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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上第一步:软膜天花龙骨安装 1.根据图纸设计要求,在需要安装软膜天花的水平高度位置四周围固定一圈4X4Cm支撑龙骨(有些地方面积比较大时要求分块安装,以达到良好效果.这样就需要中间位置加一根木方条子)。 2. 当所有需要木方条子固定好之后,然后在支撑龙骨的底面固定安装软膜天花的铝合金龙骨。 第二步软膜天花安装: 1、当所有的安装软膜天花的铝合金龙骨固定好以后,再安装软膜。先把软膜打开用专用的加热风炮充分加热均匀,然后用专用的插刀把软膜张紧插到铝合金龙骨上,最后把四周多出的软膜修剪完整即可。 2、安装完毕后,用干净毛巾把软膜天花清洁干净。 软膜天花施工注意事项: 1、安装前先到工地现场检查是否有条件安装龙骨,现场墙身是否完成,木工部分加工是否合格,需要抹灰部分先完成,特别注意木工部分一定要按照要求来做,灯、风口等开孔尺寸要提前加工好。 2、现场条件许可方进场施工,首先要按图纸设计要求的木工做好部分进行固定铝合金龙骨龙骨,注意角位一定要直角平整光滑,驳接要平、密。 3、注意灯架、风口、光管盘要与周边的龙骨水平,并且要求牢固平稳不能摇摆方可。 4、烟感、吸顶灯,先定位再做一个木底架,木底架底面要打磨光滑,并注意水平高度,太低就容易凸现底架的痕迹。 5、安装天花之前,认真检查龙骨接头是否牢固和光滑,喷淋头要粘上白胶带,风口要处理好。 6、安装天花时要先从中间往两边固定,同时注意两边尺寸,注意焊接缝要直最后做角位,注意要平整光滑。四周做好后把多出的天花修剪去除。达到完美的收边效果。 7、开灯孔要在灯孔的位置上做好记号,把PVC灯圈小心准确地粘在软膜的底面,待牢固后把多出的天花去除即可。 8、开风口、光管盘口处理就是找到风口光管盘口的位置,跟做四周一样,把软膜安装到铝合金龙骨上,注意角位要平整。做好后把多出的天花切除即可。 9、最后用干净毛巾清洁软膜天花表面。 软膜天花具有具有防火、防菌、防水、节能、环保、抗老化、安装方便等多种优点,所以越来越成为室内吊顶材料的首选,喜欢这种新型独特的吊顶天花的考验多了解下。First step: soft film ceiling keel installation 1. According to the drawings design requirements, the need to install the level height of soft membrane smallpox location surrounded by a circle fixed 4 x4cm support keel (block installation requirement when some local area is larger, in order to achieve good results. This requires intermediate position plus one root (cop). 2. When all the required wood square blade fixed, and then in support of bottom, fixed installation of the keel soft membrane smallpox aluminum alloy keel.The second step of soft membrane smallpox installation: 1, when all the installation of soft membrane smallpox aluminum alloy keel fixed, then install the soft membrane. First turn on the soft membrane with dedicated full uniform heating, heating wind gun and knife inserted with special soft membrane tension into the aluminum alloy keel, finally put the extra soft film clip can be complete. 2, after the installation, with a clean towel to clean soft membrane smallpox.Soft membrane smallpox construction matters needing attention: 1, before installation to the site to check whether there are conditions for installation of the keel, the wall body is complete, carpentry parts processing whether qualified, need part plaster finish, pay special attention to carpentry part must be done in accordance with the requirements, lamp, tuyere in advance such as the size of holes machining well. 2, licensor in the construction site conditions, first of all, according to the drawings design requirements of carpentry do part fixed keel, aluminium alloy keel attention will be given to right Angle level off is smooth, barge to flat, dense. 3, pay attention to the lamp, tuyere, light tube plate with surrounding keel level, smooth and firm cant swing before. 4, smoke, absorb dome light, positioning and then do a wooden frame, wood chassis underside to smooth, and pay attention to the level height, too low would be easy to find the traces of chassis. 5, smallpox before installation, carefully check whether the keel joint is firm and smooth, spray head to stick on white tape, tuyere to deal with. 6, from middle to both sides before the fixed installation smallpox, note size on both sides at the same time, pay attention to welding seam to finally do straight Angle, pay attention to level off is smooth. Around well after remove more smallpox clip. Achieve perfect side effect. 7, turn on the light, to do well in the position of lamp hole stick PVC light circle careful accurately in the underside soft membrane, after being firmly remove extra smallpox. 8, opening tuyere, lightpipes dish processing is to find the location of the draught tube light dish, as do all round, to install soft film on aluminum alloy keel, pay attention to the Angle to level off. Well after removing the extra smallpox. 9, the surface with a clean towel clean soft membrane smallpox. Soft membrane smallpox has a fire prevention, prevent bacteria, waterproof, energy saving, environmental protection, anti-aging, installation is convenient wait for a variety of advantages, so more and more be the first choice of the indoor condole top material, like the new unique smallpox condole carries on the test to learn more.专心-专注-专业


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