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紐Jyt i , .It smells delicious凶Review Readthe words andexpressions loudly;smellsoftsourcookiemmv.有.的气味;闻出n.气味adj.软的,柔软的adj.酸的;馒的w.小甜饼;曲奇饼(用于表示食物味道好)比萨饼pizzalovelyadj.令人愉快的; 可爱的done tryhave a trypie soundsweet toothadj.做完的n.尝试;努力 尝一尝;试试看馅饼;派v.听起来;令人觉得 对甜食的爱好Words reviewsaltjam forn.盐;食盐n.果酱印用于;(表示 持续的时间) 达;计favouriteearn.最喜欢的人或事耳朵._丿What is the little boyeating? How does ittaste?click here01. To listen and understand theconversation with sense verbs2. To learn to use the patterns with senseverbs correctly:It looks/smells/ tastes/feels/sounds.3. To grasp some key words and usefulexpressions o Q4. To talk about ones likes and dislikeswith adjectives and sense verbsWords:sour cookie pizza trysound salt earPhrases:have a try sweet tooth lucky dayPatterns:Pm afraidIt looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm9it tastes good.Apple pie sounds nice.smell softlovely doneIt feels softsmell(闻,闻起来)How does the milk / lemon / vinegar smell?It smells sweet /sour strong(味道浓的)It tastes sweet / deliciousHow do the cookies taste ?They taste sweet /good.It smells sweet / delicious How does the apple pie/pizza taste?How do the cakes look?Observe the pictures and try to get as muchinformation as possible How do the cakes look?2 Listen again and complete the sen fences.ZXfeel look smell soft sourstrong sweet taste1. The cookie tastes sweet 2. The milk smells sour_.3. This bed他他Is a bit soft .4. Tom looks very strong CP2)1 Listen and number the pictures.Whafs your favourite food?Betty is making some food, maybe ther isyour favourite food Listen ancTred Finish thefollowing tasks Fsktn Listen to the conversation and list the foodmentioned pizzacheesechocolate cookieapple piecakesugar strawberry jam oFsk JI Complete the table.FoodFeelLookTasteSmellPizzanice/lovelygooddelicious皿skin 3 Now check(P) what Betty is making.Cheesea bit sourtoo strongChocolatecookiessoftsweetStrawberryjamsweetRead and try torecite theconversations in5-10 minutes.Complete the passage with proper words Betty is making some food The pizza lookslovely , it smells delicious and tastes good .The cheese is on top of the pizza DarningdoesiTt like cheese, because it smells too strongand it tastes a bit sour. The chocolate cookiestaste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle.Betty is making an apple pie and a cake now.Darning likes sweet things and everything Bettyis making tastes so sweet 勺 so he thinksifshislucky day.pTaskiH 4Complete the sentences with the words in thebox lovely soft sour strongsugar sweet1.1 bought a large chocolate cake, becauseI love sweet food.2. Dried fish has a strong taste. Youdorft need much of it in the dish.lovely soft sour strongsugar sweet3. She does not put sugar in tea because shedoes not like sweet tea.4. The milk has gone sour overnight, so wecannot drink it.5. The bed feels soft and comfortable.6. Apple pie sounds lovely , It is myfavourite.When you want to describe your feelingabout something you see,you hear; yousmell, you taste or you touch, you may needto use Sense Verb (感 官系动词):looksoundsmelltastefeelfeel look smell sound taste1. The milk smells / tastes a bit sour.2. Your pizza smells delicious and tastes good.3. The music sounds nice.4. Betty s cooking lots of things andooks busy 5. He looks / sounds happy / angry.6. The apple pie tastes sweet.7. The chocolate cookies feel soft in the middle.系动词(表感觉)感官名词 hand- - feel摸起来-形容词 soft mouth taste尝起来- sweet eye- look看起来 - lovely nose - smell闻起来 - sour ear -sound听起来- nicerTask訂c5 Complete the table with the words in the boxesin Activities 1 and 4.EarsoundquietEyelookstrong, lovely softHandfeelsoftystrong lovelyMouthtastesweety strong,sour lovelyNosesmellsour, strong sweetylovely匸塑够p谕s1. Fm afraid I dont like cheese.我不喜欢奶酪。afraid表示恐怕的,担心的,害怕 的”。毗处Pm afraid示婉转的语气。PractisePm afraid I can 7 go there.我恐怕不能去那儿。Don 7 be afraid of the dog.别怕那只狗。2. It smells too strong 它味道太重了strong意思是“强壮的,强大的”,但 这里是“(味道)很浓.很重的”意 思。如:This farmer is strong.这位农夫很强壮。The coffee is strong.咖啡味道很浓。3. Well, my chocolate cookies are done now.嗯,我的巧克力饼干做好了。be done意为“做好了,完成了”。如:I am nearly done.我差不多做完了。Are you done with that pen?那支笔你用完了吗?The beds are done.床铺都整理好了。4. Have a try!试一试!try在这里作名词,意为“尝试”,常见 的词组有:have a try。此夕卜,try还可 作动词,意为“努力做,尝试”,其后可rtry to do sth.尽全力去做某事itry doingsth.碱着去做棄事Try to get here earlier请尽量早一点来这。Try cleaning it with petrol.试试用汽油把它擦干净。常见的词组有:try ones best to do sth.尽最大努力做某事try on试穿try out试用,尝试Practise!You should try it again.你应该再试一次。1 will try to learn English.我要设法学会英语。I tried opening the doorybut it was locked.我试着开门,但门被锁上了。接名词、代词、动词不定式和动名词。5.1 have a sweet tooth.我喜欢甜食。sweet tooth意为对甜食的爱好”。如Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth.如果你喜欢吃甜的就多加点蜂蜜。Jerry eats chocolate everyday because hehas a sweet tooth.杰瑞每天都吃巧克力,因为他对甜食情有独钟6. Shall I get the sugar?我来拿糖吧?句型ShaUI/we二?常用来提出建议,指 说话人主动提出要做某事。其答语常用Good idea. ”或Sounds great.来表 示赞同。如:一Shall we send Mary a big cake?我们送给玛丽一个大蛋糕,好吗?Good idea.好主意。PractiseTomorrow will be fine. Shall we go outfor a picnic?_ (2013浙江宁波)y Sounds greatB. Good luckC. Have funD. Take it easy7 are you sure that9s sugar?你确定拿的是糖吗?sure用作形容词,意为“肯定的;当 然的;有把握的”。1)be sure(不接其它词),意为“肯定的”。如:Are you sure?你能肯定吗?I think he is coming, but IF not quitesure.Practise我禎他要来,但我不十分肯定。2) be sure+句子,意为“确信,相信”。 如:Fm sure tomorrow is Bettys birthday.我确定明天是贝蒂的生日。Fm sure well find each other.我相信我们能找到对方。Proriynciateortandsneaking英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词 的重读(stress)一般遵循以下规律:名词、形容词.数词.动词.副词.代词和 表达强烈思想感情的感叹词需要重读;人 称代词.连词、冠词.介词、以及少数系 动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词一 般不重读(当然有少数例外)。6 Listen and underline the words the speakerstresses 1. It smells too strong and it tastes a bitsour.2. They taste really sweet and they feelsoft in the middle.注意含有“感官动词+形容词”的结构。Now listen again and repeat.Work in pairs Ask and answer about the thingsin the box Say why youlike or do not like them YesfI do. Theytaste delicious.Do you likeflowers?P3nice.Jbifel&e-they-feel soft Mo I rflfinRufYes, I like it verytastesAV I VGwomemielhinks itsmellssour ,规则:全班分成若干个小组。每组选三 名同学描述自己最喜欢的食物,其他同 学猜。看哪组用时最短。/Cite娜y觎$my fClass Activitie总结回顾1. have a try2. a bit3. Your pizza looks so nice.4. Vm afraid5. Apple pie sounds nice.6. Do you like bananas?Yes, I do. They taste delicious.Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1. English-Chinesecookie pizza strawberry jam sweet toothsour lovely soft2. Chinese-English有的气味;闻出尝一尝;试试看 听起来;令人觉得When finished, exchange your papersto see who does the best.总结回顾I 用look/taste/smell/feel/sound的适当形 式填空。1. This piece of music sounds very wonderful.Can you play it again?2. Tim looks unhappy today. What9s wrongwith him?3. Um, the fish soup tastes a little sweet. Didyou put sugar in it?4. The flower smells good. What is its name?注: 另附word文档。点击此处链接5. After a few days,rest in bed, Mr Greenfeels better.


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