he is free.12. 判断下列句子与短文意思是否相同。Today is Sunday. The sun, is shining. The Chens are at the beach. They are having a good time at the beach. Look, Mr Chen is sailing his boat. Mrs Chen is tired. She is sitting under the umbrella. She is having a. rest. His daughter, Lucy, is reading a book, she likes reading. Look, Ben is collecting shells. There are all kinds of shells at the beach. How many shells are there? One, two, three there are twelve shells near him. They are happy!1There are three people in Lucys family.(_)2It is Saturday today.(_)3Ben has got twenty shells.(_)4Lucy likes reading, but she cant read a book.(_)5Mr Chen is tired, hes sailing his boat.(_)13. 阅读短文,判断正“”误“”。Im Jack. Im very happy on the weekend. I usually go to the library. Sometimes I go to the park. The library is not far. I usually go on foot. I walk straight for fifteen minutes. Then I turn left and the library is on the right. The park is very far. Its near the post office. I often go there by the No.26 bus and get off at the post office. Its easy to find it.1Jack usually goes to the library by bus.(_)2Jack has a good time on the weekend.(_)3He can walk straight for fifteen minutes, then I turn right.(_)4The park is near the post office.(_)5Jack can go there by the No.26 bus and get off at the bookstore.(_)14. 阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确答案。On Childrens Day, a young woman from America goes to Beihai Park with her little daughter. There are too many people in the park, and the woman cant find her daughter, so she goes to a policeman for help. She tells the policeman her daughter is only six years old. She has two big eyes and a round face. Her hair is golden. And she wears a short blue dress. At last the policeman helps her find her daughter. She thanks him very much.( )(1)On Childrens Day,woman goes to Beihai Park with her little daughter.A. USA B. an American C. an America( )(2)The woman cant find her.A. son B. children C. child( )(3)Her daughter is only.A. five B. six C. four( )(4)The little girls hair is.A. yellow B. brown C. golden( )(5)helps her find her daughter.A. The policeman B. Some people C. Policemen15. 阅读短文,判断正误(正确的写T,错误的写F)。Tomorrow is Saturday. My family are going to have a busy day. My father is going to visit my uncle in the afternoon. My mother is going to buy some new clothes for me. I am going to have an art lesson in the morning and a music lesson in the afternoon. What am I going to do in the evening? I am going to do my homework. Then I am going to watch TV. What about your Saturday?1Today is Friday.(_)2My father is going to visit my uncle on Sunday afternoon.(_)3I have two lessons on Saturday.(_)4I am not going to watch TV tomorrow.(_)5My mother is going to buy some new clothes for me(_).16. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。It was Johns birthday yesterday. He got many presents from his family and friends. Simons mum bought John a present, too. It was a book about animals. In the book, he saw many pictures of animals from China, Russia and the US. John is very interested in animals. He loves the present very much.( )(1)It was Simons birthday yesterday.( )(2)John got many presents from his family and friends.( )(3)Simons mum didnt buy John any presents.( )(4)John saw lots of pictures of animals in the book.( )(5)John is very interested in animals.17. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. Its also called the Chinese New Year. Before the Spring Festival, I always send presents and cards to my friends. At the Spring Festival I play games with them. And we often go shopping together. I like the Spring Festival because its very interesting.( )(1)My favourite festival is the Chinese New Year.( )(2)Before the Spring Festival, I send presents and cards to my friends.( )(3)I dont play games with my friends at the Spring Festival.( )(4)I think the Spring Festival is very interesting.18. 根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案,把序号填在括号里。On Christmas Eve the night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings (长筒袜) at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents. Mr. Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a cherry kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney(烟囱) into the fireplace(壁炉) and brings them a lot of presents. Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They cant wait to open the presents in their stocking. Then they wake up their parents and call: Merry Christmas! Do you know what Christmas means? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So today, people still do the same thing to each other.( )(1)Christmas Eve is.A. the night before December 24B. the night of December 24( )(2)Father Christmas often puts the presents.A. into childrens stockings B. into childrens hats( )(3)Father Christmas comes into the house through the.A. window B. chimney( )(4)On the morning of Christmas Day, children wake up their parents very early and say.A. Good morning! B. Merry Christmas!( )(5)Christmas is the birthday of.A. Jesus B. Mr. Green19. 阅读并选择正确的答案。Cathy is a middle school student. She is twelve. She is a good student. She gets up very early every morning. She reads English for twenty minutes and then she has breakfast. She often has milk and bread for breakfast.At seven she leaves home for school. She goes to school on foot. She doesnt go to school by bus. She says, Buses are too crowded and sometimes they are slow. It doesnt take her long to walk to school. It only takes her twenty minutes.1Cathy is a _.( )A.school teacher B.school girl C.school boy D.teacher2After she gets up, she _ for twenty minutes.( )A.has breakfast B.has milk and breadC.reads English D.goes to school3Which of the following is wrong?( )A.Cathy is a good student.B.She doesnt get up late every morning.C.She reads English for twenty minutes before breakfast.D.She often goes to school without breakfast.4She goes to school _.( )A.by busB.by bike C.on footD.by underground5She _ to school every morning.( )A.doesnt goB.doesnt walkC.likes walking D.takes a bus20. 阅读理解。Notice Board1Do you like reading? Bring your favourite stories on Sunday afternoon.Lets read together.Call Mary: 13621006392What do you do on Saturday afternoon?I like swimming. Are you going swimming with me?Call Jack: 13466508493Do you want to take photos? Come to Zhongshan Park at 8:00 am on Saturday! Meet Mr Jones. He will teach us to take photos.QQ: 1297823384There is a dancing party on Saturday at8:00 pm. Come and join us at the school hall. I need a partner.Email: sally (1)给每一个告示选择合适的标题( )( )( )( )A. Taking photos in the park! B. Shall we dance?C. Share your books! D. Lets go swimming together.(2)Mary is going to _ with her friends on Sunday afternoon.( )A. dance B. swim C. read stories(3)There is a dancing party on _.( )A. Saturday morning B. Saturday evening C. Sunday afternoon(4)Please _ if you want to join the dancing party.( )


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