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河北金融学院教案课程名称:剑桥商务英语教材名称: 新编剑桥商务英语(中级)第三版出版单位:经济科学出版社出版时间:2008年10月主 编: John Hughes教案编写人:王杰授课专业(班级):09商务英语1班授课时间:2010-2011 第一学年26河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.9.6课 题Lead-in Introduction to BEC Vantage教学基本要求与目标make students to get familiar with the BEC Vantage方法与手段introduction, explanation with the assistance of PPT 实践性环节discussion, ask and answer课外要求To read more books about business, often go on line to practise listening BEC内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. Introduction to BEC Reading test (60 minutes, 45 questions) Reading test part one (7 questions)Reading test part two (5 questions)Reading test part three (6 questions)Reading test part four (15 questions)Reading test part five (12 questions) Writing test (45 minutes, 2 parts) Writing test part one (40-50 words in forms of noteMessage,email or memo) Writing test part two (120-140 words in forms of report Or business letter) Listening test (40 minutes, 3 parts 30 questions) Listening test part one (three conversations) Listening test part two (two sections 10 questions) Listening test part three (one passage 8 questions) Speaking test (14 minutes, 3 parts) Speaking test part one (personal information 3minutes) Speaking test part two (mini-presentation 6 minutes) Speaking test part three (collaborative task 5minutes )II. How to study BEC Vantage1. business words and phrases2. read more business background3. listening more BEC4. accumulative more business topic5. often go on line with good websitesIII. Asking questions Ss may ask any questions concerning BEC.10m8m12m20m 10m 10m 10m 10m10m Since this is the first class, students appear a little bit puzzled. But after the introduction with encouraging information, they start to become more interested to explore BEC.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.9.9课 题Module one ways of working教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about ways of working; to enable Ss to get more information from ways of working.方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching实践性环节listening speaking reading 课外要求Read more material concerning ways of working内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. different ways of working Regular time/flexible hours; in a team/ on your own From home/in an office; for a boss/as your own bossII. reading (read about job sharing, write these headings into each paragraph) Get organized set your limits put pen to paper two become one Open your mind plan for disaster fine the perfect partner dont feel guiltyIII. working from home (listening) a. What is important when working form home? have a timetable and stick to it.b. advantageso You spend more time with the childreno More flexibilityo The company saves money on office spaceo No commutingc. Disadvantages Sometimes you work in the evening; You miss people and office newsd. Complete the notes about Michelas typical dayo 7:00 get up, get the kids readyo 8:30 take kids to schoolo 9:00 start worko 12:00 have luncho 14:30 finish worko 2.She has been with current employer since she left school, but shes been home-working for five years.o 3.shes going to the office every day to meet visitors.IV. grammar tip Complete these tips for working from homeV. a mini-presentation Job sharing working from home10m20m40m10m20mThey are lack of English-thinking and active response. Ss are lack of listening skills, so ask students to listen more business English.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.9.16课 题Module one making contacts and speaking test part one教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about making contacts; to enable Ss to get more information from making contacts; know more about speaking test part one.方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching实践性环节listening speaking reading 课外要求Read more material concerning making contacts and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. job responsibilitieso I work foro Im involved ino Im responsible for o I deal witho I usually report to o Im in charge of o I specialise in II. lifes all about making connections (reading) o 1. socialising 社交活动 o 2. attend a conference/ trade fairo 3. new clients and partnerso 4. share ideas with o 5. coffee break/ tea breako 6. a formal networking groupo 7. informal drinks eveningIII. starting a conversation (listening) a. at a conference b. over dinner c. in someones office d. on a training courseIV. business correspondencea. we should know more about four forms of writings, they are note, message, email and memo.b. We should know more about formal and less formal expressions.V. Speaking test part one The questions are quite general at first:o 1. About yourselfo 2. About your studies or careero 3. About where you come from o Afterwards, he or she may ask you questionso 4. About business topics10m20m 30m 20m 20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to speak more and let them know the skills and rules of BEC Vantage 课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.9.20课 题Module two company benefits教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about job; to enable Ss to get more information about company benefits方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching实践性环节listening speaking reading 课外要求Read more material concerning company benefits and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. benefits and incentives (speaking and listening)n A. an impressive job titlen B. training and staff developmentn C. a good salaryn D. a pensionn E. flexible working hoursn F. opportunities to traveln G. opportunities for promotionn H. parental leaven I. days off and long holidaysn J. a company carII. Is working for Xerox too good to be true?n 1. client service executiven 2. be amazed at 对感到惊奇 n 3. tempting 吸引人的 n 4. a pinch of salt 半信半疑 n 5. take part inn 6. incumbent 在职的 n 7. human resources n 8. policy of promotingnIII. asking questions about jobs Why do you like the company? How long have you been working in the company?IV. A letter of application Read this advert for a job and use the handwritten notes to write a letter of application (120-140 words )similar to writing test part two.30m20m 10m40mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.9.25课 题Module two presenting your company and reading test part five, writing test教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about presenting your company; to improve the skills of reading and writing 方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, writing 实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know the skills of presenting your company and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. company termsn 1. distribution centren Place where goods are sent out to be soldn 2. warehousen Place where goods are storedn 3. holding companyn Company which controls others with the largest stake (over 51%)n 4. call centre 客户服务中心 n Place where employees give information to customers by telephoneII. giving a presentation Speaking Key points: figures structure trendsIII. writing memon 1. who is the memo to?n 2. who will be interested in the information?n 3. what has happened?n 4. what is happening as a result?n 5. what action is needed?nIV. reading test part five It is always a short text of about 150-200 words, you have to identify incorrect or extra words in the sentences in the text.V. writing test part one In part one you must write an internal communication such as a note, message, memo or email of around 40-50 words.20m20m 2020m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.9.27课 题Module three starting a business教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about start a business; to improve the skills of reading and listening 方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening 实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know the types of business and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. types of businessn Sole trader you take all the profit.n If you go bankrupt, you lose everything.n Partnership you share the pressure.n You might disagree on strategy.n Franchise The business model is given to you so there is less risk.n Part of your profits goes to the franchisorII. reading n 1. ludicrous 荒唐可笑的 n 2. branch out 拓展业务 n 3. branch out into 把规模扩大到.方面n 4. enterpreneurial spirit n enterpreneurial courage 企业家的胆略5. sole tradern 6. short-livedIII. listening n Listen to a trainer doing a seminar on being an entrepreneurn Planning a seminarnIV. speaking tesstn A. What is important whenn Setting up your own businessn 1. A good idean 2. Knowing your customersn B. When is important when?n Your business is a partnershipn 1. relationship with the other personn 2. shared responsibilityn 3. 20m20m 20m20m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.9.30课 题Module three leaving and taking messages, listening test part one教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss how to leave and take messages; to improve the skills of reading and listening 方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening 实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know the types of business and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. Leaving messagesn A. to ask for permissionn B. to complain about a mistaken C. to complain something is OKn D. to request informationn E. to offer informationn F. to cancel arrangementsn G. to request helpn H. to change a bookingnII. writing (taking notes and messages)n Eg. Id be grateful if you could return this call on my home number.n Call him back on his home number.nIII. listening test part onen It always consists of three listening texts which are telephone conversations or messages on answering machines.n Text include forms, notes, invoices or message pads (留言本).n You need to listen in particular for information like names, numbers, dates, instructions or deadlines. Exam success Before listening, study the form or notes you have to complete. Use the information in the notes to try and predict what you are listening for Dont write more than one or two words per gap. Dont panic if you dont understand everything the first time. You hear it twice.20m20m 20m20m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.10.11课 题Module four advertising 教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about advertising on the web and advertising standard; to improve the skills of reading and listening 方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening 实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know the types of advertising and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. Types of advertisingn 1. word of mouthn 2. mailshot 邮寄广告 n 3. TV commercialsn 4. spam 垃圾电子邮件 n 5. banners / streamer 横幅 n 6. newspaper advertsn 7. brochuresn 8. sampleII. Speaking a short presentationn 1. The first thing is to n 2. Its a good idea to n 3. You can do this by n 4. Also remember that n 5. My third tip is (never) to n 6. Before we finish dont forget n 7. What might be better is to III. reading advertising standardsv ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)v 1. keep advertising legal, decent, honest and truthfulv 2. a set of codesv 3. independently (both government and the advertising industry) Case study one Case study two Case study threeIV. grammar Modals Underline the modal verb in each sentence and write it in this summary20m 40m 20m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.10.14课 题Module four advertising 教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about delegating; to improve the skills of writing 方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening 实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know how to improve business skills of delegating and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. reading, delegatingn 1. bits and pieces 零碎东西 n 2. a whole manageable projectn 3. rise to 证明能够应付 n 4. deadlinen 5. updaten 6. lots of praisen 7. helpful feedbackn 8. constructive criticismII. listening a bad delegatorn Listen to a manager talking to a member of his department, listen to the tips:n A. tailor work to the individualn B. be positiven C give incentivesn D. define the expectations and objectivesn E. delegate complete tasksn F. let gon G. avoid misunderstandingIII. writingv 1. It was found thatv 2. in addition to.v 3. alternativelyv 4. This report sets out to.v 5. in conclusion.IV. Reading test part fourv 1. collocation 搭配 v 2. fixed expressionv 3. local storage companyv 4. enquiry 5. quotation20m 40m 20m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.10.18课 题Module five The workplace教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about workplace; to improve the skills of listening 方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening 实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know how to improve business skills of listening and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. reading, Words and Phrasesn 1. repeat business 回头生意 n 2. referrals 推荐 n 3. sourcing and commissioningn 4. urban regeneration sector 城市重建 n 5. anecdotal thing 轶事n 6. organisational psychologistn 企业心理学家(The Industrial-Organisational Psychologist nII. listening an interview with an art consultant There are five main stages for an art consultant in charge of supplying artworks. Ask students to identify the consultant real meaningsIII. reporting A company is moving offices. A consultant is asking some employees for their comments on what they would like in their new offices. Rewrite these comments to report themFor example:I am not happy with the arrangementsShe said (that)_IV. listening some opinion on artn A company is choosing an artwork for its reception area. Listen to five employees commenting on the five artworks below. Decide which artwork each speaker is commenting on.n Number the artworkn20m 40m20m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.10.21课 题Module five participating in a meeting教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about meetings; to improve the skills of writing and speaking方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening 实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know how to improve business skills of meetings and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. participating in a meetingn 1. be supposed ton 2. get something donen 3. fill ones schedulen 4. hate something or hate doing somethingn 5. anecdotal thing 轶事n 6. organisational psychologistn 企业心理学家(The Industrial-Organisational Psychologist n 7. social normn 8. questionnairen 9. overall job satisfactionn 10. get-togethern 11. weekly or daily office getheringn 12. goal-orientated n 目标导向的学习环境(Goal-orientated Learning Environments n 13. interaction withn 14. unstructured job 无系统性的;松散的 n II. verb collocationn Set give move hold go take run see attend reachnIII. Writing Minutes of a meetingv Now write the minutes of the meeting using the agenda and the notes you made above. Write between 120 and 140 words, using reporting verbs. Organise your report into these three sections.v Title of reportv Details of meeting (who attended, time, location)v What was discussed and the final action points20m 20m60mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.10.25课 题Module five speaking 教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about how to improve speaking方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching实践性环节 speaking 课外要求Know how to improve business skills of speaking.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. speaking test part twon In this exam spot light, you will look at part two of the speaking test. Each candidate gives a mini-presentation on a business theme.Giving a mini-presentationWhenits important to The first thing when is toThere are a number of points to consider whenMentioning and sequencing the pointsFirst of all, theresFor exampleSecondly/the second point to remember isSomething else is The final point is Adding informationIts also important to sayIn addition to thatYou also need to considerII. Exam success Start your talk by saying what youre going to talk about. Separate each point clearly. Say why each point is relevant. Give an example to support each point What is important when Placing a newspaper advert The target reader Where the advert appears40m 20m40mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skills of writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.10.28课 题Module six recruitment教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about employment; to improve the skills of reading 方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening 实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know how to improve business skills of employment and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“”,难点划“”)课时分配I. Employment newsl 1. take redundancyl Compulsory redundancy 强制性裁员 l The company is hoping to avoid redundancy and reduce its staff by natural wastage . 公司不希望裁减职工而希望通过正常的减员来减少其职工。l 2. labor redundancy 劳动(力)过剩 l A high level of redundancy among unskilled workers 非熟练工人的大量裁减l 3. redundancy pay 遣散费l II. Hiring and Firingl 1. hire recruit give notice dismissl 2. walk out sack fire lay


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