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三年级英语下册填空题课堂知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据汉语提示补全句子或对话。1-Whats this?-Its an_(苹果).2-What are these?-Theyre_(鸭子).3-Are these apples?-Yes,_(它们) are.4(谁)_is this?2. 选词填空,将合适答案的代号填在横线上。A.is B.What C.am D.for E.an1_is this? Its a dog.2I_8 years old.3Here is a birthday gift_you.4He_my father.5What is it? Its_elephant.3. 根据提示给下列单词分类,并将单词抄写在横线上。USA panda mouth China eraser UK cat bear bag hand head pencil1身体部位:_2国家:_3动物:_4文具:_4. 选词填空。1_is that? Its my bag.2_are you? Im fine.3_are you? Seven.4_tigers? Three tigers.5_I drink some water? Here you are.5. 用are或is填空。1.What_this?It_a tiger.2.What_they?They_lions.3. It_a panda.4. They_all in the zoo.5. Here_a monkey.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Whats_(you) name?2Im nine_(year) old.3Which class_(be) you in?4My leg_(hurt).5I have two_(leg).7. 选择正确单词,补全句子。1Whats_(in / at) your storybook?2That_(is / are) my father.3I dont like_(honey / hamburger).4_(What / How) old are you?5This is_(my / me) uniform.8. 选词填空,补全句子或对话。idea making playing lovely watering1Were_a plane.2I have a cat. Its_.3Amy is_the piano.4Im_the flowers.5-Lets make a cake for Mum and Dad!-Yes. Good_!9. 写出与所给单词同类的单词(答案不唯一)。1is_ 2hi_ 3cat_4Miss_ 5boy_ 6you_10. 根据图片提示写单词。1Is the_on the desk?2Where is my_?3Row a_.4The ruler is in the_.11. 选择合适的单词填空。A.is B.am C.are D. a E.an F.the G.some1You_welcome.2What_left for you and me?3I_10 years old.4Can I have_water, please?5Id like_egg, please.6Its_pen.7ABCD, touch_sky.12. 选词填空。A. He B. She1Lingling is a girl._is a student.2This is Mr Jones._is a teacher.3Look at the boy._is my friend.4This is Miss Liu._is from China.5This is John._is a pupil.13. 读句子,写出正确的算式。1Two and three is five.2Six and four is ten.3Seven and one is eight.4Nine and one is ten.5Four and three is seven.14. 计算小达人:比大小,用“”、“”或“”填空。1four four(_)seventeen2teneight(_)fourteen3nineteentwo(_)eighteen4three five(_)fifteen5sevennine(_)thirteen15. 根据所给图片或中文提示,填入所缺单词。1Is this your_?Yes, it is.2_(在哪里)is my schoolbag?Its_(在下面)the_.3Whats this?Its a_.16. 选词填空。A. from B. new C. He D. Where E. is1This_Amy.2_are you from?3She is a_student.4Im_China.5_is a teacher.17. 用long / short填空。1Look at the elephent. Its nose is_.2Look at the rabbit. Its tail is_.3Look at the snake. Its body is_.4Look at the giraffe(长颈鹿). Its neck(脖子)is_.4 / 4


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