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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上导学教育中考英语七上复习资料Unit 11来自be from=come from2和住在一起live with3靠近. close to=near4艺术老师an Art teacher5姐姐an elder sister6乘车上学go to school by bus / take a bus to school7 擅长be good at doing sth. = do well in doing sth.8交朋友make friends with9来自世界各地的朋友people from all over the world =around10 发邮件给某人email sb.11 离很远far away from.12 .的意思是the meaning of .13 在某人的空余时间in ones free time14 的答案是the answer to 15 一个德国女孩a German girl16 在互联网上on the Internet17 放风筝fly a kite / fly kites18 收到某人来信hear from sb= receive / get a letter from19 最美好祝愿best wishes20 许多朋友 a lot of / lots of / many friends21 洗澡take a bath22 想做某事would like to = want to 23 你多大了?Whats your age? / How old are you?24 完成complete=finish 4. work as + 职位名称 作为而工作6. walk to school=go to school on foot 走路去上学7. be keen on (doing) sth=be interested in 对.感兴趣8. enjoy (doing) sth= like doing sth 喜欢做某事9. reply to sb回信给某人11. a photo of 一张的图片13. speak Chinese 说中文15. in the middle 在中间20. write to sb写信给某人,注意pay attention to 以开始begin with 参考书reference book语法1:特殊疑问词及其引导的特殊疑问句(what, where, when, how, why, which)What refers to things.对事物提问(什么)(可以用来询问职业) Where refers to places.对地点提问(在哪里)Who refers to persons.对人提问(谁)How refers to ways.对年龄提问(多大年纪,几岁)How old refers to ages.对某人或情况提问(怎么样)When refers to times.对时间提问(何时)what time (只能用来问具体几点钟 )Why refers to reasons.对原因提问(为什么)which refers to kinds (种类).对事物或人称提问(哪一个,哪一位)How many refers numbers.对数量提问(多少)How old .多大年纪How often . 多经常,多久一次How far. 多远 How long . 多长时间How soon 多快,多语法2:不定冠词的用法不定冠词有a和an两个,仅用在单数可数名词前。a用于发音以辅音音素(不是辅音字母)开头的单词前面;an用于发音以元音音素(不是元音字母)开头的单词前面。 一般而言,元音字母在单词中发元音,辅音字母在单词中发辅音,但偶有特例特例 an hour 一个小时 an honest boy一个诚实的男孩 a university一所大学useful/useless thing 有用/无用的东西 a European (cat) 一个欧洲人/一只欧洲猫 a usual day 平常的一天a one-day holiday 一天的假期 1表示一类人或物,a/an不用翻译 An elephant is heavier than a horse.2用于第一次提到某人或某物之前 I saw a girl running on the playground. The girl lives close to our school.3表示数量,有“一”的含义There is a picture on the wall.4 表示“每一”,相当于every Take three pills a day and youll get better.5 用于序数词之前,表示“再一”相当于anotherShe has failed twice. She wants to try a third time.6 用于某些不可数名词之前,表示“一种,一场,一堆 a heavy rain a long history Unit 21. junior high school初级中学2. once or twice a week一周一两次4. on foot步行5. learn about了解6. brush ones teeth刷牙7. play table tennis打乒乓球8. ride a bicycle骑车9. take part in 参加10. have a good time玩得高兴11. morning break早间休息12. later in the afternoon下午晚些时候13. play the guitar弹吉他play the piano弹钢琴15. have breakfast / lunch/dinner吃早餐 / 午餐/晚饭16. wash ones face洗脸wash ones clothes洗衣服18. arrive at 到达19. in the world在世界上20. help sb with sth =help sb do sth帮助某人做某事21. between and在和之间22. from to 从到23. prepare ones lessons备课24. do morning exercises 做早操25. a piece of bread 一块面包26. cook dinner 做饭after-school activities课外活动talk about谈论,交谈send sth. to sb.=send sb. sth. 给某人送某物on the way to.去.的路上work on. 忙于.one of the best.最好的.之一ask sb to do sth 要某人做某事专心-专注-专业seldom- not oftenbreak - short restring - makes a sound end - stopgo to on foot - walk to together- with each other everyone - all peoplefriendly - nice and kindstart - beginpractice - exercisetake part in - join inhave a good time - enjoy oneself- have fun all over the world - every country in the world - around the world 【一般现在时态】1. 表示经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。例如: I go to the park by bus. 我乘公交车去这个公园。2. 表示主语的特征、性格、能力、爱好等。例如: He can dance. 他会跳舞。3. 表示客观真理。例如: The Earth goes around the sun. 地球围绕着太阳转。【频度副词及频度副词短语】一、频度副词是用来表示动作频率的词, 包括: always(100%)usually(80%)often(60%)sometimes(40%)seldom(20%)never(0%)二、频度副词短语包括: on Saturdays, in the morning (in the afternoon / in the evening), every day, twice a week, three times a month等。 注意: 频度副词及频度副词短语在句中,通常位于be动词或助动词之后, 行为动词之前。 常和一般现在时连用。Unit 31. 在地球上on Earth2. 在陆上上on the land3. 在水下under the water4. 为某人提供某物provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.5. 把倒入put into6. 停止做某事stop doing sth.7. 在天空中in the sky8. 许多a lot of = lots of9. 保护地球protect the Earth10. 看look at 11. 在脸上on ones face12. 在天空/在空气中in the air13. 将抬起liftup14. 需要去做need to do15. 让活着keep alive16. 扔掉throw away17. 解决问题solve the problem18. 查明,弄清find out19. 不同种类的different types / kinds of20. 拯救海洋save the seaburn - set on fire must - have to provide sb. with. - give sb. sth. pattern - way quiz - testa few - some dangerous - not safe waste - rubbish protect -keepsafe -keep .from可数名词单数变复数规则:(1)绝大多数名词直接在词尾加s变成复数 hand, desk (2)以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词变复数要加es, bus, glass, box, watch, dish (3)以辅音字母+y结尾的名词变复数时, 变y为i再加es: body, city, factory (4)以f或fe结尾的名词, 将f 或fe变为v加es, life, knife , leaf ( 5 ) 以 结尾的名词 有两种:potatopotatoes tomatotomatoes hero- heroes但:photos pianos radios hippos videos zoos kilos 注意: 一些特殊名词的复数: child-children mouse- mice man men woman - women policeman - policemen fireman firemen fisherman fishermen Frenchwoman - Frenchwomen 但:German - Germans foot - feet, tooth - teeth下面这些名词的单复数 相同Chinese, Japanese, sheep fish, deer 二、不可数名词不可数名词没有复数形式, 不能与 a, an 连用。不可数名词表示数量的时候, 可以用量词来表达, 其结构是: 数词 + 量词 + of + 名词。其中, 量词有单复数形式 three bottles of water, two cups of tea量词既可以修饰不可数名词, 也可以修饰可数名词, 修饰可数名词时, 必须用复数形式。 a bag of apples two bags of apples ten boxes of eggs不可数名词作主语, 谓语动词用单数。【there is / are的用法】There is + 单数名词(或 不可数名词 ) There are + 复数名词Is there .? Are there .?如果 there be 后的主语是并列名词时, 则根据第一个名词的单复数确定be的形式, 即就近原则。注意: 1. 当主语是可数名词单数或者是不可数名词时, 其谓语动词用单数形式。2. 当主语是可数名词复数时, 则谓语动词用复数形式。3. 如果there be后的主语是并列名词时,则根据第一个名词的单复数确定be的形式,即就近原则。Unit 41. get warm变暖和2. blow gently温和地吹3. turn green变绿4. take a trip ( to ) 旅行5. go to the beach去海边6. go on a picnic去野餐7. at this time of year在一年的这个时候8. make snowmen堆雪人9. spend time with sb. 和某人一起度过 spend time doing sth. 花时间做某事10.during the Spring Festival在春节期间11. during the winter holidays在寒假期间12. have a good time玩得高兴13. talk about谈论14. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事15. get married结婚16. get red packets拿红包17. go swimming去游泳18. have a picnic野餐19. my favourite season我最喜欢的季节20. It is +adj.+ to do sth. 做什么事怎么样3. 询问天气What is the weather like? = How is the weather ? It is sunny ( foggy, windy snowy .询问外貌What is the boy like ? = What does the boy look like ? He is tall and strong.怎么样?What/ How about doing?shine - send out lightgently - softlydry - not wetweak - not strongspend - use time to do sth.everything - all the thingstake a trip to - travel to - have a short journeyrelative-people in the same familyduring the day - in the daysnowy - with a lot of snowhave a good time-have funget warm - become warmstart to do - begin to do end - stoppollute - make dirtyprotect - keep fromkill - make die形容词的用法:1. 作定语,修饰名词, 放在名词前 但是,当形容词修饰 something, anything , nothing 时,必须放在这些词后面。比较:副词是作状语,修饰动词, 放动词后 It rains heavily. There is a heavy rain.2 . 在 系动词后面 作 表语:Be/seem/ look/ sound/ smell/ taste/ feel/become/get/turn/keep/remain + 形容词3, 作宾补 keep sb./sth. + adj. 使保持 keep our classroom clean make sb./ sth. + adj. 使怎么样 make me angry六、The + 形容词 表示某一类人或事物 ,当他们做主语时,谓语动词用复数。 the young年轻人 The poor 穷人 七、复合形容词中的名词用单数形式 an eight year old girl区别:interesting / interested exciting / excited relaxing / relaxed frightening / frightened pleasing / pleased (-ing令人 -ed 感到)八、It is + adj. for/of sb. + to do sth.Unit 5在太空in space多于,超过more than =over多远how far能够be able to把带到taketo以便so that太多too many写下write down现在,目前at the moment在月球上on the Moon 在将来in the future数以千计的thousands of必须have to照相take photos 和一样 asas也就是说that is= thats to say=It means.例如such as“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。 “leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。 “leave+地点+for+地点”表示“离开某地去某地”。 deep breath深呼吸 take a deep breath深呼吸。out of breath喘不过气来上气不接下气 。breathe in吸入 breathe out呼出breathe freely透气 it will take sb. some time to do sth. =sb will spend some time doing sth. / on sth. 做某事将花某人多长时间一般将来时:将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,Will/be going to+动词原形,Be going to计划,打算或准备要做的事情和有迹象将要发生或肯定要发生的事;Will与主观意愿无关的单纯将来时,必然要发生的客观规律,时间状语:tomorrow,next time,in a month, from now on, soonunit 61、 Place of interest 名胜成品+be made in +地点:产于某地My piano is made in Beijing. 成品+be made by +制造者:由谁制作The birthday cake is made by my mother.3.成品+be made of +材料:由制作(一般指能够看出原材料,或制作过程中发生的是物理变化)The table is made of wood.4.成品+be made of +材料:由制作(一般指看不出原材料,成品失去了原材料的外形或特征;或发生的是化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。)The lifeboat is made from some special material. 这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的5.材料+be made into +成品:被做成Grapes is made into wine.6.In the centre of 在的中心,在的中央 the centre of a circle 圆心light up 点亮,照亮light music 轻音乐 light green 浅绿色 a light classroom 明亮的房间talk to 一方主动和对方说话 He often talks to me. talk with 双方互动在交谈 We talk with him happily. talk of 谈到,涉及give sb.advice/give advice to sb.给某人提建议give sb. advice on sth.在某方面给某人提建议ask sb. for advice 征求某人的意见take/follow sb.s advice 接收某人的意见/劝告make+宾语+形容词,“使怎么样” make+宾语+动词原形,“使做”put on “穿上;戴上”, take off, “脱下”。 13、 表方位in, to, on 的用法 表示在所管辖范围内的东、南、西、北时,用介词in:Mecao is in the south of China.表示在所管辖的范围之外,而且两个地方又不接壤时,用介词to:Guangdong is to the south of Shandong.表示在所管辖范围之外,且两者接壤用介词on:Shandong is on the south of Hebei.一条件状语从句的概念条件状语从句,表示主句动作发生的条件。即在某种条件下,一件事情可能发生。通常译作“假如,只要,如果”等意思。条件状语从句中,主从句的时态要遵循“主将从现”的原则。二. 条件状语从句的引导词1. If conj . 如果,假如2. unless conj.除非,若不,除非在的时候 (if .not.)3. so/as long as conj.只要 三关于条件句的时态,常见的有以下三种情况: 1、条件状语从句的主句是一般将来时,那么从句常常用一般现在时。2、如果主句是祈使句,那么从句通常要用一般现在时。 3、如果主句是含有情态动词时,根据需要从句多用一般现在时。If条件句的同义句:祈使句,and /or+将来时态的陈述句。Work hard ,and you will make great progress.= If you work hard,you will make great progress.如果你努力学习,你才会取得大的进步。Unit 7learn about学习how many多少play with sb.和某人玩耍all the way一路上,自始至终remote control遥控器of course当然on Monday afternoon在星期一下午look up查阅after that从那以后get to know知道,逐渐认识go on a hiking trip徒步旅行go on a long walk走很长一段路go for a walk去散步go to summer camps去参加夏令营in the countryside在乡下teach sb. sth. 教某人某物/某事be surprised at对感到惊奇give sb. a surprise给某人一个惊喜 to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是takefrom意为“从中取出”all around 在的各处have a match举行比赛 watch a match观看比赛 in the match在比赛中on a tree在树上(树木所固有的东西)in a tree在树上(树本身以外的东西)一般过去时 一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,与表示过去的一些时间状语连用。1. yesterday或以其构成的短语:yesterday morning(afternoon, evening)等;2. 由“last+一时间名词”构成的短语:last night, last year (winter, month, week)等;3. 由“时间段+ago”构成的短语:a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago等;4. 其它:just now等5.once upon a time, the other day, before , when clause, in the pastUnit 8Living room 起居室In a short time 很短时间后Be bad for对有害的In front of在前面Places of interest名胜Look for寻找Each other彼此A waste of time浪费时间Be interested in对感兴趣Take place发生,举行Belong to属于Work of art艺术作品As a result结果Start doing/ to do开始做某事Let sb. Do sth.让某人做某事Too much太多Keep sth. +形容词 使某物保持某种状态Thanks for doing sth.因做而感谢The +序数词+名词+to do第几个做某事的Give sb. sth.给某人某物人称代词,物主代词,反身代词用法概述这三种代词都有人称(一、二、三人称)的变化、数(单、复数)的变化。其中,人称代词 除了这三种变化外,还有格(主格、宾格)的变化。物主代词又包括两种形式:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。特别注意:形容词性物主代词its没有相应的名词性物主代词。这三种代词的形式变化表如下:人称单复数主 格宾 格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词第一人称单 数Imemyminemyself复 数weusouroursourselves第二人称单 数youyouyouryoursyourself复 数youyouyouryoursyourselves第三人称单 数hehimhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfititits无itself复 数theythemtheirtheirsthemselves三、人称代词的用法1) 定义:人称代词是用来指代人、动物或事物的代词。它必须在人称(第一人称、第二人称、及第三人称)、数(单数、复数)与被指代的名词一致。四、物主代词的用法1)定义:物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词在句中只用作定语,相当于一个形容词,不能单独使用;名词性物主代词则不能用作定语,相当于一个名词词组,可以单独使用,在句中用作主语、宾语、表语、和介词of连用。如:2) 形容词性物主代词的用法A) 形容词性物主代词与形容词一起修饰名词时,其顺序是:形容词性物主代词+形容词+名词。如: My new bike 我的新自行车 her young son 她年幼的儿子B) 形容词性物主代词所修饰的名词可以是单数,也可以是复数。如: My pen我的钢笔 His books他的书C) 形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,它后面必须跟名词,即在名词前作定语。如:这是我的钢笔.误This pen is my.(错误的原因:my在此句中单独使用)正This is my pen.D) 当名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰时,不能再用冠词来修饰名词(注:冠词包括定冠词the和不定冠词a, an两类)。如:那是我的自行车.误That is my a bike. / That is a bike. 错误原因:不定冠词a和形容词性物主代词my同时出现正That is my bike.3)当名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰时,不能再用指示代词this, that, these或those来修饰名词。如:他们的电脑在这儿。误Their those computers are here.(或Those their computers are here.) 错误原因:指示代词those和形容词性物主代词there同时出现正Their computers are here. 注意:A) 名词性物主代词后不能跟名词,或代词one。它总是单独出现在句中。如:The umbrella is mine.(mine=my umbrella)He likes my pen. He doesnt like hers.(hers=her pen) B) 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 , 为避免重复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代词”来代替“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式。 如:My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink. 为避免重复使用bag,可写成My bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and yours is pink. C) 名词性的物主代词在用法上相当于省略了中心名词的 -s属格结构.如: Jacks cap 意为 The cap is Jacks. His cap 意为 The cap is his. D) 可以说 a friend of mine (ours, yours, hers, his, theirs),=one of my friends;但是不能说 a friend of me (us, you, her, him, them)这种说法绝对错误。五、反身代词的用法1)定义:如人称代词一致,反身代词的人称和数以及性要和它所指代的名词或代词一致。2)反身代词的句法功能: 作宾语、同位语、表语等。六指示代词的用法1)指示代词分单数(this / that)和复数(these / those)两种形式,既可作限定词又可做代词,例如:限定词:This girl is Mary.Those men are my teachers.代 词:This is Mary. Those are my teachers.2) 指示代词的句法功能: 指示代词主要有四个,即this, that, these 和 those。它们在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。注意:1. 为避免重复,可用 that 和 those 代替前面提到的名词。如:The playground of this school is bigger than that of that school. (That=the playground)2. 用来回指上文提到的事情时,可用this 或 that,但是若要指下文叙述的事情,通常要用 this。如:She is a beautiful girl.Who said that?3. 在打电话时,通常用 this 指自己,用that指对方:Hello. This is Jim. Is that John? 喂,我是吉姆,你是约翰吗?4. 除用作代词外,this 和that 还可用作副词,用以修饰形容词或副词,意为“这么”、“那么”,相当于 so。如:Ive done only that much. 我所做的就这么多。Is he always this busy? 他总这么忙吗?5. 指示代词this, that 和these在作主语时可指物也可指人,但作其他句子成分时只能指物,不能指人。如:(对)That is my teacher.那是我的老师。(that作主语,指人)(对)He is going to marry this girl.他要和这个姑娘结婚。(this作限定词)(错)He is going to marry this.(this作宾语时不能指人)(对)I bought this.我买这个。(this指物,可作宾语)


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